Different chairs at the same table: mix, but don't shake

Kitchen interior design is a responsible and important stage of renovation. It is necessary to think through furniture design, color combinations and proper layout to create a cozy atmosphere. Kitchen furniture emphasizes and complements the style direction: the set and dining group are the main elements of the room. Correctly designated accents are no less important - they enliven the interior and give the design uniqueness. Furniture can become a bright detail and dilute the neutral color scheme.

A great way to incorporate rich colors into the interior is with colored chairs for the kitchen. Read our article about how to choose them for kitchen interior design.

One design + different color

A win-win. Buy identical chairs and repaint them in different colors that will harmonize with the rest of the interior. Be sure to watch our material “A New Look at Old Chairs” if you decide to do everything yourself. When painting, it is worth considering the intensity of the colors: either all bright or muted shades.

You can also opt for a well-known model, like the Eames DSW, and purchase chairs in different colors from the manufacturer.

Placement of chairs in the interior

The appearance of the chair is determined by where you are going to place it. Dining room, kitchen, balcony, bedroom, nursery - everywhere there is a place for this familiar piece of furniture, and everywhere it will be different. Chairs in the kitchen interior must withstand high temperatures and humidity, be easy to clean and durable. Hard seats are appropriate here, since the upholstery on semi-soft and soft ones can easily become dirty. For the living room, the main criterion is compliance with the design, for the children’s room – safety.

Chairs in the kitchen interior

If the kitchen has a dining area, you need to be especially careful when choosing chairs.

  • Chairs should be easy to clean, they do not need semi-upholstered or soft seats with fabric upholstery, if hard is not for you, choose upholstery made of leather or washable fabric, which is easy to care for.
  • The back should not be too high so as not to cause inconvenience.
  • Too elaborate and complex shapes are undesirable - they can interfere with movement during cooking and are more difficult to care for.

A very interesting option, especially for small kitchens, are chairs made of transparent plastic. They do not visually clutter the room, and look very interesting, adding a play of light reflections from the smooth surface to the interior. As a rule, plastic chairs can be stacked, which is convenient if you need to free up more space or do cleaning.

Kitchen chairs in the interior should, first of all, be comfortable and not distract from eating. However, this doesn't mean they have to be boring. Chairs designed by famous designers and mass-produced can fully satisfy all requirements, add uniqueness and charm to the room and will look great in the kitchen, living room, and studio space.

Unusual and exclusive designer chairs in the kitchen interior can be very beautiful in themselves, but they will interfere rather than facilitate the processes in the kitchen, and besides, due to the saturation of furniture, they are unlikely to be clearly visible.

Chairs in the living room interior

It is not always possible to get by in a reception room with a classic sofa and a couple of armchairs. This is not convenient for everyone and not in all cases; for older people, for example, it is quite difficult to sit down on a low sofa and then get up from it. The main requirement for all items in the living room, which is essentially the face of the house, is compliance with the chosen style.

Chairs are no exception. The material from which they are made may coincide with the material of the rest of the furniture, or may contrast - but this contrast must be justified and aesthetically pleasing.

As a rule, the backs of chairs intended for the living room are 10-20 cm higher than those of other types. High dining chairs in the living room interior look elegant and expensive. If in the kitchen chairs have a mainly utilitarian purpose, then in the living room you can safely experiment. This is more of a decorative element; with their help you can place the necessary accents.

Designer masterpieces can become the main art objects in the living room and fulfill the same role that paintings by famous artists play in interiors - attract attention, provide a topic for conversation, and introduce an element of exclusivity.

Same material + different design

Wooden chairs of various shapes look best. You can experiment with plastic or metal.

One style + different designs

One of the most interesting ways to combine chairs. First, you choose a style: imperial, industrial, Provence or any other, and then assemble a set of completely different chairs that are related by the same theme, era and style.

Design features of a small red kitchen

Where every square meter counts, it is better to avoid bright colors: they tend to eat up already precious usable space. Therefore, give preference to muted tones:

  • burgundy;
  • wine;
  • emerald;
  • terracotta, etc.

If you really want to see a rich color in the interior, then you can combine pronounced scarlet with one of the shades of the warm group. For example, beige or brown. The specific implementation in space varies, but most often scarlet is located at the bottom (the lower facades of the kitchen unit), and the companions are concentrated higher.

Combinations with white and gray are also allowed. This combination is typical for modern interiors, designed for high-tech and minimalism.

Another variation is with the integration of bright red accents into a small kitchen: curtains, decorative elements, furniture trim, household appliances. An excellent compromise that will allow you to see your favorite color in the room - and this will not in any way affect the comfort while cooking and eating.

Playing with contrast: high and low chairs

Tall, statement chairs look best at the head of the table. Ordinary armchairs can be diluted with a banquette, a stylish bench or a sofa at one end.

Transparent chairs + any others

We have already written an article “5 reasons to love transparent furniture” and one of the points said that transparent furniture is universal. It’s as if she doesn’t take up space, she just refracts the light and gives hints of her existence. Transparent chairs are suitable for any eclectic interiors and can be combined at the same table with both spectacular vintage chairs and cute floral country chairs.

Chair in the interior: characteristics and design features

The existing variety of types and shapes of chairs can be divided into three main groups:

  • ordinary,
  • bar,
  • semi-chair (chair-chair).

Each chair has legs connected to the seat in one way or another, and a backrest - this is its main difference from stools. The bar is taller, and the half-chair has armrests. An armchair chair in an interior is usually used as a single item, replacing a full-size chair, especially in small rooms.

In order to correctly determine the appropriate size, it is best to sit directly on the selected product, but there are also general selection patterns that you can focus on. What should you pay attention to before making a purchase?


  • Height. A sitting person should have their feet on the floor and their knees bent at right angles. Tall and very short people need chairs of different heights. In large families, it is convenient to use adjustable seat heights, for example, using a gas lift mechanism.
  • Depth. The length of the legs is also different for everyone. It is bad if the edge of the seat rests on the popliteal fossa. As a rule, the depth should be at least 45 cm.
  • Width. For a fat person, chairs that are too narrow are uncomfortable, so the optimal seat width is at least 40 cm. If you are purchasing an armchair for the interior of your apartment, keep in mind that the width between the armrests is limiting; if it is insufficient, comfort will suffer.
  • Rigidity. The seat can be hard, semi-soft or soft. The seat of a semi-soft chair has a built-in “cushion” about 4 cm thick, covered with fabric or leather, a soft one has a cushion more than 4 cm thick with or without a spring block, a hard one does not have a softening pillow at all.


Very lightweight chairs are easy to move, slide under and out of tables, and this is definitely a useful feature. However, heavy options look much more solid and add weight to the interior, both literally and figuratively. In addition, they are safer - it is almost impossible to fall from them, you cannot swing on them, which is especially important for families with children.

Tip: The back of the chair can be of any height, but it must be comfortable and fulfill its main purpose - to support your back.


Design features allow us to divide all produced models into two main types:

  • solid,
  • collapsible.

In addition, they differ in storage capabilities:

  • stackable,
  • folding.

Solid chairs are the most common option; they are convenient in fairly spacious apartments. Small apartments where you have to save space are best equipped with collapsible chairs, which can either be folded or stacked and put away in a closet or on the balcony.

Two main chairs at the edges of the table

A universal method that creates the necessary symmetry. The two chairs at the head of the table must certainly be more interesting than those standing along. Choose chairs that are different in color, upholstery and even height.

No rules!

For those who are not afraid of aesthetic experiments and trust their intuition: mix whatever you want! Sometimes, thanks to expression and rejection of rules, the most interesting design spaces are born. Don’t be afraid to make your home different from others, the main thing is that you like it.

Photos: zillow.com

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Choosing the right shade

What makes red so attractive is that it can be presented in both cold and warm shades.

You need to choose based on the configuration of the kitchen and the options for opening its windows - on the north or south side.

carmine redscarlet
cardinalRed tree
rubycoral red
wineport wine
Red Rosered chicory

Designer tips


founder of the interior studio, architect and interior designer. The main area of ​​work is kitchen design

Remember a simple rule: for a kitchen with windows facing north, all shades with elements of yellow, orange and brown are suitable. Get a cozy and warm space with a well-balanced color balance. And vice versa: in kitchens facing the southern part, purple shades and a blue bias will be well revealed.

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