Olive curtains - application in design, color palette and features of choosing combinations (80 photos)

Interior design consists of a large number of elements. In this matter, every detail plays a significant role. Finishing materials and furniture are, of course, important, but curtains complete the composition, on which the final appearance of the room will depend.

Window textiles take part in creating a cozy homely atmosphere and give the room a unique flair.

Olive curtains will be an excellent choice for any interior. Such a design solution will look beneficial in bright, spacious rooms, and the use of brown and yellow shades will create a harmonious ensemble.

Rules for using olive curtains

To ensure that olive-colored curtains do not look redundant, they must be used based on the following recommendations from experts:

  • Olive curtains are hung in the living room only in situations where the room is large and bright, as can be seen in the photo. It is advisable to have a high enough ceiling. The window opening itself should be large, and the glass should ideally be stained glass.
  • Before you decide to hang olive curtains in the bedroom, you need to decide on the lighting. It should be sufficient and the shade of the curtains will depend on it.
  • Olive curtains must be complemented in the interior with other items and be slightly shaded by them.
  • All textiles in the room are matched directly to the color of the curtains.

Olive color in the interior

Shades of olive are so diverse that they look equally good in any room. Curtains of this shade can fit into the interior of both the bedroom and the kitchen and living room.

When choosing curtains, you should pay attention to the color and texture of the fabric. The design of olive curtains should be combined with the rest of the interior. Here are a few simple rules for the harmonious juxtaposition of curtains and room decoration:

For spacious rooms with high ceilings and large windows, it is recommended to use a deep and rich shade of olive. This way you can benefit from the surrounding space and give it depth.

To avoid the gloominess of the room, it is recommended to decorate the walls in light colors. If there is not enough natural lighting, then you need to install additional multi-level light of a cold shade.

Read here! Turquoise curtains: beautiful application ideas, new designs and decoration using curtains (90 photos)

Curtains in the living room

After we have decided on the general rules, we will consider the use of curtains in different rooms.

In an olive living room, for example, with a classic design style, curtains in muted tones are used in contrast to the design of the furniture. Curtains of a dark olive shade will give the effect of relaxation and calm.

In this option, olive-colored curtains are most often combined with soft chocolate furniture.

All textiles are matched directly to the color of the curtains. Please note that the shade of olive in the living room is chosen much darker than in the bedroom.

Photo gallery more than 30 photos

Olive curtains, as can be seen from the selection of ideas in our photographs, in addition to the living room and bedroom, look appropriate in the kitchen. They can be dominant details or used as an accent. For the kitchen, you can choose any shades of olive. If you use a plain curtain and combine it with chocolate, sand or alabaster material, it will evoke relaxation without looking boring.

For lovers of a monochrome environment, shades of a yellow palette and marsh notes are suitable. Bright blue, dark emerald, chocolate and caramel shades are good as contrasting spots. A popular combination in the kitchen is olive color with white, which fills the space with light and visually increases volume. If the walls in the kitchen are painted olive, then the curtains should be one or two shades lighter.

For a child's room

Here you should choose colors either close to pistachio or more herbaceous. It is best to combine olive curtains in a nursery with green furniture the color of fresh grass.

An excellent option for shades of textiles and wallpaper would be beige, milky, sand or white. But curtains for olive wallpaper can be the same color in a different shade.

Colors that are best not added to olive are bright crimson, pink or yellow. You will end up with too many bright spots that will not have the right effect on the child’s psyche.

Small peas, checkered patterns, and small flowers are more suitable for designs.

Variety of shades

Olive color is primarily associated with the Mediterranean, sunny days and wealth.

Olive color consists of a mixture of yellow, green and brown, and therefore the variety of shades depends on the ratio in which these colors are mixed.

There are several shades of olive:

The color of ripe plum. This shade of olive has depth and volume, and therefore looks good in combination with smooth and shiny fabrics such as silk and satin. Additional glare gives such curtains a touch of luxury and well-being.

Read here! Curtains for the nursery - stylish, beautiful, current ideas and combinations for children's rooms (105 photos)

Golden olive. This tone is distinguished by its mutedness and calmness. This shade of olive looks good when paired with wooden decorative elements.

Moss color. This shade is also considered a derivative of olive. It is dominated by green color, which fits well into any interior and is combined with a great variety of tones.

Military. This shade consists mainly of yellow and brown, almost completely excluding green pigment. Thanks to this, it seems to be devoid of brightness and covered with a gray haze.

Characteristic features of color

Olive curtains will fill the kitchen with a feeling of warm cleanliness and silence. Many shades allow you to hang such curtains in kitchens made in any style. A characteristic feature of olive color is its ability to absorb light. They will decorate a large window opening with access to the balcony.

This color is not entirely suitable for small windows. In this case, you will have to work on additional lighting, because... this calm color needs additional accents to highlight and support it. In addition to olive curtains in the kitchen, it is imperative to use suitable accessories of the same color in the interior.

How to use additional combinations correctly?

There are many more additional shades than outgoing shades, but despite this, combining them with each other is much easier. An important role here is played by the individual perception of color combinations and the correct reinforcement of the base with additional elements. Whatever shades are taken as the base in this case, it is also recommended to use auxiliary rather than primary colors as an accompaniment.

  • Dark olive wallpaper can be complemented with ocher curtains, brown or gray elements.
  • Close to yellow, light olive color prefers the proximity of very light yellow and purple tones.
  • Wine and yellow-green draperies will go well with mint, almost gray wallpaper. The use of black in this case is strictly prohibited.
  • Turquoise with a green tint wonderfully harmonizes with all options on the metal theme. It can be fabric from pure gold and silver to soft faded bronze.
  • The classic gray-green color will look boring if curtains with dark red, turquoise, and beige inserts are not introduced into the interior.
  • Rich jade prefers contrast. Grey, pink, chocolate and beige are suitable supporting colors. No matter how strange these combinations may seem to hear, visually they are close to ideal.
  • Very delicate greenery will create a romantic and airy atmosphere in the room in combination with any shades of blue, blue, yellow and white.

Modern technical capabilities allow you to evaluate the combination of colors you like even before purchasing products. If the ensemble raises any questions or negative emotions, it is better to abandon it immediately.

Multicolored curtains

Although green has many options, there are only a limited number of options when choosing a finish. If the walls:

  • Delicate colors - white, yellow, blue, blue curtains will suit light green wallpaper, it is better not to use black;
  • Olive - brown, white, gray are used for a harmonious combination, pink for contrast, and pastel or purple solutions are used with light olive
  • Mint - yellow shades are suitable, black is introduced for contrast
  • Bottles - contrast is created by dirty red shades; for a calmer environment, gray, black, white, yellow are chosen
  • Gray-green - combined with dark red, beige, turquoise
  • Turquoise – suitable for black, olive, metallic colors, gray

Choose curtains to match beige wallpaper

Stylists and designers advise using the Itten color wheel, and if difficulties arise with it, then select combinations of specific shades on the expanded color wheel.

This toolkit allows you to choose the most harmonious combination, however, you will first have to make a decision in favor of a sharp contrast or the absence of intense contrasts. The color scheme will help you choose not only curtains, but also tulle, and decide on the color scheme of the rest of the textiles.

To the living room

A modern and stylish combination - milky beige with pink beige or peach beige. These colors quite naturally complement and set off each other and it is convenient to match them with the rest of the decor, which can be in pearl-gray tones, have coffee shades or any shades of amber, mother-of-pearl, noble wood, and also be red, orange, chocolate, muted yellow colors.

The yellow color of curtains in the daytime will give an interesting effect: even a dim sun, penetrating through the fabric, will create the impression of a room filled with sunlight and warmth.

But you should choose yellow fabric only if the wallpaper pattern contains the same shade.

Warm brown curtains look good in the living room, but they require additional support in other objects or even decoration details: gilded picture frames, bronze candlesticks, shiny furniture handles and lighting bases.

Dazzling white curtains are also suitable for the living room. This can be a full set of day and night curtains or a light translucent curtain. White textiles refresh the space and make it calm and solemn.

To the bedroom

Here it is better to avoid sharp contrasts, and adherents of coloristic experiments can be advised to take a closer look at azure, turquoise, pistachio colors and choose them for window decoration.

Simple lilac or white curtains with a floral print are suitable for a Provence style interior. Flowers can be blue, red, purple, orange, yellow.

For a high-tech bedroom, it is better to choose curtains made of smooth fabric in smoky shades or with a metallic effect.

In Feng Shui, beige means well-being and happiness; stylists and designers usually agree with this statement, and recommend using any flesh-colored shades in recreation rooms: they create a calm, relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom.

Until recently, a completely beige interior was fashionable. Today it is not in trend, but if you like this combination, then you should not refuse it, you just need to apply a little imagination so as not to make the room boring and nondescript.

And this is not difficult to do: it is enough to dilute the existing monochrome with at least one bright element. This could be a ceiling in rich blue, olive, lilac, or a sofa with bright upholstery, or maybe a painting or carpet with a dynamic pattern. And then the unsightly beige will turn into a fashionable, “tasty” color, creating an interior in which you want to stay for as long as possible.

Single lavender curtains for the kitchen

Sprigs of lavender will add a splash of brightness to the calm olive background in the kitchen. Against a neutral pastel background of olive curtains, sprigs of lavender will look like lush, colorful accents. They can be combined with bright turquoise spots in the interior or “lavender” decorative elements. For example, a bouquet of lavender in a decorative vase on the table.

You can use napkins with embroidered flowers of this plant or pillows on the sofa with the same pattern. This is true Provence aesthetics. To enhance the effect, appropriate incense sticks or candles are good, which, in addition to the visual effect, will bring the smells of French meadows to the kitchen.

Varieties of green

A person can distinguish at least 376 shades of green, so to choose curtains it is necessary to find out the true color of the wallpaper. The main color and additional tones are distinguished. The main color includes natural color - light or dark, and additional ones - mint, olive, dark and light olive, bottle, emerald, malachite, turquoise, marsh, light green, a mixture with gray or blue and many others. When choosing curtains for green wallpaper, you need to know exactly the shade of the decorative coating. The range of future curtains depends on this.

For the kitchen with olives

Kitchens made in a rustic style with light curtains with olives painted on them can look charming. They look especially good against the background of cold and light walls. If the room is large and spacious, then its walls can be entirely painted in a noble gray-green. An all-olive kitchen will look respectable. This combination of walls and curtains appeals to ivory-colored furniture.

Although both brown and beige sets organically combine with pastel olive. If the interior is made in a rustic style, then you can paint the walls olive color only in the upper half, and use wooden panels in the lower half. A pattern with olives will become a delicate decoration on the curtain. In addition to the rustic style, curtains with olives also look good in a classic interior.

At the same time, the delicate combination of a light background with a pattern can be diluted with black, which can be easily combined with this spectrum. The result can be a very interesting combination.

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