How to create an ideal children's room: advice from a psychologist

12 m2 is not too large an area, especially for a child’s room. After all For the comprehensive and harmonious development of the child in this room, it is necessary to organically combine:

· cozy bedroom;

· bright play area;

· a place for creativity and study;

· sports section.

It turns out a bit cramped. However, parents often have no choice and have to work with the space that is available.

Of course, the question immediately arises: how to properly arrange a room so that it is spacious enough, while at the same time accommodating all the necessary furnishings, toys and accessories for development and children's hobbies?

The answer can be found in the recommendations of experts, photo ideas of modern designs. Experts advise not to be afraid to play with the shapes and geometry of furniture and space, decoration, and decor. With proper planning of a nursery of 12 square meters. m is quite enough to create an attractive and very comfortable interior.

Planning and creation of the project

Before starting renovations, you need to decide on the layout of the room. Create a design project for a children's room with an area of ​​12 square meters. m, which will take into account important details and character traits of the child, using a program or on paper, by hand.

The following should be taken into account:

· presence, size and location of windows and doors;

· walk-through room or not;

· features of the room - ceiling height, length and width, geometric shape, presence of built-in cabinets, storage rooms, niches.

Often parents arrange the nursery to their own taste, but this is a big mistake.

As soon as a child becomes aware of himself, he develops his own hobbies and color preferences. In adolescents, rejection of certain things can take completely grotesque forms. That is why the child’s opinion is worth asking and taking into account.

Also, gender and age have a great influence on the design of the room.

Design ideas

Unusual options for children's rooms for a child 3-5 years old can be drawn from various cartoons and fairy tales. For example:

  • interior in the form of a ship or captain's cabin (round shelves, steering wheel);
  • for a girl, the chambers of a Disney princess (canopies, flowers), a fairytale forest (plant ornaments, birds, flowers);
  • for a boy, an Indian dwelling (themed carpets, a sleeping place in the form of a wigwam);
  • a modernist room reminiscent of a spaceship;
  • bed-car or dinosaurs.

You can even paint the ceiling with stars and fairy-tale birds, or hang a beautiful flower lamp. If space allows, install a sports corner or a dry pool. Remember to keep items safe for small children.

Create everything you do for your sweetest and closest babies with love. Let the interior remind you of the warm hands of the mother, the baby falls asleep sweetly in his cozy bed, and he is surrounded by many things that, as an adult, he will remember with warmth.

We also recommend reading: What to do when a child does not play independently?

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Children's room 12 sq. m for girls

There is no specific interior direction in which it would be possible to decorate a nursery for a girl. As a rule, parents choose the most suitable style, radically changing it to suit their child. A room for a little girl is usually decorated in a fabulously romantic or restrained and laconic style. It does not contain gloomy colors, massive furniture or specific symbolism. Teenagers, of course, may insist on a more radical design, depending on their character and hobbies.

There are several recommendations for arranging the perfect girl's bedroom:

· light and natural colors - natural wood, white, cream and beige colors, bright greens, sunny, fiery, heavenly shades, delicate peach and pink, berry colors are very suitable for gentle and vulnerable girls;

· To enhance the effect, use light cotton, linen, silk fabrics, thin knitwear and tulle, knitted and embroidered items. Choose furniture with straight fronts, slightly curved legs, rounded and curved parts, and tabletops. Such products seem to float above the floor;

· you can use decor in the form of your favorite characters from books, fairy tales, cartoons, comic book characters, or prefer natural patterns and phenomena - dawn over the sea or a flower meadow, rainbow, stars and moon, flowers, butterflies, cute animals. A room decorated in the form of a snow fairy tale or a window into a birch grove looks amazing;

· if the house or apartment does not have heated floors, then for the flooring it is necessary to choose warm materials - parquet boards, high-quality laminate, natural wood. A fluffy carpet or woven rugs in the national style are placed on top;

· light gray or beige colors are the ideal background for any bright items, toys, furniture with large applications, paintings. They visually expand the boundaries of the room and make it brighter.

You can save space in the room by using the entire height of the walls and modern furniture solutions. The bed can be pull-out or built into a closet, or placed on top of a closet. Drawers are installed under the stairs and the floor bed, and the table can be located on a wide windowsill or under the loft bed. If the headset does not include sports equipment, it is necessary to equip a separate sports corner with a wall bars, rings, swings, and a horizontal bar.

Furniture for kids

Children's furniture must meet several requirements - practicality, functionality, beautiful design, safety.

For children 3-5 years old, beds that are not too high, but not too low, are suitable. It is better if there are drawers underneath for storing linen. Don’t skimp on buying a mattress—a high-quality orthopedic product is best suited for a growing body. The table and chair for creativity should be suitable for the height of the child. Incorrect posture during exercise leads to stooping and spinal deformation. Furniture should be of good quality, and sets (table and chair) are better than those that can be adjusted for height.

When choosing a wardrobe, focus on your own convenience - after all, you dress a child of that age yourself. For a girl, select a place where she can dress up and twirl in front of a pretty mirror. And for the boy, create a corner based on his interests - a mini-workshop, an easel, a robot exhibition, etc.

For two children, only beds and individual shelves will be separate items of use. Everyone else will have to use them together. Shared desk, toys, closet. The solution could be a double ergonomic sleeping set. No matter how old the kids are, they will still sometimes seek solitude. When planning your space, include a personal corner for each child.

Children will not be against living together; all this contributes to rapprochement and strengthening of family feelings.

Features of renovation in a children's bedroom

When performing zoning in a nursery, designers do not recommend using plasterboard structures, because the material is characterized by excessive moisture absorption. Glass magnesite is more suitable for this purpose - an inert building material characterized by a high fire safety class. In addition to solid walls, it would be appropriate to use pieces of furniture to delimit the space, for example, an open closet with shelves or a false wall.

Helpful advice! If the door in the child's room is locked, it must be possible to open it from the outside.

Whitewashing the ceiling is the most budget-friendly finishing option, but not very durable

As in any other room, renovations in a children's room should start from the ceiling. The most popular method that does not take away the height is the use of painting. To do this, you need to perfectly level the surface and then apply water-based paint. In this case, most often the ceiling is made in white, which is considered universal and also visually increases the height of the walls. A good idea for a children's room is to stick luminescent stars that glow in the dark on the ceiling. Other surface finishing options include:

A very popular way to decorate walls is to paint them.

  1. Decorative plaster is a natural and safe material.
  2. Wallpaper. You can use both plain products and those with a pattern. It is important to consider here that colored ceilings are more suitable for high rooms.
  3. Whitewash. A budget finishing option, but not too durable.
  4. Stretch ceiling. The main advantage is considered to be the high speed of installation, because even the most complex structure is attached in a maximum of 2-3 days, and a regular stretch ceiling is installed in 1 day. There is a large selection of colors and images.

The color of the wallpaper is selected based on the child’s gender and preferences.

Children's room interior: wall and floor finishing options

When designing a children's bedroom, the choice of material for the walls is a very important point, because it is necessary to use durable and wear-resistant materials that are easy to care for. Designers mainly use wallpaper for wall decoration, among which the following stand out:

  1. Paper. Cheap, environmentally friendly, but not resistant to damage. There are a large number of bright and beautiful prints available.
  2. Non-woven. More durable but less breathable wallpaper. Non-woven vinyl fabrics are considered the most wear-resistant.
  3. Cork and bamboo. An environmentally friendly material, walls made of cork are softer than those made of other materials.

Mostly designers use wallpaper to decorate walls.

In addition to wallpaper, you can use paint or decorative plaster to decorate the walls, especially when it comes to decorating the interior of a room for a teenager. The color of the finish can be changed, thereby refreshing the room. In the nursery, it is additionally recommended to organize a place for creativity and create a magnetic or slate wall.

Related article:

Children's room for a boy and a girl: we think through everything to the smallest detail

Interesting color schemes, correct zoning and practical furniture. Competent selection of decor and accessories for each child.

Since the child spends most of his time playing on the floor, the finishing of this surface must be approached carefully. It is important that the floor covering is stable, preferably made of natural material, easy to clean, non-slippery, and moisture-resistant. Most often used for floor finishing:

A very popular type of floor finishing is parquet boards.

  1. Tree. A warm and natural coating option, but requiring constant attention.
  2. Parquet board. An alternative to wood. In the photos of interior designs, children's rooms look attractive thanks to their natural patterns.
  3. Laminate. It is better to choose a more expensive material that will meet the requirements of wear resistance. However, laminate is susceptible to moisture.
  4. Linoleum. The cheapest material, but easily torn and dirty.
  5. Cork. This coating is warm, non-slip and environmentally friendly. It is considered the best option for children.
  6. Carpet. Always warm, but requires frequent and high-quality cleaning, because the accumulation of dust can lead to the development of allergic reactions.

Lighting devices

It is imperative to provide high-quality lighting for children. LED lamps are the most practical as a light source. Correctly selected brightness of light creates coziness in the children's room and a feeling of security. It is more rational to give preference to local lighting, which creates its own atmosphere in each zone.

There should be no dark corners in the room, but the lighting should not be intrusive.

Instead of a massive chandelier, it is better to use built-in sconces and laconic lamps. Lighting should be sufficient in the learning and play areas. A lack of light while reading, drawing, playing with small objects will cause decreased vision and concentration. Select luminaire designs that allow easy cleaning from dust, materials that do not emit harmful substances when the temperature rises.

The switch must be at a height accessible to the child.

Design of a room for boys in photos

There are a huge number of options for decorating a children's room for a boy. You just have to decide on the style and take into account the wishes of the little owner.

Children's room design for boys photo

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