Kitchen styles in the interior - what are they? 130 photo examples with descriptions and names of popular design trends

Almost any housewife is interested in the question of which kitchen styles in the interior are the most optimal. It is very important to choose the right design that meets the owner’s requirements. It should evoke a feeling of coziness, comfort and be as functional as possible. After all, it is in the kitchen that every housewife spends most of her time.

The kitchen is a priority area in the house. This room is considered the place where the family often gathers together. While all other rooms in the house are practically not visited, with the exception of, of course, the bedroom and bathroom.

Almost any housewife is interested in the question of which kitchen styles in the interior are the most optimal

It all starts in the kitchen - this is the place where the inhabitants of the house greet their mornings with a cup of delicious coffee, and also spend cozy evenings drinking delicious tea with warm cheesecakes.

That is why, when choosing kitchen styles, it is important to first view the photo and description of the room. It is also equally important to accurately calculate your budget and clearly understand how much to expect for repairs.

It all starts in the kitchen - this is the place where the inhabitants of the house greet their mornings with a cup of delicious coffee, and also spend cozy evenings drinking delicious tea with warm cheesecakes

Only after the entire estimate has been calculated and each zone in the room has been considered, can you begin the repair work directly.

As mentioned above, there are different styles of kitchen in the interior, for example, there is a classic interior, and there is a baroque or modern style. Provence or country cuisines are quite popular. But each of them has its own characteristics and looks good only in a specific room.

As mentioned above, there are different styles of kitchen in the interior, for example, there is a classic interior, and there is a baroque or modern style

Classic style for the kitchen

The main feature of the classical style is the severity of proportions and the absence of decoration. The priority is functionality, practicality, restraint in details. Nothing extra.

Classic style kitchens are:

  • Rational use of space;
  • Strictness of furniture proportions;
  • Monocolor or a combination of two or three shades;
  • Discreet wallpaper ornament;
  • Frosted glass.

The classic style of the kitchen involves wooden furniture in brown tones. Black or white furniture is acceptable, but without unnecessary decorative elements.

Light colors are preferable for small kitchens; for spacious kitchens, you can choose furniture of any shade.

Designers recommend choosing Scandinavian style or minimalism for small kitchens.

Features of modern style

The modern style is characterized by the following features and differences:

  • simplicity and absence of complex elements;
  • clarity of lines;
  • mixing several styles at once, which can differ radically from each other;
  • a lot of free space;
  • cleanliness and orderliness in everything;
  • proper organization of food storage areas;
  • availability of modern technology;
  • thoughtfulness of each element of furniture, ergonomics.

Great importance is given to the choice of colors. Playing in contrast is encouraged. A tandem of natural shades and bright accents looks very beautiful. All furniture must be made of high-quality and reliable materials. Modern style implies durability and resistance to wear and tear. With the right approach, such a kitchen can serve its owners for many years, maintaining its original appearance. Surfaces should be flat and smooth, and the lighting should be bright and adequate. If desired, you can use several light sources at once.

Kitchen in modern style

The interior of a kitchen in a modern style is characterized by strict lines and the absence of anything superfluous. But unlike classic, which uses furniture made of wood, modern prefers light plastic in combination with metal parts.

  1. Practicality and functionality come first. Household appliances are built-in, furniture is simple and multifunctional.
  2. The color scheme can be any, but the shades must be in harmony with each other.
  3. Spot lighting is one of the hallmarks of this style.
  4. Great attention is paid to lighting design.

Furniture arrangement in a modern kitchen

Let's talk a little about the general principles of the arrangement of kitchen furniture. There are six modern layout options:

  • L-shaped (corner kitchen) is a good option for a small kitchen where a lot of people gather;
  • U-shaped - furniture is placed against three walls if the kitchen is impassable;
  • Double-row (parallel kitchen) - for those who spend a lot of time in the kitchen, with plenty of storage space;
  • Single-row (linear kitchen) - for small narrow rooms, suitable for studio apartments;
  • Kitchen with island - suitable for large kitchens. The so-called island can act as a working and dining area;
  • A kitchen with a peninsula is a kind of partition connected to a work area and can serve to zone the space.

Attention! The dining table should be at least one meter away from the work triangle (i.e. the area where food preparation occurs).

Arranging furniture in the kitchen

For a small kitchen, a table with chairs is most suitable, but a kitchen with a sofa looks much more comfortable. In addition, the sofa can serve as an additional sleeping place, as well as be a storage space if there are appropriate compartments.

Storage areas in the kitchen should be arranged according to the principle of greatest convenience: things used most often should be at hand, that is, in the cabinets closest to the work surface. What is used periodically should be placed above and below; and it is advisable to put things that are used least often in the farthest corners and cabinets of the kitchen unit.

Kitchen in Provence style

This style came to us from the southern part of France; it is distinguished by its comfort and some provincial sentimentality. Provence is characterized by a combination of light shades, prints with flowers, airy curtains, and an abundance of indoor plants on the windowsill and shelves.

Kitchen interior design in Provence style includes light, lightweight furniture, light floor tiles, panels, ceramic mats and glassware.

On a note! The main difference between the Provence style is convenience and functionality combined with elegance and compactness.

Also, the Provence style in the kitchen interior presupposes the presence of furniture made of solid wood or its imitation. Kitchen cabinet doors are decorated with inlays made of multi-colored glass or metal.

Design solution

The most beautiful kitchens with visual photos are presented in any fashion literature, where you can see all the variety of styles, for example:

  • minimalist. It is worth saying that there is nothing superfluous here, only the most necessary for work;
  • modern. The main difference is the built-in amenities;
  • Victorian style. The name itself speaks of the beauty of the 19th century;
  • rustic. This style uses only natural materials;
  • futuristic. Metallization is a distinctive feature;
  • French style. This style has an unsurpassed fabulousness.

06-11-2015, 22:21

Minimalism in the kitchen interior

Unlike Provence, minimalism requires a complete absence of decor and everything unnecessary in the interior. Functionality comes first.

All furniture and decoration of the premises are subject to a single law:

  • Monocolor;
  • Strict lines;
  • Ergonomics;
  • Functionality;
  • Lack of decor;
  • Correct forms;
  • Abundance of light and space.

A room in the minimalist style cannot be confused with either a classic style or hi-tech. Unlike classics, minimalism lacks massive details.

Unlike high-tech, in minimalism all forms are correct and even.

Which interior to choose for the kitchen?

Of course, to properly decorate your premises, you need to take into account many nuances, from the size of the living space to the age of the inhabitants of the house. The main criteria by which the choice is made relate to the overall design of the apartment, as well as the individual preferences of all its residents.

For example, a stylish and modern kitchen is designed to minimize clutter. Reflective surfaces and high-tech materials are central to the most modern kitchen, while exotic woods add luxury without frills or fabric.

The main criteria by which the choice is made relate to the overall design of the apartment, as well as the individual preferences of all its residents

Whether the space is spacious or tiny, country kitchens are designed to feel cozy and comfortable. Imperfect decoration of a room in this style is always one of the features of this interior.

Choosing the right interior style is quite difficult, and in the process you will have to take into account many nuances. For those who like innovation and everything modern, the modern type of interior is perfect. Such kitchens are equipped with the latest technology and are high-tech premises. They are ideal for those who love comfort and prefer to use high-tech household items.

The highlight of this interior is that all the equipment is located in an open space and is at the same time a decorative element

The highlight of this interior is that all the equipment is located in an open space and is at the same time a decorative element.

High-tech for the kitchen

Another option for interior design in a modern style, inspired by the ideas of late modernism. Its distinctive feature is its preference for metal and glass materials and high-quality built-in household appliances. The style is great for small apartments.

High-tech resembles minimalism with its strict lines and precise proportions, but, unlike it, it requires expensive finishing materials and expensive kitchen equipment.

The color scheme involves a combination of two contrasting tones, one of which is the main one. For example, black with red accents or gray with white accents. Any other combinations are possible.

Classic design

A kitchen in a classic style is all about restraint and minimalism. Here it is important to correctly distribute the space, taking into account the size of the room and functionality.

Most people use this type of design to highlight the overall look of the kitchen. There are no bright colors or voluminous panels here. Furniture is selected individually depending on the desired functionality.

The type of furniture material is most often natural solid wood; of course, it can be replaced with another less expensive material. The color is close to brown, but may vary significantly.

Many people use light shades or dark ones. A distinctive feature of the classic interior is plain walls and furniture, as well as the presence of frosted glass. So that the room does not seem very strict, it can be supplemented with unusual lighting and decorative elements.

Art Deco in the kitchen

This design style in the kitchen interior is the most expensive. It combines neoclassical details with modernism. Kitchen furniture is characterized by expensive finishing; semi-precious, ornamental or precious stones are used for inlay.

Sometimes animal skins, ivory or natural pearls are used for finishing.

  • Decorative elements from the classical style in Art Deco have been preserved: stucco molding, pretentious details, decorations, carved patterns and various figures.
  • The color design is characterized by the following tones: gold-plated, silver-plated, purple, blue and red.

Kitchen Design. Kitchen interior design styles

The kitchen is one of the most important places in the house where the whole family gathers. This is where we spend a significant part of our lives, so the interior of the kitchen should be comfortable, multifunctional, suit the style of the hostess and meet the needs of the whole family. Let's look at existing kitchen interior styles.

Classic kitchen style Classic will never go out of fashion and this is the main advantage of this style. Whatever is currently at the peak of fashion, a classic style kitchen is timeless! Classics are also distinguished by reliability, since such things are made from high-quality materials, and functionality, because you need to think through everything so that it lasts forever. Kitchen furniture is made mainly from wood, preferably hardwood, such as oak, ash, maple, hornbeam, beech, since the kitchen is a place of increased stress on all functional parts of the interior.

Nowadays, there are many materials, in addition to natural wood, that are also perfect for decorating a kitchen in a classic style. MDF, acrylic, plastic - materials that imitate the natural shades of wood will fit perfectly into a classic interior.

The color scheme of the classics gravitates towards beige and brown shades and the material – wood. It is also possible to create a black interior using black wood. Furniture upholstery and textiles are matched to the furniture in the same color or with a discreet pattern.

It is best to choose a classic kitchen interior for spacious rooms; in a small kitchen this design will look like a stripped-down version. If you want to introduce classics into a small-sized kitchen, you will have to give preference to forms without an abundance of decor, carvings, massive cornices, or historical elements. This way you will help your small kitchen save as much space as possible. In addition, give preference to light shades, niches, and frosted glass.

In a bright kitchen, even an abundance of decor does not squeeze the space.

Country style kitchens Country style kitchens are a great choice for kitchen interiors as they have a cozy and practical rustic style. Like classic, country interior is made in natural materials and shades. Wicker, rotunda furniture can be used as a set. Household appliances are selected that are maximally adapted to natural materials, or built-in, since shiny chrome surfaces come into disharmony with the overall style of the interior. Often antique furniture is selected for country interiors or existing furniture is artificially aged by applying patina (uneven color), such furniture acquires a touch of history. Handles and hinges are made of yellow metals, and the interior is complemented with stone or marble.

Patchwork carpets and linen curtains are used as textile additions; interior items are additionally decorated with wooden and earthenware. The disadvantages of such a kitchen include the massiveness of the elements, due to which such an interior requires a large space.

Kitchen design in high-tech style High-tech - the modern style of the metropolis is very different from country and classic, primarily due to the abundance of glass and metal. The main attribute in high-tech design is the latest home appliances. She is the very embodiment of this style. Appliances are emphasized and placed in the most functional way, the furniture itself goes as if in addition to household appliances, its straight, clear lines serve a single purpose - functionality.

True, due to the annual release of newer and more advanced models of household appliances, the high-tech style is highly influenced by fashion; it is one of the most changeable styles, which requires considerable financial investments.

The color scheme of a high-tech kitchen has clear rules - there must be a dominant bright color (red, blue, yellow, green) and a contrasting neutral color (gray, steel, black, white, gold). Red and gray are one of the characteristic color schemes of a high-tech kitchen.

Kitchens in the Provence style The Provence style has deservedly gained popularity in recent years, because its interior best combines ergonomics and compactness, which is important for small kitchens. Design in the Provence style exudes sophistication and elegance; such kitchens best create an atmosphere of harmony and comfort.

Characteristic features of the style are light colors, sophisticated light furniture and floors, floral patterns, an abundance of plants, weightless curtains, large windows in fragile frames, porcelain dishes and decor. The furniture is made from light materials with the addition of glass and metal. Provence style is soft colors and a lot of plants. An open window is the calling card of Provence cuisine. The presence of decor when designing a kitchen in the Provence style is encouraged.

Art Deco kitchen

Art Deco is a rather expensive style, since it uses expensive modern materials, semi-precious stones, marble, ivory, shark, crocodile and snake skin, and animal skins. The Art Deco kitchen is replete with patterns and design details made of precious metals, artificial stone, and expensive materials: window sills, sinks, countertops, bar counters. Items made from such materials are quite durable, so functionality is given great importance. Art Deco uses a very rich color scheme: gold, purple, velvet red and blue, white. The main features of Art Deco are luxury and functionality.

A kitchen in the Art Nouveau style is distinguished by laconic forms and details, and the absence of unnecessary elements. This is a fairly practical style for decorating a kitchen. Household appliances are usually built-in. The color scheme can be very diverse, but within the interior it is better not to use more than three colors and follow the rules of harmony between them.

Much attention is paid to lighting in the interior: spotlights and built-in light sources are used. Lighting can not only model the shape of a space, but also change the color scheme of the interior. Art Nouveau style can also be implemented for a small kitchen.

Kitchens in the minimalist style Minimalism is characterized by a complete absence of decor, maximum purity and clarity of lines, correct geometric shapes, and monochrome (monochromatic) colors. Great importance is paid to lighting, since in such an interior it is important to create the illusion of limitless space. Surfaces must be shiny and smooth. Furniture is a functional addition to equipment. Durability, straight lines, functionality are the main features of the style. The right combination of light and space is the main task of a minimalist kitchen. There is nothing superfluous in the kitchen interior or it is cleverly hidden.

Kitchens in ethno style Ethnic style is one of the most exotic styles; it is rarely found because it has a pronounced character of a particular ethnic group. In our country, ethno style is found in such expressions as Japanese and Chinese styles, Indian, Scandinavian, Moroccan. The choice of a particular ethnic group in style is a reflection of the culture and way of life of one of the peoples. Depending on the chosen direction, materials, colors, and space organization are selected. Naturally, household appliances in such a kitchen will mimic the surroundings, and the main element will be the decor of the chosen ethnic group.

Moroccan and Indian styles will fill the kitchen with bright colors and rich shades, and an abundance of decorations. Japanese-Chinese interior tends towards minimalism and simplicity. The English ethno style will require solidity and a touch of antiquity, while the Scandinavian ethnos gravitates towards lightness, light furniture and floors, and pastel shades.

Kitchens in the eclectic style The term “eclectic” translated means “mixing”; indeed, a kitchen in this style contains a combination of two or three styles that are united by color, texture and architecture. In general, eclecticism is distinguished by an abundance of elements, decor, and rich shades. The main features of the style: plasticity and softness of forms. Style serves convenience and comfort. The abundance of decorative elements is the hallmark of an eclectic style.

How to decide on the style of the kitchen? First of all, we note that there are no bad and good styles, fashionable and unfashionable. There are only styles that suit your character and lifestyle, and those that do not suit your lifestyle.

So, the brighter and more extraordinary your interior is, the more often it will have to be changed under the influence of fashion.

If you do not plan such frequent changes, give preference to one of the calmer styles: classic, country, modern, Provence, minimalism.
The color scheme of your interior depends on your individual color preferences. We recommend that you choose the interior for your home in accordance with your color type. You'll never get bored of the right shade, and as an unexpected bonus, whenever you look in the mirror, you'll look good surrounded by a color that suits you! Popular articles: How to choose a kitchen color - tips and 95 photos of kitchens in the interior
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Country style kitchen

This style has a rustic feel. Country style kitchens in apartment interiors are becoming increasingly popular in the modern world. Country music is characterized by the use of natural materials for decoration, furniture and decor.

It can be stone (or its imitation), brick, solid wood or boards. Built-in household appliances are carefully disguised so as not to disrupt the unity of the rustic style.

  • This style is characterized by the use of antique or artificially aged furniture, wicker chairs or armchairs, tables and cabinets with a patina effect.
  • To decorate windows, curtains made of natural fabrics (cotton, linen, knitted fabric) are used.
  • Tulle or synthetic fabrics are not acceptable.
  • On the floor there are woven rugs, runners, and rugs made from natural materials.

On a note! Country style for the interior of the kitchen-living room.

It is advisable to choose handmade dishes - clay or glass mugs, wooden plates, wicker coasters or fruit baskets. Country music is characterized by an abundance of natural, rough-processed materials.

Porcelain dinnerware sets are completely excluded, as are exclusive elegant items. Country is a style for large rooms; it is not suitable for small kitchens.

Rustic styles in kitchen design

Many people prefer a calm and cozy interior, which most closely matches the concept of “home.” For such lovers of a warm atmosphere, the best option would be to decorate the kitchen in one of the rustic directions. They are different from each other, but they are united by the warm atmosphere of a house in the village.


This style is imbued with the soulful atmosphere of the French province. Pastel colors, aged furniture and shades of lavender are an integral part of it. Natural materials are a priority, especially wood.

Provence - the atmosphere of the French province


This direction is divided into several currents. There is English, Russian and American country music. We can say that each country has its own direction. A distinctive feature is the abundance of national decor. Among the materials, the priority is natural wood and wicker.

Country - an abundance of decor and wood


This style is called one of the varieties of country. It often contains ethnic elements, and natural materials are used for decoration and furniture. Also used as decoration are indoor flowers, especially large ones in massive pots.

Rustic – ethnic elements and flowers


Another style that actively uses wood. The furniture is preferably massive, and the ceilings have wooden beams. The color scheme of the chalet style is harmonious and soft - contrasting colors are not used. Stuffed animals and their skins can be used as decoration.

Chalet – beamed ceilings and open fire

Classic styles

Classics always remain timeless and never lose their relevance. There are several design directions that are united by a classical focus. It’s worth noting right away that the classic design is not suitable for small rooms, and also implies the presence of high ceilings.


Classics are distinguished by harmony and nobility. Furniture should be wooden and preferably dark shades, although there are many options using light kitchen sets. The decor is used not only as an accent, but also for wall and floor coverings. The use of various ornaments and bas-reliefs is relevant.


Modern neoclassicism has many similarities with classic interiors, but there are also differences. The amount of decor is much less, and white or cream is used as the main tone. First of all, the neoclassical interior should be light. If the classics use only wooden furniture and parquet, then the neoclassics allows the use of marble or tiles for the floor and materials with imitation wood for the furniture. The styles of kitchen furniture used should be consistent with the overall design.

Rococo and Baroque

These 2 directions can be attributed to the same stylistic direction. Gilding, ornaments on wood, pompous furniture - all this is inherent in both Rococo and Baroque. To summarize, a beautiful description of such a kitchen is that of a palace, because the atmosphere with such a design is exactly that.

Baroque - pompous and bright

The main difference is that Rococo is less pretentious and allows the use of a wide range of colors, while Baroque is more pompous and allows the use of only light shades.

Kitchen in Ethno style

This style is gaining popularity. It is characterized by the design of space in the national spirit: Japanese, Scandinavian, Mediterranean, English, etc. Each ethnic style is characterized by a special set of finishing materials, color palette, and decorative elements.

When decorating the premises, the peculiarities of the national mentality and culture of the country should be reflected. If the Mediterranean culture is characterized by an abundance of bright colors, then the Scandinavian style is dominated by a white tone.

Kitchen studio

One solution to the problem of cramped space in the kitchen may be to combine the kitchen with a room, that is, to create a kitchen studio. In a small space, this move can be very effective and useful. In this case, a bar counter or a retractable table top will be convenient.

With the help of steps, thresholds, the use of different materials, as well as columns and countertops, you can zone the space and visually divide it into parts with different purposes.

The design of the kitchen and living room can be combined using common decorative elements, or you can select each room and decorate it in your own style.

Attention! A mandatory element of a studio kitchen should be a powerful hood that will purify the air and maintain its own microclimate in the living room.

Kitchen studio

Natural materials

Natural materials make a room truly modern. Stone has become widespread in design in recent years. Marble and granite are no less impressive; quartzite, onyx and agate are also gaining momentum in design.

An abundance of wood is also welcome: it’s good if it is on floor coverings, facades, walls and even the ceiling. The breed can be any, the main condition is a harmonious combination. In modern trends, birch plywood is appropriate. She decorates the walls and attaches the shelves. Facades or especially noticeable parts are selected from plywood.

Color solution

The advantages of a modern kitchen are that it has almost no boundaries in color. Mostly designers choose neutral shades for furnishings: white, black, gray and brown. Bright accents, for example, in textiles or on furniture facades, would also be useful.

Note! We recommend using the 60/30/10 rule. According to him, 60% of the room should be occupied by 2-3 basic colors. Walls, ceilings, floors and furniture are selected in this color. Another 30% can be given to related shades. They are used when choosing tabletops and furniture upholstery. The remaining 10% is occupied by accents, which are added in doses.

Among the common kitchen colors:

  1. White. It can be called the main trend of modern design. In most cases, a set in this color does not have handles. Together with rectangular graphics, this solution makes the structure look like an ordinary wall, which visually reduces the space it occupies. White gloss reflects light well and gives a fresher and more spacious look to the entire room. To slightly defuse the atmosphere of excessive cleanliness, choose wooden countertops and bright decor.
  2. Gray. In a monochrome interior, this shade can be called a classic. A gray set looks best against a white wall and ceiling. Excessive severity can be softened by a colored apron and wooden countertops. Steel surfaces always look elegant and stylish, being associated with the furnishings of kitchen areas in expensive restaurants.
  3. Brown. Despite the versatility and variety of tones, such colors need to be skillfully combined. The most successful way is to combine a warm and cold palette of the same color. For example, light chestnut and classic coffee. It is permissible to place accents in turquoise, pink or light green. For designs that are more familiar to the eye, combinations with milk or peach are suitable. Gray walls along with a brown set will also be a good solution for any style.
  4. Black. Not everyone will decide to choose such a gloomy tone for a kitchen unit in an apartment. But often it looks truly noble and mysterious, giving the room a special charm. A huge role in the perception of such ambiguous colors of furniture is played by texture and its combination with other coatings. Gloss, giving a mirror effect, and elegant matte surfaces can be used. It is recommended to combine the first option with white ceramics, glass and bright plastic decor. The second one looks great with wood and warmer lighting.
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