Black kitchens: elegance and exclusivity in the interior



Black color in the interior of a modern kitchen is gradually gaining popularity, but this design does not always look cozy and attractive. On the contrary, it can create a depressing atmosphere and a depressing mood, so the use of dark tones in the design of rooms is a delicate matter, not without risk. This article will tell you how to avoid mistakes and what black kitchens, varied in style, should look like.

Kitchen interiors in black have gained popularity due to their style and elegance.

Specifics of black kitchens in the interior: photos of examples of exclusive options

Black color in clothing design has always symbolized solemnity, elegance and subtle taste. An example is the classic men's tailcoats and the never-going-out-of-fashion little black sheath dress from the unrivaled Coco Chanel. At the same time, in interior design the approach to black is significantly different. Here, a minimal error in the balance of colors can lead to the fact that the academic nature of black will turn into a source of depressed mood with a oppressive atmosphere, but it is in the kitchen that comfort and coziness should reign.

To make a black kitchen look elegant and laconic, you need to adhere to the correct balance of colors.

The black color itself represents strength, power and dominance over everything that surrounds it. Nevertheless, it is used in interior design of various rooms - with the exception of children's rooms. It looks great in the design of an office, living room and even in the bathroom. Recently, people increasingly prefer black cuisine. Photos of successful room design options justify this decision.

Such interiors are the embodiment of sophistication, elegance and luxury, and therefore are suitable for bold and extravagant individuals who know how to clearly set goals and successfully achieve them.

The decision to create a black kitchen must be made consciously. If this is done only to surprise friends and acquaintances, such an intention can lead to disappointment, negatively affecting the psyche. At the same time, black cuisine is exclusive and fastidious, like an expensive car, mysterious, like black amethysts. Describing a kitchen in black, we can name the following main features:

A kitchen made in black will look mysterious and noble

  • luxury;
  • conciseness;
  • exclusivity;
  • sophistication;
  • solidity;
  • self-sufficiency;
  • mystery.

We equip the kitchen sink with additional accessories for convenience

Before purchasing a kitchen sink, you need to pay attention to the availability of components. Additional equipment simplifies work processes, saves time, and adds convenience and comfort.

A mixer with a removable shower head is indispensable when planning a sink near a window. When opening, it is easy to turn or remove, which will not interfere with the ventilation of the room. A useful accessory is a holder for washcloths and cleaning products, allowing you to keep everything you need at hand.

Also, built-in dispensers for liquid soap will come in handy. They help you wash your hands quickly. A removable strainer is indispensable for the kitchen sink, trapping large food debris. All these details make life much easier and every housewife will certainly appreciate them.

Kitchen in black style: positive features of a dark interior

It is not without reason that designers often choose black furniture to create the interior of studio apartments, where the kitchen is combined with the dining room and living room. The black and white kitchen-living room with catchy accents looks especially stylish.

Thanks to its versatility, black fits perfectly into different styles.

Helpful advice! Walls or flooring in light colors, a stone countertop or decorating with white dishes will help refresh a kitchen with a black set.

Despite the extravagance of black, interior designers highlight a number of positive aspects in using this color for home decoration:

Black color in the kitchen interior can be made both dominant and background

  1. Black color is multifaceted, so it works great in implementing various styles, both in modern directions and in classics.
  2. The black palette can be used both as a dominant color in the interior and as a background for other colors, as it goes well with all shades.
  3. Black can be chosen from a range of natural materials such as marble, wood or granite. This choice is especially important for fans of a healthy lifestyle and environmental friendliness.
  4. Furniture in black is an ideal option for those who love bold decisions and contrast.
  5. You can create luxurious apartments in kitchens of different sizes, provided you have a competent approach to design and create an abundance of light in the room.
  6. Aristocratic black gives a spectacular and luxurious look to any room.
  7. The interior of black kitchens is all about contrasting colors, which creates mystery and some drama.
  8. Black is a universal color that can fit into any palette and at the same time can become the highlight of the interior.

Black furniture in the kitchen will look impressive and unusual

Disadvantages in the design of black kitchens: photos of typical mistakes

Creating an interior in black is a very delicate and quite complex job, so you need to approach it carefully and thoughtfully, without neglecting the bitter experience of novice designers who, like all people, are not immune to mistakes. To prevent them, you need to consider the most common of them:

Black kitchens are difficult to maintain, as any dirt is immediately visible

  1. Dominant black. An interior where literally everything is done in black, including the ceiling, floor, walls and furniture, will have a depressing effect; such a kitchen will resemble a tomb, which is not at all conducive to cooking and eating.
  2. Almost any dirt is especially noticeable on the black elements of the kitchen, so even the slightest mess is unacceptable here - you will have to clean for a long time, carefully and often.
  3. Incorrectly selected shades, shape and texture of materials are typical mistakes in interior design in black. Harmony should dominate here literally in everything - the slightest mistake will be clear in the open. For example, matte black facades absorb much more light than a black gloss kitchen.
  4. The lack of light in black kitchens is another negative feature. Such a disadvantage can aggravate a bad mood and even lead to depression and deterioration in well-being. Therefore, it is necessary that the windows of the room in dark colors face the south or at least the east side, and the interior should be provided with many lamps, chandeliers and backlights.
  5. Dark colors visually reduce space, so in a small kitchen it is advisable to choose black only as an accent.

All-black kitchens can look oppressive and depressing.

Helpful advice! Modern detergents that remove various contaminants will help solve the problem of constant cleaning in the kitchen, and you can avoid clutter with the help of a set with many convenient drawers and food storage systems.

How to achieve ergonomic kitchen sink: some expert advice

To organize the most comfortable, functional place for washing dishes, it is important to correctly determine the dimensions of the product that are suitable for your set, kitchen layout and room area.

The height and depth of the bowl is selected taking into account the number of family members and dishes. Do not forget about the size of the mixer, because it must be moderately high so that everything you need fits under it. The place for washing is most often determined next to the hob, separated from it by a countertop.

A thorough analysis of all factors, including the convenient location of the sink in the kitchen, will make work processes in the kitchen optimally ergonomic, which will significantly save your effort and time.

Black kitchen set: features of shapes, materials and finishes

Kitchen sets in black are distinguished by their laconic forms, clear lines and shiny surfaces. Most often they are produced in combination with chrome fittings, glass, countertops and sinks made of stainless steel or artificial stone. Such kitchens will be appropriate in different interiors, but fit best into the style of minimalism, avant-garde, hi-tech or art deco due to their technicality and industrialization.

A black set will fit best into styles such as minimalism, hi-tech, art deco or avant-garde

Decorative finishing elements and natural materials, in particular wood, clay, stone and indoor plants, will help to avoid an industrial look in the interior. These nuances will allow you to create a black kitchen in the spirit of classicism. Such an interior will look decent, especially if there are wall cabinets with glass doors, which will visually lighten the design. At the same time, a black set in a classic style can look somewhat cumbersome, so you need to take care of a light background and sufficient lighting.

It is appropriate to use a pure black set as the main accent in the kitchen, if it is the only one in this color. The remaining finishing elements should have different shades. The most suitable companion color is white, and chrome accessories and metal objects are also welcome.

A competent approach to choosing a design solution for a sink

There are sink models equipped with more than one bowl. There may be two, three or more. Of course, this is very convenient, because you can wash vegetables in one, dishes in another, and defrost food in a third. The question is whether such a structure will fit in your space. Therefore, base your choice on the area of ​​the room.

Black kitchens: rules for choosing companion colors

When a black set serves as the basis for the kitchen, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the background color. The best option would be to use contrasting light shades that emphasize the simplicity, sophistication and depth of black furniture, which plays the main role. A bright addition to a light finish can be accent elements in red or purple.

Black goes well with all shades, so when choosing a companion color, you can only stick to personal preferences

It is better to use light paints for floor finishing. The combination of black and white is the gold standard of the classic kitchen genre, which brings to the interior the boundary and dynamic features characteristic of the struggle of opposites. This combination suggests all sorts of combinations. A white set can be in harmony with a black floor, countertop and apron - and vice versa. Kitchens with a white top and black bottom with a checkerboard floor look especially solemn.

Related article:

Black and white kitchen: the concept of Yin and Yang in the interior

Design ideas, combination of furniture and decoration. Recommendations for choosing furniture, creating design and decorating in different styles. Tips and photos of design examples.

Other colors go well with black. For example, a calm terracotta shade will successfully emphasize the depth of black. Rich red, orange and green tones will help get rid of monotony and gloom.

In any case, the main thing is not to overdo it, because against a black background all colors will look much brighter and more saturated. Therefore, it is not recommended to overload the laconic design with accessories and flashy colors. A few details in the form of a bright electric kettle, dishes or a chandelier will be enough.

Helpful advice! To make a black and red kitchen sound new, you can place a black set against the background of walls painted red. A chandelier with crystal pendants and crystal inlay into furniture, fittings and appliances will add additional chic and glamor.

Features of creating a black and white kitchen design

A kitchen in black and white is chosen by fans of laconicism, expressive lines and shapes in the interior. A room in this color scheme will look not only simple and restrained, but also strict and noble. Having decided to decorate your kitchen in this way, you must immediately decide on the leading color.

Black and white kitchen interiors are the most popular

The predominance of white will help expand the kitchen space, which is especially important for small kitchens. The abundance of black will give the room mystery, seriousness and severity. Its dominance is acceptable in spacious kitchens. The optimal choice of design for white and black kitchens is the proportional distribution of two contrasting tones, which can be expressed as follows:

  1. The main white is present in the colors of the upper facades, the decoration of the walls and ceiling, and black acts as the color of the lower facades, countertops and floors. Black and white tiles in the kitchen will look especially harmonious when finishing the apron and floor.
  2. The predominance of black would be appropriate in the colors of the facades, while some elements would remain white: dining area furniture, countertops and decorative items.
  3. Oddly enough, a chaotic distribution of two colors, without observing a clear order, would be appropriate.

An excellent frame for a monochrome kitchen can be interior or decorative items that are distinguished by other colors. An excellent option in the form of a color accent is red household appliances. The third shade can also be used in the colors of dishes, in the design of an apron, curtains and walls. A black and white gray kitchen looks especially harmonious, where the third tone is neutral in relation to the two primary colors.

Red and black kitchen: the choice of brave and energetic people

A kitchen in red and black cannot be called ordinary. This design is the choice of freedom-loving and extraordinary individuals who keep up with fashion. To create a successful design in these tones, you must first choose a dominant color. Most often it is red, and its chic and dramatic effect is effectively emphasized by black, giving the interior additional sophistication and exclusivity.

Red and black kitchen is not a standard option, which is suitable for bright personalities

In the design of a red and black kitchen, photos of which can be easily found on the Internet, in order to avoid aggressiveness, it is permissible to use not only these two tones. The third color in the interior will distract attention from the saturation and depth of the main colors and balance the color scheme in the room. To complement this coloring, it is better to choose light colors, ideally a black, white and red kitchen, which helps to visually increase the space. This environment will help relieve the tension caused by red and black.

Additional colors will be appropriate for finishing floors, walls and ceilings. Warm shades of white, such as beige, pearl or cream, will not only perfectly dilute the black and red interior, but will also emphasize its unique style.

Helpful advice! Frosted glass, marble and mirror details will help soften the aggressive duet of red and black.

Options for color combinations in a red-black headset can be very different:

  • red top – black bottom;
  • checkerboard color combination;
  • the main one is red, and black is used to decorate the apron, countertops and other details.

Additional decor in such kitchens will be unnecessary. Laconism and simplicity are welcomed here in everything: in the clear lines of the facades and in the strict forms of the cabinets. It is better to select fittings from chrome-plated steel. A combination of different textures of materials is acceptable.

Black kitchen design combined with other colors

Black in the kitchen as a dominant or complementary color can go well with almost all colors. You can safely use such bright colors as green, orange, yellow, pink, lilac. The main thing is not to overdo it with brightness and avoid variegation. Therefore, the interior should contain a maximum of three colors.

A black and gray kitchen, diluted with bright details, is suitable for rooms of different sizes

A black and beige kitchen helps soften the dark gloom, creating a cozy atmosphere of a sophisticated coffee shop. Additions made from natural fabrics and materials will fit perfectly into such an interior. The result is a modern and natural environment.

A black and yellow kitchen is a combination of two rich and intense tones. Delicate and bright yellowness adds delicacy and creates an emotional contrast to the deep black color. Thus, an expressive and decisive kitchen interior, combining opposites, brings cheerful notes and creates a sunny mood.

In a black and green kitchen, a tandem of calm and extravagant colors helps to visually increase the space, creating natural depth and a fantastic atmosphere. This combination looks good in harmony with steel parts and frosted glass. Kitchens decorated in contrasting colors, where black is combined with a bright shade, are ultra-modern, non-standard, their design is dominated by minimalism and comfort.

Thus, due to its versatility, black goes well with different colors, but it is important to maintain balance, a sense of proportion, take into account the size of the room and the presence of daylight. You need to be careful when combining black with dark tones in small kitchens with poor lighting.

Kitchen with black countertop: a universal kitchen interior detail

A black countertop is a combination of aesthetics, effectiveness and practicality in the kitchen. This detail gives the interior features of nobility, solidity and high cost. It is believed that the more contrast it looks against the general background, the more attractive the room will look. Photos of kitchens with black countertops clearly demonstrate how a contrasting detail helps to clearly separate the upper and lower parts of the room, visually lengthening the set and balancing the individual parts.

A black countertop can be the highlight of your kitchen interior

Helpful advice! Not only white, but also gray doors are combined with a black top, since these colors are related and therefore complement each other perfectly. At the same time, a black and gray kitchen with insufficient lighting can look gloomy, so bright details and decorative items are simply necessary here.

Since black is a universal color, it will fit perfectly into any room interior. The most popular option is a white kitchen with a black countertop. Photos of examples of the design of such rooms can be found in sufficient quantities on the Internet. In combination with other facades, the dark color of the work area also looks beautiful. For example, it would be appropriate in a kitchen with wood-effect facades, which will add a little intrigue to the boring atmosphere.

A pure black set can also be complemented with a tabletop of a similar color, but such a work surface will take on a gloomy and boring look, which is not conducive to the cooking process. A light apron can be a solution in this situation. A black countertop would be appropriate if you have a beige, red, green or blue set.

Black countertop: rules of combination and a question of practicality

Black is a self-sufficient color, it does not need special support, but a color rhyme in the design still won’t hurt. An original addition to a black countertop is appliances of a similar color, but such a design is by no means necessary - it is enough to purchase several decorative items or use this tone in the design of the room, in particular:

Black countertops with a textured or embossed surface are more practical

  • paint one of the walls or part of it black;
  • make a dining room or decorate a bar counter in this color;
  • lay black tiles on the kitchen floor;
  • add black color to the design of windows and lamps.

When choosing a black countertop, you must take into account that various contaminants are clearly visible on it, including dust particles, stains, traces of drops, and crumbs. In this case, not only color is important, but also the texture of the material, the presence of patterns and inclusions.

To choose the right option, you need to abandon plain and smooth surfaces. Their coating does not play a special role here - glossy or matte. More practical are countertops with a relief or textured surface, as well as with a pattern imitating wood or stone. A countertop with inclusions and veining will still be black.

At the same time, on the countertop of a black glossy kitchen, fingerprints and stains will be much more noticeable. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a coating, you can take samples and check them in the following way: wipe with a damp sponge, allow time to dry, then sprinkle with water without wiping, and tap on the surface with your fingers. After such procedures, it will be easy to assess to what extent marks remain on the countertop and whether they can be easily removed.

White kitchen with black countertops: a perfect combination of opposites

White countertops are most often equipped with black countertops. Two opposing colors end up creating a perfect match. Most often, this combination can be found in styles such as modern classics, art deco, and less often loft and baroque. The most harmonious interior will be a Scandinavian kitchen, where a black countertop will clearly separate the top and bottom of the work area. In addition, this effect contributes to the visual expansion of the kitchen and eliminates the feeling of sterility in a white room.

The combination of a white kitchen and a black countertop looks most advantageous in a modern classic style

Helpful advice! In a glossy kitchen with a black countertop, housewives are advised to have a microfiber cloth on hand, which will do an excellent job of removing any stains.

If the choice is made in favor of the classics, then the room should contain elegant furniture with carvings and decorations in the form of moldings. A floor made of natural or artificial black stone is an ideal option. The high-tech interior, which is progressive and functional, has clear features, and the contrasting combination of black and white emphasizes its style. It is better to complement the black countertop of a white kitchen in this design with the shine of metal household appliances.

If you combine a white kitchen with a black countertop and backsplash, you will create a multi-level effect in the room. These interior details will emphasize symmetry and balance, giving the furniture a chic look. At the same time, such a countertop will be the center of attention, so it must be kept perfectly clean. This is especially true for glossy kitchens. The photos clearly demonstrate both the advantages and disadvantages of this design.

Different product shapes: how to choose the right geometry

The shape of the product is classic, that is, rectangular and square, as well as round geometry in the form of an oval or circle. The classic type of sinks is more common because it is practical, can be of any size, with different designs. Round sinks are relevant for modern styles; they will fit perfectly into the corner of the layout, but their dimensions must be roomy.

Advice! If you have a small kitchen and you have to wash a lot of dishes, then it is better to refrain from installing a small round sink on it. During operation, pans with long handles may not fit into the sink if the size of the sink is small.

Decorating kitchens in black: photos of win-win options

In the kitchen, you can decorate various interior details in black. First of all, this concerns the headset. It can only be appreciated in a spacious room. It should be taken into account that the direct option will only narrow the room, and the corner black kitchen will make the room even smaller. Elements made of glass and mirrors, including skins with bright photo printing or an apron with glossy mosaics, will help solve the problem.

The kitchen can be made monochrome or decorated in black with only some details

A black floor will add respectability and value to the interior, but at the same time visually reduce the space. Covering in dark colors is unacceptable in small kitchens, as it will steal the already missing space. At the same time, black flooring will create an excellent combination with walls painted in different tones.

Against the background of black walls, all the details and elements of the interior will acquire clearer features, and a visual feeling will be formed that the objects are located at some distance. A win-win option is to decorate one of the walls in pure black, then even the smallest kitchen will seem more spacious. Not only painting is acceptable, but also wallpaper, both traditional washable and chalk, as well as photo wallpaper with different shades and inclusions. Silver and marble designs look especially good.

A black ceiling in the kitchen is an exception to the rule rather than a tradition. It can only be used when using tensile and multi-level structures, as well as in spacious, high rooms. If the interior is dominated by black, then it is better to paint the ceiling in classic white shades. Dining room furniture in black will be an excellent solution in the kitchen in a contrasting design.

Helpful advice! The color of the dining table, which differs from the overall design, must certainly match the tone of the chairs, tabletop or apron.

Black apron for the kitchen: design features and materials for manufacturing

Along with the tabletop, the apron also deserves special attention. Made in black, it looks great in both modern and classic interiors. It can be used not only on glossy, but also on matte kitchens. The photos demonstrate how this color organically harmonizes with different shades, creating contrast and adding style to the interior. Especially popular are the combinations of a black apron with a white, red, orange set, where it emphasizes the depth of the main background.

A dark wall in the work area will add elegance to the interior. At the same time, you should take into account the fact that even the slightest traces of dirt, water splashes and stains will be visible on the black surface. Therefore, such a wall requires special and regular maintenance. To design a black apron, you can choose different materials:

A black apron made of tiles or stone looks most impressive

  1. An apron made of black tiles in the kitchen, made of brick with special impregnation, is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, so it will look great in any interior style and in combination with different facades.
  2. The mosaic interspersed with the color of the facades looks very beautiful, which gives the kitchen unity and at the same time uniqueness.
  3. Natural black stone looks rich and chic, it is very durable and practical, but is quite expensive.
  4. Artificial stone is a cheaper alternative to natural material; thanks to modern technologies, it is practical and durable.
  5. Skinals are very common in modern interiors, they are easy to clean, and they offer a wide field for imagination in the design of the kitchen interior. Particularly popular are models depicting a city at night.

Black kitchen sink: versatility combined with practicality

An ordinary sink made of stainless steel or galvanized steel in a modern kitchen looks somehow ordinary and banal. A black sink, regardless of style, can look elegant and original, but the main feature of a product of this color is its versatility. You can install a black sink in any kitchen (classic, modern, minimalist or hi-tech style). At the same time, it will successfully complement the work area without attracting attention to itself.

In addition, defects and dirt are less visible on a black kitchen sink. Caring for it is much easier when using ordinary available products. At the same time, this piece of furniture not only performs a practical function, but can also become the highlight of the work area. Therefore, when choosing a sink, you need to pay attention to the material and shape of the product.

A black kitchen sink will be a good addition to any style.

Helpful advice! A black sink looks great on a white stone countertop in a kitchen with black appliances combined with a black backsplash.

In the modern construction industry, there are many models of black sinks, which are mainly made from the following materials:

  1. Natural stone. Such products are practical and durable, but their cost is quite high, and installation requires a fairly solid foundation.
  2. Metal. This is an alternative to heavy stone, a lighter and more affordable material that does not lose in practical terms.

As for the shape of the sink, it should match the shapes of other kitchen components. It can be round, square or rectangular.

Black kitchen faucet: the importance of details in kitchen design

Such a seemingly inconspicuous item in the kitchen, like a faucet, plays a rather important role in creating the overall harmony of the interior. With its help you can realize artistic ideas and original solutions. It is a black faucet that can radically change the appearance of the work area. In addition, it has a number of advantages that distinguish it from simple chrome-plated models, because scratches, limescale and fingerprints are less visible on it.

Black kitchen faucets are less likely to show handprints and scratches.

When choosing a black faucet, you need to take into account such a nuance as the high cost of the item. The high cost of the products is due to the fact that they are made exclusively from strong and durable high-quality steel alloys, which ensures reliability and durability. In their production, only composite materials are used, which can be:

  • ceramic;
  • brass;
  • chrome plated;
  • made of stainless steel.

The paint used in the production of black faucets is not afraid of temperature changes and physical influences. When choosing the right model, you need to pay attention not only to the material from which the mixer is made, but also to other factors:

  • the design of the faucet must correspond to the overall design of the kitchen interior;
  • the level of expected loads directly affects the service life of the product;
  • value for money;
  • ease of use;
  • The cast model is much more practical than its prefabricated counterpart, as it provides additional strength to the mixer and protects against unpleasant surprises in the form of leaks.

Thus, a black kitchen is stylish, exclusive and elegant, which is especially important in modern style. Almost all interior items of universal color look original – from the furniture to the sink or faucet. At the same time, in creating such an interior it is necessary to show a sense of proportion and caution. Provided that all of the above recommendations are followed, the black color will maximize its chic and splendor in combination with conciseness and simplicity.

GranFestTM Collections

All products of the GranFestTM company are created from artificial stone, which has long surpassed both stainless metal and natural stone in strength, practicality and aesthetics. It is stronger than granite and concrete and can serve for many years without losing its presentability. To make it easier for you to choose the right model, we will describe the features of our collections and how they differ.

GranFest Marble

GranFest marble sinks consist of 80% marble chips of three fractions - small, medium and coarse. A special polyester resin is used for gluing, and high-quality dyes are used to give the desired color. To protect the material from scratches, stains and bacteria, we cover its surface with a 1mm layer of gelcoat. Thanks to it and the use of marble particles of different sizes, our sinks are especially durable, smooth and pleasant to the touch.

GranFest Quarz and EWIGSTEINTM

These collections feature models consisting of 80% quartz sand and 20% also made of binder resins. Since quartz is a naturally non-porous mineral, it does not require additional protection in the form of gelcoat. Sinks made from it are resistant to scratches and chips, low and high temperatures, ultraviolet rays and chemicals. Quartz sinks have a more natural appearance and a tactilely pleasant surface.

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