A desk for a schoolchild with shelves: photo gallery of the design of a beautiful and ergonomic workplace in a children's room

Choosing children's furniture is an important undertaking, especially regarding the table, since you are purchasing not just a piece of furniture, but a design that will affect the health and comfort of the child for many years. Parents of schoolchildren should provide comfortable learning conditions at home so that the workplace brings only joyful emotions to their daughter or son. A desk for a schoolchild with shelves is an excellent choice, since the design will allow you not only to do homework, draw, use a computer, but also to store office supplies and other small items necessary for mental work and the development of creativity.

A desk for a schoolchild with shelves: how to choose the best?

When a child goes to school, his room turns from a play area into an office. Furniture will help in organizing the educational process. The ideal desk for a student must meet three main criteria:

  • convenience;
  • safety;
  • beauty.

Advice! Choose exactly the table that will meet both your and your child’s visual and practical requirements. If, in addition to the idea of ​​decorating a children's room, you also want to create a stylish and original interior design, then be sure to look through the photo gallery in this article!

Color palette

Common color scheme.


It is a universal shade that suits any interior design, goes well with various colors and gives the environment a clean and fresh look.


It attracts attention and at the same time is quite loyal to many style decisions.


Emphasizes the status of the interior and its refined taste, creating a truly presentable and luxurious atmosphere.


A discreet and elegant gray shade allows you to create a thoughtful compositional design.


Gives the environment a richer and richer look, emphasizes the bold design and places bright accents in it.


It is distinguished by sophistication, prestige and practicality, while maintaining warmth and coziness in the interior.


It represents a non-standard, stylish decorative solution and a bright dominant accent.


Cozy and versatile beige creates a warm, comfortable and measured design.


This color scheme gives the environment a calm and harmonious appearance.

Student desk: suitable sizes

Standard table sizes are 120–160 cm wide, 80–90 cm deep and 72–75 cm high. However, if the child is really tall or has significant growth dynamics, it is recommended to buy a structure up to 80 cm high. It is important that the child’s legs, when using a desk, are freely placed on the floor or on a special stand. Therefore, remember to leave free space under the table with a minimum depth of 50 cm. It should also be remembered that the distance between the top and the seat is about 30 cm and sets the table's tilt angle to 10 °-16 °.

General functionality

It’s worth starting with the general functionality of the table. As you know, a desk is not just a tabletop with legs. It is intended to be used for working or writing. But for work and writing, the tabletop alone will not be enough.

A good table should have wide functionality and be designed not only for work, but also for storing office supplies, books, and other things.

A real, good writing desk must have the following components:

  • drawers;
  • shelves;
  • multi-level countertops;
  • computer and monitor stands;
  • pull-out shelf for tabletop.

It is important to understand that the more opportunities furniture gives a person, the more convenient it is to use. The same applies to the table: the wider its overall functionality, the better.

But here it is important not to forget that the table should not include all the components in a row, but only the necessary ones. For example, a stand for a huge aquarium on such a table is useless. But shelves for books won't hurt.

How to choose the right table size for a child’s height?

There are several simple but usually ignored rules. Unfortunately, incorrect furniture height can lead to permanent, often irreversible degeneration of the spine. If the table is too small, the child will slouch; if it is too high, then the child will look for another comfortable position, which, of course, will gradually distort his posture.

So, what can you do to prevent spinal deformity? Use the principle of 4 right angles. When a child sits in a chair at a table, 4 places of his body should be bent at an angle of 90 °:

  • elbows;
  • hips;
  • knees;
  • feet.

Advice! If you notice any abnormalities in your child's appearance when sitting at a table, try using a temporary footrest, preferably a chair with an adjustable seat and back height.

What types of tables are there?

Now let's talk in more detail about the types of tables and what they, in general, should be. There are two most common options: a corner desk and a classic one.

The main way they differ from each other is their location. The classic one is designed to be placed near a wall and has a rectangular shape.

But the corner one looks more complicated: it looks like two tables connected perpendicularly. Designed to be placed in a corner.

Although they are different in shape, there are practically no differences in general characteristics: length, width, height, functionality - all of them are almost the same.

Desk with shelves for schoolchildren of any age: functionality is the main thing

The high functionality of a desk for a student is demonstrated, first of all, by the ability to customize its size and a sufficient number of accessible places to store books, a laptop, organizers for pencils, pens, etc. Thus, even for an adult schoolchild, a desk with shelves will be most suitable. For this reason, it is best to choose furniture that grows with your child. With this feature, you will avoid having to buy a new desk every 2 or 3 years. And although the prices for this type of children's room equipment far outweigh the cost of traditional desks, after many years you will realize that the idea was actually smart. In addition, it is worth considering tables that are equipped with a movable top with the ability to adjust the angle of the tabletop.

Advice! If your child's room has little storage space in the form of shelves, racks or cabinets, make sure you buy a desk with plenty of drawers and compartments or a special top on the table top so that the structure can easily accommodate all the books, notebooks and other school supplies.

Choosing material for the table

Natural materials used in the manufacture of furniture for children are a guarantee of health and well-being.


Furniture sets made of chipboard with a wood texture are suitable for schoolchildren of all ages. The material is moisture resistant, durable, inexpensive. High qualities allow it to be used in the manufacture of premium class furniture.

There is a drawback - resin impregnation, which is used in the manufacture of slabs. It is released in the form of formaldehyde vapors, which are harmful to health.

laminated chipboard

A set of furniture made from laminated particle boards will not be much more expensive. Polished surfaces are moisture resistant and beautiful in appearance. The coating gives the slabs strength. When laminating, no toxic resin odor is released. The coating can be of the following types:

  • polished;
  • matte;
  • porous;
  • "orange peel" appearance.


MDF boards are produced using improved technology. Pressing makes them strong, stable, and harmless to health. The press-on coating adds moisture resistance. Strength, but at the same time ease of processing, anti-deformation properties, beautiful design - these are the main characteristics of the slabs. The material is environmentally friendly and has no restrictions on the production of furniture from it.

Solid wood

Furniture made of natural wood, environmentally friendly, with a beautiful texture is installed in the children's room. It is easy to process and resistant to moisture.


The pine material is pleasant to the touch, the odor released has a positive effect on the respiratory system. The price is not very expensive, but the soft texture of the wood is susceptible to damage.


This material is quite strong, its furniture is resistant to any damage. But the natural dark color of wood looks gloomy in the room, so you need to complement the nursery design with bright accessories.


Expensive, but environmentally friendly and high-quality ash material is used to make expensive furniture sets. The set made from it is bright, stands out with its texture and natural color.

Corner tables for schoolchildren with shelves

While functionality, comfort and the safety of children while studying naturally come to the fore, attractive design must not be forgotten. Fortunately, a wide range of corner tables can satisfy the taste of every child and their parents. Corner study furniture is especially popular today, as it allows you to rationally use the free space of the room. Look at the review of the most beautiful tables for schoolchildren in different arrangements, you will surely find something for yourself!

Advice! The table should provide comfortable conditions for the student. But it will be better if this furniture also becomes an appropriate design addition to the interior for many years.


Now let's look separately at the components with which manufacturers most often make tables. The first such component is the drawers.

A desk with drawers will allow the person working behind it to store things in different drawers, separate from each other. Ideally, there should be at least three boxes. Three is the minimum, so it’s better if there are four or even five.

Drawers can be located either on the right side of the table or on the left, or even on both sides at once. There are no special instructions here as to which option is better.

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Some people like the drawers on the right, others on the left. So you can choose their side based only on personal preference.

Shelves above a schoolchild's desk: photos of stylish children's rooms

The decoration of the room should also reflect the character of its occupant. The table is an element of interior decoration. Pay attention to the uniqueness of modern children's furniture. You can choose from a wide range of tables. Many parents choose work furniture with built-in drawers, and hanging shelves are placed above the table. Children, like adults, want to surround themselves with things that stimulate their imagination and suit their personal interests. Fashionable accessories will be a wonderful decor for a student’s room. Bright colors of the shelves add variety to the interior. This furniture will look good in a small children's room, as well as in a room for a teenager.

You can see a table for a schoolchild with shelves in photo ideas in the picture gallery, which is presented below. Choose the most suitable product for your child, but be sure to consult with your son or daughter when purchasing, since the student should like the furniture that he intends to use for several years.

A selection of unusual computer and desk tables

Product options with original designs.

In the closet

Sliding doors open easily and provide access to the workplace or, conversely, allow you to quickly hide it. In addition, this wardrobe can be installed in the bedroom, dressing room, loggia or hallway.

It is also possible to store a computer chair in it and thereby save space.

From pallets

It is an exclusive wooden structure, coated with varnish or paint and having a base in the form of a board, plywood or flat glass.

With partition

Using a partition, you can isolate your personal space from external irritants that can distract from work.


Thanks to the organized built-in multi-colored, two-color or single-color backlight, it is possible not only to achieve a creative and interesting design, but also to significantly reduce eye strain while working or playing at the computer.

From slab

Natural, natural tabletops made of wooden slabs always have a truly monumental appearance.

Made from epoxy resin

Made using laminated wood, a base with pink, orange, purple, yellow or clear epoxy resin is also added to which fluorescent powder is added to achieve the most effective and slightly futuristic look, especially in the evening.


It gives the design a special charm, adds a characteristic touch of antiquity, thereby making a nondescript and unremarkable piece of furniture more original.

Additional equipment for computer desks

A computer desk is a multifunctional piece of furniture. Its design includes various elements.

  • Cabinet with drawers.
  • Pull-out shelf for mouse and keyboard.
  • Rotating monitor stand.
  • Footrest.
  • Ventilated compartment for the system unit.
  • A superstructure in the form of cabinets, shelves for placing office equipment and useful little things.
  • Holes in the back wall for wire exit.

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