How to decorate a balcony? 65 photos of interiors for inspiration

Balcony design plays an important role in modern renovations. There are many finishing options to make the interior in this area an extension of the apartment. In this article we will show ideas and examples of completed projects that will allow you to create a stylish and cozy space in your home.

To finish the floor in an uninsulated and unglazed space, it is better to choose porcelain tiles. This material is resistant to precipitation; the surface of the tile must be rough so as not to slip after rain. When choosing this material, you need to take into account the maximum load on the slab so that the weight of the tiles and concrete screed does not lead to the collapse of the structure.

A selection of design ideas

An open or glazed loggia is constantly used in the apartment. Therefore, when creating the interior of this part of the house, you need to pay special attention. You should understand the main function of the room, decide on the color scheme and style.

Often a compact place for relaxation is installed here - a table with chairs or a small armchair, complementing the space with greenery. This solution looks great in country style, Provence or in combination with eco-style. It is also worth considering the option of a Scandinavian or oriental style.

The main purpose of the territory is a summer garden, so it is better to leave it without glazing and insulation. Look for furniture that is resistant to rain or purchase a special cover for rainy weather.

For such a loggia, it is permissible to use linoleum as a floor covering. Due to double glazing and reliable insulation of the room, the material will not be subject to sudden temperature changes. Also suitable for finishing are lining or laminate.

A coffee table and bar stools occupy part of the space, the walls of which are lined with wood. This balcony design is appropriate if the area is adjacent to the kitchen. The main room frees up useful space, and you will be pleased to drink a cup of coffee and admire the view from the window. Folding chairs can be removed to free up space.

Sheathing with wooden slats is an excellent solution for decorating a space. However, it is necessary to monitor the natural surface and take preventive measures. For example, treat the lining with a special antiseptic to extend its service life.

A place to read books. Natural wood and tiles with pebbles were used for decoration. The shades in the room are neutral and conducive to relaxation; blinds protect from the sun's rays - it will be comfortable here in any weather.

In the corner part there is a cabinet made of clapboard, varnished on top. Thus, the material is additionally protected from external influences, increasing its service life.

Painted lining in a bright interior. They mainly choose furniture made of metal, plastic or wood; wicker designs are also used.

Imitation of brickwork in a combined room.

The base of the walls is covered with plaster, the top layer of finishing is made of artificial stone. Forged compact furniture and a street lamp create a French style on the loggia.

Schoolchildren's corner for doing homework. Blue walls go well with decorative white brick. This option will allow you to organize a workplace in a small apartment. For decoration, it is better to choose one tone in the decoration, so that a small room helps you concentrate on completing tasks.

Plaster in the interior of the room, wrought iron furniture and a parapet create the atmosphere of a gazebo in the summer garden. Such material must be treated with a special impregnation that protects the metal from corrosion.

Pastel colors of plaster in the recreation area.

Indian motifs in decoration - light walls, wicker furniture, contrasting textiles and ceramic elephants.

The interior of the mini-office is made in warm colors. Such shades promote productive work and promote psychological comfort even in cloudy weather. At the base there are sheets of plasterboard, on top there is wallpaper for painting. One of the main conditions when arranging a workplace is proper lighting. Natural lighting must be supplemented with artificial sources. You can regulate the sun's rays using blinds or roller blinds made of thick textiles, the color of which is selected in accordance with the finishing palette.

The leveling layer is made of gypsum plasterboard, the top layer is wallpaper painted blue.

Tile with Metlakh pattern on the floor of the open balcony.

Tiles and mosaics with oriental patterns.

Cladding with PVC panels.

Gym in the loggia space. PVC panels were chosen for the renovation. You can put several exercise machines here, but you definitely need to leave room for a mat to do a warm-up, exercise your abs, etc.

Dry reed in balcony design. An environmentally friendly approach is appropriate not only in a country house, inside an apartment, but also on a loggia. By choosing inexpensive natural finishes, you save your family budget and create a stylish space.

To create an eco-style, lining, bamboo, cork sheets, and jute wallpaper are also suitable. The main condition for a long service life is to install glazing at the first stage of repair.

Types of coatings

Several types of coatings are suitable for painting a balcony. When choosing the best option, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics, advantages and features of use.


Acrylic paints are produced on the basis of a polyacrylic emulsion, which dissolves in water. The material creates a surface with high performance and decorative properties. Acrylic coating has the following characteristics:

  • maintaining brightness for more than 10 years;
  • resistance to moisture and solvents, with the exception of special substances;
  • no toxic emissions when heated;
  • dense structure, resistant to scratches and other defects.


Alkyd paint contains polyester resins used as a film-forming component. The main distinguishing characteristics of the coating are lower brightness and a muted matte effect. A wide range of color solutions opens up possibilities for the implementation of artistic ideas and basic construction and finishing works. Immunity to atmospheric influences allows the material to be used for painting not only the interior, but also the facade.

See also

Interesting kitchen design options with a patina effect in the interior


Latex coating is enamel created on a water-dispersion basis. Its main advantages include the following:

  • ease of application to any type of surface in different ways;
  • durable and strong coating compared to other water-based paints;
  • environmental friendliness and complete absence of toxic substances;
  • Available in white and can be tinted to any shade using a special paste.

Among the disadvantages of the latex variety, it is worth highlighting its poor resistance to temperature changes. This often leads to cracking of the top layer and the need for additional finishing.


Silicone coatings are made from organic particles, water and oxygen-containing resins.

The latter give the paint unique characteristics and the following list of advantages:

  • versatility of application on any surface, including internal partitions and external elements of the balcony;
  • maintaining the original appearance for several years without the need for large-scale repairs;
  • ease of application to the surface and the ability to change shade using colors;
  • resistance to contamination, as well as mechanical, temperature and other influences.


In finishing work, silicate paints based on liquid glass are often used. The addition of special pigments in powder form allows you to give the coating the desired shade. The presence of ethyl silicate in the composition promotes the formation of a thin film with high fire resistance and strength. When finishing a balcony, it is important to consider that silicate material is incompatible with natural wood, stone and various types of plastics.


The composition of the water emulsion includes latex, thickener, antiseptic and filler. After application to the surface, the material dries quickly and does not emit hazardous substances. Compared to many other types of coatings, water-based emulsion does not have a pronounced odor.

Small balconies (2-4 sq. m)

A piece of greenery on a 3 square meter balcony. m.

Mini hookah bar on the loggia in Khrushchev.

Sunny lawn with carpeted lawn.

A place for children to study and a storage area of ​​4 sq. m. m. The furniture was made to order according to individual sizes.

In the children's room it is necessary to place a table for drawing or doing homework, as well as open and closed shelves for storing toys and books.

Instead of a nursery with a desk, some make a playroom or install a sports complex (wall bars, horizontal bar with rings). In summer you can place an inflatable pool here.

When organizing a nursery, do not forget about the safety of your child. Install protective structures to protect against accidental falls. The distance between fencing elements should be minimal.

Basic criteria for choosing colors

When thinking about painting the walls of a balcony or loggia, you need to adhere to a number of criteria. Among other things, the following are important:

  1. Individual preferences. To decorate the space pleasing to the eye, you need to choose your favorite shades.
  2. Specified style in the apartment. A harmonious combination of color with the room to which the balcony is attached will create a unified style. At the same time, you can play on contrasts and choose the opposite shade, which will be a successful addition.
  3. Colors of other coatings. If the flooring has already been installed on the balcony and the ceiling has been painted, then the shade of the walls should be matched.

Large area (5 sq. m or more)

Fireplace area 8 sq. m.

The hookah room combines European and Oriental styles. The room was filled with artificial rattan furniture, organza curtains and textile pillows.

Behind the textile curtain in the hookah room there is a spacious closet for storage.

The owner's territory is on a spacious area.

Workshop of the head of the family. Shelving and a storage system will allow you to place the necessary items and prevent clutter in the room. Each thing has its own place and is easy to find if necessary.

Set up a workshop for your favorite type of creativity, choosing an activity to your liking. In a small area you can paint, sculpt, embroider or repair.

Even in a small area you can create a secluded corner where you can comfortably read a book and relax. Install a comfortable chair with a blanket, add soft pillows, and the room will become a place of privacy.


A sheet that consists of two layers of construction paper (cardboard) and a layer of hardened gypsum dough with fillers. There are no harmful components in the composition. Drywall has a high degree of sound insulation, good thermal insulation, low weight and flexibility. With its help you can cover all the irregularities and hide communications. The cost of the material is low.

We advise you to choose moisture-resistant drywall. It is advisable to decorate a balcony with good glazing with such material, insulate it and waterproof it. Then the drywall will last a long time.

To finish the inside of the loggia with plasterboard yourself:

  1. Make the sheathing. To make it easier to install, start work with a solid wall, systematically forming a frame under the windows behind them.
  2. Use mineral wool or other insulation. Cut it so that it can be conveniently laid in the crate.
  3. If you have reflective insulation, a vapor barrier is not needed. Otherwise, take care of her.
  4. Before covering the drywall, its sheets should lie on the balcony for several days.

When working with drywall, we use these principles to achieve the highest quality results.

Textile decoration

Here textiles do not fill the window opening completely, but only a part. This way you are hidden from prying eyes, and a lot of light enters the room. Pink curtains mask the contents of the open shelves.

Curtains are a color accent in the design of a room.

If the windows face north, light tulle on the windows will be enough.

Roman blinds made of cotton.

Wooden blinds in a room that combines a relaxation area and a workplace. Interior decor, textiles, spectacular figurines and paintings - these items will complete the renovation and add an interesting touch.

Blinds in the kitchen dining room combined with a loggia.

Curtains with floral patterns.

If flowers complement the interior, place the plant pots after filling the space with other items. The finished composition will help you choose plants better.

Care of painted surfaces

Regular maintenance involves wet cleaning of painted elements. Acrylic solutions tolerate moisture and light detergents well, but do not withstand mechanical stress. It is better to avoid hard brushes; for cleaning, it is enough to use soft microfiber.

If the wall is prepared correctly and the appropriate type of paint and varnish is selected, you will not need repairs for a long time, but many people from time to time have the desire to refresh the interior. When using a decorative composition of the same type (acrylic), no special preparation is required - just apply another 1-2 layers to the desired area.

Loggia garden

Landscaping not only visually decorates the loggia, but also promotes emotional balance, relieves stress and fatigue after a working day.

When choosing plants, you need to take into account the dimensions of the room, the orientation of the cardinal directions and the level of illumination, and also trust your taste.

Avoid crowded arrangements. Plants should not interfere with each other, blocking sunlight. The ideal option is to place flowers at different height levels. To do this, use special stands or hanging flowerpots that can be mounted on a railing or wall, trellises for loaches, etc.

Do not use massive tubs and boxes to decorate your mini-garden; it is better to choose plants with a compact root system.

Tip: you can make something like a vegetable garden - grow salad greens, decorative varieties of vegetables, and berries. Such plants will not only decorate your garden during growth and flowering, but will bear fruit.

On a closed loggia you can grow violets, pelargonium, cyclamen and begonia.

Some plants cannot grow well on an open balcony - they are susceptible to temperature changes, exposure to sun and wind. For whimsical flowers, small greenhouses are specially built and a special microclimate is created in them. The mini-greenhouse is equipped with lighting and heating, and certain varieties are planted that produce crops all year round.

Thematic video from professionals

Tips from the pros will help you understand the nuances of finishing a balcony:

Video instructions for painting walls

How to apply textured paint correctly

The use of paint, varnish and other decorative materials is an affordable and effective way to improve a balcony or loggia. Almost all stages can be completed independently, without the involvement of specialists. If you approach this event with desire and imagination, you will get another beautifully decorated room - cozy and comfortable.


Photo gallery of unusual solutions

Use folding furniture and modernize the space as desired. After gatherings of a large group, you can remove unnecessary items by hanging them directly on the wall. The selection of modern patio furniture offers many options that vary in design and price.

During winter, folding chairs can be stored in the house without taking up much space.

Experiment with furniture color.

Find interesting solutions for standard things. For example, in vertical flowerpots you can grow edible plants - dill, parsley, lettuce, etc.

Special pots made in the form of overlays for railings. You can also save space by using hanging shelves.

A small stand table will allow you to functionally equip even a miniature French balcony.

Bright textiles can bring a new mood to a familiar interior. To do this, you don’t need to start renovations and spend a lot of money – just a few touches are enough to update the design of the room.

Half the table takes up minimal space. The color accent in the interior is green armchairs. Contrasted with neutral finishes, they create a summer mood at any time of the year.

The hammock is a place of attraction for the whole family.

Wooden fence in interior design.


Painting as an option for interior finishing of a balcony

There are many ways to improve the interior space of a balcony or loggia: cover it with wooden or plastic panels, line it with plasterboard, use ceramic tiles for finishing. We offer the most budget-friendly method - painting the walls, floor and ceiling with a solution for interior use.

A layer of plaster perfectly hides flaws in a concrete or brick surface

The cheapest option does not mean that the result will be aesthetically unattractive or functionally unsuitable. On the contrary, the possibilities of modern paints are simply endless. You can choose any shade, matte or glossy variety, purchase textured material, decorate the leveled surfaces with an ornament, pattern or graphics.

Correctly selected material, applied according to the instructions recommended by the manufacturer, will last several decades without additional repairs. However, if you wish, you can always change the color - this will require a minimum of time, even with careful preparation of the base.

The process of painting a putty surface

Liquid wallpaper

Finishing with liquid wallpaper combines the properties of decorative plaster and wallpaper. Contains silk fiber, cotton fiber, quartz chips and glue.

Photo of the decoration of the loggia inside with liquid wallpaper:

Before applying liquid wallpaper, you need to prepare the surface well, removing the old coating, puttying it and priming it.

Ceramic tile

Suitable for balconies, loggias with and without glazing, as it does not react to high humidity and is durable. She is easy to care for. For wall decoration, single or double fired tiles are suitable, and for the floor, buy only the first option, because it is the most durable and wear-resistant.

We recommend buying rough tiles for an unglazed loggia, because precipitation makes the gloss slippery and dangerous for people. For glazed but unheated balconies, smooth material is also not the best option, because such a cold coating accumulates condensation.


Made from the bark of the cork tree. Available in the form of veneer sheets, which are convenient for covering a balcony.

Cork is the best option for difficult operating conditions when there are serious changes in temperature and humidity. Cork panels are characterized by thermal insulation and a long service life. This material creates a comfortable microclimate and is safe for health.


The most budget-friendly finishing method. You can add color to the composition, then the surface will be colored.

Lime dries quickly and does not release toxins. But the surface must be smooth. Before application, coat the surface with primer. Apply whitewash in 2-3 layers. Remember that the lime layer easily accepts dust; the whitewash needs to be renewed every six months.

Thanks to this assortment, you will be able to choose the appropriate option for your loggia, and will help you with insulation, finishing and glazing of the balcony.

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