Ideas for storing toys in shelves and cabinets in a children's room

The nursery is full of books, toys, boxes and other little things that need to be stored somewhere. The option with drawers and chests of drawers is not always suitable, since you don’t want to clutter up the small size of the room, and finding your favorite doll can take a long time.

The optimal solution is a compact and stylish rack.

The toy storage system in the nursery: what should it consist of?

Rack for toys
When planning the design of a nursery, you should think in advance about the optimal storage system for toys in the children's room. The basic principles of organizing space are listed below:

  • It is optimal to place a children's toy rack and storage boxes next to the play area.
  • All items must be accessible to the child so that he can get and put any of them in place without asking adults for help.
  • It is useful to put colored labels on containers and boxes with the name of their contents. Even if the child does not yet know how to read, looking at the inscriptions every day, he will gradually remember the letters.
  • Small toys and things that cannot be neatly arranged are most conveniently stored in boxes or bags.
  • If the heir collects something, for example, model cars, these items can be displayed in a prominent place as a source of pride.
  • It is best to place favorite and important objects for the baby where it will be most convenient for the child to take them and put them in place.
  • Each toy should have its own specific place. You can let your child think about the placement of his favorite things in the children's room; this will teach him independence and responsibility for his decisions.

The storage system should be flexible: over time, the child’s priorities and tastes change, but the organization of toys should always be convenient for him.

If the baby himself thinks about where and how best to put his favorite things, then he will be happy to maintain order in his little world and without reminders.

A shelving unit in the nursery will help maintain order and cleanliness.

In addition, there are two more important rules:

  • Broken copies should be either repaired or thrown away immediately; the heir should not be taught to live among debris and garbage.
  • It is best to give toys that the child has already outgrown to friends who may need them.

You should not decide the fate of toys without asking the permission of their little owner. After all, this is his property, not his parents’, and what may seem useless or broken to adults can be of great value to the baby.

Every child copies the actions of their parents, and does not listen to moral teachings. Therefore, in order to teach a child to maintain order in his room from an early age, parents should themselves constantly keep the apartment clean.

Furniture for girls is best done in white and pink tones, if this suits the tastes of her little mistress

Children's furniture IKEA

Furniture for children's rooms is made by many domestic and foreign manufacturers. The clear favorite in this segment is IKEA. Its products are well known to parents who pay close attention to the design of their child’s room. The brand has a wide range of furniture that allows you to create a comfortable interior for a child of any age of both sexes.

Charming shelf house from IKEA

IKEA children's book shelves are presented in several series. When decorating a baby’s room, it is not necessary to install special structures. A child’s library at this age is small; you can use a combined storage system. The brand’s assortment, for example, includes charming houses with cells in which there is room for books, toys, objects for drawing, modeling, etc.

From the manufacturer's products you can choose universal storage systems for a schoolchild's or teenager's room. They include open shelves and closed cabinets. It is possible to place various items, including clothes and accessories.

IKEA universal storage system

The brand is responsible for the production of furniture for children's rooms. Strict control is carried out at all stages. Each storage system and IKEA children's book shelf undergoes thorough checks. The advantages of this manufacturer's products are:

  • Extensive range providing excellent choice;
  • ergonomic design, creating ease of use;
  • high quality, reliable furniture;
  • safety confirmed by international certificates.

The company's professional designers take into account fashion trends when developing projects. IKEA children's bookshelves fit perfectly into the interior, becoming its decoration and an expressive accent. The brand's assortment includes unpainted furniture for painting. Purchasing such a product allows you to decorate it with precise consideration of the specific design of the room.

IKEA book storage systems undergo rigorous testing

In the company's assortment you can choose ideal options for a small nursery. Shelves located under the place for sleeping and resting allow for efficient use of space.

Toy rack design and construction

The main requirement for children's furniture is its safety. The rack, regardless of whether it was purchased at Ikea or made by yourself, must be securely attached to the wall with self-tapping screws.

Before installing the rack, you should determine the material of the wall; if plaster or sand spills out of it, then the screws may also fall out under the weight of the structure. To avoid a traumatic situation, a flimsy wall should be re-plastered.

If the size of the room allows, the rack can be made corner

Fabric boxes with a frame are safer than wooden or plastic ones and are best placed on the top shelves.

Drawers should be located on the lower levels:

  • firstly, it is safer because it will help avoid heavy structures falling from a height;
  • secondly, in this case it is simply more convenient to get things out of them.

In order not to waste time constantly wiping off dust, the shelves can be equipped with glass or plastic doors, or closed boxes can be placed on them.

The lower level of the rack can be left without partitions, put blankets and pillows inside, and hang soft fabric on the front with a drawstring - you will get your own nook for the child. You can even install lighting in such a “cave”.

Types of structures for storing children's books

An extensive range of furniture provides the opportunity to choose a model for any purpose, taking into account all factors. For children's printed products you can purchase:

  • bookshelf;
  • furniture wall;
  • rack;
  • open hanging shelves;
  • floor shelf;
  • mobile cart.

An example of storing books in a nursery

Each type of furniture has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to carefully consider the options so that a cabinet, rack or children's book shelf provides maximum convenience and meets all requirements.

Home craftsmen can build a storage unit for their child’s books with their own hands. On the Internet you can find many original ideas for such designs. Consumables for them are available in every building materials store.

Choice according to the child's age

Pull-out shelves - additional space for games
Depending on the age of the baby, the children's corner for toys should be organized differently:

  • For children under 2 years of age, toys are usually given to them by their parents; they can all be put in one box or basket. The most beautiful specimens can be arranged to suit your taste on the shelves in the nursery.
  • From about the age of two, there are a lot of toys, the child develops his own tastes and priorities. At this time, you should equip the room with racks, drawers and shelves for storing them, having previously discussed with the heir what arrangement of furniture would be convenient for him.
  • Starting from the age of five, the number of things and interests of a child increases; to store them, it is already necessary to sort them by type of toys or their belonging to any activity.

While the baby cannot read yet, you can use multi-colored storage containers, this will make it easier for the child to remember.

For example, the yellow box contains robots, and the green box contains cars. The advantage of this approach is that it helps to remember the names of colors and develops analytical thinking.

general description

The children's room is usually medium in size and is located on the sunny side of the apartment. Huge wardrobes and chests of drawers will be completely inappropriate here, since most of the room in the children's room is intended for games.

In addition, the child has much fewer things and, accordingly, they do not take up as much space. That is why the rack can be called ideal children's furniture.

Racks are a universal piece of furniture that allows you to place toys, books, and clothes.

The benefits of creating a toy shelf with your own hands

Rack in the shape of a boat for young captains
Children's shelves for toys, created by the hands of parents, compare favorably with store-bought ones:

  • they fully correspond to the ideas and ideas about the convenience of their little owner;
  • a homemade shelving unit for a nursery will fit well into the interior of the room;
  • Parents can be sure that the furniture is assembled exclusively from materials that are safe for health.
  • the child will be proud that his dad can create beautiful things himself;
  • Helping parents in the process of creating shelves and racks will teach the child independence and creative thinking;
  • Furniture made by yourself is cheaper than purchased furniture.

You can invite your child to paint or decorate finished furniture themselves. Even if in the eyes of adults it will not be very beautiful or neat, for a child such a cabinet or rack will become an important element of his little world.

Rules for choosing designs

The nursery should be comfortable, safe, create ideal conditions for the child’s development and the formation of useful skills. Furniture for storing books in a nursery is selected taking these factors into account. The main criteria are:

  • library scale, perspectives;
  • area of ​​the room, availability of free space, its dimensions;
  • the child’s age, his habits, preferences;
  • features of the interior, its style;
  • financial opportunities.

The size of the structure depends on the area of ​​the children's room

A preschooler's library may be small, including 10-15 favorite books. Sometimes parents do not consider it necessary to purchase a lot of literature; they teach their child to visit libraries from an early age or organize a book exchange with other families. In this case, it is enough to hang a children's book shelf. The shelf is selected taking into account the specifics of the interior and the age of the child.

Many parents who want to instill and support a love of reading in their children prefer to create a home library. It provides an opportunity to re-read your favorite works and creates a lasting interest in literature, which will definitely come in handy in life. For such a growing reader, you need to install a bookcase or bookcase in the nursery. This furniture will provide an opportunity to place a solid library and expand it as the child grows up.

Spacious bookcase for children's rooms

It is necessary to provide the child with access to books. The baby will not be able to get his favorite fairy tales in the closet or on a large shelf. This placement creates a risk of falling and injury. In a preschooler's room, you can install a floor-mounted children's shelf for books and hang low-wall structures taking into account the child's height.

The price range for furniture designs in this category is quite large. Every consumer will be able to choose models. It is not necessary to purchase expensive products made from natural wood. You can choose from an assortment of inexpensive, safe furniture.

How to make a beautiful shelving with your own hands to match the design of the room

The first step is to think over with your child the shape of the future furniture and draw a sketch, putting real dimensions on it; when planning the design, you should take into account the size and lighting of the nursery.

The best materials for creating children's furniture are plywood or natural wood. It should be taken into account that solid wood is heavy, and the structure made from it should be securely fastened to the wall. You can cut out the parts yourself, if you have the skills and tools, or order cutting from specialists.

Companies that sell wooden or plywood sheets often provide cutting services to customers free of charge.

For the stability and reliability of the product, material with a thickness of 2 cm or more is used for the side walls.

It is best to place the finished structure directly at floor level, without legs or wheels, this will give the furniture additional stability and eliminate the hassle of wiping dust or removing rolled-up small items.

Low rack for a baby in the shape of a house

It is more convenient to make the shelves low - you still won’t be able to use the entire height, but a larger number of levels will help to place all the little things more conveniently.

When equipping shelves with doors, you should take into account their weight and the location of the handles so that the child can open them independently.

Connect the parts with glue or self-tapping screws, thoroughly cleaning and smoothing the joint.

You can decorate finished furniture with self-adhesive film or bright colors, according to the tastes of its little owner.

When creating a rack for toys in a nursery with your own hands, you should take care in advance of its safety for the child. Hanging elements must be securely fastened, sharp corners and protruding elements that could cause injury must be smoothed out.

It is recommended to paint children's furniture only with harmless varnishes and paints.

Hanging bookshelves

The category of hanging children's bookshelves has the largest assortment. Consumers are provided with complete freedom to choose such products, taking into account all requirements. Mounted models differ:

  • dimensions and capacity;
  • design;
  • materials;
  • design.

In this furniture category there are large designs that can accommodate a substantial library, and compact models that have room for a child’s modest archive. You can choose a shelf for books in the nursery, taking into account the size of the free space.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of classic and original designs. Traditional models have an optimal depth that allows you to install books with their spines on display.

Bookshelf model with optimal depth

For kids, it is better to install book shelves in the children's room in the form of display cases, allowing you to place the literature in such a way that the cover is visible. Even a child who cannot read can find his favorite work in this position. Such models may have a minimum depth designed for 1-2 books. This is an ideal option for a small room in which it is necessary to make the most efficient use of space.

Wall mounted bookshelf in the form of a display case

Not only for kids, you can choose a convenient children's book shelf from our assortment. A tower shelf with a vertical beam, a profile in the form of a base, will fit perfectly into the room of a schoolchild or teenager. For an original interior, you can purchase oval-shaped models, in the form of a zigzag, a design with a random arrangement of open shelves.

Children's bookshelves can be separate products or structures consisting of several tiers. Modular systems consisting of several individual elements are now very popular. They can be placed on the wall in any desired order, create maximum convenience, and decorate the interior.

Convenient modular systems for storing books

Shelves for books in a nursery are made from different materials. It is not necessary to look for structures made of natural wood. Modern inexpensive furniture made of chipboard and MDF fully complies with the standards. Models intended for children undergo inspections, testing for quality and environmental safety.

Ways to zone space in a nursery using shelving

Decorating a spacious apartment
The need for zoning arises in two opposite situations: if the room is small and the child lives in the same room with his parents, or vice versa, you need to create coziness and comfort in a spacious room.

A children's toy cabinet or an open shelving unit are the best helpers for proper zoning of premises.

To zone a room with one window, it is better to use open furniture

If there are two children in a family who are forced to live in one room, then the ideal option is to partition the nursery with a double-sided shelving unit - in the end, everyone will have their own shelves for toys. Such furniture can be inexpensively made with your own hands or ordered from specialists.

It is best for the furniture delimiting the space to be as high as possible. This will help create a feeling of coziness in each area. If the height is not enough, you need to block the upper space with flowers or toys.

When placing fresh flowers on top of furniture, you should think in advance about how to water them. It is not always convenient to constantly jump up to the ceiling with a watering can in your hands; besides, if water overflows from the pot, it can ruin the contents of the rack.

How to choose the color of storage furniture

When it comes to finding the most interesting toy storage ideas, choosing the right furniture color is also important. For example, a closet and a shelving unit should be in harmony with each other. But small elements, such as a box or container, can be made in a contrasting color. Elements such as a chest and a floor basket may stand out from the overall design. Wicker elements will fit well into almost any interior. Plastic baskets are also very practical, they are easy to clean, and the bright design will bring a cheerful mood to the interior.

Rack with plastic boxes for toys

Also, remember that you don't have to purchase furniture and storage accessories from the store. They can be made with your own hands. You can sew a bag for soft toys, use boxes covered with gift paper or beautiful wallpaper, paint and decorate the boxes. With this approach, your interior will only benefit from the fact that you decided to organize the storage of toys and applied your own imagination to it. You can look for interesting options in any children's furniture catalogue. Advice from designers will also be very useful.

Basket for storing children's toys in the bathroom

Small rack with plastic toy boxes

Fabric storage box in the nursery

Blue and white fabric and film bag

Green and blue toy basket

Beige-pink shelving unit with drawers in the nursery

Large toy storage system in the nursery

Blue toy box

Other ideas for storing toys in a children's room

Magnetic strips will turn ordinary cars into a decorative element.
There are several other interesting options for storing toys:

  • A convenient way to store soft toys is a mesh basket.
  • It is most convenient to store educational sets, construction sets or board games in their original packaging. The boxes are easy to stack one on top of the other, and the inscriptions on the ends make it easy to find the one you need.
  • Magnetic strips or boards are a convenient option for storing cars or metal objects.
  • A drawer under the bed is a convenient solution for organizing space. Children most often store their treasures there, and the presence of a special container will help maintain order in the nursery and eliminate dusting.
  • In a small room, a shelf covering the entire wall will be replaced by a bookcase; you can also place the most important or favorite things for the child on it.
  • Narrow shelves are suitable for collections, photos or favorite books - they will not take up much space, but will decorate the room.

Narrow shelves are a good solution for decorating a nursery.
It should be remembered that having too many toys is not good for a child. It’s better to consciously play with a few, but favorite and important objects, than to fill the room with things that the baby doesn’t even remember and throws away a couple of days after purchase. And joint games with parents will bring the heir much more positive emotions than another purchase.

You can view more interesting options for storing children's toys in our gallery:

Placing shelves for books in the nursery

It is necessary not only to choose the right furniture for storing books in the nursery, but also to correctly determine the location of its installation. There are several criteria to follow when choosing a location:

  • shelves should provide the child with free access to books;
  • furniture must guarantee safety;
  • it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the interior and the location of zones.

Hanging children's book shelves are placed in such a way that the child can easily get any book and place it on the shelf. This will ensure safety and allow you to learn order. Installation of structures must be carried out carefully to ensure reliable fastening. If an oversized floor model is installed, the child cannot reach the upper shelves or compartments; you need to buy him a comfortable ladder or place decorative items in inaccessible areas.

Shelves should provide the child with easy access to books

For the most part, bookshelves in children's rooms are located in the recreation area and creative activities. There is also a table with a chair or a sofa. If the design is intended for school books, it is installed in the student’s work area. This ensures ease of use. A small shelf can be mounted in the sleeping area next to the bed. Many children love to read before bed. In this case, special attention should be paid to the quality of lighting required for this activity.

Shelves for textbooks are placed in the work area

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