Built-in corner wardrobe in the bedroom - design and selection rules

Even in a spacious house or apartment you have to think about the rational use of space - every year the number of things increases. What can we say about small-sized apartments? Every centimeter counts here. One way to make optimal use of space is a corner wardrobe. This type of furniture allows you to occupy corners that are rarely used in general - it is difficult to install something there. Next, we’ll talk about what they are and how to plan the “filling” correctly.

Built-in corner wardrobe in the bedroom interior - features

The best ratio between dimensions and capacity belongs to all types of corner cabinets. Although, comparing cabinet and built-in options with each other, the palm definitely goes to the latter. After all, they not only help to rationally use the angles that fall out in their layout. At the same time, they do not take up part of the useful living space.

Features include:

  • Amazing mobility. This type is suitable even for a summer attic under the roof. In this case, the sections are made with a sloping top and repeat the internal contours of the roof slope. Very beautiful and practical;
  • Careful attitude towards space. A built-in corner wardrobe in the bedroom will take up a minimum of territory, creating usable space inside the wall. And smoothing corners in rest rooms has a positive effect on the psyche of residents;
  • Roomy baby. Despite the modest size of some options, they are quite capable of accommodating the required volume of things. This can be achieved through proper arrangement of shelves and drawers;
  • Stylish. The fact that the most unpretentious part of the room (corners) is allocated for the location of this furniture cannot take away from these cabinets the excellent appearance. They are able to fit into any bedroom interior, adding their own twist;
  • You can choose the filling to suit any requirements.

Types of built-in corner wardrobes in the bedroom

One of the important components of good “weather” in the house after installing the cabinet is the correctly selected shape:

  • Diagonal. In the section it will give a triangle. Occupies the least amount of space. At the same time it will look stylish. The optimal solution for installation in small rooms;
  • Trapezoidal. The facade is brought forward and equipped with two additional slats placed at an angle to it. For this design feature it is often called five-walled. Requires more space than the first option, but the overall design will look original. The cut looks like a faceted diamond;
  • G-shaped. It is mounted along two adjacent walls, occupying part of them with the resulting corner. One of the sides will be longer. Overall version with large internal volume;
  • L - shaped. It will go around the protruding structural element located in the corner. This could be a load-bearing support or a square-shaped column;
  • With an outer L-shaped corner. It is a square and very much resembles a small room. Ideal for a miniature dressing room. You can choose this option if the bedroom is quite large. Otherwise, the closet will look ridiculous, taking up a lot of space;
  • Radial. It differs into external (with a convex facade) and internal with a concave facade. It can also combine radii in one housing (combined). True, this is a rare option. Most often, a visual wave is created by combining several sections with different types of radius. Can be placed in the most difficult areas (near the front door, next to the window). Looks great.

Photo of design ideas and interior layout

Each corner wardrobe is an individual design. This type of furniture is good because it allows you to adapt to the lifestyle and taste of everyone. But sometimes you need an idea for inspiration, and the easiest way to find it is in a photo of finished furniture.

The design of the corner wardrobe can be in any style

A corner wardrobe in the bedroom is a great way to hide everything unnecessary

Light neutral tones make the interior lighter

Mirrored cabinet door instead of a full-length mirror

Another option for filling a five-wall wardrobe

A corner wardrobe in the hallway is often complemented with a hanger and a small shelf for shoes

Radial sliding wardrobes can have either convex or concave edges

Smooth lines resemble waves

Mirrors make the room visually wider

This is no longer quite a corner wardrobe. More like a small dressing room

Combined facades are most often made with mirrors

White gloss and mirror. This solid-sized cabinet does not look bulky at all.

One of the options for L-shaped cabinets

Installation of built-in corner wardrobes in the bedroom

Unlike frame options, built-in wardrobe models in the bedroom are completely frameless. The functions of the bottom, walls and lid lie on the surface of the niche or walls of the bedroom. This feature can cause a number of problems with the installation of guides. To avoid this, strips called false frames are added. They are made of the same material as the facade, but are not full walls. Their width varies from 8 to 12 cm. The false strips are attached in the same way as the sides and covers would be placed. In this case, only the lower one can be placed on strong glue. However, it is this that is most undesirable, since it will raise the lower rail of the coupe system even higher than the floor level. The rest are attached to the walls. The false frame will help to level out minor differences in the walls. It will also hide cracks or chips in the plaster after drilling. A good option for floors covered with ceramic tiles or covered with a thick fleecy carpet.

Before installing a built-in wardrobe, it is recommended to level the walls with plasterboard and make a concrete floor screed, removing the old tiles.

Structure, types, sizes

The corner wardrobe can be built-in or cabinet. In built-in ones, room structures are used as walls, floors and ceilings. A façade with sliding doors is attached to them. That is, this design turns out to be stationary - the guides are attached to the walls, floor and ceiling. The advantage of this type of corner cabinets is its cost-effectiveness, the disadvantage is the impossibility of portability. Another important point: the walls, floor and ceiling must be level, otherwise the structure will be skewed, which will negatively affect the operation of the sliding doors.

The cabinet corner wardrobe has its own walls, floor and ceiling

Cabinet corner wardrobes are full-fledged furniture with walls, floor and ceiling. They differ from a regular wardrobe in the presence of sliding doors and in the fact that in height they usually occupy the entire space up to the ceiling. They are delivered from the factory or workshop disassembled and assembled locally, as they have such dimensions that they simply will not fit through the doors.

Types by structure

The shape of corner wardrobes can be of several types:

  • L-shaped. The closet occupies two adjacent walls and the corner between them.

    If you occupy two adjacent walls under a corner wardrobe, a lot of things will fit

  • Diagonal. In cross section they have the shape of a triangle. Convenient in small spaces, allowing you to use the space between two doors or windows on adjacent walls.

    Diagonal with a cross-section in the form of a triangle

  • Trapezoidal. They have a slightly larger area than diagonal ones.

    Trapezoidal - asymmetrical models

  • Five-walled. The most massive option.

    Five-walled - more convenient to use the internal space

To make the difference in structure more clear, it is better to look at all models in a graphical representation (pictured below).

Types of corner wardrobes

If we talk about ease of use, then the best option is L-shaped. Normally, you can assemble the contents in a five-wall and trapezoidal wardrobe. The most inconvenient, of course, is the triangular one. It will have triangular shelves on both sides, which are not very spacious. At the same time, the middle will be empty, since the filling of the cabinet is located along the walls. The same can be said about the five-walled room, with the only difference being that there are no triangular shelves here.

What material

Corner and any other wardrobes are made from the same materials as traditional furniture - wood, MDF and chipboard. Wood is almost never used, since it is too expensive and heavy, and its decorative properties cannot be advantageously presented in this design. Laminated chipboard is much more often used. It is more affordable in price, and also has many color options. It can be an imitation of wood, rattan, etc., or it can be a smoothly painted or textured plain, matte or glossy surface. There are also films with different types of designs - graphic and floral. All of them can be used for laminating chipboard.

Any of the designs can be made with elements of radial technology - with rounded corners. Such sliding wardrobes are made from MDF, the manufacturing technology of which allows the production of rounded shapes. MDF is also laminated and there are no fewer color options.

Corner L-shaped wardrobe with radial elements

As you can see in the photo, near the entrance and in the middle part the corners are not sharp, but rounded. Firstly, it looks beautiful, and secondly, it is safer - there are no sharp edges on which you can seriously hurt yourself.


The easiest way is usually to decide on the height - right up to the ceiling or a couple of centimeters lower. All other parameters depend on the room in which you plan to install a corner wardrobe and the available space. We can probably say about the minimum sizes:

  • If the cabinet is diagonal with a triangular cross-section, then the minimum length of the sides at the right angle is 120 cm. The volume will be very small, although they can also make walls with a length of 100 cm or even less.
  • If one of the walls is longer (120 cm and 80 cm, for example), it is worth considering the option of a trapezoidal section. On the side that is longer, a partition is placed, the depth of which is about 40-45 cm, and a straight line is drawn from it to the short side.

    “Serial” models start from this size, but there are also “small” ones - from 80 cm on at least one side

  • If the walls adjacent to the corner are short, an L-shaped structure can be installed. Moreover, one of them is desirable to be at least 120 cm, and the second can be shorter.
  • Five-wall sliding wardrobes can be installed against walls with a length of 80 cm or more. That is, it can be placed even in the smallest corridor. But due to its great depth, it will “eat up” a lot of space, making the room even smaller.

In a small room, the best choice is an L-shaped design. It is the least massive and leaves more space free. To visually assess this, draw all suitable types of cabinets on the floor plan. Then you can calculate the remaining free space.

A few words about the depth of wardrobes. There are two standard options - 45 cm and 60 cm, the minimum depth is 40 cm. With a width of 60 cm or more, a regular crossbar or pantograph is installed under clothes on hangers in the closet (so that the entire height to the ceiling can be used). Smaller models require a special rod that allows you to place hangers parallel to the door, since the hangers have a standard width of 55 cm and simply do not fit.

Which opening mechanism to choose for a built-in corner wardrobe in the bedroom

Whether a built-in corner wardrobe will fit into the bedroom interior depends primarily on the facade. This is the only part of any built-in model that will remain visible. It is important to decide in advance on the door opening system:

  • Swing. Not very relevant for bedrooms, which are rarely large. The usual scheme, when the doors simply swing outward, requires a lot of free space in front of the facade. In addition, the doors are attached with simple furniture hinges, which are not always able to withstand their weight. In such a situation, avoid doors weighed down with mirrors and massive overhead decorations;
  • Lifting, lowering. This option is suitable for small-sized doors. In this way, you can secure the door covering the niche for the TV, but for a full-fledged door such a scheme should not be considered. The same can be said about the option with lowering the sash down. Requires installation of movable side holders;
  • Coupe system. Sliding doors are most relevant for bedrooms. The doors move silently and do not take up extra space either outside or inside the cabinet. In this case, it is worth studying the movement pattern. Immediately decide which of the doors goes in both directions. The rest will be shifted in a checkerboard pattern. It is clear that movement from the walls is only possible towards the center. Immediately discard mounted systems, as they are the weakest and most vulnerable;
  • Foldable. Another good option. “Accordion” is also characterized by reduced noise and a high level of reliability. Avoid sudden jerks, otherwise you will damage the delicate fasteners. You need to move the door to the side with smooth movements.


The cabinet consists of a frame, facade and internal filling. Since built-in models do not require back and sometimes side walls, more attention can be paid to the facades.

A metal profile or wooden beam is used for the frame. The side parts are usually made of MDF, chipboard or plastic.

For built-in wardrobes, you can use facades of various configurations:

  • Sliding . As a rule, they use lightweight plastic with or without mirror coating. Laminated chipboard and MDF, glass are also often found. The array is rarely used, because it requires more powerful fittings.
  • Swing . The doors simply swing open left or right. Natural wood and metal can be added to the above materials.
  • Folding . They open by rotating around the horizontal axis of the lower or upper edge. Used to decorate small niches.
  • Lifting . They rise up using a gas lift. Used for mezzanines and shelves located in the upper part of the cabinet.
  • Accordion . The facade consists of several rectangular elements, which, when opened, are assembled in the form of an accordion. For their design, any materials are used, including fabric stretched over a frame.

In addition, the structure of the facades can be of different designs:

  • straight;
  • bent;
  • with panels;
  • smooth;
  • with inserts;
  • with stained glass;
  • painted;
  • with photo printing;
  • sandblasting (monochrome and color);
  • inlaid;
  • with milled pattern;
  • carved;
  • painted;
  • laminated.

How doors are arranged - designs and sizes

The doors themselves may also have design differences:

  • Solid. They are often called “deaf.” Made from a single piece of material of specified dimensions;
  • Through. They are equipped with slots for built-in mirror segments or decorative inserts made of other materials;
  • Frame. The entire contour of the sash is enclosed in a profile made of a different material. Most often, metals are used for these purposes, providing the doors with additional rigidity and eliminating deflections when opening. Although, the profile can be made of durable plastics. Outwardly, all this resembles inserting a picture into a frame. On this basis, even methods of decorating the facade appeared. One of them can be called a “baguette” door frame, more reminiscent of a mirror frame;
  • Sectional. These are stacked panels made up of sections of a specific size and shape. Usually made from several types of materials with different textures. Wavy and mosaic ones look especially beautiful. Quite an expensive pleasure, not devoid of originality.

To correctly calculate the number of doors, first of all, focus on its expected width. The minimum recommended is 50 cm. Of course, you can choose extravagant variations with parameters over 1 meter, but this will create difficulties with opening. This is especially true for sliding systems, where the maximum width is 1 meter. Many offer special calculation calculators. If you understand that it is difficult for you to decide on your own, then use a similar program.

Traditionally, the door design includes a strip, fasteners, external fittings and a lock system, if one is provided. Compartment versions have a side profile, movable roller devices with a rail system and motion limiters.

Facade coating materials

Don't forget about the original facade decoration:

  • Facing panels. Made from thin layers of wood. Part of such a panel is cut into a kind of openwork “lace”. Most often they wear oriental colors and look extremely original. They are attached on top of the main door, which differs in color from the lining. Less commonly, plywood is perforated and varnished for these purposes. This option will cost you much less;
  • Eco leather. A synthetic substitute that does not differ in appearance from the natural one. Does not wear out, fades slowly, and is easy to clean with wet cleaning. Looks very expensive and respectable;
  • Milling cutter. This method of applying a relief pattern to wood and slabs is quite economical, although it looks good. Represents figured grooves of any degree of complexity;
  • Colored or tinted glass. It will make it somewhat difficult to view the contents of the furniture, but will make the façade unusual;
  • Matted pattern. Can be applied not only to glass, but also to mirrors. It looks very unusual and will not pose any difficulties with cleaning;
  • Veneer. A great way to elevate cheap furniture, but with a price tag to match. It consists of very thin plates of natural wood, which are also resistant to dampness, woodworm and mold. May warp or crack in poor climate conditions;
  • Textured PVC films. They can not only cover the entire surface, but also create a pattern by playing with several different textures. It will last quite a long time at minimal cost.

Facade selection

The appearance of the corner wardrobe depends on how the doors are designed. They are the ones who attract attention. They are made from:

With all this diversity, it is necessary to remember the influence of color on the perception of furniture. Since a corner wardrobe usually occupies a fairly large area, it largely determines the “sound” of the entire interior. Therefore, it is necessary to remember several truths. There aren't that many of them. First, mirrors push boundaries, expanding space. Light semi-gloss or glossy furniture and facades with light glass work approximately the same way. Secondly, dark furniture makes a small room even smaller. If you at least take this into account, there will be fewer questions.

Photo of built-in corner wardrobes in the bedroom



If you don’t want to spend a lot of money, but expect the maximum effect from installing a cabinet, then choose built-in corner models. This will provide your bedroom with originality while maintaining full usable space.

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