What chandeliers are in fashion now: main trends for 2021-2022

I think it’s no secret to anyone that a chandelier is the most important element of any interior, so many are interested in the question of which chandeliers are in fashion now.

After all, a tastefully chosen chandelier is like the icing on the cake. It can emphasize the chosen interior style, demonstrate your taste or, alas, lack of taste.

In fact, the question of choosing a chandelier is quite complex, since it largely depends not only on current trends, but also on your personal preferences.

But I will still try to outline the main trends for 2021-2022, and at the same time let’s talk about those chandelier options that are no longer in fashion.

Main trends in choosing chandeliers for 2021-2022

So, what chandeliers are in fashion now?

If you go to a large specialty store or just to the appropriate department of a supermarket, you will see a huge number of chandeliers on offer. Moreover, they are all different, not similar to each other. Does this mean that some of them are fashionable and some are not?

There is no definite answer, because chandeliers are presented not only on the basis of fashion, but also in different styles. That is, for different interior design styles. After all, what can be considered fashionable for modernism and, especially, neoclassicism, is unlikely to look fashionable in high-tech.

But in general we can say that the main trends are the following:

  • unusual shapes of pendant and ceiling chandeliers;
  • functionality and practicality of the design;
  • use of black elements in the design;
  • location predominantly in the horizontal plane;
  • using combinations of glass, metal and natural wood.

Of course, the most daring solutions are more suitable for modern interior styles, such as minimalism, hi-tech, loft, techno, postmodernism.

We can talk a lot about modern chandeliers and lamps, but it’s better to look at specific examples. Here are a few photos of chandeliers that meet these criteria. Perhaps they will help you get a general idea of ​​what chandeliers are currently in fashion.

If you need to not only choose a fashionable chandelier, but also decide on the optimal choice of laminate, then be sure to read the article “How to choose laminate for an apartment.”

Types of lamps

A chandelier for a room is selected based on the area of ​​the room. If necessary, the lamp can be supplemented with spotlights, wall sconces or LED strip around the perimeter.

With LED strip

All chandeliers can be combined into several groups. These include:


Suspended model, which is installed with ceiling heights of more than 3 meters. She is a classic option. The design has long been used for lighting apartments. Therefore, it is found in most apartments. A pendant chandelier is fixed to the ceiling with a cord or chain. Today there are a huge number of them. They differ in configuration, color and size. Thanks to this, the mount fits any design. The lampshades of such chandeliers can be made of:

  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • textiles

Hanging option for your design

Hanging models

They are installed to the ceiling with a special rod. It can be lowered or raised to the desired height. Thanks to this, you can place accents in the room and adjust the light intensity . Hanging chandeliers are convenient to install in a room with several functional areas to diffuse or, conversely, focus light.

Overhead models

They are mounted at a lower height from the ceiling, but this does not prevent them from performing their functions to the fullest. Typically, such lamps are installed in rooms with low ceilings.

They can be made in different forms:
  • curly;
  • flat;
  • with additional lighting;
  • with decorative inserts;
  • with rhinestones.

Almost all chandeliers have static light . This makes the process of using them much easier. Lamps with this function are much cheaper than models with built-in light intensity control. Dimmer chandeliers are just beginning to gain popularity.

The main touch of the interior

Today there are also lamps in which you can switch the color of the lighting. These models come with a special remote control. Diodes are installed in the design, which will change each other when you press buttons on the control panel. Most often, the backlight consists of green, blue, red, yellow shades.

Selecting a chandelier for interior design

It is not enough to simply choose a beautiful, stylish chandelier. It is important that it matches the style of the room.

Let's look at several chandelier options for the most common interior styles.

Modern chandeliers in classic style

The neoclassical interior style also has its fans, especially if the room is spacious enough with high ceilings. Therefore, for this case there are also options for modern chandeliers. For example, shown below.

Modern chandeliers in Art Nouveau style

The Art Nouveau style is also often used in interior design, but of course not in its original form, but in a modern interpretation. It looks very original and emphasizes the taste of the designer or apartment owner.

Fashionable chandeliers in high-tech style

The distinctive features of this style are functionality and practicality. And of course, some unusualness in accordance with modern fashion trends.

Here are some examples.

Modern chandeliers in minimalist style

The name itself speaks about the characteristic features of this style, which affects the appearance of the chandeliers. That is, no frills. Only conciseness and functionality.

Two halves


- another collection beloved by designers. Made in the form of two halves of a ball, offset relative to each other, these products are capable of changing the geometry of space. Let's add a soft glow to this to complete the created image for the loft space.

When placing these lamps in a space, it is not necessary to adhere to strict lines. By hanging them at different levels, we get an original decor worthy of a magazine cover.

What chandeliers for the hall are now in fashion

The hall, or, in other words, the living room, is, as a rule, the most spacious room, intended for the whole family, for receiving guests, and for organizing recreation areas.

Therefore, the hall requires a chandelier that meets several requirements at once.

It should be modern, beautiful, and capable of providing sufficient lighting in the room.

Of course, you need to select a chandelier taking into account the style of your room.

The color scheme can either match other interior elements, or vice versa as a contrasting element that draws attention to itself.

Here are some examples of modern chandeliers for the hall.

Please note that you should not rely entirely on the chandelier for lighting in the hall. It is necessary to use additional light sources, such as sconces, spotlights, to organize separate zones that allow all family members to comfortably spend time in the living room.

Flight illusion

Looking at the FLOS IC LIGHTS

a lot of questions arise. The main one is how does the big round lamp hold up? One gets the feeling that it is hanging in the air, barely touching the base in the form of a thin metal pipe. The unusual design makes these lamps desirable for decorating commercial spaces. At home, FLOS IC LIGHTS also does not lose its originality. A glowing ball hovering above the coffee table can become the main decoration of your home.

Fashionable chandelier for the bedroom: selection criteria

The style of modern chandeliers for the bedroom can be the same as for the living room, only the design should be less bulky. And you don’t need too much light in the bedroom. It should be enough, but it is better if the light is diffused and dim.

And near the bed, of course, you need to organize additional lighting using spotlights, sconces or floor lamps.

Let's look at some examples.

Fashionable chandelier for the kitchen: possible options

In the kitchen, unlike other rooms, a separate chandelier is not necessarily used.

More often they prefer a combination of lamps located above the dining area. In the work area, additional lighting is used using built-in spotlights or rotary lights.

This lighting above the dining area creates a feeling of coziness, which is very important for the kitchen.

Outdated chandeliers: how to replace them

Not everyone can afford to frequently renovate their home or update their interior design. Therefore, we get used to many things and do not ask ourselves how modern they are at the moment. Perhaps they are long outdated. This also applies to chandeliers.

I will give a few examples of no longer fashionable chandeliers and lamps.

Let's start with the classics. Definitely not fashionable are chandeliers in a classic style with shades located at the top with the open part.

As an alternative, you can offer a chandelier with shades in the form of small lampshades.

In more modern styles, such as high-tech, LED chandeliers of fancy shapes have recently been widely used. They turned out to be impractical to use, and they were simply boring. To replace them, I will send chandeliers of more restrained shapes.

The so-called spot chandeliers on curved rods have already become boring, although they began to be used relatively recently.

The use of track lamps is considered more modern.

It is worth paying attention to pendant lamps with many glass pendants. They also went out of fashion and are practically not used in modern interiors. They were replaced by much simpler, but elegant lamps with spherical shades made of translucent glass.

Also not in demand at the moment are Chinese chandeliers with a remote control, hung with numerous pieces of glass, supposedly demonstrating luxury.

An alternative could be, for example, a simple round lamp with adjustable brightness.

Well, a few words about built-in lamps. Their design should be simple, without all sorts of unnecessary decorations, as was the case before. This way they look more stylish.

If, in addition to chandeliers, you are interested in the topic of choosing modern curtains, then I highly recommend reading the article “How to choose curtains for the living room.”

The shine of crystal

Although modern design is the undisputed leader, Neoclassicism is also relevant.

One of the characteristic features of this design is the use of crystal lamps.

Famous brands offer huge chandeliers 2022 in the Neoclassical style with many long pendants.

The trend is also for complex options with 10-12 “candles”, under lampshades in the shape of a truncated cone. In this case, it is better to choose the latter with a floral pattern.

Brief conclusions

In order to answer the question of which chandeliers are in fashion now, you need to look at what trends currently exist in interior design in general.

And the trends are as follows: conciseness, simplicity, functionality, practicality and of course originality. But since a chandelier is also an important element in interior design, the above criteria fully apply to chandeliers. And the examples presented in the article are proof of this.

In any case, this will be the case in the next two years.

Good luck with your choice!

Best regards, Alexander Tkachenko.

Glass balls

Experimenting with glass, JEREMY PILES NEW

created a simple and at the same time effective lamp. The area of ​​their experiments was not only the shape of the lampshade, but also the shape of the lamp. It repeats the outlines of the main element, enhancing its geometry.

UNLESS GLASS pendant continues the trend towards using glass

. There are no elongated forums here - just a circle. Gold and silver plating on the top of the lampshade adds variety to the design.

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