Arrangement of a dressing room in a children's room - ideas and photos

A separate dressing room is one of the best options for placing things in a children's room. This organization of space makes it possible not only to place clothes, shoes and toys in the room conveniently and safely for the child, but also to teach him to always keep them in order. There can be quite a lot of ideas for bringing such an idea to life, and a selection of photos will help in choosing the appropriate solution.

Separate dressing rooms: advantages and possible options

Many parents may feel that there is no particular need for a children's dressing room. But large and small cabinets, racks and open shelves overload the space of the room and reduce the playing area. Setting up a dressing room in a child’s room allows you to:

  • neatly and beautifully place your basic wardrobe, toys and other necessary items in plain sight;
  • compactly arrange out-of-season items for storage;
  • visually expand the room;
  • make the most of the closed space of the dressing room.

In addition, with a separate space for a wardrobe, the child will quickly learn to always be neat, get used to keeping things in order, immediately putting them in their place, and become more independent.

In a country house or a spacious apartment, there are usually no problems with installing a dressing room. To place and store things, you can equip an adjacent room or allocate space in the nursery itself. But this is also possible in a small apartment, despite the lack of space that seems at first glance. Among the possible options:

  • purchasing or custom-making a special cabinet for a dressing room;
  • use of a niche in the room for placing a wardrobe, if there is one in the room;
  • separating part of the space with a wall to organize a closed dressing room.

Attention! In the interior of a nursery, especially for a baby, it is better not to use large mirror surfaces, as well as too convex fittings, which could injure the child.

Design a room for a teenage girl using decorative stickers.

The right stickers can dramatically change the mood of a room. In addition, they will provide camouflage of minor flaws without the need for major repairs. Stickers have a huge range of storylines and can satisfy the most demanding and discerning people. The design of a room for a teenage girl can be based on representatives of flora and fauna. Stickers with images of animals, birds, butterflies or plants will make the atmosphere more lively and joyful.

Stickers in the form of trees and flowers symbolize the desire for growth and development, which is quite appropriate on the walls of a nursery. You can add stickers with quotes from famous people, which will not only emphasize your intelligence, but also provide an opportunity to form the right worldview. Portraits of famous and prominent people can be a guiding light and help you focus on your achievements. Stickers with images of ancient streets and buildings will add sophistication and sophistication to the room.

The main advantages of using stickers are:

  • The ability to quickly make a room more attractive and sophisticated at minimal cost.
  • Properly selected stickers give a complete picture of the interests and aspirations of a teenager.
  • Rapid change in style with the development and changing preferences of the child.
  • Masking small defects that appear on the walls.

Specifics of arranging a dressing room for a child

Quite easy to use and looks great in a special wardrobe. It already contains all the necessary shelves and modules for storing things. But this piece of furniture should fit into the existing interior design of the room and not look like an alien element.

But you can conveniently organize a children’s dressing room in a niche or on a designated part of the room area by equipping a system of shelves there and placing a clothes rail on hangers. You can also place boxes for toys and baskets for certain things there. Such a dressing room can be separated from the rest of the room by a curtain or a door: hinged, sliding or folding. On the back side of the door it will be convenient to hang fabric shelves or a trunk with pockets for storing various small items.

Advice. Toys and everyday items must be placed on shelves so that the child can get them out independently without the help of adults. On the top shelves you can place elegant dresses for girls or suits for boys, non-seasonal clothes and what is not needed every day.

As for the interior, it is better to stick to light colors in the nursery, although this is not mandatory. Much in the arrangement depends on the age and gender of the child. And if the parents think out the interior of the room for the baby themselves, then young teenagers and teenage girls can already express their wishes for the general appearance of their room.

A cozy and functional children's dressing room can be created in a room of any size. If you don’t have enough ideas, it will be enough to look through the photos and choose for yourself the most suitable option for arranging your child’s wardrobe.

Room design for a teenage girl: sleeping place.

Everyone knows that a sleeping place should be comfortable. And the main role here is played by the orthopedic mattress. Fortunately, there is currently a huge selection of mattresses. But let’s not go deeper and talk better about the shape of the bed. If the room is spacious enough, then you have a lot of options open to you, from a full double bed to a fancy-shaped designer bed. Owners of small rooms should not despair either! Your option: a small-sized sofa, sofa or transformable bed, which during the daytime is hidden in a closet or under a podium, thereby freeing up space for rest or work.

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Room design for a teenage girl: work area.

The workplace should be well lit, functional and equipped with storage. Therefore, the ideal option would be a corner table placed by the window in close proximity to hanging shelves that would perfectly accommodate books and CDs.

Room design for a teenage girl: boudoir.

A dressing table and a mirror are another element of a room for a teenage girl. It can accommodate cosmetics, jewelry and other small items. And the young lady will learn to take care of herself. And remember that the design of a room for a teenage girl should be chosen “for growth” so that it is comfortable to grow up in it. Learn more about nursery design by reading the article about “children’s room interior for a boy.”

Room design for a teenage girl: relaxation area.

The relaxation area is a place where your girl will receive guests, do creative work, leaf through magazines and listen to music. From a teenager’s point of view, these events are very, very important, so this area should not be left without attention. This is where you can experiment with a riot of colors, materials and shapes. This could be a podium covered with a carpet, animal skin and pillows scattered across it. Or a bean bag chair in tandem with an unusual coffee table. Or maybe even a mirror and a machine for dancing. Take a look at decorative wall stickers for interior design.

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