Children's room 3 by 3 meters. Layout ideas +30 photos

Every family dreams of living in a spacious apartment, with wide rooms and a spacious, beautiful bedroom. I would like to show my imagination in arranging furniture, carry out zoning, go through a lot of layout options that will allow you not to give up on any planning approaches.

A 2 by 2 room can hardly be called residential, but sometimes you have to make do with such a tiny room

Unfortunately, in reality, many people have to huddle in small-sized apartments, where the area of ​​the rooms sometimes reaches 2x2 square meters. m. Small room - square. There’s not much to expand on here, but if you approach the problem with imagination and ingenuity, you can create an attractive design and get a small compact room or bedroom in which everything will be thoroughly thought out. Complaints about cramped space will quickly be replaced by a feeling of satisfaction, since the room may turn into a real masterpiece of design art.

Design features

Children should not feel constrained indoors.

Try to choose wallpaper in light shades to visually enlarge the space.

Wallpaper with a vertical pattern is perfect. You can also choose photo wallpapers that are popular today, thanks to which the optical illusion of a wider room will be created. But with wallpaper that includes larger elements, you need to be careful. Variegated large flowers or cars should be in moderation.

It is also important to arrange the furniture in the room correctly.

Additional accessories

The meager footage of the room will not allow you to expand with furniture. You can only count on a cabinet under the sink and a tall, narrow cabinet in addition. Shelves for storing shampoos, lotions and other cosmetics will have to be installed in the area of ​​the bathroom itself. They can be either open or closed. The latter will protect the contents from water splashes, but will make the space visually heavier. Corner shelves are a simple and compact option. In addition, it is now popular to conquer every centimeter, so storage niches are even placed under the ceiling. They do not interfere with household members and perform their functions properly. In colors, choose light shades that will help avoid unnecessary clutter. To free up the surface adjacent to the sink, cups with brushes and toothpastes are attached to the wall. Traditionally, they hang a mirror on it or choose kits where it is already built.

Zoning a children's room

The following areas should be provided in the room where the child lives:

  • bedroom;
  • storage area;
  • play or work room (if the child is a schoolchild).

If you carefully think through the layout of a children's room of 15 square meters. m., there is enough space for everything.

Tips for choosing color and style

All parents, when starting to arrange a children's room, first choose a color scheme. With a small area, it is best to decorate the interior in light colors . But you shouldn’t paint all the walls the same white color. After all, you can choose shades of the same color.

For example, for a boy it will be one, and for a girl – another. Designers also recommend using curtains in a third shade, which will be combined with the other two.

Advice. If the room is located on the ground floor or is always in the shade of trees, and also faces north, then it is better to paint the walls white and choose white furniture as much as possible. As a result, light walls will enhance the room lighting that comes from the street.

In addition to white, the following colors are also suitable:

  • light green;
  • grey;
  • blue;
  • coral;
  • lilac;
  • beige.

4 by 4 bedroom design: design ideas

You can think through the design and interior yourself and do everything yourself. The main thing is to follow the plan exactly. After renovation, the bedroom should remain cozy and conducive to proper rest. Even though the room is small, it is necessary to place everything in such a way that the room is cozy and functional.

Photo of a 4 by 4 bedroom in light colors

Small instructions for arrangement

To succeed in your renovation, you need to consider a few tips for arranging your bedroom:

  • First, determine which room to use as a bedroom. It is better if it is located far from the corridor and kitchen.
  • In the case when there are few rooms and one room will serve as a bedroom and a living room, then you need to correctly place accents and use partitions in the interior
Advice. If such a room has only one window, then it is better to place a bed in this area.
  • A bad view from the window can be corrected with beautiful blackout curtains.
  • If the window looks at a picturesque place, then you should hang light tulle.

As a result, your bedroom should be calm, simple and spacious, but it’s all a matter of taste. Each bedroom embodies the character of the owner, so the interior depends on personal preferences and tastes.

The right color is the key to success

How to choose a color in a 4 by 4 bedroom

Psychologists are constantly studying which color is preferable for a person and how to use it correctly in the interior. For the bedroom, we have identified several colors that should be used in details or completely in the interior.

We have provided some examples in the table below:


Ideal for a small room. This color needs to be diluted with contrasting accessories.
Conclusion. For a cozy atmosphere, use a milky or ivory color.
It is not recommended to use a large amount of this color, as the bedroom may turn out gloomy.
Conclusion. The main thing is not to forget that black color visually reduces the space of the room.
A moderate amount of this color will make the bedroom mysterious and romantic.
Shades of this color can decorate or complement any interior.
Conclusion. But it is worth remembering that this color is most suitable for young girls.
This color and all its shades are suitable only for calm people, but in the end you can get a breathtaking interior.
Advice. The choice of color scheme is up to you, the main thing is to maintain moderation in everything. Many designers believe that the most comfortable colors are light, pastel colors, shades of cream, milky, beige, light green.

Bedroom design 4*4 in the ceiling, wallpaper, walls

Textiles and accessories

When choosing a wall design, you can use combined wallpaper or decorative plaster. You can make an accent with wallpaper with a large and bright pattern.

Let's take a closer look:

  • If for some reason you do not want to use such wallpaper, you can choose neutral shades and place emphasis on additional elements.
  • Nowadays, photo wallpapers are considered the most trendy material in the interior; they can be chosen with any print, size or color.
  • The price of photo wallpapers varies and you can choose according to your wallet. The ceiling can be painted to match the walls or the color of the furniture you choose.

Furniture as a nursery base for two children

When two children of opposite sexes live in a room, they will always find a way to be together. The parents' task is to give them the opportunity for at least relative privacy.

Because The children's area is usually small, making partitions is not an option. Zoning is done by the arrangement of furniture: beds, tables, cabinets. Therefore, let's start with the shape and design of furniture.

White furniture

Because The interests of different sexes and especially different ages differ greatly; it is better to make furniture in a neutral color. And here is a trap - furniture cannot be made in ordinary wood colors. The nursery will still have a lot of bright, saturated colors, and they won’t go with the natural wood browns and yellows. This is why most children's rooms look terrible.

I discussed in detail the importance of white furniture in children's rooms in previous thematic materials. Be sure to check out:

  1. Children's room for a boy
  2. For two boys
  3. Children's room for girls
  4. For two girls

And in general, the most important material I strongly advise you to read: How to combine colors in the interior.

In order not to complicate things, the only color left for the furniture is completely neutral - white . White goes perfectly with any, even bright colors, it is in fashion, it looks stylish. It is also advisable to choose the color of the laminate flooring with low saturation (i.e., without obvious shifting into shades). Cool example of a nursery for two children, 13 square meters with white furniture:

You can add brightness with wallpaper, accessories and toys. But because children of different sexes, the topic should be neutral, and preferably long-lasting.

Neutral themes from children's cartoons or a superhero theme work well. Interesting design in antique or Scandinavian style, a kind of children's Provence. The latter will be relevant until adulthood.


If your two children, in addition to gender, also differ in age, the design of the nursery should be made for the older one.

When a child is small, he sees a fairy tale in everything and does not experience any discomfort from ordinary design. But in adolescence, being in an overly childish room is bad. This can cause problems during an already difficult period of personal development. Read more in the material about the design of rooms for teenagers. Photo example of a nursery for two, where one teenager is 17.8 sq. m..

Or more stylish options:

Layout and Zoning of furniture

The design of a room for two children begins with the relative arrangement of beds. 4 options:

  1. Bunk bed
  2. Diagonal axis of symmetry in the room
  3. Perpendicular placement
  4. Parallel and in a row

Let us explain with real photos (don’t look at the design), they are located according to the points:

The options are arranged from most preferred to least preferred. A bunk bed is really a very cool find - it takes up half the space and provides sufficient isolation for the sleeping areas. They can be made to order, but there are also decent ready-made options. Don't forget to provide separate lighting for each tier.

Lighting options in a 2 by 2 room

Lighting in a room can be natural or artificial. A 2x2 room usually has one window. It is often enough to fully make the room bright during the day.

A practical solution would be to abandon traditional curtains in favor of compact roller blinds

In the evening and in winter, when the days become shorter, natural lighting is replaced by artificial lighting. Large chandeliers, as is already known, are excluded in small rooms. Instead, spotlights are used. The advantage of such lighting fixtures is that they can be of various formats and can be installed in various points of the room. Decorate the ceiling with them, arranging the lamps in rows or in a circle.

Spotlights are placed above each functional area of ​​the room

You can use overhead models of ceiling lamps with a flat body

It is recommended to choose places where additional light should fall when the main diffuse lighting is turned off. An additional light point in the bedroom, 2 by 2 meters, is located in the bed area. In the hallway in the area where the mirror is located.

If a person does not have design skills, it will be difficult for him to cope with the layout of a small room on his own. He will not be able to properly furnish the room without turning to various sources for help. Very often, such sources are photographs depicting the design of 2 by 2 rooms in various options.

The photo shows an example of interior design for a small bedroom in a minimalist style.

A small room in the attic, decorated in a rustic style

A modern version of bedroom interior design with a minimum of furniture

The easiest way to quickly obtain a variety of color species for consideration is to use the Internet. In the search bar, just type “room 2 by 2 design photo”. Entire catalogs of species will open, among which there will certainly be one that will be accepted as the original version.

Choosing materials for the nursery

The health of your children is the most important thing. Therefore, in the process of installing furniture and wallpapering, you should completely abandon the use of synthetic caustic mixtures that have a strong odor.

Important. If there is a carpet in the nursery, it should be chosen in a compact size with short pile. Remember that synthetic materials are preferable here. There will be no insects in them. And the risk of allergies will be reduced several times.

When choosing materials, it would be better to give preference to environmentally friendly, more natural components (gypsum, artistic acrylic). Also suitable for you:

  • tree,
  • cotton,
  • linen,
  • wool.

Decoration Materials

Children are the most precious thing we have. That is why renovations in their room, where they will sleep and simply spend a lot of time, must be treated especially carefully.

Let's start with the fact that everything in the room should be reliable, if not shockproof. This scenario is ideal for a children's room of 16 square meters. m. for a boy.

At a young age, children explore the world around them - they can dirty wallpaper, curtains, floors, and they try to taste almost everything.

With age, behavior changes slightly. Guys are still looking for adventure, and therefore they often break something, even in their room.

We strongly do not recommend installing a suspended ceiling in a child’s room, and this is one of the reasons.

On the other hand, we can have a children's room of 16 square meters. m. for girls. They will become calmer over time until they reach adolescence, when things get harder with all children, but that’s not the point now.

Regardless of the gender of the child, you need to take care of the quality of finishing materials and ensure that they do not harm the child’s health.

Floor and walls

When choosing finishing materials for a 4 sq.m bathroom, take into account the characteristics of the room. Based on this, they should be:

Moisture resistant“Chronic” humidity will be there all the time even if you don’t always shower in your home.
Heat resistantTemperature changes are also normal for this room, because some household members like colder showers, while others like scalding boiling water.
Easy to cleanNo curtains will save you from constant drying of water droplets on the surface of the walls, so to maintain cleanliness they will have to be systematically wiped and washed.

The finishing materials market offers three main options:

  • Ceramic tile. She remains out of competition. Gone are the days when tiles were monochromatic and created a boring interior. The range of colors, shades, designs, patterns and textured imitations is impressive. Among the advantages, it is worth noting its durability and long service life. The tile will live in the bathroom for a long time and will survive more than one renovation in neighboring rooms, maintaining its original appearance. In addition, craftsmen lay it in several ways (diagonal, vertical) at the customer’s choice;
  • Wallpaper. A special material that is intended specifically for bathrooms. They are made from vinyl, fiberglass, foil, or the “liquid” version - decorative plaster coated with a protective acrylic layer;
  • PVC panels. Universal plastic meets all the stringent requirements of the bathroom and withstands its microclimate. It is made from softener and polyvinyl chloride. The range offers a variety of textures and colors. Unfortunately, plastic is sensitive to mechanical damage, but the damaged area can be easily replaced without harm to the rest of the finish.

As for floors, ceramics will come to the rescue here again. A more reliable and durable material has not yet been invented, so it is better to shelve experiments with new products if you are not prepared for high prices. For expensive apartments, the use of self-leveling floors with original stereoscopic patterns has recently become increasingly common.

The so-called 3D effect is usually used in paintings with “marine” motifs:

  • Schools of fish underwater;
  • Sandy beach with starfish;
  • Imposingly floating jellyfish;
  • A transparent bottom with sun glare in a clear reservoir.

All this splendor really looks very impressive. The floor turns out to be perfectly flat and durable, but such a purchase will cost a considerable amount, so it is not suitable for budget options.

PVC panels are not always safe for humans. If you make a purchase from an unscrupulous manufacturer (usually at a bargain price), then if there is a sharp change in temperature, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise - the release of toxic substances.

Recommendations for choosing furniture

First they buy beds. We choose furniture according to the children’s age and height. They may differ from each other in their appearance, as well as in their set of characteristics.

Next we are choosing a desk. Don't forget about children's chairs (they should be ideally sized for children).

It is unlikely that you will be able to put two wardrobes in the room at once, but you can buy one and then explain to the children where their shelves are. If your kids can’t agree on who will have what things where, then it’s better to choose two tall and narrow cabinets. Pay attention to the chests of drawers. You can also store things there.

How to arrange a room of 20+ sq.m?

If the size of the room allows, you need to separate the parts of the girl and the boy using partitions, furniture or curtains. When arranging a spacious room, it is important to place in each zone:

  • bed;
  • Desktop;
  • shelves or bookcases for books;
  • sofa or lounge chair.

A shared bookcase, bunk bed or computer will teach children to share and compromise. You can consider the option of combining a children's corner, cabinets and a bed, then you will not have to select furniture of the same design. A unified style and color scheme of fittings and wallpaper will allow you to create a complete nursery interior.

Bunk bed in a small room Source

An excellent option for a large room would be to place 2 workstations and a separate area with a computer. This will free up desk space for homework, as well as separate your study area from entertainment and games. The spacious room can accommodate a TV and a sofa. A console with a joystick and a set of games will become their favorites, and brother and sister will be able to spend their evenings competing with each other in special applications. This option is suitable for a son and daughter, regardless of the age difference: spending time together will bring them closer.

Ways to increase space

In such a room, you can increase the space in several ways:

  • Using color;
  • Through proper lighting.

As we said above, you should not experiment with the color scheme; it is better to turn to proven compositions of shades. In the outline of the picture, you can write horizontal lines around the entire perimeter of the room, which, as you know, will visually stretch the room in width.

If you are lucky and there is a window in the bathroom, then do not wall it up tightly. Stylish blinds or bamboo panels will hide you from prying eyes from the street in the evenings, and during the day they will let in more natural light. Also, the situation will be saved by an abundance of mirrors and glass surfaces. If you have already worked on the light, then reflective materials will double it and diffuse it in the room. But the glossy ceiling in this case is taboo. It will create an infinity effect that will stretch the space vertically and evoke the feeling of a well rather than a room.

Textile selection

One of the most important stages in creating a children's interior is the choice of curtains. You should choose only high-quality materials that include natural compounds. In addition they:

  • easy to care for
  • do not collect additional dust,
  • wear-resistant.

Fabrics that contain linen or cotton are most suitable for the listed criteria.

Advice. The design of the curtains should not interfere with good lighting in the children's room. But a comfortable atmosphere should also be created for daytime sleep.

If a boy lives in the nursery, then curtains with images of ships, watches, and cars will be suitable. For a girl, it is better to choose curtains with all kinds of frills, ruffles, appliqués, and ribbons.


Ceiling finishing options are also becoming more diverse. Materials are chosen not only according to taste, but also according to financial capabilities:

  • Ordinary plaster. The cheapest and most boring finish;
  • PVC. Plastic allows you to experiment with color, but is not suitable for creating multi-level ceilings;
  • Hanging option. Made from plasterboard and suitable for complex structures. One of the disadvantages is labor-intensive installation. As a result, you will have a “step” on the ceiling, on which spotlights look impressive;
  • Slatted ceiling. It is classified as a subspecies of hanging, since long strips of plasterboard or plastic are attached to the base using a metal frame. The prototype of this design was cladding with ordinary clapboard, but with spectacular lighting this ceiling looks modern and stylish.

Hanging options will mercilessly “eat up” precious meters, so they can only be used in high rooms, where this fact will not play a role.

Thematic design of a room for a boy

Adolescence is the most interesting period for boys. They have their own idols and hobbies. Based on this, the design of the room can be chosen in any style.

  1. Sports theme. Sport as such is very close to any boy, even if he does not engage in it. The room can be decorated in a football style by decorating one of the walls with photo wallpaper of a football field. A ball-shaped rug on the floor would be a good idea. If a teenager has a favorite football team, then a poster with its image may hang on the wall. Alternatively, the room design can be made in the color of the uniform of your favorite team. And the main attribute is the ball. If a boy plays football and has awards, then a special stand should be made for them.

Photo of decorating a boy's room in a sporty style.

  1. Marine theme. Does your child love the sea, ships and dreams of becoming a sailor? Parents can choose a nautical style design. It can look like a captain's cabin or simply have decor reminiscent of the sea. It is better to use beige and pale blue colors. On one of the walls it would not be amiss to have an anchor or a clock in the form of a compass. And on the wall near the bed it would be appropriate to put photo wallpaper in the form of an aquarium or the seabed with all its inhabitants.

Photo of a nautical themed room for a boy.

  1. Musical theme. Teenagers in most cases begin to become interested in music, so the room can be designed in some musical style or with several accents. For example, stick a large photo of your favorite idol or wallpaper in the form of a scene on one of the walls. There are three-dimensional stickers in the shape of musical instruments or notes that can be glued to furniture or a wall. The design of the room should be moderate. The room is small, so the parents’ task is not to clutter it and use only light colors.

Tips for lighting a nursery

It is impossible to imagine any nursery interior without organizing truly high-quality lighting that is sufficient for the child.

For preschool children, it will be enough to equip the room with spotlights and night lights near the beds.

For schoolchildren, it is imperative to create a comfortable workplace with good lighting. You don't have to put a lot of effort into this! 2 table lamps and additional lighting of the shelves where textbooks are stored are enough.

Nursery design for girls

In a girl's bedroom, pastel pink, peach, white, mint and other light shades will look harmonious, visually expanding the space and giving the atmosphere an airiness.

By the age of 15, a child has developed color preferences, which parents must take into account when decorating the nursery.

The photo shows the interior of a bedroom of 9 square meters for a teenage girl.

The bedroom is equipped with a bed and a table with a comfortable chair that matches the child’s height. Also in the interior of a children's room of 9 square meters you can install a compact dressing table, a chest of drawers or a non-bulky wardrobe with mirrored doors.

Designer recommendations

Using a large, full-height mirror can visually add space and size to a room. The collection of small mirror particles contributes to a kind of rupture. It is best to install them opposite the window opening. The sun's rays will be reflected from the mirror surface, as a result of which the room will become larger and appear properly illuminated.

If the first option is not acceptable, then you can use mirror surfaces. This applies to tiles, stained glass, or original panels.

By using light and transparent glass, the room will not be cluttered. Complete the design of the bedroom by using a coffee table or door leaf. Ceilings are often decorated accordingly.

  • Long bedroom: 70 photo ideas for a narrow bedroom. New items of practical and cozy design. Examples of successful planning!
  • Arrangement of a corner bedroom - 95 photos of practical solutions. Options for exclusive and modern design in the bedroom

  • Bedroom 8 sq. m. - we design according to our minds! TOP 100 photos of new designs and a cozy atmosphere in the bedroom

If you choose gloss, be especially careful when choosing the right color. Bright and aggressive colors will simply look inappropriate and interfere with the quality of rest, sleep, and simply gain strength.

Pastel, gentle colors will most favorably emphasize the beauty of the bedroom and will have a beneficial effect on the psychological state of a person.

By choosing glossy stretch ceilings, you also visually increase the boundaries of the room. The effect can be enhanced with high-quality lighting. Spare no expense on primary and additional lighting sources.

Options for placing a bed, wardrobe, shelves

Option 1. If you have two children, then the most acceptable and optimal option in this case is choosing a bunk bed. But you should be warned that only a child who has already reached 6 years of age should sleep upstairs. Otherwise, the bed may become traumatic for him.

Option 2. Choosing a roll-out bunk bed. It is already less dangerous for children. It is also perfect for those who are too mobile in their sleep. Unfortunately, in a small nursery of 9 square meters it will not be very compact when extended.

Option 3. Installation of 2 single beds. Children will definitely be more comfortable sleeping in regular beds, and the risk of injury will be reduced. But in this case, the play or study area will suffer. To avoid this as much as possible, place the beds parallel or in the shape of the letter L. The passage between furniture should be at least 90 centimeters. As a rule, with such an area of ​​the room, the beds turn out to be non-standard, that is, with roll-out drawers, shorter and narrower.

On a note. If the beds will be located on the far side of the nursery, then you need to take care of an additional light source near the head of the beds. Then your child will not spoil his eyesight by reading a book or putting together puzzles in bed.

It is recommended to place an ottoman, a banquette or a small sofa near the closet, where your child’s friends can sit comfortably.

Table for activities for school-aged children

Naturally, you can’t do without a desk in a nursery. To save precious space, you can place one wide and long table. A more practical solution is to purchase a desk for two students at once. But then there will be no place to store office and school supplies.

Advice. It is best to rotate the desk so that it is parallel to the window. Then there will be enough light for both creativity and work.

For teenage girls, a desk will be not only a workplace, but also a place where they can get themselves in order.

It is desirable that the table and chair are not only functional, but also compact, made of lightweight materials.

Options for choosing a desk:

  1. Corner desk for greater space saving;
  2. Remodeled window sill;
  3. Placing shelves above the table for school supplies and textbooks;
  4. Choosing a narrower elongated table.

Features of arranging a narrow bedroom

The limited space of the room does not allow you to fully accommodate all the elements of the interior decoration without creating inconvenience. This factor especially concerns the bed. Due to its bulkiness, a narrow room loses functionality.

The abundance of light shades contributes to the visual expansion of the room

Mirrors visually transform space

To improve this phenomenon, experienced designers share some tips for planning and decorating a narrow room:

  1. To save space, it is better to choose multifunctional furniture. Sliding wardrobes, folding sofas, niches and other hidden structures will find useful use here.
  2. The color scheme should be given special attention. Different shades create different visual effects. The predominant color here should be light, bright, or soft. Accent dark colors are also suitable, but they should be in moderation.
  3. Finishing materials will help increase the interior of a narrow bedroom. Glossy surfaces and organic glass in various elements of the room will hide the lack of living space.
  4. Choose successful interior styles. For example, “Minimalism” is ideal for a small room.
  5. The absence of a large number of decorative finishing elements will have a beneficial effect on the “constrained” space.
  6. The use of large-sized drawings expressed by wallpaper, decorative elements (paintings, photo collages), or other objects in the room will visually expand the space.

Contrasting combinations of wall decoration and furniture visually increase the space of the room

A striped bedspread will make the room wider

The narrow walls of the room put pressure on human perception. Therefore, they need to be painted in different colors. Here they are guided by the following principle: the shorter the wall, the brighter it should be, and, conversely, if the wall is too long, then it is painted with a lighter shade.

Natural light plays a big role. Take this factor into account. The layout of the room is arranged so that the sun's rays freely reach all corners of the room.

Hidden lighting can advantageously emphasize the proportions of the room

Electric lighting can supplement the lack of natural light. This is especially true for rooms whose windows face north. The sun rarely comes here. It is also possible that your low Khrushchev apartment is being obscured by a new high-rise building. A well-lit, narrow bedroom, combined with glossy surfaces and glass, will take on the shape of a spacious square.

For particularly long rooms there is a zoning option. If you need space for study or work, it can be separated from the sleeping area. Give preference to transparent partitions and open shelves. Blind structures are inappropriate. They will shade the area of ​​the room left without a window.

An open shelving will leave the room just as bright

Ceiling height plays a significant role. If this indicator starts from 2.5 meters, this will have a beneficial effect on the functionality of the room. If you are not afraid of heights, you can build a bed in the second tier. The remaining space under such a structure is ideal for a desk, bookshelves, linen closet, or resting place.

See also: Bedroom design without a window, photo.

A little about the layout

Such a room can be laid out in different ways, everything will depend on which zones the residents have priority:

  • The hall of a one-room apartment can also be a bedroom for household members.
  • The living room is often combined with a kitchen, an office and even a bedroom.
  • The kitchen, living and dining areas in small spaces most often include a seating area.
  • Small families have a bedroom in the living room, using a free layout that can be changed over time. For this purpose, decorative partitions are most actively used.
  • Many residents who work from home have to set up a multifunctional office in the common room. Some people get out of the situation by taking it out onto the balcony, however, only if it is heated and there is enough space for a full-fledged workplace. Otherwise, the workplace can only be arranged in the common and guest rooms.

However, if you are going to combine several rooms in one room, you cannot do without zoning. And it is best to reproduce the preliminary drawing, plan, arrangement of rooms and furniture in computer form or at least on paper.

Layout features and zoning

The layout of a narrow nursery has one big advantage: a rectangular shape, as opposed to a square one, is literally created to divide it.
What kind of furniture arrangement will be largely depends on the number of children who will live here and their age category.

  • In a room for one preschool child, you definitely need to find a place for a bed and a play area.
  • In a teenager’s narrow children’s room, the playground is replaced with a desk for studying and a corner is organized where you can play a console.
  • For a girl, a cozy makeup area with a mirror and convenient, organized storage of things will not be superfluous.

Advice! The workplace is often organized under the window if it is on the short side: measure the distance from wall to wall and install a long tabletop-window sill on the brackets. Under it you can place cabinets for stationery and creative supplies.

In the photo there is a nursery for two brothers

Storage systems for things, toys, books

It is clear that on 9 squares in a nursery it will be difficult to place clothes, textbooks, sports equipment, and various toys at once. After all, it is important not to turn the room into a place for trash. Therefore, we recommend using non-standard places to store things.

The following ideas have become widespread:

  • Drawers located under the bed. They are convenient for storing not only toys, but also bedding and some things that are not useful this season.
  • Narrow shelves for books . Thanks to them, you can create a real mini-library in the children's room. As a rule, books on narrow shelves are laid out in the same way as in a store window. Their bright covers attract children and decorate the entire room.
  • Shelves above the bed . You can build them with your own hands and place textbooks, toys, and all sorts of little things there.
  • Pockets located on the sides of the bed. A small plastic or fabric pocket can accommodate a smartphone, book or tablet.
  • Lockers above the window . Here you can store various out-of-season items. For example, skates or New Year's toys.
  • Lockers above the door . They may well act as an integral part of a built-in wardrobe. You can also store various things there that are needed only at certain times of the year.
  • Pouf chest . You can safely store toys in this ottoman. If one of your child’s friends comes to visit him, he will have a place to stay.

Let the choice of children's room design be simple!


The smaller the area per person, the more difficult it is to design, the more important all sorts of clever tricks and ideas become.

Storage locations

Some toys for a boy and a girl will overlap, others will be personal. Things are all different, which means that in a nursery for two you need a lot of storage space and they must be separated. If you've given up on a bunk bed, it's a good idea to make use of the space underneath it. You can either place drawers under it, or make a full-fledged closet by raising the bed to the 2nd level.

In general, vertical zoning is the main design tool for a nursery. Two children - a lot of things. We are trying to make cabinets, shelves and drawers everywhere we can reach.

The problem with storing toys is that children often want a specific one and turn everything upside down until they find it. An interesting solution is transparent containers. They don't look as neat as cabinets and shelves, but they fit more and are easier to search through.

A good option for a real nursery, where the furniture is planned correctly:

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