10 tips for using blue in a nursery interior

The clear blue sky, the azure of the sea waves, the turquoise of the deep sea - all these are shades of one mysterious and enchanting color. Blue can be cool or gentle, light or rich, invigorating or calming. The versatility of its shades will serve as an excellent basis for the design of a children's room.

Atmosphere and emotions

When decorating a nursery, it is important to take into account the child’s temperament. A room in blue tones will have a calm effect on active children, but can cause depression in a quiet child. A correctly selected shade of blue in the interior will help develop a child’s imagination and desire to learn new things.

It is not necessary to decorate the room in one tone. The nursery will sparkle with contrasts and radiate positivity if the main color is complemented with light colors. With this combination, even cold tones will become softer and more expressive.

A design with elements of classic blue will help create a sense of security and self-worth for the child. Such elements can be curtains or decor on one wall.

If the basis of the design is the rich color of the sea, then such a choice will certainly contribute to a positive mood and serve as a charge of vigor. Light curtains in light colors diversify the interior.

Spot color use in the interior

Harmonious combinations in the interior of a nursery

Blue and cyan are complex and deep colors that can significantly reduce the size of a room, making it colder and more uncomfortable. Therefore, designers advise not to use them in the design of monochrome interiors.

Among the suitable companions, designers highlight:

  • White. A blue and white bedroom for a child of any age and gender is an eternal classic that looks stylish regardless of the chosen direction, room size and finishing features. The complexity of such a contrasting combination gives rise to a unique duet: the more white, the lighter and more spacious the bedroom will look.

    Sand, milky, beige and other light options are also appropriate in a blue bedroom, as they can give the cold shade more warmth and comfort. Such children's rooms look softer and more harmonious.

Photo: white and blue children's room

Grey. The soft and slightly grown-up combination of blue and gray is suitable for children of all ages. The uniqueness of such a bedroom is that as the child grows up, there will be no need to radically remodel the interior. Deep gray complements the complexity of blue tones and reveals more deeply the versatility of cold shades.

Brown. This combination makes blue warmer and homelier, so psychologists advise choosing it for active and restless children to create the most harmonious environment. Blue and brown are ideal for strict classic interiors with laconic forms and restrained decor.

Green. The natural image of a nursery, born of a combination of blue and green, has a calming and relaxing effect on the child. This duet is universal, so it can be used for both boys and girls of any age. In a small room, light shades (light green and blue) will be more appropriate, and in a spacious room you can play with deeper tones (emerald, blue).

Photo: blue-green children's room

Yellow or red. The complex and multi-valued color blue or cyan itself requires special care in choosing companions so that the combination with yellow or red does not become difficult to perceive. Such bright duets are appropriate in a work or play area, where the child is most active and needs color stimulation.

Photo: blue and yellow children's room

A blue or light blue children's room can be cold and austere or homey and cozy - depending on the chosen style and companions for the main color. A nursery in these colors is suitable for both a boy and a girl, provided that the decorative details of the interior are chosen correctly. A thoughtful and harmonious image of a child’s room in blue or blue tones is an ideal solution for creating a calm atmosphere.

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What to combine with

The most successful combination, applicable for children of different ages, is blue and white. Such a tandem will highlight the depth of the first and the nobility of the second. Contrast can be expressed in the following combinations:

  • white furniture and blue walls;
  • striped wallpaper;
  • white walls complemented by sea-colored decor (panels or stickers);
  • white interior with bright blue elements (curtains, decorative pillows, carpet, ottoman);
  • blue ceiling with decor in the form of white clouds.

For bold and courageous growing personalities, a combination of blue and yellow tones is suitable. The combination of warm yellow and cool blue is closer to the temperament of teenagers. For a baby, this combination is acceptable as touches and accents. An example of decorating a room for a teenager would be blue walls and a yellow chair or carpet.

Furniture design option in yellow and blue colors

Blue room for a boy

A delicate gray-blue color scheme, diluted with white elements, is typical for a newborn and a child under 3 years old. In the future, the interior should grow with it.

A minimalist blue children's room for an older boy looks too simple and uninteresting. Therefore, designers propose to design it thematically: space, marine motifs, travel and sports. It all depends on the interests of the young owner.

Photo wallpapers, decorative elements on the ceiling and walls, lamps, furniture and textiles will help achieve greater realism.

Remember! The environment in the nursery should contribute to the harmonious development of children, i.e. have components that are age-appropriate and have a beneficial effect on the still unformed psyche.

Design theme

A themed interior will evoke positive emotions in your beloved child. Although decorating a nursery with a marine palette is more common among boys, many girls are also not averse to moving away from the pink tones assigned to them and opting for dynamic shades.

For little ones

For kids' rooms, designers often choose the "Teddy Bear" theme. Such a nursery most often contains:

  • wallpaper in smoky blue tones with images of your favorite teddy bear;
  • curtains with a repeating pattern from the walls;
  • photo wallpaper with Teddy;
  • themed stickers on furniture;
  • matte stretch or frame ceiling of pale blue color.

For boys

For boys, the choice of children's themes is more extensive. The most common options: pirate ship, captain's cabin. But you can take a more creative approach to design by implementing less common themes in the interior.

Cartoon lovers will love the superhero theme. Here, it is advisable to leave the walls light, with bright accents of decor. A great addition would be a theme spray on the mirror surface of the wardrobe.

For young technicians, a children's room with a space theme is suitable. This style does not limit the flight of fancy and can be expressed as:

  • “starry sky” ceiling;
  • photo wallpaper with the image of planet Earth;
  • themed wall stickers depicting satellites or spaceships.

For girls

Modern young ladies are increasingly opposed to the theme of “muslin young ladies” and are making their choice in favor of adventures in the open spaces of the sea. For such active people, designers offer an interior of the underwater world or a design based on the theme of mermaids.

The basis of the color scheme for a girl’s nursery is shades of turquoise. Light curtains made of flowing material, the color of which will resemble the crests of sea waves, will add special charm to the room. Wallpaper with images of elements of the seabed will support the plot, and a panel with mermaids will become a bright highlight in the interior.

The final chord of the chosen theme will be a stretch ceiling of a soft blue color. If the area of ​​the room to be decorated allows, then it can be done in tiers, imitating sea waves. This option will appeal to young romantic natures.

For a small nursery, a snow-white ceiling would be an excellent solution to visually increase the height of the room. This can be a suspended structure or a tension version with small lighting fixtures around the perimeter.

Features of using shades of blue

The complex blue color is presented in dozens of different shades - from delicate cornflower blue to deep dark blue.

Photo: blue children's room

For a children's room, the best option is to use light options that do not overload the interior, do not visually make the room smaller, and do not put pressure on the occupant.

The smaller the nursery, the lighter and more delicate shade you should choose to decorate the room. And in tiny rooms, even a heavenly or azure tone needs the active participation of a lighter companion, otherwise it will be quite uncomfortable to be in the room.

Bright and rich shades (sea wave, blue, denim) are appropriate in children's interiors as expressive accents. These can be both decorative details and key parts of the interior: part of the wall, floor, furniture. Such color spots enliven the room and make a thoughtful image more spontaneous and bold.

Dark colors (dark blue, indigo, sapphire) are acceptable in children's interiors only as separate, dosed accents. Such deep shades are suitable for the rooms of schoolchildren who value restraint and sophistication in the room.

Photo: dark blue children's room

Color distribution tips

A room with dominant blue must have good lighting, otherwise the design will look gloomy.

  1. If the main tone of the room is azure, then curtains chosen slightly darker than the base shade will help emphasize its depth.
  2. By combining blue wallpaper with pastel shades, you can visually adjust the volume of the room and create zoning for the nursery.
  3. For a small room it is better to use light blue wallpaper, so the room will visually look more spacious.
  4. The children's interior will look more cozy if you choose warm pastel colors in addition to the blue color.
  5. In a spacious room, ultramarine color will add a feeling of cleanliness and order.
  6. You should not concentrate the dark blue color on the sleeping area, as this will cause the child to wake up in a depressed mood.
  7. For a teenager’s large room, the decoration will be a modular ceiling, with panels of various shades.

When using blue color for a nursery, it is important to take into account many nuances: the child’s temperament, the theme of the design, the area of ​​the room, the quality of lighting. The interior, thought out to the smallest detail, will allow the child to spend time comfortably during the day and have pleasant dreams at night.

We recommend reading: How to decorate a nursery in blue.

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Furniture arrangement

The right choice of furniture and its proper arrangement will help make the nursery not only comfortable, but also functional. It should be compact, ergonomic, and safe. Sharp corners are completely unnecessary in confined spaces.

For small rooms, the use of a transformer model is suitable. This will save space. Helpers in this matter will also be a bed - a loft, with a workplace located on the first floor, a sleeping place on the second floor, or a folding bed.

You should not place furniture in the middle of the room near long walls; it is better to place it closer to the corners of short walls. You can place ottomans along the long ones. In the interior of two children, if the room is long, separate beds are placed along one of the walls, separating them with a plasterboard partition or screen.

A desk for two boys or girls can be shared. The layout provides for two placement methods: along the window or along the wall.

Do not overcrowd the children's room with unnecessary items; it is better to leave more free space for games and lay a soft rug instead of an additional chair.

If it is necessary to place furniture along elongated walls, from a design point of view, the interior of the room will become more comfortable if decorative elements and a mirror are placed between the objects.


A room in pink colors is the dream of a little princess. Psychologists have a positive attitude towards pink - this color dulls the feeling of fear and anxiety, promotes good rest, gives a feeling of security, and lifts the mood.

Over time, the girl will no longer identify herself with the princess, and pink bedspreads will seem too childish to her. Completely redoing the interior is a costly undertaking, how can you avoid such a problem?

If by the time your daughter is decorating the nursery, she is already over three years old, feel free to combine pastel shades with bright ones in the interior. This room looks more modern and stylish from a teenager's point of view.

It is best to decorate a newborn girl's room in soft pink. As your little one gets older, you can replace the pink bassinet with a fuchsia teen bed, adding a pop of color.

Replace curtains, chandelier, and other details. It is quite possible that a girl will want a room in black and pink tones. This idea is easy to implement, just make sure there is not too much black.

Children's room in pink tones

How to choose furniture

When arranging a nursery, the main thing is to choose and arrange furniture items correctly. They must be:

  • durable and reliable;
  • natural and environmentally friendly;
  • sustainable;
  • with rounded corners.

Pageliens IMPORTANT: for small children, you should never purchase furniture with sharp and dangerous corners that can cause injury. The following furniture items are placed in the child’s room:

The following furniture items are placed in the child’s room:

  • bed;
  • wardrobe;
  • dresser;
  • shelves or racks for toys and crafts;
  • desk;
  • chair or computer chair.

Leaf ATTENTION: in addition to sharp corners, when choosing furniture for a child, attention is also paid to protruding drawer handles. As for finishing materials, they should not emit toxins or strong unpleasant odors.

It is better to make the ceiling suspended. It will harmoniously fit into the modern trend and become a bright accent that attracts attention. It can be a simple glossy canvas with built-in spotlights or neon lighting around the perimeter, or a starry sky that fills the room with a special atmosphere of mystery and enigma.

As for finishing materials, they should not emit toxins or strong unpleasant odors. It is better to make the ceiling suspended

It will harmoniously fit into the modern trend and become a bright accent that attracts attention. It can be a simple glossy canvas with built-in spotlights or neon lighting around the perimeter, or a starry sky that fills the room with a special atmosphere of mystery and enigma.

Neon lighting on the ceiling looks original in a child's room

As for the walls, it is recommended to paint them with safe water-based paint in soft and pastel colors. This material dries quickly, is practical and easy to clean. Such walls can be washed with a cloth moistened with water. It is better to lay laminate, parquet or carpet on the floor.

Don’t forget about the decor: simple curtains, beautiful bed linen, a bright rug on the floor, an interesting lamp. For such interiors, designer lamps made in the shape of balloons, animals, and plants are selected.

Diamond ATTENTION: the main thing when arranging a nursery in a modern style is to create a bright contrast of shapes, colors and textures

Impact on children

Yellow is very familiar to children as they often encounter it in natural environments. Kids enjoy the sun, often draw pictures of it, and love bright colors. With the help of accompanying shades, you can create a warm, cozy atmosphere in the nursery. Color combinations will stimulate mental activity and develop the child’s creative abilities.

The design of a nursery in yellow tones under any conditions creates the impression of a bright sunny day, which has a positive effect on the baby’s nervous system, creating a good mood, evoking positive emotions, charging him with vigor.

Psychologists also note several deeper effects of this color on a child:

arouses interest in the world around us and in its active exploration; improves attention, concentration, perseverance; makes slow children much more collected, disciplines them; gives confidence in one’s abilities; increases optimism and productivity; develops intelligence and intuition.

In chromotherapy, yellow color increases the effectiveness of treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and pancreas. Under its influence, the skin is better cleansed, congestion is eliminated, and the work of the autonomic nervous system is activated.

The presence of yellow in a child's room depends on the child's temperament

Choice of colors and materials

Any interior begins with the selection of a palette that will be used in its implementation. A children's room for a boy should be made in a color scheme that does not visually reduce the space, but, on the contrary, adds extra meters to it, given that the area of ​​our living quarters is generally not very large. And although pastel colors do the job perfectly, this is not the best option for decorating a room for a teenage boy. Cool light shades of green, blue or gray are more suitable for him.

A room for a teenage boy should not be decorated in too bright colors. It will be tiring for a child’s psyche to stay in such a room for a long time. The same remark applies to large images on the walls. It will also not be easy to combine such drawings with posters, placards and other bright elements that boys love so much.

The best option for the floor would be laminate, which has absorbed properties such as affordable price, decent quality, environmental friendliness and practicality.

Curtains should fit into the overall design of a boy’s children’s room and not interfere with the penetration of light into the room.

Blue interior in different styles

The first association that is evoked by the color blue is the sea. Therefore, most often, light blue shades are chosen for marine designs - Mediterranean, in particular. It is characterized by a combination of white or gray, beige, milky with different shades of blue.

Something in such an interior must be striped - if not the walls and not the upholstery of upholstered furniture, then at least the sofa cushions. The walls can be plain, either blue or light, pastel colors. Then the furniture can be the same shade, and bright colors are selected for the curtains (double curtains would be ideal, combining both tones - the main and additional ones). We will place accents in the form of paintings or photos in bright frames, a table or floor vase, sofa cushions, a rug on the floor.

Provence - delicate rustic style loves blue color. A Provence style kitchen is delicate, reminiscent of a house in a grandmother’s village. A light floral pattern on wallpaper in blue tones (combinations of blue and pink or light green are possible) can be complemented with delicate white and blue dishes - for example, a tea set with blue flowers will look cute.

Blue and white checkered or striped curtains and a bouquet of forget-me-nots will complete the styling.

Modern room design in blue

Blue color in apartment interior design

Light blue interior design

Shabby chic for a child's room or a living room combined with a kitchen is another successful combination of a delicate blue color in a residential apartment. A blue sofa in a shabby interior is a good choice for a “floral-patchwork” design. In this case, blue can become an additional color if you choose beige or milky as the background. The third color is pink or light green. This is how harmony is achieved.

For a nursery, you can choose brighter shades of blue when it comes to the room of a preschooler or primary school student. And it doesn’t have to be a boy’s room. “Princess-fairy” interiors are also created using light shades of blue. In a room where childhood sets its own design rules, combinations of blue with orange and sunny colors are acceptable.

For a newborn's room, pastel colors are recommended, and the combination of blue with milky or beige is the best. You can choose this color to decorate the crib, curtains on the windows, the main thing is that it should not be bright so as not to irritate the baby.

Apartment design in blue color

Blue color in the interior of the room

Blue color in the interior – modernity, spaciousness and lightness. It is worth remembering that it is found everywhere in nature and is “friendly” with almost all flowers. The best additions to blue are:

  • sand;
  • lemon yellow;
  • white;
  • golden;
  • silver.

Shades of the same color go well with each other, for example, blue can be complemented with royal blue, and this all provides great opportunities for creativity - creating a harmonious interior is not difficult, as a result - you will get a cozy space filled with freshness.

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