Options for design and interior arrangement of 4 by 4 living rooms

A square room is the most favorable option for simple, quick, successful design. The interior of a living room is 4 by 4 meters, it’s easy to make it cozy, and you don’t have to spend a lot of time and money on decorating such a small space.

Even the smallest room can be turned into a cozy place for family relaxation and meeting guests

Rules for interior design in a 4 by 4 living room

Modern living room 4 by 4 design photo - this is a very diverse color palette, selection of furniture, and decor. Usually, to make the room as spacious as possible, they use light-colored finishing materials, furniture, a little darker or lighter than the general background, install many light sources, and build mirrors into cabinets and niches. It is recommended to avoid excessive zoning with the help of partitions and massive pieces of furniture - this will make the room feel cramped.

A light color palette is the basis for creating the interior of a small room

Upholstered furniture with dark upholstery looks good against white walls.

Bathroom design 4 or 3 sq. m. Small spool, but expensive

A small bathroom is not a reason to give up the modern level of comfort. The main thing is to think outside the box when decorating a room, making the most of every centimeter of free space.

At the same time, it is important not only to “squeeze” into a tiny space all the necessary plumbing equipment, but, with a happy coincidence, also a washing machine with a set of furniture. Even a 4 sq.m. bathroom. m can be beautiful and cozy, with a competent approach to its arrangement.

Layout options for a small living room

A room measuring 4 by 4 meters is furnished in different ways. Most often, furniture and decor are placed symmetrically, relative to the window, TV, fireplace, or the geometric center of the room. The working area is usually located in a bright place near the window, while the sleeping area is located as far as possible from the door. If it is possible to combine the hall with a “warm” balcony, the office or bedroom is moved there.

When planning a compact living room, the first thing to determine is the space for the sofa.

A corner sofa fits well into a square-shaped room

The most important point in the design of a room is its proper zoning. It is carried out using furniture and differences in ceiling heights, mobile screens and a variety of colors of the floor and walls. Placing podiums, sliding partitions, curtains attached to a hidden ceiling cornice in this space is acceptable, but not always convenient, so it is used with caution.

Small size

Low ceilings and narrow window openings often do not suit owners or potential buyers. In addition to these disadvantages, certain advantages can be highlighted.

First of all, this concerns comfort, because it is much easier to turn a small area into a cozy place for family happiness. With the help of appropriate design, you can achieve a positive effect, which will make you want to return to the bedroom to rest and gain strength.

When designing, you have every opportunity to show ingenuity and creativity, decorating your bedroom with sophistication and taste. With the right color scheme, pieces of furniture and high-quality lighting, you can visually expand the boundaries of the room.

Once your small space work is completed, you will truly be pleased with the end result.

Choosing a style direction

Living room layout 4 by 4, involves the use of any suitable style. Usually the decor of the hall partially or completely matches the design of the rest of the apartment, less often it is completely different from them. This room can be designed in modern minimalist, high-tech styles, as well as luxurious and sophisticated classic ones.

Interior design of a small room is based on the absence of unnecessary furniture and a minimum of decor


The design of a modern room is done in light colors, with small splashes of bright, rich accent colors. This often includes high-tech and minimalism, contemporary and fusion, techno and Scandinavian. Such interiors are characterized by an abundance of natural and artificial light, a small amount of the most necessary furniture, and original but not lavish decor. There is usually not a lot of draperies, there are plastic or bamboo blinds on the windows, and a large plain carpet on the floor. Suitable finishing materials are natural wood, laminate, metal, glass, plastic, MDF.

Contemporary style combines neatness and functionality

A modern living room won't feel like an office space if you add cushions and cute home decor.

The most important thing in modern interiors is ease of use, a sufficient number of specialized places for storing various things, and the absence of unnecessary junk in living rooms that “may come in handy.” But such styles are not completely devoid of decoration - a small amount of plastic stucco, avant-garde chandeliers of intricate shape, paintings by contemporary artists in thin frames or without them are allowed here.


Classical styles include neoclassicism, baroque, renaissance, English, French, Romanesque, Italian and rococo. Such directions are difficult to fully implement given the limited space of a sixteen-meter room, but the main elements and distinctive features can be recreated. Only wooden furniture is acceptable, valuable species or their high-quality imitation are preferred, individual parts are made forged, applied carved parts are also used, in the form of Kudrinskaya and other similar carvings.

Traditional classics are characterized by harmony and symmetry

Light surfaces and translucent curtains will fill the room with bright natural light

Arches and half-columns, carved furniture and ceiling rosettes, a crystal chandelier and sconces stylized as torches, multi-level ceilings and thick curtains with tiebacks are acceptable here. It is advisable to make interior doors, baseboards, floors the same color, but three to four shades darker than the walls. If there is a fireplace, this area is decorated with low-flammable materials; the mantelpiece above it becomes an additional place for placing small decor. Natural colors are preferred, not too bright.

The main decoration of a small living room in a classic style is expensive furniture

All items, if possible, are arranged as symmetrically as possible - this is the main distinguishing feature of classical styles.

What style should I choose for a living room of 16 square meters?

It would be more correct to formulate the name of the item differently, namely, what style can be successfully fit into a living room of 16 square meters? Potentially, there are not so few such styles; it all depends on other (except size) individual characteristics of the room and on other factors:

  • the needs of the owners,
  • number of people living in a house or apartment,
  • the size of the windows, the direction of the world on which the windows face, and others.

Let's take a closer look.

  1. A small living room can be decorated in a minimalist style. This style does not imply the presence of a large number of interior items; each element of the interior decoration is carefully selected, and the emphasis in the choice is on the practical component. Quite a large number of designers rightly believe that the minimalism style is “lost” in large, spacious rooms, but in small ones it can reveal itself differently and receive a new interpretation. Not everyone agrees with this point of view, however, it has the right to life.
  2. A living room of 16 square meters can be decorated in ethno style. Ethno style has a large number of readings. For a small living room, of course, the option with “porphyry columns”, Greek mosaics and so on is not suitable; there is simply nowhere to put all this. But in the African style, it is quite possible to decorate a living room of 16 square meters, for example, by laying a rug and capes on upholstered furniture in the form of animal skins, placing wooden figurines, purchasing wicker furniture and installing an imitation fireplace. The result is a very cozy and stylish room for receiving guests.

There are many examples of decorating a small living room, but we wanted to focus on the most non-standard ones. The possibility of using one or another interior style largely depends on your taste, resourcefulness and ingenuity, as well as the professionalism of the designer to whom you turned for help.

Specifics of interior design of a small living room

The specific design of the interior decoration of a small living room largely comes down to its functional purpose. After all, it’s no secret that a living room of 16 square meters is often part of a small house or apartment, consisting of either this one room, or there are one or two more such rooms.

In this regard, the owners have to, when creating the interior of a small living room, turn it into a multifunctional room, divided into zones. In this case, the living room simultaneously serves as a study, dining room and even a bedroom. The difficulty is to combine everything in one room. Yes, so that it fits into the overall design composition and pleases the eyes. To solve these problems as efficiently as possible, we recommend turning to professionals. Or at least take into account the advice of experienced designers.

To summarize, we note that a living room of 16 square meters is not a “sentence” for the owners. If you try, it can be turned into a stylish and cozy nest. The main thing when creating interior decoration is to remember to preserve usable space. And use techniques to visually expand it. But if problems still arise, contact a professional who will certainly help you with action and valuable advice.

Photo of the interior of a living room of 16 sq m

Color solutions for a 4 by 4 living room

The living room is 4 by 4 meters, the interior is painted in different colors. If the windows of the room face south, southeast, relatively dark and cold colors are allowed. For dimly lit spaces with a single small window, a warm, light color scheme is selected. Many owners try to avoid pure white color, considering it too easily soiled. To make cleaning less hassle, the floor is covered with a waterproof laminate or carefully leveled and painted. The walls are covered with washable wallpaper, which is resistant to dirty hands, children drawing, drops of food, drinks, and other polluting factors.

To visually enlarge a small space, it is necessary to maintain the interior design in two or three primary colors in a light or neutral tone.

Dark shades are acceptable as accents, in flooring or in furniture pieces

More often, the living space is decorated not with pure snow-white, but with a combination of two or three light shades. There are few too bright accents, but their presence “enlivens” the interior and gives it dynamism.

The most suitable combinations:

  • apricot with ash gray;
  • pale orange with yellow-green;
  • violet with sea foam color;
  • zinnwaldite pink with saffron;
  • gray with light coral;
  • mulberry with transparent emerald;
  • ecru with light turquoise;
  • thistle with fusi-wuzi;
  • dull silver with khaki;
  • yellowish-ocher with flax.

An original combination of yellow, lilac and gray colors in the living room interior

A harmonious combination of gray and blue colors in the living room with a white fireplace

Excessively “flashy”, acidic shades in the interior of a living room are usually avoided, especially if any of the residents suffer from nervous diseases.

Room style

Determining your style will make it easier to buy furniture and decorations that won't clutter your space. Popular styles include:

  1. Minimalism. This style is characterized by the absence of a large number of decorations and furniture in the interior; it will be possible to achieve the visual effect of expanding the space. The color range is not limited; the use of dark colors is not recommended.
  2. Classic. In this case, the classics should be limited to a small number of decorations: a large chandelier, heavy curtains combined with light fabric and several decorative vases, candlesticks or figurines will be an excellent solution to the problem.
  3. Provence will give the room the necessary coziness. A small space in this case will play into the owner’s hands. This style is characterized by soft colors, natural materials used to make furniture, and the presence of a large number of small decorations that give the room a special charm.
  4. Ethno style. The main feature of this type of design can be considered the presence of a large number of very specific decorations, paintings and plants. Not the best option for decorating a small room, but in combination with notes of minimalism, ethnic style can be an excellent option for any room in the house.
  5. Modern. A large number of intricate patterns, curved lines, a harmonious combination of colors - these are the elements that play with the imagination, leaving room for thought. It is advisable to use no more than three colors; the use of overly bright details is not allowed.

Color becomes another management tool; with its help, you can achieve the desired effect of visually enlarging the available space.

Options for arranging a 4 by 4 living room

When decorating and creating a comfortable environment for a 16-meter hall, it is important not to clutter it with unnecessary objects. This plays the greatest role when the room is a walk-through room and there are many tenants. It is necessary to leave passages of sufficient width here. To simplify the task, a diagram of the room, indicating the dimensions, location of window and door openings, is depicted on paper.

The arrangement of furniture should be planned so that there are passages for free movement around the room

Finishing, furniture, textiles, decor should form a single “ensemble” - not a single element should look superfluous.

Small ottomans can be used as additional seating, which can be easily hidden when not needed.

Furniture selection

The furniture consists of a small number of items, the sizes of which are carefully selected. The easiest way is to use the principle of the “golden ratio”, when the largest structure, for example, a sofa, correlates with the size of the room, approximately 0.62 to 1.0; a smaller wardrobe, in the same way, correlates with a sofa, a table – with a wardrobe, an armchair – with a table.

The minimum set of furniture for the living room is a comfortable sofa, a coffee table, a small armchair and a compact wall

To save space, purchase a corner sofa that can be easily converted into a sleeping place for two or more people. The upholstery of the product is chosen to be non-marking, easy to clean, and for the lucky owners of pets - with an “anti-vandal” coating that can easily resist claws and teeth.

When choosing a folding sofa, it is important to pay attention to the reliability of the design, on which the service life of the furniture will depend

The coffee table is also an integral part of the interior. Since its location is approximately the center of the room, the structure is durable and lightweight. Glass and wooden options are suitable, preferably without sharp corners that can cause injury, especially in children and the elderly.

A table with a transparent tabletop does not clutter up the space, but on the contrary, contributes to its visual expansion

Shelves are the best place to store books, souvenirs, and memorable photographs. It is also permissible to place some shade-tolerant potted plants there. The shelves are made open or closed, with side walls, in the form of “snakes”, whatnots, etc. Some elements can be hung almost from the ceiling.

Living indoor plants have always been and remain a popular way of interior decoration.

It is permissible to install a wall cabinet in a cramped room, but not a massive one. A sliding wardrobe with mirrored doors installed at the end of the room will slightly expand the space. Armchairs, chairs, poufs are placed if there is a vital need for them. To save space, the TV is hung on the wall opposite the sofa.

Accessory options

The decor of the room is not replete with large details, be it floor statues or large-format flowers on the wallpaper. Sharp corners in the drawing are also avoided - the atmosphere will be uncomfortable and aggressive. Multi-colored pillows are placed on the sofa - their number depends on the size of the piece of furniture. A couple of paintings on the walls also add variety to the decor. On the shelves there is a collection of postcards, dolls, and vases brought from travels. The presence of photo wallpaper with a landscape theme on one of the walls is also allowed.

Bright pillows on the sofa are a great way to break up a monochromatic interior.

The wall above the sofa is a suitable place to place paintings, photographs or posters

Design of a small bedroom without windows

If the apartment is one-room, then the large room is often divided by the owners into two rooms (this is how they create a separate bedroom). In such a situation, there is often no natural light in the bedroom, which does not make it gloomy and dark at all. There are various options that allow you not to remember that there is no natural light:

If you don't have windows in your bedroom


  • Application of false windows. It is a new design element for premises of this type, but is already very actively used. A wooden frame is installed on the wall, its shape similar to a real window. It can be filled in various ways: with natural wallpaper, mirrors, stained glass, your own drawings or photographs. It is possible to use lighting to add originality and real curtains for believability. This will be in a creative and original way. With such a powerful accent in the bedroom interior, you can forget about boredom.
  • The presence of a glass partition. A room divided into parts visually looks like a single whole if there is a glass partition between its parts. It doesn't have to be transparent. A selection of sheet glass with any shades and patterns is possible. The presence of a three-dimensional pattern on the glass contributes to the refraction of light and the passage of natural light from the window remaining in the other half of the room. This way the bedroom will be light.

Now you have instructions, following which you can easily visually increase the volume of the bedroom. After looking at the photo you can choose your design. The most important thing is to take your time, because the main thing is that you like it.

Photos of interior design ideas in the living room

Thoughtful to the smallest detail, the interior design in the living room 4 by 4 photo is a room that creates the impression of being more spacious than it actually is. The effect is achieved by installing many lighting fixtures, painting the walls with a creamy white color, and a huge mirror on one of the walls. An aquarium with fancy fish will be an excellent part of the decor. This element is sometimes used to zone space, but is placed only in the back of the room, away from sunlight.

A large wall-length mirror will make the room much brighter and twice as large.

A compact aquarium can be placed on a built-in shelf in the back of the room

Decorating a small square kitchen

The only rational option for placing furniture in a small square kitchen measuring 16 square meters. meter - this is installing it around the perimeter of the room. In this case, a design with a kitchen island in the center will not be possible, no matter how stylish it may seem to you. With this arrangement, you can also use not only free walls, but also part of the wall with a door and even a wall with a window. You can replace the standard window sill with a wider one and make it a full-fledged work surface. The area directly under the window sill can also be used. A compact washing machine or dishwasher or a built-in cabinet for storing food will fit there.

If in an ordinary rectangular kitchen you can only choose a corner kitchen set, then for a square kitchen the design of a U-shaped kitchen set is perfect. 16 sq. meters will be quite enough for such a set, the main thing is that the master accurately takes into account all your wishes and dimensions.

A standard table in a small square kitchen can be replaced with a stylish bar counter. This counter will serve both as a work surface and for eating. Bar counters are in fashion now, so they will perfectly complement the interior design of the kitchen.

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