Photo wallpaper for the nursery: the best way to liven up the interior



Parents usually approach the decoration of a children's room most carefully, because it is necessary to create a design in which the child will be comfortable and have fun. Photo wallpapers for children's rooms are considered a popular option for decorating surfaces, since with their help the interior is filled with meaning and color. An important condition in this case is the choice of wallpaper, the production of which does not use harmful synthetic substances.

Photo wallpapers for children's rooms are considered a popular option for decorating surfaces, since with their help the interior is filled with meaning and color.

Key points to consider when choosing photo wallpaper for a nursery

When choosing photo wallpaper for the wall in a child’s room, you need to follow the advice of not only designers, but also psychologists, because children are not adults, they perceive the color of the walls differently, reacting to this with emotional behavior. At the same time, child psychologists draw attention to the fact that the image itself plays a secondary role, and the primary color on the walls is of primary importance. Before choosing a color scheme, you need to wisely choose the type of wallpaper.

When choosing photo wallpaper for the wall in a child’s room, you need to follow the advice of not only designers, but also psychologists

Most often, adults are involved in purchasing photo wallpapers. They often focus on price and their own preferences, which is completely unfair to the child. Of course, if this is a child under 3-5 years old, he may not care, but when children already have personal preferences and their individual character traits are being formed, then they should be fully involved in arranging their own room.

Sometimes parents will have to make compromises in order to deviate from the general concept of the style of the house when decorating a children's room. You should know the main indicators that you need to focus on when choosing photo wallpaper for a nursery.

A girl's room, regardless of age, can be decorated with photo wallpapers with princesses, fairies, and Barbie dolls

Children's age. A baby or child under three years old will be touched by images of the sun, clouds, trains or soft toys, but a teenager has no need for this. He would rather give preference to images of movie characters or historical figures.

Preferences. The baby’s personal wishes should be put first, even if they do not coincide with the parent’s opinion. For example, putting space in a children's photo wallpaper when the baby is interested in ships would be completely wrong.

When choosing photo wallpaper, the child’s personal wishes should be put first, even if they do not coincide with the parent’s opinion

Floor. As a rule, wallpaper for a boy’s children’s room is full of images of airplanes, cars, ships, tanks or transformers. A girl's room, regardless of age, can be decorated with photo wallpapers with princesses, fairies, and Barbie dolls, which bring positivity to the interior.

Advantages and disadvantages of photo wallpaper in the nursery

Wallpaper for a children's room has the following advantages:

  1. Durability. Non-woven or vinyl-based wallpaper is practically resistant to aging. The second option is better, since they are not saturated with pigment from markers and felt-tip pens. The pattern can be easily washed off with alcohol and a cloth.
  2. Any design can be printed. Children's photo wallpapers are made to order, so you can put any print on them. You just need to comply with the image dimensions when ordering a print.
  3. Can visually change the size of a room. Using specific abstractions, it is possible to achieve a visual change in space.


  1. The image may bore the child. This can happen as you get older. But photo wallpapers on a non-woven base or on vinyl are dense and peel off easily. It is from this that you can always replace it without harming the rest of the room.
  2. Low quality photo wallpapers for children are often found. In this case, when heated in summer, they will release harmful volatile toxins. These are the remains of catalysts used in production.
  3. Gluing process. If it is not possible to perfectly align the wall, further repairs are impossible. Any irregularities will affect the perspective distortion, which will lead to a deterioration in the picture.

Types of wallpaper for children's rooms: choosing a practical and safe option

Now in retail outlets you can find a large number of photo wallpapers for a boy’s or girl’s nursery, and each manufacturer uses different materials both for making the base and for applying the design. When choosing, it is important to take into account that the most expensive wallpaper will not always be of high quality and practical; it is better to pay attention to the characteristics of the canvas and the quality of the materials used.

When choosing, it is important to consider that the most expensive wallpaper will not always be of high quality and practical.

Important! In order to avoid mistakes when choosing and purchase truly safe and high-quality wallpaper, you should ask the seller to present documents confirming the quality and environmental friendliness of the products. It is important that the composition does not contain harmful coloring components, and that the canvas itself does not disturb the microclimate in the room.

The main criteria that photo wallpaper on the wall in a children's room must meet are environmental friendliness and safety. In addition to safety, wallpaper should also be able to withstand washing and be resistant to mechanical damage, especially if we are talking about the room of a child under 10, or even up to 15 years old. It must be remembered that a child’s room is a room in which rearrangements, movement and various types of activity constantly occur, which means that the wall surfaces must be prepared for this.

It is important that the composition does not contain harmful coloring components, and that the canvas itself does not disturb the microclimate in the room

Paper-based photo wallpapers are considered the most economical, but nevertheless safe. Thanks to its porous structure, the fabric “breathes” well and does not absorb dust. Due to the fact that paper wallpapers do not have a very long service life, they are recommended to be used as a temporary option in the room of a child aged 3-10 years, when the child’s interests and favorite characters often change.

Depending on the features of the image, photo wallpapers are divided into the following main types:

Paper-based photo wallpapers are considered the most economical, but nevertheless safe.

  1. Background. They are the key point that creates the atmosphere in the nursery, while the drawing itself is not considered an accent element.
  2. Subject. The basis of such a canvas is a certain object or subject, which attracts the main attention.
  3. Panoramic. A children's room with panoramic photo wallpaper visually changes its configuration, increases in volume and is filled with light. A correctly chosen plot can adjust a room of any shape and area.
  4. 3D photo wallpaper in a nursery, thanks to its three-dimensional design, can create a special presence effect in the room. However, you need to be sure that such a realistic image will not scare the baby.

A children's room with panoramic photo wallpaper visually changes its configuration and increases in volume

Classification of wallpaper for children's rooms according to the type of material used as a base

Vinyl products belong to the category of washable wallpaper that withstands moisture and ultraviolet rays well. The advantage of using vinyl wallpaper is the fact that it can be washed with chemicals and even with a sponge. However, vinyl canvases are not recommended for use in decorating the interior of rooms with photo wallpapers, because the products have an airtight base, which negatively affects the creation of a microclimate in the child’s room.

Vinyl products belong to the category of washable wallpapers that are well resistant to moisture and ultraviolet rays.

Non-woven photo wallpapers in the interior of a children's room are considered the most successful option, since they are based on a breathable, environmentally friendly fabric. In addition, such wallpapers are washable; they can easily withstand moisture. The presence of pores in the fabric structure ensures good moisture removal. Most of these photo wallpapers have a special impregnation that protects the surface from the development of fungus.

This is interesting! Some wallpapers consist of several layers, for the production of which different materials are used. This is what you need to pay attention to when purchasing.

Non-woven photo wallpaper in the interior of a children's room is considered the most successful option

In the photo, wallpaper in a nursery on a fabric basis looks most attractive - the pictures are bright and lively. The fabric is based on natural linen or silk threads, which provide the surfaces with a special shine and shimmer. The main disadvantages are the ability of the fabric to absorb and accumulate dust, instability to moisture, and the high cost of the products. It is most important to use fabric wallpaper for older children and teenagers who are careful about the interior of the room.

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Wallpaper for a children's room: creating a bright, original and unobtrusive design

Types of wall coverings. Selection of wallpaper for children of different genders and ages. Color for children's. Children's wallpaper theme.

In addition to choosing the wallpaper material, you should also pay attention to the texture, which will determine not only the appearance of the walls, but also the color rendition of the picture. Depending on the textural features, the following types of photo wallpaper are distinguished:

In addition to choosing the wallpaper material, you should also pay attention to the texture, which will determine not only the appearance of the walls

  1. Smooth. There is no embossing on the canvases, which makes the products glossy and pleasant to the touch. On such a surface, the drawings look accurate and believable. They are mainly used for printing pictures with a lot of detail, which is important for illustrations from fairy tales.
  2. With imitation plaster. Wallpaper is characterized by a relief structure and a rough surface. Most often, the basis is a non-woven structure, which makes the surface of the walls a little softer and warmer to the touch.
  3. Sand. The surface texture of the wallpaper resembles a combination of grains of sand of different sizes; it feels like matte photographs. Using such canvases, you can even out the surface a little. Despite all the advantages, this option is not recommended for use in children's rooms due to difficult care and the ability to absorb dirt.
  4. In the form of a canvas. From the name it becomes clear that photo wallpapers resemble paintings made using brush strokes. The image looks three-dimensional and beautiful, but this texture is susceptible to dust accumulation, so it is recommended for use in the rooms of adult children.

Features of room design with photo wallpaper

When using photo wallpaper in a children's room, it is important to adhere to the principle of zoning space. You can create various themed corners for story games, educational activities and relaxation. Dynamic and bright wallpaper is suitable for a sports corner.

It is better to cover the wall next to the bed with soothing panoramic paintings. The use of photo wallpaper will allow you to zone the space in a common room intended for children of different ages.

Proper scaling is also important. In a small nursery or with low ceilings, wallpaper with large patterns will create a depressing impression. This type of wallpaper requires space and a distant vantage point.

When choosing wallpaper, you need to take into account age characteristics. The bright and primitive cartoon color, suitable for children, will lose its aesthetic effect over time. Therefore, most often, wall cladding is planned for the next 2-4 years, with the condition of a change of scenery for an older child. Another option is to choose custom wallpaper with more neutral and meaningful themes.

You need to pay attention to the lighting of the room. In sunny rooms you should not glue laminated and pastel wallpapers. Spot lighting of the walls and ceiling will emphasize the fabulous and romantic effect.

For wallpaper with bright large-scale patterns, you need to provide walls free from furniture, or paste individual wall fragments located above beds, cabinets or tables. A room door completely covered with photo wallpaper can become an impressive decor.

Visual expansion of space is another important function of photo wallpaper. As a rule, they are pasted over one of the walls, the rest carry the background load.

White or light gray color is considered universal, but it is also acceptable to use wallpaper and paints that match the background of the picture or in contrast with it. The effect of expanding space can be achieved by covering adjacent walls with photo wallpaper.

For fashionable 3D photo wallpapers, a prerequisite is a large space in the nursery, the same applies to drawings with large figures. Paintings with perspective are good in small rooms. The predominance of horizontal or vertical lines can be used to visually lengthen the wall or ceiling height.

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Photo wallpaper for the nursery: how to choose the right primary color

Experts in child psychology focus on the fact that from early childhood a child begins to absorb information and develop. Therefore, the choice of children's photo wallpaper for the walls of a child's bedroom, including a baby, is very important, because even at this age, the drawing will influence the development of the baby.

In infancy, the child’s visual apparatus is not yet able to distinguish shapes; it mainly focuses on color and movement, and it is photo wallpaper that can create such an effect. For example, the selected pattern for a 3D wallpaper can change its position depending on the angle at which it is viewed. The main thing is that the chosen picture is not too colorful; here it is important to choose simple geometric figures - preferably in black and white.

When choosing, you should not always take into account the gender of the baby, because there are universal options that will be appropriate in the bedroom of both girls and boys

Helpful advice! It is not always clear how this or that bright color will affect the child’s psyche, so it is better to use children’s photo wallpaper in neutral pastel colors in the interior.

If the child is still small and cannot participate in the process of choosing wallpaper, then all responsibility falls on the parents. You should not always start from the gender of the baby, because there are universal options that will be appropriate in the bedroom of both a girl and a boy. If images of princesses or unicorns are relevant to use when decorating a girl’s bedroom, then various cartoon characters, such as Winnie the Pooh, Bambi or the Smurfs, are suitable for a shared room between a girl and a boy, which is especially important when decorating a bedroom for opposite-sex twins.

The meanings of colors on photo wallpapers in a children's room: photos of various interiors

In general, when choosing the main background of photo wallpaper, you need to focus on the meanings of the colors.

Red. You need to be extremely careful when choosing a shade of this color. As a general rule, a bright red color will irritate a child's eyes and may cause undue emotional distress. However, it is not necessary to completely abandon this color; the main thing is not to make red dominant and combine it with calmer tones, such as yellow or blue.

Yellow. Refers to noble flowers that are associated with the sun. Any shades of yellow rarely cause negative emotions. However, according to some child psychologists, the abundance of yellow in the room can cause hyperactivity, which will interfere with restful sleep.

The abundance of blue tones in a children's bedroom can cause an apathetic and sad mood

Green. Children's rooms with photo wallpapers, where green is the dominant color, are most common. The color belongs to natural tones, so it fills the room with positivity and good mood. At the same time, shades of green, unlike yellow, do not have such a strong effect on the child’s activity. The only tones that are not recommended for use in a nursery are pistachio and emerald, as they bring a feeling of coolness to the nursery.

Blue. The color is deep and rich. The abundance of blue tones in a children's bedroom can cause an apathetic and sad mood. Therefore, if you decide to use photo wallpaper with blue elements, they must be diluted with warm tones.

Blue. Although cyan is a shade of blue, it is associated with calm and harmony. Additionally, the blue tone has calming qualities. It is especially good to use blue in combination with green or yellow.

General design tips

Even if the child really likes the chosen design, you cannot cover all the walls with photo wallpaper. One wall is chosen for them, and the other three are covered with other coverings. Usually simple paper materials are used - they are inexpensive and safe. But there is a more original option - liquid wallpaper. This coating resembles decorative plaster and is applied to the wall with a spatula.

Liquid wallpaper has a number of advantages:

  • resistant to damage;
  • allow air to pass through;
  • do not leave seams;
  • hide surface defects.

The combination of two different types of wallpaper will enliven the design and help zone the room. Photo wallpaper in the interior of a children's room takes on the accent, even if a dim shade is chosen. They set the main story, so don't make the other three walls too colorful. Let the rest of the decoration be calmer, but in keeping with the main pattern. Then the design will look complete.

Consider the child's character. If your child is hyperactive, do not buy bright wallpaper for the children's room; the photo shows that discreet colors can also create an interesting design. Small interior items also complement the overall idea well. For example, you can put figurines of your favorite characters on the shelves.

Do not cover the wall with photo wallpaper with furniture; if possible, do not install shelves on it. The picture must be fully visible.

Take into account the location of the room and its size. If there is not enough light, warm colors are needed. For the sunny side, cooler shades are suitable. Horizontal stripes will visually expand the room, and vertical stripes will raise the ceiling.

In the video: choosing wallpaper for the children's room.

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Rules for choosing photo wallpaper for a preschool boy or girl

When a child begins to actively grow, this process is accompanied by a constant change of interests, so, most likely, photo wallpaper in a girl’s or boy’s nursery will have to be changed depending on new hobbies.

To decorate the bedroom of a child under the age of seven, in addition to choosing a pattern, great attention should be paid to the quality of the wallpaper

The older children are, the more they begin to understand the objects around them. In preschool age (from three to seven years), the child begins to explore the world and prepares for school and independent life. Therefore, pictures for the children's room are selected with educational themes.

After reaching the age of three, a child already develops a range of interests and hobbies, so when choosing the theme of photo wallpaper, you need to focus on this. For example, if a child shows an interest in reading, then you should pay attention to photo wallpapers depicting the alphabet in a playful way with examples. Thus, during the game you will learn something new, which will speed up the development process.

If you instill a love of reading from childhood, it will be easier for your child to perceive information later. However, even in this case, you should not get too carried away and overload your children with studies. For kids who still find it difficult to perceive educational information, Disney photo wallpapers with bright and colorful characters from their favorite cartoons are more suitable.

Photo wallpaper Transformers in a children's room is also appropriate to use, especially if it is the boy's favorite comic book. It is worth considering that usually images with such characters are quite dark, so for the plot picture you can choose a small fragment of the wall, and it is better to make the rest of the room lighter and more joyful.

When choosing wallpaper, you should give preference to options with anti-vandal and moisture-resistant coatings

To decorate the bedroom of a child under the age of seven, in addition to choosing a pattern, much attention should be paid to the quality of the wallpaper. After all, it’s no secret that children of this age often see themselves as artists, so they can use walls as a canvas. When choosing wallpaper, you should give preference to options with anti-vandal and moisture-resistant coating, because sooner or later you will have to wash the walls.

Helpful advice! Repair specialists do not recommend buying photo wallpaper from unverified places. It is better to do this in specialized stores that sell wallpaper and can provide information about the manufacturer. Otherwise, there is a risk of buying fake low-quality wallpaper, which will quickly lose its neat appearance.

Photo wallpaper in a children's room for a younger boy should be resistant to solvents and friction. This is due to the fact that marks from a marker or felt-tip pen on the wall cannot be avoided, and the art will need to be washed off with a solvent, especially if these are not water-based felt-tip pens.

Plot preferences depending on the gender of the child

The division of designer models into girls' and boys' is conditional and recommendatory. Planning and implementing design work in a nursery is an exciting joint project, during which parents have the opportunity to actively communicate with the child, learn more about his character, dreams and hobbies.

The classification of goods on the market only allows thematic narrowing of the assortment under consideration to facilitate choice, but in no case should this limit the freedom of the child or impose alien standards on him.

Photo wallpapers for girls on the market are made in pastel colors, with a predominance of pink. Thematically, they relate to fairy tales with princesses and fairies, which are most often made in the Disney style.

Landscape paintings, images of flowers, butterflies and cute animals are also offered. The wallpaper industry is also in vogue for unicorns and heroines of the latest animated series.

In photo wallpapers for boys, the themes are more diverse. This is the same Disney, with a preference for funny characters, a variety of transformers, dragons and knightly plots. A traditional boy's theme is space or sea adventures. Passion for football, racing cars and motorcycles is also not alien to modern young gentlemen.

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Decorating a child's room with themed photo wallpapers can stimulate cognitive interest in biology, geography, history, astronomy and physics.

Photo wallpapers of mountains, maps and other popular themes for decorating a student’s room

The school period is a time of active development, when many children quickly change their hobbies. Parents of school-age children need to be patient and be prepared for sudden changes in interests. During this period, giving a child complete freedom of choice is a risky business, because, depending on his interests, he will want to constantly change the environment around him.

It is desirable that the wallpaper, in addition to being entertaining, also has some educational note.

The task of parents is not to impose their point of view, but to push the child to the right choice. At this age, you need to be able to negotiate with children so that you don’t have to follow their lead and cover the walls with wallpaper depicting creepy pictures with vampires or skeletons.

It is desirable that the wallpaper, in addition to being entertaining, also carries some educational note that will suit the interests of children. The most current topics of photo wallpaper in the nursery for girls and boys:

  1. Historical illustrations, quotes from great poets or excerpts of poetry are suitable for those who are interested in reading or history.
  2. Photo wallpapers of mountains in the nursery are interesting for both girls and boys who are interested in tourism, travel and love to relax in nature. This also includes landscapes saturated with natural tones, which have a beneficial effect on the fragile psyche.
  3. Animals. A universal option, suitable for children of different genders, especially for nature lovers and those whose favorite subject is biology.
  4. Space. A popular option for children's wallpaper for boys who are attracted by the space theme, which is developing more and more every year. You can use photo wallpaper options with a glow effect, which will create a realistic image of the starry and lunar sky. It is appropriate to use such wallpaper to decorate the ceiling.
  5. Cards. Photo wallpapers of world maps for children will look great on the wall, with the help of which you can choose your favorite countries and dream about visiting beautiful places. Cards use modern ones (physical or economic), but cards with a parchment effect in an ancient manner also look beautiful in children's photo wallpaper.
  6. Sport. The topic is now more relevant than ever, because modern children are more often interested in gadgets rather than sports achievements. If you choose sports wallpaper for a child's room for a boy who is starting to show interest in some kind of sport, he can develop additional motivation.

Cards with a parchment effect in an ancient style look beautiful in children's photo wallpapers.

When choosing a theme for photo wallpaper, do not forget about the background color of the canvas. A child at school gets new experiences every day: meeting new people, conflicts, emotional upheavals and a large amount of educational material. The walls in the nursery should primarily produce a calming effect on the child, and gloomy and dark colors on the walls will contribute to isolation. In this case, parents need to find a common language with their baby in order to use color contrasts.

If the child is a preschooler or junior student

The nursery becomes a microcosm of the preschooler. He has his own preferences that need to be taken into account. A win-win option is your favorite cartoon characters. For a girl, an image of one of the Disney princesses is suitable. Every morning the baby will be greeted by the kind Cinderella or the brave Belle.

How to choose children's wallpaper for boys? Despite his young age, he already wants to feel fearless and strives for “male” hobbies. Photo wallpapers of cars will be appreciated by friends. Perhaps he is into superheroes. Then create a “Spiderman bedroom”. Just use common sense, the drawing should not be aggressive. Your child spends here every day, and the design, one way or another, will affect his mood. On the Internet you can look at photo wallpapers for a boy’s nursery; photos are also presented below.

Children's photo wallpapers for boys and girls can depict animals. Little children love to play with pets. This option will not get boring as quickly as cartoon characters. In two or three years the boy will be ashamed in front of the guys for Cars. But the cute puppy will continue to delight him. For children's photos on the walls, they would also be suitable with other characters, these could be dragons and knightly scenes.

An original solution would be an original drawing that would perfectly complement the wallpaper in a child’s bedroom; the photo design would be enlivened by a photograph with family or friends.

For areas with photo wallpaper, you should find a suitable place. The best options are the head of the bed and the play area. In the first case, the drawing will not distract from sleep, in the second, it will awaken imagination while playing. Do not buy colorful photo wallpaper for walls if you want to use the area near your workplace. Because of bright colors, the student will not be able to concentrate on lessons.

Related article: Choosing wall decor for a children's room: optimal options for different ages

Painting wallpaper for walls is of great importance, especially in the play area. Young researchers will definitely create their own works of art. The paint will hide unwanted patterns. Take care of the durability of the material. Liquid wallpaper will withstand impacts if a young football player decides to practice. Therefore, try to combine different types of wallpaper.

3D wallpaper creates the illusion of volume in the design from a distance. There is no point in gluing them in a small room, because the effect disappears up close.

On video: liquid wallpaper in the interior of a children's room.

Room for two children

If the bedroom is designed for two children of the same sex, create a visual division of the space. Combined wallpaper for a children's room will easily cope with the task. Using wallpaper in two different colors and patterns, create a unique design near each boy's workplace, taking into account their interests. The intermediate zone will be neutral.

If children are of different sexes, it is even more necessary to make zoning. Of course, each child's corner should correspond to their hobbies. But they must be equal; emphasis should not fall on any of the areas. In this case, choose a light shade for all walls. And the children will decorate their workspaces themselves. For a boy it will be a ball, a transforming robot or a knight’s shield, for a girl it will be a favorite doll, a mirror or a tiara.

Designing a children's room for a boy or girl is a very important task. On the one hand, you need to take into account the interests of the child, on the other hand, his perception of the world changes very quickly, and not every family agrees to make repairs every two years. By skillfully balancing between the two sides, you can find a good option.

In addition to photo wallpaper, additional materials will come to the rescue: liquid wallpaper, textile coverings, photo stickers. To make the design look holistic, do not forget about the details. Photos, frames, boxes, and figurines play an important role in the interior.

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