What wallpaper to choose for a living room or hall: 50 fashionable ideas for 2020-2021

Usually the living room becomes the most beautiful and elegant room in the house or apartment. Every detail is important here, and it all starts with finding the perfect wallpaper. And there are so many samples on sale that it is difficult to separate the truly stylish options from the long-outdated ones. Arm yourself with our guide and boldly conquer fashionable designer heights.

More sparkle!

When choosing wallpaper for your living room, don't hesitate to let out your inner lover of glitter and luxury. For the living room, wallpaper with a slight shimmer is perfect. To tone down the pathos a little, choose simple designs and calm tones.

The main advantage of embossed wallpaper is that it begins to shine when light falls on it. Therefore, it is worth considering which side of the world the living room windows face and what effect you basically want to achieve. You need to be careful with large patterns: in this embodiment they look quite bold.

If you want everything at once: shine and classic monograms, then slow down your ardor at least in furniture - it is better to choose laconic shapes and light colors. By the way, not only the drawing, but also the wallpaper itself can flicker. This way you can highlight an accent wall: behind the sofa or opposite it.

Decorating a room with molding

A frame for photo wallpaper on the wall is one of the most interesting design solutions for home decoration. A few years ago, only dull and inexpressive paintings could be found on sale, but nowadays the situation has changed dramatically. The construction market offers a large number of bright options for every taste, so each user can choose the most suitable product.

Photo wallpapers can become an expressive accent and add originality to your home. The modern manufacturing method assumes the wear resistance and durability of this material. For a painting to look beautiful on the wall and attract everyone’s attention, it is not enough just to stick it on. It is also necessary to take care of the appropriate decor for the image and frame it in a suitable frame.

Kitchen with photo wallpaper Source design-homes.ru

Selection of performance technique

Most often, designers design a picture in two main ways:

  • The easiest way is to frame the entire image at once;
  • A more interesting method involves creating a driptych or triptych - sticking several sections of a painting in a certain shape and sequence.

Each method has its own advantages and is suitable for decorating a specific type of interior.

White wall with photo wallpaper Source newwalls.as-creation.com

Selection of technology

When choosing a frame for photo wallpaper, you need to decide on the further use of the picture. You can order printing of image details that fit a specific frame or cut out elements from a large canvas. Next you need to do the following:

  • The first stage of work consists of cutting and preparing the necessary parts from the whole canvas.
  • Marking the location of the future placement of paintings and deciding on the method of their arrangement.
  • Installation of frames on the prepared surface. This action depends on the purchased material - it can be gluing the frame, puttying and painting the stucco, or decorating any other suitable base.
  • At the last stage, the details of the photo wallpaper are glued inside pre-fixed frames.

Expanding space with photo wallpaper Source design-homes.ru

Color selection

Interesting solutions for color design of frames:

  • Contrasting combination of white planks and dark wall. For better effect, transitions to the ceiling, window and door openings, furniture contours and other noticeable interior details are finished in the same way. In this way you can visually expand the space and add light to it.
  • White or light planks on pastel walls. This solution looks good in large rooms, such as a living room. The shade is suitable for decorating walls, paintings and mirrors, as a result the room looks more sophisticated and sophisticated.
  • Multi-colored planks are often used for children's rooms and hallways; they can also be used to create a bright accent or highlight certain items. For the same purpose, choose contrasting strips or several shades darker than the main shade.

Living room with photo wallpaper Source krovli-zabori.ru
A specific color scheme is chosen based on the overall tone of the interior and the tasks facing the designer.

Coffee on photo wallpaper Source kit4en.ru

Add texture

Yes, the design industry is coming up with more and more new ways to interest clients, and production is constantly improving its technologies to satisfy even the most demanding needs. One of them is the trend of the next season - textured wallpaper.

The more pronounced the 3D effect, the cooler it is. Usually, such wallpapers at first glance even look more like plastic panels. But this option is not to everyone’s taste. If you are not yet ready for radical experiments, pay attention to textured wallpaper. You will want to not only look at them for a long time, but also touch them.

Types of wallpaper for the living room

There are many subtleties in choosing wallpaper. The variety of types of materials, textures, multiple choice of colors makes you think when choosing, but at the same time allows you to choose an option that will ideally set the necessary general background in the design of the living room.

First you need to decide on the wallpaper material, which has its inherent pros and cons. Any type of wallpaper is suitable for covering the walls of a room, but you need to understand the characteristic features of each of them in order to make an informed choice.


A well-known and fairly budget option for decorating a living room. A large selection of colors and patterns, ease of gluing make them the most popular. The walls under the paper canvases must be perfectly smooth, otherwise all their flaws will be visible. Pasting the surface should be done carefully, because the paper base of the wallpaper often tears, and the outer part may lose its appearance due to strong friction. Also, when choosing this type of wall covering, you need to take into account the possibility of rapid fading. Photo examples of a room covered with paper wallpaper will give you the opportunity to evaluate the interior in this design.


Durable, dense and elastic wallpaper, the textured surface of which can have certain patterns that are distinguished by bright colors, or imitate the appearance of other finishing materials, for example, decorative plaster. The structure of the material allows them to be used for painting, which will allow you to update the already boring interior of the room without re-pasting. The price of non-woven wallpaper is slightly higher than paper wallpaper, but the quality is much better. Looking at the photo, you can see how varied the design of a living room with non-woven wallpaper can be.


You can significantly transform, make the interior of your living room more elegant and luxurious by using fabric-based wallpaper. They include not only woven fabric, which can be represented by linen, silk, velor, less often velvet or jute, but also non-woven or foam rubber. They have heat and sound insulation properties. But you need to know that the coating composition absorbs dust, and damage or dirt is very difficult to eliminate. Delightful interiors decorated with fabric trim are shown in numerous photos.


The paper base of such wallpaper does not at all affect its quality, which is no worse than that of non-woven wallpaper. They are moisture-resistant, strong and durable, which allows them to be washed and cleaned even with the use of aggressive detergents or special brushes. When pasting walls with such material, all their irregularities become invisible, and the canvas itself looks solid. Examples of the best interiors covered with vinyl wallpaper are shown in the photo below.

Glass wallpaper

Such wallpapers are distinguished by their durability and reliability. Besides this, they are quite practical. The basis of the canvas is fiberglass, onto which a dense textured or even texture can be applied. They can be used for painting. A feature of the material is fire resistance. For inspiration, you can see photos of the interiors of halls decorated with glass wallpaper.

Photo wallpaper

A new milestone in history has come with photo wallpapers, which began to be used 40 years ago. But if back then it was thin wallpaper, which often did not fit well and wore out quickly, now it is a fairly high-quality material with fashionable prints. This finishing option is not used to decorate all walls. Using photo wallpaper, you can decorate one wall or part of it to dilute the overall interior design or zone a room. If you decide to use photo wallpaper, then feel free to use the ideas suggested in the photo.

In addition to these types of coatings, bamboo, exotic, acrylic, metal and liquid wallpapers are widely used.

Return to nature

A motif that will definitely never become outdated. Images of flowers and other plants were in fashion 300 years ago and continue to be so today. The issue is the style of the image. For example, you need to be careful with small patterns: they are not at their peak now, so such wallpapers need to be complemented with sharply trendy interior items.

It's a little easier with large drawings. Just pay attention to the distance between the patterns: the more “air”, the calmer the wallpaper will look, which means it will be easier to fit it into the interior.

For wallpaper with bright colors, choose matching decor. Ideally, one item for each color. Otherwise, the living room risks turning into a nursery in appearance. This is like the rule of no longer wearing a handbag and shoes of the same color. Don't overdo it! If you are in love with a certain color, then play with its shades, but definitely do not buy several items of the same bright tone.

Along with traditional drawings, images of just about anything have now begun to appear on wallpaper. For example, a couple of seasons ago lemons became a real hit in the design of living rooms, although previously they were not allowed to go beyond the kitchen. Birds, on the contrary, migrated from the delicate interior of the bedrooms.

Combined wallpaper

Combining different types is one of the best options in a modern living room interior. This is the time to experiment. Use several options at the same time, just don’t forget to place accents. Options with vertical and horizontal stripes and borders will help make the living room interior stylish.

Combining several types of wallpaper

Combining several types of wallpaper not only looks elegant, but also allows you to correct design flaws. For example, your living room performs both sleeping and working functions. In order to divide the room into appropriate zones, you can paste over the walls of the workspace with brighter canvases. The combination will allow you to visually increase the size of the room, as well as fill empty space and draw attention to the most significant area.

Filling empty space

In order for the wallpaper to produce the desired effect and not oversaturate the living room, select no more than two walls, combining different textures. In a narrow living room, it is better to cover short walls in bright colors. Longer walls, on the contrary, are in calm shades. If desired, you can focus on the recreation area or active area. To do this, it is not necessary to purchase contrasting wallpaper; you can simply choose a coating with a different texture.

The main thing is not to overdo it with contrasts

VIDEO: Choosing wallpaper for the living room

Wallpaper for the living room

Wallpaper for the living room (+150 Photos) designs of modern interiors. Combination ideas.

Geometry lesson

The trend of this season is geometric patterns on wallpaper, and, in principle, geometric shapes in design. If you choose this option, no one will doubt that you did the renovation quite recently. The most current color combination is a combination of shades of gray, white and pink.

By the way, professional designers try to maintain the selected lines in other interior items. So pay attention to this when looking for suitable decor.

For example, you can match striped wallpaper with a striped carpet and a checkered blanket (a combination of stripes). The main thing is that the drawings are of different thicknesses and colors, otherwise it will look institutionally boring.

In general, the scope for imagination in this topic is almost limitless. These can be clear lines, or as if hastily drawn with a ballpoint pen. And a combination of all the colors of the rainbow, and monochrome. And all this will be stylish. So the final choice depends only on your preferences.

Caution: Use indoors only

The design of a living room in an apartment and in a private house will be significantly different. Firstly, in a private house there will most likely be much more space, and secondly, there will be many times more light. If you are the happy owner of your own home, you can safely use wallpaper with large and bright designs.

But in an apartment, especially if the living room is not on the sunny side and does not have huge floor-to-ceiling windows, we strongly do not recommend repeating this “trick”. Because from the most solemn room in the house, the living room risks visually turning into a cramped and dark closet.

How to make a frame from ceiling plinth

To complete this work you will need:

  • ceiling plinth made of polystyrene foam;
  • universal adhesive base;
  • acrylic wood putty;
  • well sharpened knife;
  • protractor;
  • acrylic based paints;
  • corrugated cardboard or packaging from household appliances.

The required picture is cut out of paper and glued to the ceiling slab. The latter should exceed the size of the picture by about 1 cm on each side.

Next, work is carried out on the production of frames from corrugated cardboard or ceiling plinth. First, a template for the future product is cut out. A rectangular shape is made from corrugated cardboard, and a hole is made in the center for a photograph or picture. The size of the frame depends on the size of the desired image that will subsequently be contained in it. Then an identical rectangle with a slightly larger window is cut out from the workpiece. Then the elements are glued to each other. The result is a ready-made place for inserting a picture. If you plan to use glass or a stretcher, you will need to make a couple more of the same rectangles with a wider window to glue them to the other side of the frame. The number of products depends on the thickness of the embedded image.

When the base is ready, they begin to decorate the frame with ceiling plinth. Each edge of the baguette is cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Mark the corners and cutting lines on the paper using a protractor, then lay down the strip and make marks on it. Then the 4 elements are cut off using a sharp knife. Next, the baguette is glued to the cardboard blank from the outside. The cracks in the corners are sealed with putty and paint. The work done must be left for some time until the glue completely dries.

Kitchen interior with photo wallpaper Source design-homes.ru

Then you need to putty the areas where the baguette meets the cardboard, as well as the joints at the corners and the back side of the frame. This solution will help strengthen the product and hide all uneven finishes. The ends of the frame are puttied several times, dried, and then each layer is sanded one by one using sandpaper.

The dried putty begins to be painted. It is best to use acrylic compounds or water-based emulsion. To get a milky tone, you can add a small amount of ocher to white paint. For a dark shade, black paint is mixed with red and dark brown. Then the finished product should be treated with water-based varnish.

Lastly, fasten the product. For this purpose, you can use thick twine, from which you cut from 10 to 14 cm. Then take a dense but thin piece of cardboard and cut out a rectangle with sides 5 by 7 cm. The rope is applied to the back side of the frame. After this, glue is applied and the cardboard is glued, which is pressed with a weight until it dries completely. Now the frame for photo wallpaper on the wall is ready, all that remains is to fix it on the mount and enjoy the result of the work done.

More is better

A single large image works on a slightly different principle than a frequently repeated large drawing. Such a panel can be used in an apartment if the living room occupies more than 13 square meters.

The most popular motif at the moment is large flowers, and to be more precise, bouquets of peonies. Variations on the theme of ancient engravings are gradually coming into fashion. If you decide to use this move, then for a dark engraving do not choose the largest wall; use it to create a cozy corner for privacy.

Basic nuances and rules for gluing when combining

Before pasting, you should first prepare the wall surfaces: remove the old coating, putty, and clean. Before gluing thin, plain wallpaper, the walls must be aligned almost perfectly. The textured coating allows for minor errors. Examples of such work are presented in photo catalogs of wallpaper for the living room in an apartment from various manufacturers.

Vertical gluing of combined wallpaper is usually not difficult. Before starting work, you should mark the line with a level and then stick to it. When pasting wallpaper of different textures, different adhesive compositions may be needed.

Combination options

Choosing a pattern

Didn't you like any of the previous options? So, deep down, you are simply a true fan of patterned wallpaper. Luckily, there is plenty to choose from. Do you prefer neutral colors? You can focus on a large or frequently repeating pattern. Even in calm colors they will not go unnoticed. You can study the rating of interior door manufacturers by following this link.

A classic would be a win-win option. Moreover, this style is perfect for the atmosphere of the living room. You can complement wallpaper with a classic pattern with wooden wall panels. Just don’t use dark colors, otherwise it will look like the office of an avid hunter. White is best for this solution.

As for colors in general, the most commonly used color now can confidently be called gray. In addition to the combination with white and pink, the combination of gray with beige and light brown, as well as with blue and the color of natural wood is at the peak of popularity.

In addition, turquoise and its pastel shades are trending. But beige, red, sand, cappuccino, dark brown are now going through hard times.

Plunge into darkness

Don't be alarmed: we are talking only about flowers. Deep, rich tones are now more popular than ever in interior design. And this is not surprising, because the solution can be called quite fresh. If this prospect doesn’t scare you, pay attention to black. It, like a little black dress, is always appropriate.

Deep natural shades will look a little calmer: emerald, ruby, aquamarine. This living room will definitely be remembered for a long time. Plus, dark colors make rooms feel cozier and more relaxing.

Natural materials

And no, we are not talking about the composition of the wallpaper itself. By the way, you can read about how to choose the best option here. And about the case when the wallpaper pattern resembles natural materials. The hit of the 2022 season is multi-colored marble chips.

The image of either an exotic gemstone in cross-section or cosmic processes is not far behind. And all this with a pearlescent tint. You remember: more shine! Imitation of concrete, as well as precious and semi-precious stones, is still relevant.

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