Photo wallpaper for a children's room: an interesting and simple design solution

Photo wallpaper today is one of the easiest and fastest ways to create an original nursery interior for little money. Their attractive appearance played an important role in their popularity.

For a boy's room of any age, photo wallpaper is an excellent opportunity to decorate the room in any theme. You can verify this on the website or from the selection of photographs below in the article:

Types of photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers for children's rooms are:

  1. Background. They lack a specific theme. Most often they depict various patterns, bright abstractions and memorable ornaments. Sometimes manufacturers produce trellises with geometric shapes, for example, horizontal stripes (dividing the sky and sea) or vertical (bamboo trees, waterfalls). Such wallpaper is usually used to visually expand space.
  1. Panoramic. This option is in great demand among buyers. The wallpaper is an image of large cities, landscapes, space, wide balconies or windows. Such trellises are glued only to one wall, so as not to overload the interior design.

  1. Subject. These wallpapers print exclusively one close-up object. For example, a plant, animal, insect, etc. This option is perfect for a large room with good lighting.
  1. Realistic. This is a unique photo wallpaper with a 3D effect. They create the illusion of real space, maximally conveying the details and features of the drawing.

Expert opinion

Olga Kovalenko

Since 2010 I have been engaged in interior design and architectural design.

When choosing, parents should take into account the scale of the room, the gender of the child, his age, character and preferences. This way they can avoid conflicts and misunderstandings with the baby when buying wallpaper.

Depending on the material, trellises are:

  1. Paper. This type is the cheapest. This wallpaper is not intended for washing. Considering the load they are exposed to during children's games, designers recommend choosing two-layer or three-layer trellises for the room. Dense material can be wiped clean, as it is less susceptible to fading and fading. The main advantage of paper base is environmental friendliness, but the disadvantage is fragility.
  1. Non-woven. They take 2nd place in terms of safety for children and popularity of use. However, the cost of this wallpaper is higher than the first option. Non-woven wallpapers tolerate moisture well, so they are often used for damp rooms. Trellis are durable, do not fade in the sun and do not emit a toxic odor. They are easy to glue, masking the joints between the canvases in the room.
  1. Natural. These photo wallpapers are made from rice paper, fabric, plant materials (nettle, bamboo, etc.). They are difficult to choose for a child's room, since they are rarely produced with an original design and plot. The material is highly environmentally friendly and durable, but it is difficult to wash and glue.

  1. Vinyl. The wallpaper has a dense texture. They are usually used next to the interactive area where the child is engaged in creativity.
  1. Self-adhesive. This wallpaper is glued to small surfaces, for example, to pieces of furniture. With their help, you can update your interior by changing color accents. Teenagers can paste this wallpaper on their own without the help of adults. They can also be used to decorate painted walls.
  1. On canvas. This option is considered the most expensive. To make the top layer, silk, linen, viscose and fabric fibers of artificial or natural origin are used, which cover a paper or non-woven base. Such trellises can only be dry cleaned, as they require careful care. They do not tolerate moisture, however, some have a water-repellent effect.

  1. Liquid. This type of photo wallpaper is considered safe and non-allergenic. The trellises have a special composition that allows finishing with a smooth canvas without seams. The material has a good coating, which can be replaced if necessary only in the damaged area.
  1. For painting. On this wallpaper, the color scheme can be changed 7-9 times. This allows you to get rid of stains or diversify the room with a new design.
  1. For drawing. Photo wallpapers are similar to a blackboard, on which you can write with chalk or marker. Often there are options in the form of coloring pages.

Advantages and disadvantages of photo wallpaper in the nursery

Wallpaper for a children's room has the following advantages:

  1. Durability. Non-woven or vinyl-based wallpaper is practically resistant to aging. The second option is better, since they are not saturated with pigment from markers and felt-tip pens. The pattern can be easily washed off with alcohol and a cloth.
  2. Any design can be printed. Children's photo wallpapers are made to order, so you can put any print on them. You just need to comply with the image dimensions when ordering a print.
  3. Can visually change the size of a room. Using specific abstractions, it is possible to achieve a visual change in space.


  1. The image may bore the child. This can happen as you get older. But photo wallpapers on a non-woven base or on vinyl are dense and peel off easily. It is from this that you can always replace it without harming the rest of the room.
  2. Low quality photo wallpapers for children are often found. In this case, when heated in summer, they will release harmful volatile toxins. These are the remains of catalysts used in production.
  3. Gluing process. If it is not possible to perfectly align the wall, further repairs are impossible. Any irregularities will affect the perspective distortion, which will lead to a deterioration in the picture.

Popular stories and characters

For the youngest children under the age of 7, parents select wallpaper with cartoon characters, fairy tales and soft toys. However, trellises for boys and girls are very different from each other, since kids are interested in different things. Parents should take this factor into account first of all, so as not to make a mistake with the choice of plot.

For girls

Little girls between the ages of 4 and 10 are true dreamers. They love to play with dolls, watch cartoons and want to become princesses. Therefore, the print should fully reflect their interests and desires. The most popular photo wallpaper scenes for girls:

  • Winx Club: “School of Sorceresses”;
  • Witch: "Sorceresses";
  • Disney universe characters: “Frozen”, “Cinderella”, “Beauty and the Beast”, Snow White”, etc.;
  • Totally Spice;
  • Barbie;
  • Bratz;
  • "Masha and the Bear";

  • "Luntik";
  • Pony;
  • "Zootopia";
  • "Sofia the Beautiful";
  • "Peppa Pig";
  • "Tinkerbell Fairy";
  • Monster High;
  • "Sailor Moon";
  • "History of toys";
  • "Alice in Wonderland".

For boys

Boys aged 4 to 12 are interested in cars, robots and space. They dream of traveling to distant lands or lost worlds, of various discoveries, speed and adventure. Therefore, parents should listen to the young researcher and pay attention to the following ideas for photo wallpaper for a boy’s room:

  • "Cars";
  • "Transformers";
  • "Monsters corporation";
  • "The Lion King";
  • "How to Train Your Dragon";
  • "Ralph";
  • "LEGO";
  • "Kung Fu Panda"
  • "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles";

  • "Glacial period";
  • "Three heroes";
  • "Star Wars";
  • “Bae;
  • "The Avengers";
  • "Hulk";
  • "Steel giant".

Expert opinion

Olga Kovalenko

Since 2010 I have been engaged in interior design and architectural design.

Parents can also take a closer look at wallpapers with a universal theme that will appeal to both girls and boys. For example, “Mickey Mouse”, “Minions”, “Winnie the Pooh”, “Madagascar”, “Shrek”, “101 Dalmatians”, etc.

For teenagers

This stage of growing up is considered the most difficult and unpredictable for a child, since during this period his interests and tastes quickly change.

Therefore, designers recommend choosing simple wallpaper in neutral tones for the room that the teenager will like for a long time.

To the girls' room

The following trellis options are suitable for young girls:

  1. With cities. This topic has been in great demand for 5 years. It could be romantic Paris, stylish New York or luxurious Rome.

  1. Graffiti. Street art is very appropriate for adolescence. The print can be in the form of words from a popular song, abstractions or patterns.

  1. Into the lane. This is a simple, but not a typical way to decorate a room. Such wallpaper visually lengthens the room and goes well with other textures and interior elements.
  1. With plants. Wallpaper with flowers will be the most suitable option for a teenage girl's room. Natural patterns will make the room cozier and brighter.

But it’s also worth taking a closer look at areas such as:

  1. Classic. The design of the room is done in calm pastel colors, without flashy colors or bright accents. Such wallpapers have a calming effect and create a pleasant atmosphere for work and creativity.
  1. Scandinavian. It features a minimalist, spacious design. Chalk scrawlers or in the form of coloring look harmonious in this style.
  1. Provence. It is perfect for a romantic person who loves light finishes and beautiful details.

For boys

Boys, unlike girls, prefer calm, plain wallpaper. In this case, you should take a closer look at the following options:

  1. World map. Detailed display of cities, countries and other geographical objects will appeal to a true traveler.
  1. Space and planets. Such wallpaper is used only for spacious rooms with good lighting, since dark colors can make the space visually smaller.

  1. Geometric figures. For guys, designers recommend taking a closer look at checkered wallpaper. They give the interior a real masculine character.

On a note! A teenage boy’s room should be decorated in a Scandinavian, classic or modern style. Such wallpaper looks restrained, which corresponds to the age of the young man.

For a boy up to 3 years old

For children under three years old, wall decoration is only part of the overall atmosphere of the room. And the main task of parents is to create comfortable conditions for the child to relax.

Tip: Young children need regular naps during the day, so avoid using bright colors in your design.

To create a calm environment, you should give preference to pale and simple designs without unnecessary details on a light background. These can be favorite characters from fairy tales for the little ones, natural landscapes.

Tips for parents on choosing photo wallpaper

At the time of purchase, you need to consider some recommendations:

  1. For a child's room, trellises made from environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials of natural origin are best suited.

  1. There is no need to buy expensive wallpaper if the child is under 5 years old. At this age, kids often draw on the walls, which makes it necessary to do the renovation again.

  1. The print must match the baby's needs. Otherwise, he will feel uncomfortable in his room.
  1. Care must be taken with the choice of subject. Children's tastes change quickly, and after a while the child will want a new wallpaper design. In this case, designers recommend creating only one thematic wall, and leaving the others in neutral colors. Thanks to this, parents will be able to change the design of the room at any time.
  1. Before purchasing building material, you need to divide the space. The baby will spend a lot of time in the room, so it needs to be zoned for study, sleeping and play areas.
  1. When choosing photo wallpaper, you need to note how the furniture will be located in the room. The wall on which the composition will be located should be free and not crowded with other interior items. Otherwise, the design of the room will turn out to be overloaded and will lose its original idea.
  1. You need to take into account the dimensions of the room to choose the exact size of the canvas.

Photo wallpaper for a teenage boy's room

Photo materials continue to be the main element of residential decor.
They look quite impressive, original and harmonize perfectly with the interior. However, choosing photo wallpaper for walls should be relative to the overall design concept. For working with a child

If you have decided to renovate your son’s room, in addition to the idea of ​​a characteristic interior, it is worth thinking about decorating the walls. For a teenage boy, the following colors are unacceptable: yellow and pink. It is also undesirable to decorate the premises yourself. When the baby is old enough, his wishes should be taken into account. By their actions, parents will give impetus to the development in the child’s character of a sense of creative taste and personal opinion.

In various photos you can see examples of decorating children's walls, but it is recommended to decorate the child's personal space based on his wishes. The photo wallpaper market offers a variety of solutions, but it is not necessary to take your baby with you to decide, for example, on the texture. It is enough to find out in what way he sees his room, namely, what themes, artistic subjects, landscapes interest a teenage boy. When the main points are determined, you should think about the inlay of photo wallpaper.

Photo examples

You can clearly see the range of wallpapers in the photo selection.

Photo wallpaper is a popular type of building material that is suitable for almost every room. By choosing the appropriate option, parents can make their child’s room bright and original.

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