Choosing a table: 15 designer models for every taste

The table is one of the most symbolic objects in our interior, with which many traditions are associated. The family gathers around the table, celebrates holidays, and celebrates important events. In interior design, the dining table also plays an important role. In the formal dining room it becomes the centerpiece. In the combined space of the kitchen-living room, it is a key compositional element that combines the food preparation area and the relaxation area for family and guests. The design of dining tables takes this specificity into account. Modern sculptural tables focus on silhouette to make them look great in an open space. Classic tables impress with their decor from up close. Minimalist models impress with their proportions and original design.

Criterias of choice

The main criteria for choosing a table for the kitchen:

  • First of all, the size and shape of the countertop depend on the size of the kitchen. Any kitchen is smaller in area than the dining room or spacious living room. The tabletop should not interfere with standing at the work surface and simply moving around;
  • In the family circle they usually have lunch and dinner with the whole family and in the kitchen. Not all families have a separate dining room or set the table for dinner in the living room - our frantic pace of life simply does not allow it. The dining table should accommodate all family members;
  • functionality. Before going to the store, you need to decide whether to buy a table only for eating, or whether it will serve as a work surface when preparing food, or become a writing and play table for the child. Maybe dad will also glue models for him, weave baskets or carve wood.

Unusual materials

Unusual furniture often involves the use of non-standard materials. Although, not always. Sometimes a familiar material is used, for example, wood, but the way it is presented makes one admire the designers’ flight of thought. Examples would be tables whose bases are made of the following elements:

  • a whole tree trunk;
  • longitudinal cutting of the trunk;
  • cross cut - slab.

Tables made using epoxy resin are original. Here everything depends on the imagination of the master. You can use wood in different forms: saw cuts, cutting boards, logs, branches. Even wooden barrels are used. The table-river looks impressive, where the banks are made of wood of an unusual shape, and the river is made of epoxy resin. Interesting models with coniferous branches, pebbles, shells, corks or coins filled with resin. They will be a good decoration for a classic-style living room, office or even a meeting room.

A separate direction is furniture made from parts of mechanisms. The most commonly used parts are automobile parts due to their availability. But there are designer models made from aircraft parts. Such furniture looks brutal and is in demand mainly among wealthy technology lovers, in men's clubs, and hairdressing salons for men.

Designer T. Vinke (Holland) created an entire mobile office from foam plastic. There is everything: a table, chairs, shelves for books and papers, a table lamp. The product was named Kruikantoor and even found its fans.


From a tree trunk

From parts of mechanisms

Made from epoxy resin

What types of tables are there?

The range of kitchen tables in stores is huge. The choice is further diversified by the presence of original design developments and fancy shaped countertops. So how do you choose the kitchen table that's right for your kitchen?

By size and shape

Previously, almost all tables were rectangular, now square, round, oval tables are common; modern technologies make it possible to make tabletops of any shape - curved, crescent-shaped, S-shaped, polygonal.

Kitchens in modern high-rise buildings and private houses have become more spacious and allow the installation of fairly large tables. Sizes vary from the traditional 1.2 x 0.6 m to huge structures that can easily seat 15-20 people. If there is a choice, you need to have a space of at least 70-80 cm wide for one person at the table, then he will feel comfortable while eating.

According to tabletop material

Beauty and durability are determined by the material from which the kitchen table is made, and primarily by the countertop. Materials for modern countertops:

  • wood. Unpainted tables are almost never found these days. Modern wooden countertops are sanded, tinted and varnished or painted - depending on what style of kitchen it will be placed in;
  • glass. For high-quality expensive models, triplex is used, but you can also get simply tempered glass. The strength of glass for tabletops is high, but they also sometimes break. The material is very durable, chemically inert, but is resistant to cleaning with abrasives and accidental scratches. Glass tabletops do not come in very large sizes;
  • laminated MDF boards, chipboards. Conventional coated countertops are durable, practical, and easy to clean. You can choose any color for the coating. Painted MDF boards are not used for kitchens - this coating is very fragile and is afraid of chipping;
  • metal-stainless steel. Not used in everyday life. Eating at a cold metal table is very uncomfortable;
  • the most luxurious countertops are made of polished natural stone. Almost eternal, but they are afraid of falls, strong impacts and abrasives. Stone slabs are very heavy and require strong legs. Artificial stone has the same qualities;
  • countertops covered with ceramics or tiles;
  • It is very rare to find countertops made of plastic. They are afraid of scratches, impacts, and aggressive chemicals.

Stone and glass are considered environmentally friendly materials. MDF board is practically safe, chipboard - only certain brands (you must ask for a quality certificate in the store).


Kitchen tables are divided into fixed, folding, folding, transformable and bar counters.

Non-folding ones are the most stable and familiar design to everyone. Folding - most often a book-table with lowering sides. Transformers change their shape more radically - they unfold from a bedside table, coffee table, change height and size. Transformers allow you to save space in the room, but constantly folding and unfolding them is inconvenient. Folding ones are attached to the wall, and part of the tabletop is lowered down - ideal for a tiny kitchen. The bar counter is a wild “squeak” of fashion. The counter is convenient in a spacious kitchen as an alternative place for a snack, but it is completely unsuitable for families with small children: balancing on a high chair with a child in your arms is simply unsafe.


Table legs are made of wood and metal. Plastic legs are very rarely found - more often in designer designs of an original shape. There are traditional legs with a square or round section, or fancy ones, cut from slabs or wide boards. For stone countertops, legs are also sometimes made from stone slabs. When purchasing, you need to pay special attention to the strength of the legs and their attachment to the tabletop: the stability, strength and safety of the entire structure depend on them.

Kitchen area and table dimensions

The area of ​​the kitchen determines the size and sometimes the shape of the table. The minimum distance between the table and the work surface is 60 cm. The optimal distance is such that two people can pass each other, that is, approximately 1 m. Therefore, before choosing a table for the kitchen, you need to carefully measure the free space in this very kitchen. Then think about how the table will stand, what shape will best fit into the room. It’s even better to draw a detailed plan.

In kitchens with an area of ​​about 5-6 square meters. m fits a traditional narrow rectangle on four legs, placed in a corner. A maximum of three people can comfortably eat behind it, but if you move it to the center of the room, 6 people can comfortably eat. In tiny kitchenettes with an area of ​​4 square meters. m (there are such things!) you can only place a folding table-book or folding table.

In traditional nine-story buildings and some Stalin buildings, the kitchens are a little more spacious, but you can only fit a slightly larger rectangular or square table in them. Designers can always see wonderful designs with round glass tables and chairs in a small kitchen. But in real life, families usually live in an apartment, not young people eating in restaurants, and the small round tabletop is inconvenient for eating and makes it difficult to approach work tables and the stove.

Round or rectangular tables can only be conveniently placed in a room of at least 8 square meters. m. Countertops of complex fancy shapes are appropriate only in spacious kitchens of luxury housing or private houses.

Round form

Known to people since the Middle Ages. One has only to remember what a round table the king of that time, Arthur, had. But it is important to know only one thing. A round table is perfect for a kitchen with a large area. If this is permissible for you, then you can safely choose a round tabletop. This type of tabletop can have any support. For example, one stable one, or several legs that are quite conveniently located. A larger number of people than usual can sit at such a table, compared to a rectangular shape. Also, a round tabletop is safe for both adults and children, since it has no corners.

Choosing a countertop: functionality

Whatever style the kitchen is decorated in, the material of the countertop is primarily determined by the requirements for its functionality.

Wooden surfaces are good for eating, but poorly suited for use as a work surface: varnish and paint are inappropriate in this case, and no one will scrape a wooden surface in the 21st century. Wooden surfaces are not very suitable for the leisure of playful children's hands or adults, which can damage the wood. Glass is practical and easy to clean, but is not scratch-resistant. The most convenient countertop for cooking is made of MDF board, plastic-coated chipboard or stone. But a table with a stone top is very expensive. Tabletops covered with metal are not used for dining surfaces, even in high-tech style: metal is always cold, and eating from a metal surface is uncomfortable.

Design selection

The best option is a simple, non-folding design. There is nothing to break, the structure will not warp or wobble over time. A table in the shape of a book is quite durable and practical - both rectangular and oval. Such tables can be folded and unfolded easily and quickly, and are convenient to use when guests arrive or when folding is necessary every day.

If you have a choice, you don’t need to choose transforming tables for your kitchen. Most likely, such a design will always remain disassembled, and in terms of price and durability, transformers differ from simple tables for the worse.

Use of modern technologies

The emergence of new technologies is opening up ever greater horizons for the activities of furniture design masters. Artistic photographs on plastic and glass have become firmly established in thematic interiors. The use of 3D printing technology allows you to turn ordinary tables into fabulously beautiful works of art. The choice of theme for decoration is limitless: stone, wood, concrete and metal textures are reproduced with high precision. The base repeats the richness of colors and the smallest details of the drawings.

3D drawings will help complement any interior with a beautiful, unique table. A tabletop in the shape of a world map will take its rightful place in the marine living room, and an original photo collage or comic book will highlight the idea of ​​pop art. Newspaper pages on the table will add a vintage feel, and cosmic distances will fit perfectly into the interior with a touch of fantasy.

The tops of desks and coffee tables are often decorated with typesetting designs. A variety of materials can be used here, from wood cut using a laser machine into simple geometric shapes, to stone, glass, and anything that will be inspired by a design idea.

Unusual furniture always attracts attention. When thinking about purchasing a custom table for your home, you need to carefully consider the future interior. Bold design solutions are increasingly finding fans, turning apartments into cozy themed corners.

Style selection

The dining table is a purely utilitarian thing, and style comes last in the selection criteria. The reason is the difficulty of decorating small kitchens in a certain way; they are almost always decorated in a minimalist style.

If the kitchen is small or medium-sized, the design of wooden tables comes down to options:

  • wooden structure, varnished and tinted - for a kitchen in a Scandinavian or rustic style, aged - for a country style, painted in light colors - for a Provence style;
  • glass table with metal legs;
  • tables covered with ceramics and tiles;
  • tables with a traditional top made of MDF or coated chipboard;
  • designs with stone countertops.

Stone countertops suit all styles, even high-tech interiors. Tabletops made of MDF, chipboard or glass are more suitable for furniture in a modern, modern, or loft style. Glass tables with metal legs do not fit well with rustic styles, eco-style, Scandinavian style and are ideal for high-tech and loft.

Elegant products made from expensive exotic wood, decorated with carvings and inlays, bent legs, and figured milling, do not look good next to the stove, refrigerator, and functional work tables.

Original geometry

A table in a room will always be noticed. It sets the atmosphere and attracts attention, especially if these are exclusive, unusual designer models. Each of them is a work of modern art. They enchant and surprise. Here are just some examples of such products:

  1. Nebbessa. A unique table is one of the most beautiful and unusual objects in the history of furniture fashion. There is nothing superfluous in it, not even drawers, but the large size of the tabletop compensates for this shortcoming. Water drops have become a source of inspiration for designers. Smooth shapes, beautiful lacquered surface - all this will fit perfectly into a modern interior.
  2. Automobile. Brutal, truly masculine table. It is made in the shape of a car bumper. A unique product will be a wonderful decoration for the office or library of a strong man.
  3. Ghost. The product, made in the form of a small coffee table or a full-fledged dining table, deservedly received its name. A glass tablecloth hangs from the tabletop, but the table itself seems to be missing. The illusion is created that the piece of furniture is floating above the floor.
  4. Dripping table. Bright paint flows in streams from the surface of the table. This embodiment of design ideas evokes a feeling of lightness.

You must remember that when choosing an unusual table, you should make it the main accent detail of the interior, otherwise there is a risk of overloading the decor.



Dripping table


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