How to decorate a suspended ceiling in a children's room: interesting ideas and 30+ examples

Where installedChildren's
Room size16 m2
CanvasPVC Germany
Number of recessed lamps18 pcs.
PriceRUB 24,200

Stretch ceilings are often installed in children's rooms. It is safe for children, does not emit harmful substances and does not require complex care. It is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth to keep it shiny and attractive.

There are several types of suspended ceilings for children's rooms. For little children, it is better to choose a coating with photo printing. The image of your favorite characters will make the ceiling even more beautiful and interesting. Children will be happy to be in such a beautiful room. The effect can be enhanced by using a combination of textures and colors. Cars, animals, toys - all this can be applied to the ceiling using different techniques. You can choose one or more of them yourself or with the help of a designer. For a boy he will recommend a sky with stars, for girls - airy clouds. The number of options is unlimited.

Tensile structures:

Features Types Design Lighting Tips for choosing

The ceiling in a nursery is not just an element of room decoration. This is an easy way to make your child's fantasies come true. And a properly designed surface can shape its aesthetic taste. One of the ways to finish the top in a nursery is with suspended ceilings. We'll tell you what they are and tell you how to choose them.

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How to expand your boundaries

To make a child's room seem larger and more spacious, you can use simple techniques.

  • If you make the walls and ceiling light and the floor colored, the room visually appears wider and higher. A good option for a narrow room.
  • The same effect can be achieved if you highlight the wall and ceiling with color: the area of ​​the room is perceived as larger than it actually is.
  • A narrow and long “tunnel” room will seem shorter and wider if you color the ceiling and back wall.

Pay attention to the striped decoration of the walls: in a nursery with low ceilings, a vertical stripe on the walls will optically make the room taller, and a horizontal stripe will push the walls apart. If you use a horizontal strip on the far wall in a narrow room, it will “bring it closer”

Design of a children's room in a modern style

White room design is perfect for a girl

Modern style room design

Features of stretch fabrics


Why do most parents choose such designs? Let's list their main advantages:

  • safety - polyvinyl chloride, from which film sheets are made, does not cause allergies, does not emit harmful substances and does not burn in the event of a fire;
  • decorative possibilities - various textures, colors and types of construction provide scope for the implementation of any design idea;
  • ease of care - thanks to the antistatic effect, dust is repelled, and dirt is removed with a damp cloth;
  • ease of installation - a frame is attached around the perimeter of the walls, onto which the film is stretched;
  • low cost - a variety of materials and designs allows you to choose an option that suits the price.

The advantages include the ability to hide the wires from the projector behind the tension covering. Many children's rooms have home theaters installed, and dangling cables are not the best option for a room with children.

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Among the minuses, it is worth noting the instability of the canvases to sharp piercing objects. The problem of small punctures can be solved independently with patches and decorative stickers. If the cut is large and located in the middle, you will have to change the entire panel. Another inconvenience is the need to select lamps that do not heat up, because PVC film does not tolerate temperatures above 60 degrees. Suitable types: chandeliers with long pendants, built-in models with diode and halogen lamps.

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General recommendations

  • To completely eliminate the possibility of frame collapse and modules falling out, it is important to follow the installation technology, as well as choose a high-quality frame and suspension system from a trusted (certified) manufacturer.
  • When choosing a suspended ceiling, make sure that the suspension system and modules are compatible. It is advisable that all structural elements be manufactured by the same manufacturer, otherwise the ceiling may be deformed.
  • Whatever ceiling you choose (including plasterboard), it is best to entrust its installation to professionals, for example, from the selling company.
  • In an effort to improve the space, do not forget that the plasterboard ceiling in the room should not dominate, but should only be a harmonious part of the interior.
  • If you do not want to repair the ceiling every three to five years, changing the interior, immediately choose a universal coating design. This can be a light neutral background or popular “heavenly motifs”: shimmering and attractive space or summer clouds against a blue sky. This solution is suitable for a child at any age, and nothing will need to be changed for 10 years.

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Types of ceilings

Tension fabrics are available in matte, satin and glossy films of various colors. Fabric varieties have a small selection of shades, mostly light pastel colors.


Matte ones look like a plastered or painted surface, do not attract unnecessary attention, do not glare and look natural. Therefore, they can be used for any interior.


Glossy surfaces reflect surrounding objects and rays of light. On the one hand, this optically adds volume and air to the room. On the other hand, bright glare tires the eyes, so with this type of canvas you need to carefully consider the lighting.

Satin softly reflects light without creating glare. Their surface shimmers with mother-of-pearl, reminiscent of silk fabric. It changes color at different times of the day depending on the light intensity.


Due to the manufacturing method, fabric ones can allow air to pass through. Therefore, they are considered more environmentally friendly than film ones. In addition, they are easier to mend in case of a cut.

Which color to choose

If you decide to do everything yourself and not get hung up on expensive design, I suggest you first choose the color of the new room.
The psychophysical state of the individual living in it depends on which tones predominate in a living space.

It is the color scheme that promotes a positive emotional state

Thus, an abundance of rich red shades can lead to aggression or, conversely, cause depression. The dominance of too dark and gloomy colors provokes a breakdown. Incompatible shades give rise to absent-mindedness and disharmony in thoughts.

Here are some examples of successful color combinations in the interior.

Main colorCompanions
RedWhite, black and white, gold, blue, silver
OrangeWhite, red, green, black, gray
GreenWhite, light green, yellow, black, gray
BlueGreen, Turquoise, Red, Purple, Grey, Gold, Brown
VioletPink, grey, white, grey-blue, silver
BrownWhite, beige, blue, gold
GreyBlack, pink, green, blue

There is absolutely no need to overload the interior with an abundance of colors. It is enough to add a bright accessory to enliven the space. Conversely, details of a calm color can dilute an overly saturated color.

Bright, colorful, positive

Using different colors, you can visually expand or narrow the space, as well as divide it into parts.

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Ceiling design options in a children's room

Classic white will suit any interior. In addition, during the next renovation it will not be necessary to redo it. It is appropriate in the bedroom for a baby and a teenager. Its advantage is that it does not draw attention to itself and the rest of the finish can be made brighter.

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Colored ceiling canvases are not uncommon in children's bedrooms. However, they must be used with caution - too bright, rich shades tire the psyche. It is better to give preference to pastel shades: sand, cream, light green, blue, pink.

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The use of stretch ceilings with photo printing in children's rooms opens up endless possibilities. With its help, you can not only apply images of finished paintings, but also your own pictures. Children are especially fond of plots on the theme of the sky: a clear summer sky, with white clouds, or a starry night sky. In addition to beauty, this pattern creates a feeling of endless height, which suits low bedrooms very well. Images of favorite characters and scenes from cartoons are popular. This is a good alternative to standard posters on the walls. Adventure lovers will appreciate canvases with images of maps, compasses, sea spaces, and road signs.

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Finishing methods

Today, the ceiling can be finished in different ways. These can be ordinary budget options using special paint, ceiling cladding, and special materials. The fastening of the structure can be adhesive or frame. If you approach the issue of choosing the right raw materials correctly, this will allow you to decorate the children's room not only beautifully, but also stylishly.


This ceiling covering is created from a special PVC film, which is flexible and elastic. Conventionally, all varieties are divided into three categories: matte, glossy and satin. Of these, the cheapest option for ceiling decoration is glossy film. It gives glare and reflects objects below.

It doesn’t look very nice, especially with a large number of small interior details. The matte type of surface allows you to decorate the ceiling panel with patterns of different tones and themes. However, this design is better than glossy. It does not create glare, so the image looks holistic even when illuminated along the entire perimeter of the panel. However, not all film products are resistant to low temperatures.

Satin stretch ceiling is more expensive than the two previous options. It looks stylish and expensive, resembles fabric, and has a long service life. Such canvases have a 5-meter width and, unlike more budget analogues, provide seamless technology. In addition to coloring, they also provide photo printing, performed using a special technology.


Often, to decorate a children’s ceiling, parents buy rolled, bagged or ready-made wallpaper in plastic buckets. In addition, children's ceilings are often decorated with photo wallpapers, gluing them in places of emphasis, complementing them with baguettes, moldings or spotlights. Original panels with fluorescent paint that glow in the dark. Liquid wallpaper is also beautiful, with the help of which unique patterns are created on the ceiling using different colors of wallpaper paste. Such materials are applied to the surface like plaster, and if necessary, you can always adjust the shade of the wallpaper by adding a special color to the mixture.

The companion wallpapers are noteworthy. With their help, you can benefit from the design of the background decoration of walls and ceilings. They also allow you to highlight one of the accent areas of the nursery, which includes play, sleeping and work space. At its core, these are paired wallpapers that are produced in small batches. They can consist of plain and contrasting products, and the buyer can choose not one, but two types of coatings as a contrast.

Three-dimensional wallpaper or photo printing are notable for their ability to visually change space. However, their choice must be thorough so that the effect corresponds to the desired one. Therefore, the ceiling is often decorated with companion options, choosing between paper and non-woven products. Those who do not want to frequently re-paint the wallpaper on the ceiling also choose paintable canvases, which can be painted up to 20 times. They are durable, have a unique texture and can be processed with a regular construction roller.


Often the ceiling of a nursery consists of several levels. Such structures are usually created from plasterboard and are often supplemented with tension film. They not only look stylish and modern: such designs often set the desired atmosphere in the design of children's rooms. Drywall allows you to create not only classic rectangular shapes.

It is flexible, due to which waves, circles, various bends and even figures are made from it, which are later attached to the frame. These can be large flowers, butterflies, abstraction, imitation windows. For example, this particular material is used to create the effect of a spaceship hatch, supplementing drywall with a film with a photo print of the starry sky. It is easy to install lighting devices in it. This is one of the most popular methods for decorating the ceiling of children's rooms.

Lighting principles

Good light in a nursery plays an important role, because it affects the child’s vision. Stretch ceilings provide ample opportunities for zoning a room with the help of lamps. Above the work desk and in the play area the light will be bright, and above the sleeping area it will be calmer and subdued. The chandelier is responsible for the overall illumination. Additional lighting will be provided by spotlights. Instead, you can use light strips - diode strips covered with a translucent film. “Floating” models look good, raising the height of the room due to the LED strip fixed at the junction of the film and the walls. Below are the lighting options for suspended ceilings for a children's bedroom: photos of real interiors.

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Benefits of Clipso

Variety of decor For the youngest and oldest, for girls and boys, there are original solutions that are easy to implement with stretch ceilings Safety All ceilings and walls are made of high-quality, fire- and environmentally friendly fabric

Easy to maintain You can clean the ceiling or walls from dust and dirt without the use of sophisticated equipment or aggressive detergents Sound insulation Clipso suspended and tensioned structures help improve the interior environment and eliminate unnecessary noise

Durability The Clipso company offers extremely reliable structures that will retain their original appearance and characteristics for many years. Practical benefits By choosing Clipso stretch ceilings and walls, you can forget about expensive and tedious wall alignment


A material that is obtained from natural gypsum laid between two cardboard sheets. For strength and wear resistance, adhesives are added: for example, PVA glue. It is considered quite harmless to health.

There are such ceilings:



Drywall has gained popularity due to its versatility, practicality and affordable price. This material has a number of advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness and safety. The material is based on natural raw materials. High-quality drywall that meets standards is non-toxic.
  • Low cost.
  • Many design variations. Drywall is easy to cut, process and install. Hanging decorative elements can be made from plasterboard.

  • Wide selection of colors. Drywall can be painted in any color or combination of colors, or a pattern can be applied to it.
  • Easy to care for. True, this quality depends on the quality of the coating.
  • Easy to install. Plates of the required size and shape are connected with self-tapping screws and, if necessary, with glue. Does not require highly specialized equipment for installation.


  • Construction dust. When sawing and installing, a lot of dust is generated. Requires constant cleaning from dust before each stage of processing (putty, primer, painting).
  • Large time costs for the process from installation to the finished ceiling of the design you need. Each layer of putty, primer, and paint requires time to dry. Also, plasterboard coating needs constant dust removal.
  • Questionable fire safety. The presence of cardboard makes this material unsafe in rooms where there is a high probability of fire safety violations. Therefore, they came up with a fireproof version impregnated with a special composition. Usually only the gypsum layer is impregnated.
  • Unhygienic. In areas with high humidity, it is more likely to grow mold. The market offers plasterboard slabs impregnated with antibacterial substances. However, remember that any chemical impregnation calls into question the safety of using the material in the nursery.

What interests a child

To choose a suitable theme for decorating a nursery, you should take into account the preferences of the children. Of course, a newborn baby cannot tell anything about his interests, so the room for the baby is decorated in gentle and calm colors. When the baby turns 6 months old, you need to add bright details to the room that will contribute to harmonious development. The room of an older child can be supplemented with stylistic elements or the interior can be completely redesigned to suit the chosen theme.

Boys and girls will love the marine stylistic direction in various variations. The theme of the sea is very extensive; you can add images and details of ships, steering wheels, life buoys, treasure chests or paintings of landscapes of the seabed with underwater inhabitants, fish, mermaids to the room. Children will be interested in playing Indians, especially if you put a wigwam in the room and place ethnic decor. In the nursery you can create a real jungle or a fairy-tale forest with animals. Young astronomers and cosmonauts will love the space theme. Images of cartoon, fairy tale, book characters and cute animals will also decorate the room and create a positive mood. A teenage boy’s room can be decorated in a loft style and add details related to automobile or sports themes. For an older girl, a room made in the romantic Provence style with an abundance of floral arrangements and patterns will suit her.

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