Vokstorp kitchen from Ikea: overview of components, design

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An Ikea kitchen is an opportunity to stylishly and modernly design one of the main and most visited rooms of an apartment or house. And so that the interior meets all your requirements and is attractive, functional and practical, find out and take into account the features of the furniture and possible uses.

Ikea kitchens: what are the advantages and disadvantages?

Ikea kitchens have a number of obvious advantages:

  • The quality is top notch. For the manufacture of furniture, modern, high-quality and reliable materials are used that meet international standards and generally accepted requirements. Products undergo mandatory certification.
  • A wide range of. Ikea kitchens, the catalog of which includes several series, provide the opportunity to choose the appropriate option. Several stylistic solutions and color schemes are offered.
  • Variety of configuration options. Systems consist of individual modules that can be combined and combined in various ways. The owner has the opportunity not only to create an individual design for the room, but also, if necessary, to update it at any time without problems and extra effort.
  • Attractiveness and style. Furniture is developed by modern designers taking into account global trends.
  • Self-assembly. Each Ikea kitchen set is equipped with fasteners and fittings, and the parts correspond to the holes in the body, so there should be no difficulties. Each kit comes with detailed, understandable and clear instructions. In addition, the manufacturer provides an online planner - a service that will help you design a kitchen taking into account the area and geometry of the room.
  • Value for money. Kitchens are affordable for people with average income.
  • Reliability. The service life of the fittings used reaches 10 years, and they are produced by the world's leading manufacturers, so they are used for a long time and do not fail.

Ikea sells not only furniture, but also additional components and accessories. With their help, you can make any headset even more convenient, practical, stylish and functional. In the stores of the Swedish company, you can purchase ready-made furniture, household appliances, plumbing fixtures and everything you need to renovate your kitchen.

Simple repair - if one component of the module is faulty or tired, it can be easily replaced by purchasing the necessary part. The ability to comfortably equip even a small kitchen.


  • Mass production. When purchasing a new ready-made set, you cannot be sure that it will not be found at home with your relatives or friends. That is, the kitchen design will not be individual.
  • The solutions and dimensions are designed for standard spaces, so the Ikea system may not fit into an irregularly shaped kitchen.
  • Many Ikea kitchen fronts and frames are made of fiberboard or chipboard, and these materials can be exposed to moisture. And a coating made of paint or melamine film is vulnerable to mechanical stress, aggressive or abrasive household products.
  • Design changes

    Recent owners of Faktum kitchens, produced over the past two decades, may be disappointed.
    But not only because it will be possible to purchase additional modules and facades only within the next one and a half to two years, after which they will be discontinued. Annoyance may arise due to the fact that you should have just waited a little and bought more comfortable, practical, functional and perfect Method furniture.

    I will list its features and differences from the previous system.

    1. First of all, the changes affected the size of the cabinets. Now they are produced in widths from 20 to 100 cm in increments of 20 cm. If the height of the floor modules under the tabletop used to be standard - 70 cm, now the company has met halfway people of short stature, having started producing cabinets 60 cm. And the previous “seventies” have grown to 80 cm by reducing the height of the base. In addition, you can adjust the position of the tabletop using the legs. Separately, it is worth mentioning the cabinets of the Maximera series with a height of 88 cm, installed without legs.
    2. For 60 cm floor cabinets, you can take special adjustable legs 28-29 cm high to equalize their height with the standard ones.

    Legs of Limhamn

    1. The design of the cabinets is also different: galvanized steel frames have appeared, which makes them more reliable and stable. It can be seen in the photo.

    Maximera with drawers

    1. Another pleasant innovation: in addition to white ones, dark frames have appeared. Now, when purchasing a dark set, it is not necessary to trim the visible side walls with overlay panels.

    The color of the new frames is the same as in the photo

    1. The innovations also affected the method of fastening: all wall cabinets are hung on one steel rail, which makes it easier to align them horizontally with your own hands.

    Moreover, suspended modules can now be mounted in any position - lengthwise or widthwise

    These are just the main changes. There are other nice bonuses.

    For example, the appearance:

    1. oven cabinet with ventilation grille;
    2. built-in LED lighting for cabinets, which automatically turns on when a door is opened or a drawer is pulled out;
    3. internal accessories - hinges, closers, retractable systems - the same unsurpassed Bloom. Only in an improved version.

    However, I see a big disadvantage in the fact that modules with a width of 30 or 50 cm have disappeared. If the wall in a small kitchen is, for example, 210 cm long, then it will no longer be possible to choose a combination of cabinets that will occupy the entire space - precious 10 cm will remain unused.

    Such gaps are simply covered with a decorative false panel

    In principle, this is the main disadvantage of all standard systems, as opposed to custom-made kitchens. It may not be 10 centimeters, but 5 or 8 or 12; in any case, they would not be superfluous. It was for this reason that I once abandoned Ikea, despite all its advantages.

    Series Method

    Ikea offers Method kitchen systems, which replaced Faktum a few years ago. This is a kind of constructor consisting of separate modules that can be easily combined with each other in different ways. The buyer has the opportunity to create an Ikea kitchen with the most comfortable and functional interior, as well as change its configuration at any time.

    Main advantages of Method systems:

    • Possibility to choose a set to suit your size. Several options are available for kitchens of various sizes. But the parameters meet international standards, so they will definitely fit into a typical kitchen.
    • Mobility. All modules are separate and not tied to the frame, which makes it easy to swap them around, creating new compositions.
    • Possibility of organizing a kitchen area in any room. Ikea has developed universal pieces of furniture that will perform their functions and fit into the interior: living room, dining room, hallway.
    • The individual components of the sets are combined to form single compositions. Thus, floor and wall cabinets of different heights are offered, which allows you to divide the work surfaces into several levels.
    • The Method series of cabinets and facades offers a wide palette and texture of facades and cabinets, made in different colors and styles. By choosing the appropriate option, you can get the kitchen of your dreams. You can also combine solutions, creating new non-trivial compositions and transforming the kitchen interior.


    Shabby chic, Provence, country, classic, retro - lovers of these trends will be pleased with the simple and functional “Hitarp” series, which has already become a sales favorite. Its advantage is a new convenient system for attaching wall cabinets.

    Simple lines, panels and glass inserts on the facades and charming “antique” wall cabinets, as if made by hand, will provide a comfortable and calm interior. Light shades and vertical stripes tend to expand and stretch the space, so the series is suitable for both spacious and small kitchens.

    The material used is chipboard or fibreboard, coated with acrylic and polyester paint; the glass is made using tempering technology. The monotony of the white kitchen interior provides endless opportunities for creativity and flight of fancy.

    There is one more tricky design maneuver. The fact is that the composition and design of the Hitarp series is similar to the headsets of the Filipstad, Budbin, Kallarp, ​​Albru and Knoxkhult series. Therefore, some elements - table top, handles, etc. can be borrowed from them.

    Thanks to the modular system, you can easily combine different colors of the facades, make a black top, white bottom, or complement a bright red corner set with black horizontal surfaces.

    Kitchen layout options

    A properly selected kitchen layout will allow you to properly organize the space, designing work surfaces and leaving free space for comfortable movement around the kitchen. Possible options are discussed below.

    Linear layout

    Linear layout is a popular option that involves placing furniture along one wall. The method is suitable for rectangular kitchens and will allow you to organize a single work surface on which two housewives can cook at the same time.

    Corner layout

    Corner or L-shaped layout is used in small rooms, the geometry of which is close to square. They use two adjacent walls, allowing you to organize a comfortable work area, but still leave free space.

    Parallel layout

    The parallel layout is suitable for spacious elongated kitchens, walk-through, with two entrances. This option will allow you to separate and place household appliances and a work surface with a tabletop on different sides, which will eliminate the possibility of water getting on the equipment. And if the room is spacious, you can place a full-fledged dining group in the central part.

    U-shaped layout

    With a U-shaped layout, three walls are occupied, so this option requires a large kitchen area. Using this method is relevant if there are a lot of household appliances in the room and the housewife likes to experiment and prepare complex dishes that require combining several processes.

    Island layout

    Island kitchen is a modern solution that is used in many European countries. The peculiarity of the method is that a separate zone is moved away from the walls and moved to the center of the room, forming a work surface or storage area. This is convenient, but only in large spaces: if the kitchen is small, the island in the middle will take up free space.

    Additional Tips

    1. Accurate measurements of the room are the key to a successful result. You need to measure not just the width and height of the kitchen, but also the space occupied by drainage, gas, ventilation and other pipes. Not sure you can handle it? Ask for help - for example, the same IKEA specialists.

    When looking at your kitchen design, mentally pull out each drawer and make sure there is nothing blocking it. Open all the drawers and cabinets at the same time, then open the window, wall cabinets, all for the same purpose. Imagine in detail how you cook, what trajectory you follow and what you take out.

    2. If you do not assemble the kitchen yourself and contact an IKEA employee, he, like other craftsmen, will set a separate price for each type of work. Be prepared for this and clarify in advance how much a particular service costs.

    3. You can gain space by using the depth of the cabinets. The deeper they are, the more space they take up. Do you use everything in the cabinet? Perhaps a couple of extra shelves would make a difference?

    If the wall set is deep, but you don’t know what size to choose, be guided by your height and, strange as it may sound, the length of your arms. Stand on tiptoes in front of the wall, stretch out your arms, imagining that you want to get something out of the closet. Make the necessary marks on the same wall.

    4. When purchasing furniture from certain materials, ask about their characteristics

    This is important because some of them are not designed for high heat on the stove or constant exposure to moisture. Natural wood requires a certain level of humidity

    5. They say that habit is second nature. If previously the kitchen furniture had round handles, but now you intend to abandon them or choose a different model, think carefully. Will this really be convenient for you?

    6. Before purchasing, read the reviews, or even better, look at the buyers’ photos. This way you will receive the most accurate information, and most importantly, make sure of its truthfulness.

    This concludes our short excursion. We are sure that you will like the new IKEA kitchen design, and that what you read will be useful and informative. We wish you a quick, inexpensive and magnificent interior renovation and endless inspiration for new creative combinations!

    Color and stylistic solutions

    The manufacturer offers color options to suit every taste:

    • The white IKEA kitchen is an attractive modern design, in line with global trends. This color will make the room light, visually expanding the boundaries due to the reflection of sunlight. An interesting design technique is to complement the snow-white palette with bright accents.
    • The gray Ikea kitchen will fit perfectly into an interior decorated in a futuristic high-tech style. But the color will harmoniously fit into the Scandinavian direction, or Provence.
    • The noble dark palette looks elegant, but requires special care and is more suitable for spacious kitchens, as it visually “steals” the space.
    • Natural light wood shades continue to be in demand, as they can bring coziness and homely warmth to the interior, creating a comfortable atmosphere.
    • The gamma will organically fit into the classic style.

    Bright and saturated colors are often used as accents against a light background.


    Smooth ones are suitable for most modern styles. For the most part, the catalog presents universal and neutral options - white, gray. But periodically, IKEA offers new items - bright colored facades that can become the main accent of the interior. Let's see what we can choose.


    There is a lot of debate about white kitchens, in particular about its impracticality in everyday life. But there are many housewives who will confirm that white facades do not get dirty any more often, and dirt is noticeable and also unattractive on any other colored doors.

    White, in addition, has other significant advantages. Light facades can seem to dissolve furniture in the interior, which is especially important for small rooms.

    Among the white kitchens of the “Method” system are “Ringult”, “Vokstorp” with integrated handles”, “Weddinge”, “Häggeby”.



    "Häggeby" "Ringult"


    Another basic and no less popular color than white for kitchen design. Among the smooth gray series:

    "Vokstorp" with integrated (hidden) handles;

    Bottom of the kitchen with gray Vokstorp fronts

    "Bodarp" in a beautiful gray-green shade;

    “Ringult” - light gray glossy;

    “Vorsta” stainless steel shade;

    “Vorsta” in combination with “Askersund”

    Under the tree

    The facades of “Askersund”, “Edserum”, Vokstorp”, “Torhamn”, “Ekestad” have a beautiful imitation of natural material and a pleasant wood shade. Among these series there are options for both light and dark wood - shades of dark brown ash, walnut.

    "Vokstorp" "Torhamn"


    I like the light ones “Askersund” the most. By the way, they are one of the most budget-friendly. Perfectly combined with white smooth facades.

    Top row of kitchen with "Ekestad"

    “Ekestad” has a very beautiful texture and shade, but the cost of the set will be higher than average, since the edge of the door is framed by a solid oak frame.

    An interesting option is “Torhamn”, the peculiarity of which is the material – solid ash covered with transparent varnish. You can’t imagine a more ideal option for an eco-style kitchen.

    Solid wood facades are certainly more expensive, but such a kitchen can last for years. And if you also take into account that wood can be restored, the kitchen can change its design to suit your heart’s desire. The set can be repainted or sanded and re-coated with clear varnish.



    I am the “lucky” owner of a black Tingsrid kitchen from IKEA. Although the black turned out to be not so black in reality, but rather dark brown. But black wine has absolutely every drop and even a small fingerprint. In general, a black set is impractical. This series is now out of print, although it may come back.

    The Kungsbakka kitchen has an unusual appearance.


    The smooth matte anthracite doors seemed rather impractical to me when I touched them in the showroom. But I could be wrong. They look impressive, of course. To prevent the interior with such a set from being gloomy and dull, add more wooden surfaces. For example, in the design of a tabletop, dining table.

    And the inserts of open frames and wood-look shelves also look beautiful, as in the photo below. IKEA has these wine racks and wine cabinets. Although I would store more than just wine there.

    The Judevalla doors, on which you can write with crayons, deserve special attention. In my opinion, it is better to combine them with white ones and not get too carried away with drawing. A recipe for your favorite lemonade on one door will be more than enough.


    Among the smooth ones, there are not many colored facades - only the glossy blue “Ersta” and red “Kallarp”. Both will require a discreet, neutral apron - for example, from hog tiles.


    Blue "Ersta" is used only for cabinet doors. Size range is limited

    Features of selection and operation

    To ensure that a kitchen purchased from an Ikea store looks organic in the interior, when choosing, consider:

    • desired layout;
    • geometry and area of ​​the room;
    • selected design style;
    • personal preferences and wishes of the owners.

    First, take measurements and preferably draw up a schematic plan of the kitchen in order to choose a suitable layout and choose the location of the main elements. Use the online designer offered by Ikea, print out the finished sketch and take it to the nearest store. The company's designers and sales consultants will help you make the right choice.

    Caring for furniture involves removing dirt with a damp soft cloth and then wiping the surfaces dry. Avoid abrasive and aggressive household and detergents that can damage surfaces.

    By choosing a modern IKEA kitchen, you get a fashionable design, efficient use of space and a functional interior.

    Tips for caring for Ikea furniture

    Like kitchen furniture from other manufacturers, Ikea sets require simple but delicate care:

    1. To clean surfaces, use a damp cloth (it should not be too wet, as the facades may become deformed);
    2. After wet cleaning, wipe surfaces with a dry cloth;
    1. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents, they can destroy the coating;
    2. If the countertop is plastic, use a stand for hot dishes.

    Practical and stylish implementation

    1 5

    Ikea is furniture whose price and design capabilities make it possible to install it in any kitchen, regardless of size and shape!

    ( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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