Shelves for the nursery: types, sizes, color, style, material. TOP 100 photos of excellent design

Wall shelves for a nursery must meet a number of requirements:

  • practicality (wide, roomy);
  • reliability (strong fastenings);
  • environmental friendliness (material - wood, a combination of wood and plastic, chrome-plated elements; should not be coated with chemical compounds that emit an unpleasant odor);
  • correspondence to the theme of the room design.

Shelves for schoolchildren should also have many sections. And in the nursery for the little ones, it is better to place furniture with rounded outlines so that the baby does not get hurt on a sharp corner.

Proper organization of workspace in a room for two girls: tables by the window, elegant hanging shelves made of wood and chrome elements on the wall.

You will find more ideas on how to successfully position a table along the window in our photo selection.

Requirements for shelves for children's rooms

Any furniture selected for a children's bedroom must, to a certain extent, meet a number of requirements:

  • Safety. This takes into account both environmental safety and practical criteria. It is best to choose shelves made from natural materials for your children's room. Materials and compositions used for decorative processing are subject to special assessment.
  • The reliability of fastenings (especially for hanging shelves and racks) is an important criterion for the safety of children's room furniture.
  • Comfort and practicality. The shelves should be spacious, allowing you to significantly free up space for other furnishings.

The cost of the interior item is no less important. However, today furniture manufacturers offer their customers a huge range of finished products, as well as the possibility of preliminary modeling of future furnishings and style.

Design ideas

To create a comfortable atmosphere, designers offer several interesting ideas:

  1. For young children, it is better to choose designs in the form of objects (car, plane, tree, cloud).
  1. Brightly colored shelves harmonize well with wallpaper in calm shades. They complement the overall style of the room.
  1. For small rooms, corner shelves or shelves around the window are suitable.
  1. Do not underestimate hanging options with belts or ropes. With their help you can create a unique composition.
  1. Children can decorate the white shelves themselves with special stickers. This will involve them in the process of decorating the room, and will also allow you to diversify the interior.

Main types of shelves

Before purchasing a stylish new accessory, parents should familiarize themselves with the available range and types of shelves for children's bedrooms. Modern furniture stores offer the following interesting models:

Floor structures for storing books

Floor-mounted children's book shelves are the best option for little readers. These designs are compact, consisting of 2-4 tiers. There are also dimensional systems that allow you to place not only books, but also toys and creative supplies. The choice of model depends on the availability of free space and the area of ​​the room.

Floor structures have several significant advantages. These shelves:

  • have maximum stability;
  • guarantee safety in operation;
  • provide full access to books even for a small child.

Floor-standing bookshelves offer maximum stability

There are many different options in the category of floor-standing children's book shelves. The design can take the form of a vertical shelf consisting of boxes or open shelves. It can be a horizontal, square, rectangular structure, including several cells. This design allows you to sort literature and place other children's things in boxes.

Spacious floor design for books

Compactness and spaciousness make these models the best option for a small nursery where you need to save every centimeter. For example, you can purchase a horizontal system for your baby’s room, which will become a place for games and creative activities. Tall structures are perfect for interior decoration for a schoolchild who has a lot of books and accessories in his arsenal. Determining a place for each item allows you to accustom your child to order, simplify the process of cleaning, and finding the right things.

Hanging shelves

They are quite compact, as a rule, made of light and durable materials. Particular attention is paid not only to special impregnations (antiseptics and moisture-resistant compounds), but also to the reliability of fastenings.

The advantage of using wall-mounted children's shelves is that they can be used in small spaces (for example, in studio apartments, old Khrushchev-era apartment buildings).

Decoration in different styles

Products in a classic style are the most presentable and elegant.
Manufactured shelves can be designed in various styles, each of which has certain characteristics. Among the most popular styles are the following:

  • Classical. This is a common furniture design style that has been popular for many years. Most often, designs made in a classic style are made of natural wood. This material gives the shelves elegance and presentability. To decorate such shelves, many manufacturers use forged metal elements or moldings.
  • Nautical. This style is less popular, but is still often used in shelving. Marine style models are made of light wood. Such products are painted in light colors with a bluish tint.
  • Provence. All shelves in Provence style differ from other models in their unique vintage design. Sometimes they have quite unusual decor using paintings.

Shelves made in Provence style are more suitable for teenagers' rooms.

Optimal selection rules

Choosing furniture for children's bedrooms is a complex process in which both parents and children should participate. Despite the wide range of finished products in stores and a wide range of prices, the choice is often difficult.

Criteria to focus on:

  1. Material and quality of processing. Detailed information on the purchased models can be found on the catalog pages or obtained from a sales consultant.
  2. Reliability of fastenings and fittings for children's shelves on the wall.
  3. Color design. A child’s psychology, his activity and behavior are formed from the earliest years of life. And not the least role in the development of the psyche is played by the color scheme in the interior of the bedroom. The most optimal shades are considered to be natural paints (sand, white, beige and walnut). You should not use sharp, “poisonous” shades to decorate a child’s room, which can negatively affect the child’s behavior and mood.
  4. Moisture resistant. Shelves for toys, books, and souvenirs require frequent cleaning, which dictates a number of criteria for choosing a model.

Also, before purchasing furniture, you should definitely evaluate the compactness and spaciousness of the selected shelves. As part of modern design trends, shelves with a transformation function have become widely popular, allowing the most efficient use of free space in the room.

Cabinets and racks for storing books

Every bibliophile will tell you that the best storage for books is a closed bookcase. Indeed, this furniture creates ideal conditions for printed products. The cabinet reliably protects literature from external influences. For expensive books that will be stored for many years, these designs are ideal. Such furniture adequately decorates the interior and gives solidity.

However, a closet is not the best solution for a children's room. This option can only be used in the room of a teenager who already knows how to appreciate furniture and books and handle them with care.

A bookcase will protect books from dust

If your child has a large library, you can install a convenient bookcase in the nursery. This design makes it possible to conveniently place a lot of literature. In addition to it, crafts, souvenirs, accessories, etc. can be placed on the shelves. The range of such furniture is large, it is possible to choose a model for any interior.

Shelving has several important advantages. Designs:

  • have a large capacity;
  • have a universal purpose;
  • easy to use;
  • can be used in zoning.

Zoning a nursery using a bookcase

In the room of a schoolchild or teenager, you can install a classic model. A wide range of dimensions allows you to choose a design taking into account the size of the free space. If you have to set up a children's corner in the living room, the shelving can be used for zoning.

The range of this furniture also includes special models. For your baby's room, you can choose a special children's bookcase. These designs are small in size and provide the child with comfort and safety.

Special children's book rack


Cold minimalism, a meticulously clean room, straight lines of shelving, even proportions - all this is not for children. They are just beginning to explore the world, their imagination draws houses, trees, boats, flowers, clouds around them. Children do not want to live in a boring world of rectangular shapes, where everything is ideally placed on shelves, straight and with the same proportions.

A rack in the shape of a house, a tree, a rocket, or a lighthouse will delight them and become a real habitable place. Children will want to arrange their own toys and books in furniture with ladders and windows, a roof and doors. By putting things in order in the house, kids are sure that the toys live in it, children develop imagination, they learn to clean, take care of dolls and cars, which in the future will form in them a sensitive attitude towards people and animals. It turns out that with a shelving unit in the shape of a house, the child simultaneously acquires high-quality furniture, an educational toy, and excellent interior decor.

In addition to the benefits for children's development, capacity and spectacular appearance, the houses are also affordable for every family; they do not belong to the expensive category of furniture.

Small, colorful designs can be made with your own hands, showing a little imagination.

It is not necessary to build a whole wall house; you can make a compact wall-mounted or table-top version.

If you end up with a roomy floor house, and you don’t want to traditionally install it against the wall, it will look great in the center of the room , or it will divide the children’s room into a play area and a place to study or sleep.

We’ve sorted out the size and location of the figured rack, now let’s turn to the materials from which children’s cabinet furniture is assembled. There are quite a few options - wood, MDF, plasterboard, plastic, fabric, glass and even metal. It is not recommended to use chipboard for a children's room. To create these slabs, toxic impregnations are used; when the temperature rises, they evaporate into the surrounding space.

As for the design features of shelving houses, they, like traditional analogues, can be open, closed, combined, have drawers, niches. In addition to floor, wall and tabletop options, corner models are also produced. They belong to the dimensional wall racks, which reproduce a fragment of the whole “city”. Each section of the wall is decorated with its own roof.

How to do it yourself

No one forbids making a rack with your own hands, especially since it is not difficult to do: you will need the necessary materials, tools and the ability to handle them.

The best option would be to build a frame from wood, furniture panels or laminated chipboard (connecting longitudinal and transverse boards) and supplement it with bright store-bought drawers and baskets.

Bulky and massive cabinets have been replaced by lightweight shelving structures, which, among other things, are compact and portable. Shelving can add style, brightness and organization to a room, especially if you experiment with shapes, colors and designs.

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