Bedroom design with a crib: tips for arranging and decorating the interior

Before the birth of a baby, parents often decide that they will have a bedroom with a crib. In Russia and Europe, it is customary to place a child nearby in order to control his condition and delight him with his smiles. But in America, the baby is immediately provided with a separate room, and is looked after with the help of a baby monitor; sometimes a video option is purchased.

To ensure a good night's sleep for the baby and a peaceful rest for his parents, it is necessary to carefully consider the arrangement of the bedroom.

Decorating a room where a little person will live is a responsible task, because the environment should be comfortable and evoke positive emotions.

  1. You need to make the right decision about where the crib will be placed in the parents' bedroom.
  2. It is important that the color scheme is chosen correctly.
  3. You need to position the lighting so that it is adjustable and concentrated in several places.
  4. It is recommended to immediately think through the issue of security for a couple of years in advance.

When decorating a room, you should not use small parts and elements; corners should be rounded or protected. The light should not be too bright and should not shine into the eyes of the child lying in bed.

For the first year or two, babies are usually placed in an adult bedroom

Choosing a place to install a crib in the parents' room

You can decide on a location based on the following principles:

  1. Since you need to place a crib for a newborn in the bedroom in free access, it is worth freeing at least one side. But practice shows that the ideal option is when you can approach from both sides, because babies fall asleep in their arms, and you want to lay their head in one direction.
  2. There is no need to place the crib right next to the window, even if it is new and well installed.
    As a last resort, you can protect it with a closet or a special canopy for cribs. Due to possible drafts, the crib should not be placed near a window or under an air conditioner.
  3. It is not necessary that the adult bed be very close; you can use the zoning technique. So that the mother has visual access, but the baby has his own space, and the adults have their own time and place.
  4. It is not advisable to place the crib near a wall or door, because of which sounds will potentially be made. This often concerns adjacent walls with neighbors and the kitchen, because the layout of apartments, especially those with a small area, requires high audibility.

When arranging furniture, you should take into account the presence of a play area, which is usually located next to the cradle, or in the central part of the room

If adults have the habit of watching TV in the bedroom, they will have to give it up for at least the next three years, until the baby’s psyche gets stronger. Pediatricians strongly do not recommend turning on a flashing screen, even without sound, in the rest room of small children.

You can divide the room into children's and adult areas using a shelving unit, if free space allows

To zone a small room, it is more rational to use curtains suspended from the ceiling cornice.

Headboard made of textile or leather: Classic version

Modern people are increasingly striving for individuality, both personal and in interior design. We began to refuse the same standard furnishings purchased in the store, giving preference to designer or hand-made ones.

When coming up with a bed headboard design, there is plenty of room for your creative soul to explore. If you already have a bed and it performs its functions, but is not satisfied with its appearance, you can update the headboard of the bed at no extra cost - cover the frame with fabric or eco-leather. This option has several advantages.

Textiles are very popular in bed headboard designs.

Properly selected light and shade together will create a special atmosphere in the room

  • Decorative textiles are an affordable material that comes in a lot of interesting colors. It can be matched to curtains, pillows, or, on the contrary, made into a bright accent.
  • A soft headboard protects against shocks and drafts, and envelops you in an aura of warmth and comfort. If you like to read before bed, then leaning on it will be more pleasant than on a wooden one.
  • Easy and quick to do with your own hands. Take a sheet of plywood or an existing headboard. Cut out the shape with a jigsaw. Attach the foam rubber, wrap it in fabric, and secure it on the reverse side using a furniture stapler.

Soft headboard protects against impacts

Eco-leather will look great against the background of the bed

The headboard of the bed can be decorated as you like

Textile and leather headboards look good in classic, calm interiors, as well as in neoclassical and art deco style.

A mosaic of pillows of different sizes and colors attached directly to the wall will help you decorate a wall or decorate the head of a bed in an unusual way. You need to secure a rod or slats to the wall in advance. Loops or ties are sewn to the pillows. We make pillowcases from natural fabrics, which we remove and wash when dirty. The colors are selected according to your taste and the main tones that are present in the bedroom.

3D wallpaper will perfectly complement the bedroom interior

A wooden headboard that extends to the ceiling perfectly complements the overall interior of the room

The design of the headboard should be made in the style of the room

Creating a comfortable environment for a newborn

The comfort of a child depends on many factors, not only physical, physiological, but also psychological. And the most important of them is a feeling of security, then the baby gets sick less and does not suffer from anxiety. This is possible when there is a calm atmosphere around and there is an opportunity for proper rest, nutrition, and spending time with mom.

If there are two cribs in the room, their location should be thought out so as to ensure free access to each of them

If the room is spacious enough, you should put a separate chest of drawers, cabinet or cabinet for children's things

It would be absolutely ideal if there is space in the room for a changing table

If extraneous sounds, music and conversation, or sharp noises are heard from behind the wall during sleep, then the baby’s nervous system will begin to develop incorrectly. Also, for internal balance, it is important to think through the color schemes of the room. Usually choose light, pastel colors:

  • beige;
  • sky blue;
  • light pink;
  • peach;
  • lilac;
  • light yellow;
  • white.

The best material for wall decoration is paper wallpaper, which is not harmful to the baby’s health.

Wall decoration can be the same for the entire room or different for each zone

The main thing here is to catch the essence, but you should definitely minimize or remove flashy shades from the room, bright red, acidic, black, raspberry. Large amounts of gray or purple can also have a depressing effect, so you should be careful with them.

The priority is neutral colors that cannot negatively affect the emotional background of the child.

Carpets and curtains

When choosing curtains, it is better to proceed from considerations of functionality, and not just from personal preferences. After all, curtains also allow you to regulate the level of light. A good solution is plain, dense options that create the right atmosphere while the child sleeps. Avoid drapery and folds - they only collect dust. The neutral color of the textiles looks stylish and does not excite the newborn’s psyche.

Carpets are, first of all, comfort. But keep in mind that they collect dust, which can cause allergies in a child. It is better to choose small carpets and clean them often. Then this part will be safe for the health of the newborn.

Study examples of designing bedrooms with cribs, create your own solutions, engage the services of a designer - any method with a thoughtful approach will allow you to create a cozy room for both you and your baby.

A little about lighting

In the bedroom with a crib in the parent's room there should be enough light to clearly see the child and examine him every day. But you should not use lamps with sunlight, it excites, it is better to take warm shades. A table lamp near the crib will also come in handy so that the overhead light does not turn on at night. Often parents decide to leave a dim nightlight on at night in order to see whether the child is covered and what he is doing without getting up.

The location of the lamps must be thought out so that the light from them falls on the child’s face

The lighting should not be too bright, ideally the light intensity should be adjustable

How to avoid mistakes in bedroom renovation?

To ensure that the repair does not disappoint and brings only positive emotions, it is necessary to avoid common mistakes that are made during repair work.

It is best to abandon the mirror ceiling and the abundance of mirrors on the walls, as this will not bring a feeling of comfort;

A large amount of furniture will create a feeling of chaos;

Large amounts of decor should be avoided;

There is no need to use bright colors in the bedroom, as they do not promote relaxation and strain the eyes;

Large bulky chandeliers are no longer in fashion, so it’s better to avoid them too.

Making an inexpensive bedroom renovation is not so difficult - the main thing is to think everything through well and draw up an estimate that you will use throughout the entire period of the renovation work. Even if the budget is not large, you can make high-quality repairs by following the plan and adhering to the sequence of actions.

Bedroom interior design

When a little miracle appears in a family, a place is arranged for it so that the child can comfortably explore the world and feel good. But sometimes you have to redo a lot in the interior for the sake of the baby, his crib, bedside table, changing table and closet. His piece of furniture occupies a certain place in life and the room; all this must be correctly integrated into the design idea.

When creating comfortable conditions for a child, do not forget about those who will care for him

Therefore, if it is possible to create a unified concept with these new elements, then it is worth doing it. You can completely change the design and theme, sometimes this is necessary if the previous decision was somewhat aggressive.

There is no need to clutter up the space of the room with a lot of furniture.

Each piece of furniture should be used to the maximum

The psychological comfort of the mother is no less important than for the child, and her mood will certainly be better in a beautiful environment that does not require particularly careful care.

The safety of a newborn and comfortable access for adults are the key requirements for room design

How to properly equip one room divided into two independent zones?

You can divide one room into two independent zones using such tricks as different lighting and decoration, transforming the space with the help of draperies and screens, multi-level ceilings and floors, etc.
You can increase the space of a bedroom combined with a nursery if you replace traditional wardrobes for wardrobes or corner structures, choose a bed with built-in mezzanines, replace heavy curtains with lighter and more modern blinds.

The use of modular furniture will allow you to easily transform the space and create comfortable conditions not only for the baby, but also for the parents.

Place for parents' bed

A crib in the design of a parents’ bedroom sometimes becomes an elegant addition, because it creates a special family atmosphere and comfort. But we must not forget about the comfort of parents. Mom needs this, since her mood is most transmitted to the child. And after a night of “fun,” dad often has to go to work early, he needs to rest and live fully as well.

The parents' sleeping bed should be comfortable and it is better if it is closer to the door than the crib

An adult bed should find its own corner without interfering with a child's sleeping area. Often it is placed with the head of the bed against a long wall, with a crib next to it. It can be fenced off or left at arm's length - at the request of the parents.

The bed for parents is the most bulky piece of furniture, so you need to allocate space for it first.

Zoning of a one-room apartment with a bedroom

While apartments place a lot of emphasis on outdoor space, it's worth having a separate sleeping area—one that serves as a night's rest and is free of clutter. This solution is not only practical, but also aesthetically pleasing, as you don't have to worry about an unmade bed when you have friends over at home. Even in small apartments of 30-40 m², you can separate a small space where you can arrange a bedroom. The relaxation area does not have to be large, as it is enough to place a comfortable bed and a bedside table.

The bedroom in a one-room apartment is often located in an old apartment building, so renovation is necessary

For personal convenience, you can destroy all the walls and completely redo the interior of the studio, paying great attention to the layout: it had to be comfortable, but at the same time spacious. Finally combine the living area with the kitchen and semi-open bedroom

You will be able to zone your resting place, that is, create a modern small bedroom in a one-room apartment. Arranging a recreation room in a one-room apartment should not be a huge problem. Consider several effective ways to separate the sleeping area from the rest of the room.

Some useful tips for planning a small bedroom

  1. Buying a functional crib usually means that the crib has built-in shelves or drawers, sometimes even a changing station. It all fits compactly into one design. This approach will free up more space.
  2. It is imperative to provide the young mother with a comfortable seat with armrests so that it is convenient to hold the baby in her arms and feed her.
  3. Practice shows that adults feel more comfortable when there is zoning. This allows them to have personal space and time, shutting off during the baby’s sleep period. Such conditions improve the “weather” within the family.
  4. A canopy over the crib often helps out, as sometimes it happens that insects or a draft or excess light get in in the summer. The material will protect the child from these situations and provide him with quality rest.
  5. Sometimes the solution when zoning a small room is to purchase a movable screen. It will not take up much space, it can be removed when not needed, but the child will sleep more peacefully, and adults will have more freedom for personal affairs.

Light colors in decoration and decor will help to visually expand a small space.

If possible, furniture should also be selected in light colors

Choosing furniture for the baby

Natural wood for making a crib

There is a certain set of children's furniture that a child will need in the first months of his life in the parent's bedroom. Furniture should not only be safe and made from environmentally friendly materials, it should fit harmoniously into the existing bedroom interior.

Choosing a crib

Plastic baby cot

This necessary item can be selected according to the design style and color scheme that matches the bedroom interior. It can be white, beige, dark or light brown.

Dark set of children's furniture

Modern manufacturers, in addition to traditional shades, offer light green, pink and blue crib models.

Pink crib

The traditional material for making a crib is natural wood. If you choose a painted model, it is important to look at the store for certificates confirming the quality and safety of the product.

Painted crib made of natural wood

Important! It is necessary to purchase a crib with a frequent arrangement of vertical bars on the walls, which will prevent the child’s head or arms from getting stuck between them.

The height of the side wall of the crib must be adjustable. This will simplify the process of caring for your child - it will be easier to get him out of the crib and change the clothes.

It is imperative to check the fixing elements - they must be out of the child’s reach. As your baby gets older, the side wall can be lowered to allow him to climb out of the crib safely.

Transformable crib

When choosing a canopy, you should make sure that there is a hole in its upper part for ventilation, otherwise the child may feel stuffy under it. You should also make sure that it is securely attached to the bed so that when the child pulls the fabric, it does not drop it on itself and get tangled.

Canopy for crib

Earlier we mentioned soft fabric bumpers that are installed around the perimeter of the crib. During the period when the child begins to roll over and crawl, soft sides will protect him from impacts, since the child’s coordination is still weak and he can make chaotic movements.

Choosing a chest of drawers

Chest of drawers combined with changing table

The chest of drawers can combine the function of storing things and a changing table, having a special board with sides on top, which can later be removed. This is convenient for a small bedroom, and things with care items will always be at hand.

Bed combined with chest of drawers and changing table

You can use a classic chest of drawers, on the top cover of which you can keep hygiene items and bottles, and in the drawers - baby’s clothes.

Choosing a changing table

Multifunctional baby crib with changing table

As mentioned earlier, this item is especially relevant in the first months of a baby’s life, when it is necessary to frequently change the child’s clothes and provide hygienic care for him. The table should have lower shelves on which the necessary supplies, diapers and wipes will be located.

Folding changing table

The table must have sides and a removable mat, the surface of which is made of moisture-resistant material, since it will often need to be treated with a disinfectant.

Recommendations for interior design in the bedroom, photo

  • Zoning with color looks impressive; you can make the “corner” of a newborn in one tone, and the parents in an adjacent one. Or just combine different colors in a cute way.
  • The design does not end with choosing the shade of the walls; it must be safe. Be sure to consider that the paint is not toxic, and the bedding materials are made from 100% cotton fiber.
  • If it is possible to change the curtains, then it is better to hang thick curtains that can protect the room from sunlight and allow the baby to sleep longer.
    During the day he will also be able to rest peacefully. For curtains, it is better to choose a natural fabric that does not collect dust.
  • Carpeting in a room with a child is not recommended, but small cozy rugs are acceptable provided they are regularly cleaned of dust. The fact is that dust accumulations can develop an allergic reaction if there is a genetic or physiological predisposition to it.
  • Radiators and air conditioners, sources of heat or cold air need to be considered further from the crib. Heaters and radiators dry the air; even if there is a humidifier near them, the percentage will be lower. And it’s better to turn on the air conditioners while the child is not in the room.

It is better to place the crib away from direct sunlight and heating radiators

The child will always be visible if you place his crib opposite an adult

So, when a small life appears in the house, a change of environment is inevitable, and success depends on the correct approach and correct preparation. The main indicator that everything is done well is that there are no big changes during use. If there is a mess, irritability has risen to a level higher than usual and discomfort appears during use, then mistakes have been made.


The bedroom-living room is most often formed from a cramped two-room “Khrushchev” apartment, which often has an extremely inconvenient layout and a small kitchen. The combined room is quite spacious - due to the demolition of “extra” walls, more space appears for comfortable movement, beautiful arrangement of furniture; the separation of the living and sleeping areas here is purely symbolic.

There is also another option - a one-room apartment, the only living space of which is limited to an area of ​​15 or 16 square meters, less often - 17-23 m. It is problematic to accommodate the whole family here, therefore competent zoning is vital, especially if you have a child. If you have a spacious kitchen, several “squares” are “cut off” from it in favor of the room by moving the wall.

Ideas for decorating a bedroom with a crib for a child – 50 photos

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Provencal style

The simplicity of this design is deceptive. It is characterized by pastel colors, vintage furniture, floral motifs and lots of decor. When decorating a small bedroom, it is important to maintain a sense of proportion with regard to details.

Scandinavian motifs

The rugged charm of the north is becoming increasingly popular. To some, this design seems too spartan, but it allows for the best use of space. The motto of this design is “Laconism and Comfort.”

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