What size should a kitchen sink be? Examples with photos

Installation methods

  • Overlay is a traditional installation method in which the product replaces the countertop. The main disadvantage: water can get between the headset modules and destroy the material. Overhead models correspond to the standard dimensions of the cabinets. The width of the product can be in the range of 500-800 mm (the most convenient size is from 500 to 600). Length 600 or 800 mm, depending on configuration. When choosing an overhead sink, its dimensions must completely coincide with the headset module.
  • Mortise - this option is quite easy to install; no special processing of the mortise hole is required during the installation process, since the edging of the sink protects against water ingress. For reliability, the joints are treated with sealant or special tape. Built-in cabinets are produced in widths from 500 to 1200 mm and depths of up to 800 mm.
  • Integrated - this method is considered the most complex. In this case, the sink is installed flush with the countertop. The edge of the product should be made as carefully as possible, especially if artificial stone is chosen as the material. Much attention is paid to the tightness of the structure. The main advantage of products that are installed in this way is depth.

Countertop rectangular sink made of artificial stone.

Mortise installation method.

Stone sinks are installed flush with the table. The integrated method is more expensive, however, the absence of joints eliminates the development of bacteria and mold.

Look deep

We've sorted out the width, but what depth is a suitable sink? For proper use, a washbasin with a depth of 48 to 61 cm is considered the most acceptable. When choosing the depth of your own sink in the bathroom, you can rely on the length of your own arms. We extend them over the washbasin; if the edge of the sink on the opposite side reaches the middle of the palms, then the depth is optimal.

Bathroom sink with cabinet Note

Remember, an important criterion is how deep the washbasin bowl is. If it is large, there will be less splashing from the water coming from the mixer. Surely you have come across a washbasin that sellers call “tulip”. Here is a striking example of a washbasin with a deep bowl.

Installation recommendations

  • The distance between the sink and the front edge of the countertop should be at least 5 cm. If you move the sink as far as possible to the edge, water will splash and cause discomfort during operation. However, you should not push the sink too deep.
  • The side edges should be 5 cm or more away from the wall.
  • The minimum distance from the apron to the sink should be 5 cm or more. A small gap contributes to the constant accumulation of water, which is difficult to wipe off. If there is enough free space, you can store detergents here or install a mixer in this part of the countertop. This method is relevant for stainless steel products, since their thickness is about 0.4-1.4 mm and the installed mixer can be held unstable.

How to choose a kitchen sink: a useful checklist

  1. Determine the dimensions of the sink
  2. Find the right shape
  3. Select the material from which the sink is made
  4. Consider what additional accessories you will need
  5. Decide how the sink will be installed

As you can see, choosing a sink for your kitchen is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Do everything slowly, in order, and you will have a comfortable and beautiful sink, and washing dishes and cooking will become a pleasure. Live easy!

Shape and dimensions


The most convenient diameter of this model is 450-600 mm, the depth varies from 160 to 200 mm.

Longran Ultra ULS 510. Round shape and small diameter suitable for the most compact kitchens.

A large selection of such sinks can be found in the store https://www.foxtrot.com.ua/ru/shop/kuhonnie_moiki.html

Choose the optimal depth setting, avoiding extreme values. A small product causes water to splash, and prolonged use of a deep sink can cause your back to get tired.


Linear parameters of oval kitchen sinks: length varies from 56 to 78 cm, width can be from 44 to 51 cm.

Oval stainless steel version with wing.


  • It is convenient to wash not only small, but also large dishes;
  • Due to the outline, more free space appears on the countertop, unlike a rectangular sink;
  • There are no corners where dirt can accumulate;
  • Various materials are used for manufacturing;
  • Universal for any interior style.

Square and rectangular

This form is classic. However, due to modern materials, such models are perfect for a modern kitchen interior.

The most common sizes: 500x600, 600x600, 800x600, 1000x600, 1200x600 mm.

Blanco ZIA 40S SILGRANIT BL-516923 (artificial stone).

Stainless steel kitchen sink with two bowls and drainer.


Main parameters: on the largest side 900-1120 mm, on the smallest side - 400-700 mm. For a trapezoidal shape, a corner headset module with dimensions of 900x900 mm is required.

The facade in this case can be straight or radius (concave). The dimensions of the cabinet may be smaller, but it is better not to do this, since the size of the door will become minimal and the operation of the cabinet will be difficult.

Other forms

An unusual shape is used if space is limited or it is necessary to arrange a non-standard room. For example, they use a triangular shape, which occupies a minimum of space (built into the corner of the module), and a large sink, shaped like a crescent, is made to order and becomes an accent in the kitchen interior.

What influences the choice of the right size

The size of the sink installed in the kitchen is determined by the dimensions and layout of the room, the design of the kitchen unit, the number of people living in the house and their eating habits.

First of all, you need to decide on the number of cabinets and cabinets that will make up the kitchen set and their location, and only then select a sink.

If you want to install an overhead model, its selection should be made taking into account the width and depth of the cabinet allocated for it. For undermount sinks, the determining factors for installation will be the size of the kitchen and the family’s basic food preferences. For example, for one or two people who have a dishwasher, a small option is quite suitable, and for those who are not averse to inviting guests into the house and creating their own culinary masterpiece, a large model equipped with several bowls is quite suitable.

Types of shells

Washing happens:

  • Overlay - is a classic option, installed on top of the cabinet and completely replacing the tabletop. Its main disadvantage is the high probability of water flowing into the cracks of the joints with the cabinet.
  • Mortise (built-in) - its installation is carried out in a cutout specially made for this purpose in the tabletop. The boundaries of the joint, in this case, are closed with a small protrusion of the shell and sealed with a small layer of sealant and sealant.
  • Fully mortise - quite difficult to install due to the need for maximum alignment of its edges with the countertop and careful sealing of the joint.
  • Under-table - slightly recessed into the cabinet during installation and requires its special design. This type of sink is characterized by great depth and a variety of shapes.

Number of bowls

The sink can be equipped with one, two or three bowls. The most common option is a sink with two (large and small or one-size) bowls. One of them is used for washing dishes, the other is used for defrosting or soaking food. The most convenient sinks are those with three bowls, but for home use they are quite cumbersome.

Sink shape

Overhead sinks can only be square or rectangular. The shapes of those that cut into the tabletop are more varied - from standard round and square, to pentagonal or hexagonal. Designer sink models can be of any shape desired by the customer. However, with all this variety of models, round sinks equipped with “fields” for drying dishes are considered the most convenient to use.

Sometimes, additional accessories may be included with the sink - nets, containers for draining water, cutting boards and other work accessories. Despite all the convenience of their use, it should be taken into account that when purchasing a sink together with them, you will pay an order of magnitude more than when purchasing one sink.

A particularly important point when buying a stainless steel sink is the thickness of the material - it should be at least 1 mm, and even better 1.2-1.5 mm. A sink made of high-quality metal can last much longer without changing its shape or forming dents when impacted or when heavy objects are placed in it.

Corner sinks

Corner sinks are characterized by compact sizes, space-saving capabilities, ease of installation, and ease of maintenance.

Among the extensive range of corner washbasins, you can choose the ideal sanitary ware for bathrooms of varying sizes:

  • for miniature bathrooms - sinks measuring from 25 cm (along the side line);
  • for average rooms - products measuring 30-40 cm;
  • for more spacious rooms - washbasins measuring 45-60 cm.

What to look for when choosing a sink

If you have decided on the number of cabinets and the overall design of the future kitchen, it’s time to choose a sink. Take your time with the purchase, consider all possible options. The more convenient your sink is, the more enjoyable the process of cooking and even washing dishes will be. The overhead option must fully correspond in size to the dimensions of the cabinet. If you “miss” the size, the sink will not be able to be firmly fixed, it will ride on the surface of the cabinet, and in most cases, it simply will not fit into the design of the kitchen unit. An overhead sink smaller than the cabinet will simply fall into it.

The mortise version should be at least 100 mm smaller than its depth and width, since such a sink must be stably placed on the countertop, and an opening in it that is too large is simply not acceptable - it may not withstand what is placed on it to burst. A small distance (about 50 mm) from the wall and the edge of the cabinet from the side of its doors will help to significantly reduce the likelihood of water splashes on your clothes, floor and walls.


Bowl sinks

Bowl sinks or overhead washbasins entered our everyday life relatively recently. The main distinctive feature of the product is that it is not recessed, but rises (stands) on a pedestal. At the same time, there are no standard sizes, since modern manufacturers produce a huge number of different sizes and shapes: round, oval, symmetrical square or triangular, original creative ones.

Sink "tulip"

Tulip-type sinks can be of different types of construction: monolithic (in which the support and bowl are a single whole); compact (in which the washbasin and support leg are sold as a set); half-tulip (there is a bowl and a pedestal that can be mounted at any desired height without resting on the floor).

The sizes of standard tulip sinks can be different:

  • for miniature rooms, products measuring 30-40 cm, 45-50 cm are suitable;
  • for standard rooms 55-70 cm;
  • for large ones - 70-90 cm.

Attention: most have a leg height of 80cm (which may not be entirely acceptable for your family members), so you should give preference to more practical “half-tulips” that can be mounted to any height that is comfortable for all family members.

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