Children's room in loft style: 50 interior design ideas in the photo

Standard colors for girls and boys are no longer in trend. For those who strive for originality and a fresh look at a stylish interior, a loft is ideal. This style is suitable for children of any age. For kids and teenagers. Children, as a rule, live in their own world of everything new and interesting, so such an interior is an excellent basis for the development of a creative view of things and innovative thinking.

Industrial style: trend or anti-trend?

The verified loft in its pure form really lost its ground a few seasons ago, and gradually turned from a current solution into an obsolete one. Today, exaggerated industrial interiors most often look out of place, especially in typical apartments with standard windows and not too high ceilings.

But there is another point: mixed styles, including loft elements, on the contrary, are at the peak of popularity. Scandi loft, a mixture of industrial and classic styles, eclecticism with loft details, neoclassicism with an admixture of industrial motifs, as well as a softened version - soft loft - are among the current trends.

In addition, if your child is eager to decorate his space in an industrial style, in fact, it doesn’t really matter how trendy a loft-style teenager’s room is.

Characteristic features of style

In this style, old structures combine well with new materials and finishes. There is always a choice:

  • leave the brickwork as is;
  • make an imitation of it using appropriate wallpaper;
  • paint with primer and white acrylic paint;
  • plaster.

With any option, the effect of the “unfinished” finish is important. Concrete surfaces are often left unfinished, and bright colors are unacceptable here. Gray color dominates - in company with white and brick. They are complemented by shades of untreated wood and metal and blinds instead of curtains - all this is typical of the Loft style.

In a children's room or a teenager's personal space, everything should look more welcoming, despite the stylistic features:


  • children's drawings on the walls;
  • computer and household appliances;
  • musical instruments and other hobby attributes;
  • built-in cabinet furniture with an interesting facade design;
  • large plasma panel on a brick wall;
  • bunk beds (for two children) with chrome details, etc.


“Attic” style means high ceilings, often one and a half or 2 floors high. Floor beams and inclined surfaces are left without any decoration, especially after the roof has been insulated and the components have been covered according to all the rules.

“Attic” style - high ceilings, often one and a half or 2 floors high

Particularly chic are open pipes near the ceiling, decorated with corrugation or foil, complemented by lamps that look more like spotlights.

Please note: Today it is not customary to decorate an apartment or loft apartment in one style, and a child’s room in another, with the exception of the attic. If the entire apartment is decorated like a loft, then the children’s room is the same, but more welcoming and cheerful. An industrial premises or a large attic converted into housing is most natural for this style.


See also: Teenage girl's room

Choice of colors

The generally accepted loft is a combination of brickwork and concrete walls. But for the bedroom this solution is too aggressive. It is softened with a warmer and more colorful palette.

Choose as the main color:

  • beige;
  • white;
  • grey;
  • brown;
  • black.

For small rooms, a pastel color palette is better suited. Light shades create a feeling of space. For such rooms use monochrome. In large rooms, a contrasting combination of brown and beige or black and white looks good.

Accents are placed in bright, pure colors. They are used in accessories and textiles. Green, blue, red are perfect.

The loft style allows the use of completely different color combinations. Bright pink, raspberry, yellow, and turquoise will look appropriate in it. The choice of colors for decorating a room is largely determined by the child’s taste.

The main features of the loft style for children's rooms

Surely you know what a loft looks like in its original form. Textured concrete walls, brickwork. This hardly falls into the “safe” category. Therefore, for a children's room they deviate from the rigor of execution and use materials that will not harm the little owner.

The color palette of this style also consists of heavy, deep tones of gray, black, white, green, blue, yellow, brick, burgundy, and red. But again, for a child’s room such an atmosphere may turn out to be too depressing and joyless. Your child is unlikely to like such an interior. He will simply be uncomfortable and even give rise to depressive thoughts. In this regard, it is quite justified to bring light and bright shades into the nursery environment. They are used both as accents and in the background of the room. The light white design with bright accents in rough textures also looks impressive.

For teenagers, this style will become an island for self-expression. Because bright posters, billboards and street drawings with aerosol paint are just “on topic” here. The teenager will be immensely grateful to you for your progressive views on the interior for his room.

A special feature of the loft is also the absence of internal partitions for zoning the space. The room should be open, and the division into zones is carried out using furniture and metal light structures. Or using the color and texture of the finish.

How to choose furniture and decorative elements: photos of rooms for teenagers and children

Wherever the loft is designed: in a small apartment or a large one, when choosing furniture you should still adhere to the principle of minimalism, because a child of any age, especially preschool, needs space and a lot of free space. Also, furniture should be as functional as possible, so it is better to use a variety of transformers or items that perform several functions at once.

It is better to choose beds and tables with additional drawers, this will help increase the availability of storage space, which should be enough in the nursery

When choosing children's furniture in the loft style, it is not necessary that all items be combined with each other. In this case, it is allowed to use elements from different sets and even styles. When creating the first interior designs in the loft style, the owners did not have the opportunity to purchase a solid set in one place. Furniture was typically purchased at a flea market, with each item purchased on a different day in most cases. Often, pieces of furniture were made independently, using available materials: boards, wheels, metal rods, old furniture frames, suitcases and chests.

In a children's and teenager's room in a loft style, you can not be afraid to combine modern furniture and retro style elements. When choosing accessories, you should give preference to the following options:

  • cast iron hooks;

All furniture elements in a children's room do not have to be compatible

  • chrome elements;
  • unusual handles;
  • designer fittings.

Features of choosing a children's bed: what to look for

A loft children's bed can perform many functions. In addition to the sleeping area, it often has built-in drawers for storing clothes and small items. Preschool children will love it if their bed resembles a playhouse or castle. If you look at photos of the interior of small rooms in the loft style, you can see that they mainly choose bunk beds or loft beds. They look modern and at the same time are considered functional and compact due to their practical design.

Since the bed is one of the most important pieces of furniture, you need to select it much more carefully

Children of older preschool age and schoolchildren prefer to sleep on the upper tier, which creates the effect of privacy and safety. At the same time, the stairs serve not only for climbing upstairs - often the steps are spacious drawers that can accommodate a large number of toys or clothes. The side of the stairs can be equipped as a climbing wall using climbing holds. At the same time, children's options made in the shape of animals are available.

Important! When choosing a children's bed, the main thing is to make sure that it is safe: all parts must be securely fastened. This piece of furniture must be made from environmentally friendly materials. Ideally, give preference to beds made of wood.

If the child is still small, it is better to purchase low-slung beds or equip furniture with additional elements that will prevent falls from height. Options with hanging models or retractable podium beds look good. In a teenager’s room, you can install a folding sofa or chair, which can be easily folded when the child’s friends come to visit and additional space is needed.

What decorations to choose for a room: photos of teenage room designs

It is important to choose decorative elements together with the child, especially if we are talking about a teenager with already formed life interests, which parents may not know everything about. Young children are also able to select from a large assortment of accessories exactly the one they like, especially since there are no generally accepted standards when selecting decorative elements. Therefore, no matter what the child chooses, the item will definitely complement the interior of the room. The most popular accessories found in loft-style rooms include:

  • banners and posters;
  • black and white photographs depicting the city at night and actors;
  • geographic Maps;
  • various chains, ropes;
  • graffiti;

Loft interior style is now the most fashionable and popular trend among teenagers

  • massive watches in an unusual style;
  • glowing interior letters.

In the child’s room, you should hang open shelves randomly and give him the opportunity to independently place on them those decorative elements that he considers necessary. In this way, you can help your child show his first character traits and express his individuality. The following items will look good in the play area:

  • toy wigwam;
  • hanging swing;
  • easel;
  • basketball hoop;
  • toy cars;
  • children's fireplace.

It is advisable to paint the walls of the nursery, cover the floor with specially aged parquet or floorboards

When choosing textiles, you can choose options that perfectly match the overall style of the room. If the bed looks like a pirate ship, then the bed linen and blankets should be a continuation of the theme. If the room is made in soothing colors, then a bright blanket on the bed will become an accent element. You can put a soft carpet on the floor. For example, if the room is bright, a high-pile carpet in bright green tones will look good.

The windows in the nursery should not be covered with massive curtains. It is important that sunlight can enter the room unhindered. If the room faces the sunny side, you can cover the windows with roller shutters or blinds. A good option is to use roller blinds.


Furniture in the loft style is a different story. Once you decide to decorate a child's room in this style, you will have to follow it to the end.

A distinctive feature of interior items in this style are the natural materials from which they are made. As a rule, unpainted wood is used. Designers recommend using furniture in neutral shades even in a loft-style nursery, and if bright accents are needed, make them with a bedspread, carpet, painting or other auxiliary elements.

The photo shows a white wooden crib in a loft-style room for a newborn baby.

Furniture items must be laconic and functional. And better yet, multifunctional. For example, a bed with built-in bedside tables for storing things or bed linen, a folding table and chairs.

Two-tier furniture is also suitable: a sleeping place at the top, a work area or cabinets and shelves at the bottom.

The study area should be spacious enough. It is advisable to place a large wooden table in it.

This style should not have a lot of furniture. Therefore, the simplest loft interior is “friendly” with built-in wardrobes or wall shelves of a simple design.

For windows, choose thick curtains in rich, deep colors.

Interesting fact: the loft “gets along” well with non-standard pieces of furniture. For example, poufs of unusual shape, frameless bean bags, transformable furniture. All these elements will help create an unusual and pleasant atmosphere, so that the child will not want to leave his personal space.


This interior detail deserves special attention. After all, the more complete your child’s rest is, the more fruitful and active his day will be. Important: do not neglect the appearance of the sleeping place. If your child doesn't visually like the bed, take the time to choose something he will like. Also, the model should fit harmoniously into the overall interior.

As lighting elements, it is appropriate to install lamps with a classic, urban and minimalist design.

There are several types of children's beds for the loft style:

  • Single bed with a frame made of metal or wood;
  • Daybed with wrought iron walls;
  • Bed with a lifting mechanism (attached to the ceiling);
  • Loft bed;
  • Bed on a wooden platform.

Each of these models has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The interior of the room is complemented by shelves arranged in a chaotic manner and provides the opportunity for the child to independently fill them with the necessary decorative elements.

Don't buy massive wall beds for this style. Although such models have a number of additional functions, they will look bulky in a child’s room.

An unusual, but loved by many, loft may well exist in the vastness of a children's room. Teenagers especially will love this free, minimalist and very comfortable design. In addition, the loft leaves room for the child to realize his creative abilities, which means it will have a positive effect on his development.

A loft-style children's room presents a very unexpected interior solution that always looks original and non-trivial.

Advantages of style direction

The children's room is the most frequently transformed room in the apartment. After all, each age period sets its own conditions for the design of space: up to 12 years, the main thing is the play area, while in adolescence, studies, hobbies and entertainment come to the fore.

At the same time, both hobbies and entertainment change very often. Of course, this is reflected in the design. Therefore, designers are unanimous: one of the best solutions for a teenager will be the loft style.


  • A loft-style room for a teenager can even handle a huge number of multi-colored posters, collectible figurines and anything else the owner or hostess wants to decorate it with.
  • This style can easily be transformed into a modern one if the decoration is not too active. And it also mixes perfectly with the same modern and Scandinavian trend.
  • Suitable for decorating space for girls and boys.
  • And don’t let the brutality bother you, you can soften it through color and texture. We'll talk about this below.

Finishing materials for the interior of a children's room in the loft style

As noted earlier, in its original form, the loft-style rooms had virtually no decoration of any kind. With the development of this trend, certain design solutions were found, but natural materials prevail and, as before, do not go out of fashion.

The approach to decorating a nursery, however, should be somewhat different. A floor made of cold concrete or untreated boards will not suit a child. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the floor with linoleum or laminate with imitation wood.

Not everyone likes bare brick walls either, and before reaching adolescence, it is better to cover the nursery with plain wallpaper and make the ceiling white.

The loft style presupposes the presence of space for creativity and self-expression: the child will probably want to hang his drawings, photographs or posters on the wall. Therefore, it is better to leave the walls untouched - this technique will help your children develop their imagination and creativity.

A little about what a teenage boy’s room should look like

A teenager's room in a loft style should first of all reflect the child's inner world. Therefore, it is important to create not just an interior that will fit into the overall style of the apartment, but also an environment in which the child will be comfortable. It is recommended that the child independently choose wallpaper and select colors for decorating the walls.

Usually the room in which the boy will live is done in neutral, cool shades. If we are talking about designing a small room for a young man, then in order not to make the room visually smaller, it is better not to get carried away with dark shades. More lighting elements should be used. Popular colors that are used to decorate a men's room are:

  • gray and silver;

A room for a teenage boy in a loft style is decorated with images of superheroes, retro cars, road signs, stained glass plaques

  • black;
  • blue and blue;
  • shades of green;
  • red.

Depending on the age of the child and his hobbies, decor for the walls is selected. Very often, older boys, especially those who are interested in cars and various mechanisms, complement the interior of the room with a steampunk style, in which a large number of gears, metal and leather elements are used to decorate the walls.

This is interesting! In the room of a child who loves nature and enjoys hiking, you can hang a large hammock next to a regular bed, and on the ceiling above it, stick interior glowing stars, reminiscent of spending the night outside.

A boy's room in a loft style can be decorated in gray tones

As decoration, you should place models of racing cars, soldiers, and characters from your favorite films. On the walls you can place elements such as:

  • guitar;
  • safety helmets;
  • hockey sticks;
  • Models of airplanes or ships.

Furniture for a loft-style nursery for a boy should be rough. Old chests that are used as bedside tables or tables, metal pipes, and beds suspended on chains are welcome here. All furniture should have elements of wear and aged facades. Below you can view a selection of photos of teenage rooms for boys.

What should the interior be like?

Each person has his own preferences in clothing, favorite colors, his own taste in household items: furniture, chandeliers and even electronics; you cannot impose anything by suggesting using only one bedroom design project for all boys. To choose your own interior that would delight a teenager and his parents every day, you need to work hard: look through magazines about interiors or surf the Internet in search of one example - the best and ideal.

It may happen that a young man likes more than one option for decorating a bedroom, then you can try to combine both styles, bringing the child’s idea to life. For example, take a loft, with its inherent elements, as the basis for the interior of a teenage room, and add high-tech or classics to it, adding a twist. In general, you shouldn’t be afraid to experiment; on the contrary, you should implement your ideas, which sometimes seem like crazy ideas. Sometimes such experiments produce original masterpieces.

In any case, you need to understand that the interior of the room will have to match the child for more than one year, and remain relevant even when its owner grows from a baby to a teenager. A children's room in a similar style for boys in this case would be an ideal solution, because first the child there will be able to play as a knight and his ancestral ancient castle (against the backdrop of a brick wall), and then the children's bedroom will turn into a full-fledged brutal room for a 17-year-old teenager.

Focus on lighting

In a loft-style nursery, special attention is paid to lighting. Lamps in this case should be made in a minimalist design. No ruffled lampshades or crystal pendants on the chandelier. Urban or high-tech style lamps are ideal.

Metal forging looks great in the lighting. This option can be chosen for overhead lighting.

A folding, laconic version is suitable as a table lamp.

Children's room in loft style

Futuristic lamps will also fit laconically into the interior.

The original option is chandeliers with fans.

Chains, cables, and high tripods are appropriate in the design of lamps.

An excellent modern option is interior lamps in the form of letters with spotlights.

Children's bedroom in loft style

Style Features

The interior in this design becomes like an attic, where you can embody any, the most daring and non-standard ideas. Therefore, it is more often in demand for teenage rooms.

Thanks to the competent use of such an adult stylistic direction, you can achieve a fashionable and comfortable interior, both in the room of a teenager and a child.

For some reason, most of us are sure that stylish loft ideas can only be realized on a large area. But that's not true. You can achieve a feeling of spaciousness with the help of furniture, the color of finishing materials and the correct location of light sources. And serious dismantling work is not necessary at all.

The room has rough surfaces and careless finishing.

Characteristic features of a loft-style nursery:

  • Lots of free space;
  • Lots of light;
  • Walls without finishing;
  • A combination of modernity and deep antiquity;
  • Availability of metal structures of various shapes and sizes;
  • Natural finishing materials: stone, wood.

The use of wallpaper that imitates plaster, worn or bare unpainted walls is encouraged.

The history of the emergence of this style as a separate direction in design is extremely simple. Space for economic and industrial purposes began to be allocated for residential premises. For a creative person, such a space is a field for the embodiment of bold, and for many, incomprehensible ideas. Therefore, very quickly, brickwork and open communication lines began to be perceived not as an unfinished renovation, but as a stylish solution in decorating a room. The walls, as a rule, were left completely unfinished. Brickwork and concrete surface are mandatory companions of a loft.

For decoration, it is appropriate to use open communications, pipes and uncovered ceilings.

Also, the style is characterized by a minimum amount of furniture, only the most necessary. This means that it is quite possible to create such a design solution on 10-12 square meters.

It is important to have functional furniture of a simple form with aged surfaces.

By taking into account some of the nuances of finishing and decor, you can create a room for a teenager of amazing beauty and functionality.

Loft provides the opportunity to combine old and modern items.

Teenage loft interior: pros and cons


1. Practicality. Wear-resistant, easy-to-care materials are the basis of the direction.

2. Environmental friendliness. Industrial is based on natural materials.

3. No connection to the budget. You can design both an expensive loft interior and a budget option.

4. No gender stamps. A loft-style room is equally appropriate for both a teenage girl and a teenage boy.

5. Variety of design options. Depending on the chosen palette, decor and mixture of styles, the interior can turn out very different: more brutal or enveloping and cozy; calm and balanced or bright and spectacular.

6. Universal design solutions. Many elements of industrial style will fit perfectly into almost any interior, regardless of size, level of natural light and layout (for example, brickwork, concrete ceilings, loft beds).


1. Expressiveness. Loft style is unlikely to suit lovers of neutral, calm, expressionless interiors.

2. The need for free space. Industrial requires a fairly sparse amount of furniture, so in a very tiny room with several functions it may be inappropriate.

3. Difficulty in implementation. Despite its apparent simplicity, the style is not so easy to implement.

4. The importance of details. Industrial style is one of those in which every detail is important: fittings, sockets, switches, and sometimes even light bulbs in lamps.

How to decorate a loft in a nursery?

If all the rooms in the house are furnished in a loft style, the same should be done with the nursery so that the integrity of the space is not compromised. When designing a place for a child, the loft will have to be adapted somewhat: remove a little “adultness” from it. It is generally accepted that an idea can only be implemented over a large area. But this is not true: it all depends on the choice of color, furniture and lighting. Even 10 square meters is enough to realize your dream.

Teenagers are unpredictable creatures; they need an atmosphere of freedom and permissiveness. Decorating a room in a loft style allows you to show individuality and does not require adherence to clear rules. However, no matter the size of the room, it should always remain spacious.

When decorating walls, simple materials are used: rough plaster, decorative brick. Roughness is softened with photographs, posters and drawings. A striking feature of the style is large windows. Textiles on them are not desirable. Many teenagers love graffiti; loft allows them to use it in the interior without compromising the overall design.

The nursery must have areas for sleeping, playing, relaxing and learning activities. You can highlight them in the common space with podiums, lighting or partitions. Pipes and exposed wires are not allowed for a child's room: they look too rough and violate safety regulations. However, in a traditional loft this element is required.

Functional areas for different ages

  • Children under 2 years old

For kids you don't need much. A crib, a chest of drawers, a feeding area and a changing table.

  • Child from 2 years to 7 years

The main area for this age is the play area. As a rule, the entire floor surface is considered playable. It is difficult to explain to a child that they need to play in one place. It's just not interesting. But the zone still needs to be allocated. A rack or cabinet where all the toys, the child’s favorite things and books will be stored.

  • Student age

Here we are already adding an area for a desk. Storage system for books and notebooks. Part of the wall is decorated as educational “reminders”. A geographical map or the rules of the Russian language, here you yourself will determine what your child will need. Of course, the play area and the bed are not going away; you also need to find a place for them.

Cheap renovation in loft style (video)

Room zoning

A loft room for a teenager is multifunctional. Places for sleeping, studying and playing are combined in one room. Zoning of the room plays an important role when creating the interior. The loft style does not use walls or partitions. The zones are not separated from each other. It is separated by different finishing materials, lighting and furniture.

Open shelving and various finishing materials are used to zone the room.

Each zone requires its own lighting, furniture, and wall decoration. An important place is occupied by the area for placing posters, photographs, and images. Most of one of the walls is allocated for it.

Having empty, unfinished walls in a room helps develop imagination and creative skills.

Finish options

When choosing finishing materials, the main criteria are environmental friendliness and safety. In second place is the simplicity of the solutions. The style does not involve the use of multi-level structures and expensive finishing materials.


Floor plays an important role in the room. Before laying the materials, it is carefully leveled. This allows you to use any type of coating. Preference is given to parquet, veneer boards, and laminate.

Parquet or laminate in dark shades looks good on the floor

Wood in dark shades coated with clear varnish looks good. The coating should be as functional as possible. Skirting boards are chosen from wood and painted to match the walls.


The simpler the ceiling is decorated, the better. Paint, whitewash, and tension coverings are widely used. White matte color suits any direction. Wooden beams that run along the ceiling in private houses allow you to place accents in an urban style.

Multi-level structures and plasterboard overhangs are not recommended. They do not fit into the overall design concept.


The loft style does not provide any special rules for lighting. It is recommended to insulate the wiring. She doesn't belong in a children's room. The style is supported by the shape of the lamps or chandelier.

The room looks harmonious with both one central chandelier and several lamps placed on the walls of the room. For large rooms, designers advise hanging the main chandelier in the center, and also placing spotlight diodes around the perimeter.

Directional placement of light from the side or below allows you to correctly place accents and highlight important design elements in the room.

Hanging chandeliers on chains, dark metal models with rough shades look good in the room. For small rooms, a spot lighting system is better suited. The built-in diodes along the entire perimeter of the ceiling look original.

Metal lamps in an industrial style look original


The hallmark of the loft style is textured wall covering. The room looks good with brickwork and smooth concrete pavement. Designers suggest simulating bare walls using paint, plaster and other materials.

If brickwork or a concrete wall is not suitable, photo wallpaper comes to the rescue. Preference is given to 3D drawings with an urban theme. The combination of a concrete wall and a three-dimensional pattern looks impressive.

How to renovate a teenager's room

Before implementing design ideas, you need to think through repair options and draw up a preliminary estimate that will help calculate the approximate amount of materials. The costs of modern renovations in an apartment depend primarily on the area of ​​the room and the planned scale of action. It is recommended that the organization of repairs be carried out by a person who understands design - this will avoid various unnecessary costs.

Helpful advice! When selecting building materials, you need to pay attention to the environmental certificate. For example, there is a special paint on sale that is intended for decorating walls in children's rooms.

When decorating a loft-style room, you must not forget about bright accents in the form of wall decor, bed linen, curtains, pillows

When carrying out renovation work in a children's room, it is recommended to use natural materials, and preference should be given to surfaces that can be washed. To finish the floor, you should use wooden boards, and parquet, parquet boards and laminate are also suitable. It is preferable for the surfaces to have a slightly worn appearance. When choosing flooring for a loft-style children's room, it is recommended to pay attention to anti-slip materials.

Classic white plaster is suitable for finishing the ceiling and walls. If you have high ceilings, you can make their surface original by simulating beam ceilings, which are then painted black or brown. Instead of beams, lamps are also used as ceiling decor, which are placed on a long metal strip.

Proper wall finishing is considered one of the most important stages of renovation work. To create an industrial style, it is better to combine different materials. As when arranging any other room, you must use a brick wall or a material that imitates it in the interior. Imitation can be done using plaster.

Often, for contrast, one of the four walls is covered with brickwork or metal plaster.

In the play area, it is appropriate to make the walls a little softer - cork or liquid wallpaper is suitable for this. Also in the nursery, it would be useful to make one wall from a slate board on which you can draw with chalk, thus there will be a chance to save other walls from being painted on.

When choosing wallpaper to decorate the walls of a children's room, you need to pay attention to the presence of a certificate that confirms that no synthetic additives were used in the manufacture of the product. In terms of environmental friendliness, paper wallpaper is considered the best option, but they wear out quickly, and their surface is easily wiped or torn.

If we take into account the fact that children love to draw on the walls, when renovating a loft style in a nursery, you can use a two-level version of wall decoration, when the lower tier is designed so that it can be easily redone and without having to re-glue the entire wall. The transition can be made using a border strip or foam molding.

When decorating a children's room in a loft style, it is recommended to use natural materials

You can make a wall the highlight of your interior by covering it with 3D photo wallpaper, where you can choose any image that best matches the overall theme of the room. It is important to purchase wallpaper that can be washed or wiped off. It is better if they have a smooth surface.

How to zoning a loft children's bedroom

If you look at photos of teenage rooms or children's bedrooms, you can pay attention to the fact that the main task that needs to be accomplished when equipping a room is to create an open space with a minimum number of partitions. The division into different functional zones is carried out by combining different textures and finishing materials that delimit different areas of the rooms. For example, a children's sleeping area is separated using softer colors.

The work area is designed using all the rules of style: here you can make a brick wall and use metal accessories.

Areas for play, work and sleep are highlighted using visual objects

Helpful advice! To highlight the wall in the play area, special magnetic marker paints are used. This will help create an unusual place for creativity, where you can not only draw, but also glue different magnets.

If a small room in the loft style is intended for two children, then you should divide the room using portable screens, which, if necessary, fold and create a single space. For this purpose, it is better to use folding elements that, when folded, will not take up much space.

The use of furniture is also considered a convenient zoning option. In photos of loft-style rooms you can often see combined walls installed that combine a bed, a place to store clothes, and a table for work. Boxes for storing toys here usually play the role of steps leading to the second tier, on which the bed is located.

The room is divided into zones using various materials for individual segments of walls and floors, as well as furniture

The use of lighting as zoning elements is also considered one of the main ways to delimit space. For this purpose, different light sources are used that have autonomous switching. For example, LED lights are placed above the sleeping area, with which you can adjust the degree of illumination. If your child is afraid to sleep in complete darkness, you can leave a dim light on at night. It is better to use brighter lighting in play and work areas. In addition, a bright lamp is installed on the desktop, making it convenient to do homework or read.

Related article:

Loft design: space and freedom for a creative person

Features of housing design: interior of bedroom, kitchen, hallway, living room and bathroom

Room decor ideas for a teenage boy

In order for a teenage boy’s room to look stylish, fashionable and not boring, it should be decorated in a specific style. For example, sea, safari or techno. You can find a lot of similar styles by flipping through various magazines, but to make the room different from others, you need to find some kind of zest, a feature.

It is best to decorate the room in accordance with the interests of the child, because teenage boys simply cannot exist without hobbies. Once the features of the teenager’s room are known, the style of the room, its color scheme and decorative elements that complement the interior will also be determined.

Features of the design of a room for a teenager in the loft style


Loft style, especially when mixed with other trends, is quite unpretentious in matters of color. You can choose light or dark shades, opt for deeper or straightforwardly bright tones, opt for a pastel palette (especially important for girls), and even turn to expressive neon, acidic accents (why not, this is a teenager’s room, A little rebellion won't hurt.)

2. Materials

The style is characterized by natural, textured, wear-resistant, easy-to-care materials: wood, metal, leather, brick, concrete, stone, natural textiles. Wicker accessories, ceramics, and glass are also appropriate.

3. Furniture

Furnishings typical of the loft style are ideal for a teenager’s room: loft beds, transformable furniture, multifunctional furniture (benches, poufs), chests, drawers. Bonus: all this will be appropriate not only in spacious rooms, but also in a small room.

4. Planning decisions

The loft does not put forward any special strict requirements for the layout. The only important condition is the presence of “air”, some sparseness of the furniture. It’s also worth taking care of zoning: most often, a teenager’s room performs several functions at once, and their visual or physical separation is a must for creating a harmonious interior.


In terms of decor, the loft style is almost as democratic as it is in matters of color. Depending on the mood of the situation, Scandi posters, classical paintings, and decorative accessories in the pop art style will fit into it. The walls will be decorated with both photos and neon lamps; You can put both indoor plants and art objects on open shelves.

The only limitation is that it is important not to overdo it with the decor, otherwise visual noise will visually make the environment more cluttered (and we remember that freedom is important for a loft).


When turning to industrial style in the design of a not too large room, provide sufficient lighting: darkened corners can make a teenager’s room even smaller, which is definitely not good for her. A winning move is to distribute light sources according to functional areas, for example:

  • general light;
  • table lamp on the desk;
  • lighting for a cabinet, storage system or dressing room;
  • sconces, night lights, pendants by the bed;
  • floor lamp in the corner for reading and relaxation.

What to consider when decorating a nursery in a loft style

When decorating a nursery in a loft style, you should not only rely on the size of the room, but also follow a certain color scheme and surface finishing methods, and take into account the arrangement of furniture and decor.

  • The windows are not curtained, but remain open. It is preferable if these are panoramic high windows.
  • The walls are usually a simple brickwork or whitewashed concrete surface. They are not covered with plastic or covered with wallpaper. In some cases, you can try covering the wall with sheets of metal or plywood.
  • The industrial direction involves a concrete floor, but it is not always suitable for residential premises. In this case, the floors are made of wood, less often - of stone or marble.
  • The ceiling in the room should be high. Wooden beams are installed on it and electrical wiring is installed. Other communications or piping can also be run through the ceiling.
  • Modern lighting fixtures are installed in the room, and they are hung in groups.
  • The spaces of industrial facilities, as a rule, required additional heating using fireplaces, open stoves and iron barrels with firewood. In a decorative interpretation, these items are often used in loft design projects.
  • High factory ceilings made it possible to design a bedroom or workplace on the second level. In order to implement this technique today, designers suggest using attached or stationary stairs made of metal or wood.
  • The color scheme of the room and interior elements is based on a minimum number of shades and is maintained in a fairly strict form.
  • Furniture can be ultra-modern and multifunctional or classic, with an aged effect (worn edges, peeling paint, etc.).
  • Obviously, the children's room is the place of the most active life in the whole house. Therefore, high-quality zoning and sound insulation are of great importance.

Interior of a girl's room

A girl's bedroom is decorated in more delicate colors, such as red, turquoise, pink or bright crimson. You can install a bed with forged metal parts and decorate it with bed linen in rich colors. A girly loft includes decor in the form of beautiful mirrors in bronze frames.

The photo shows a light children's room for a girl in a loft style with bright yellow accents.

The furnishings are also complemented with fur carpets, colorful pillows, lanterns, dried flowers or hand-made items. Stylish furniture with bright fronts or textiles with original prints will help soften the roughness of a men's loft.

Essential attributes of style in interior design

To know everything about the “attic” style, you need to list its main attributes:

  • Brick wall. The most important element, without which it is simply impossible to imagine old American design.
  • Window laminated with nozzle film, stained oak, with frames or false sashes. It will highlight the clear lines of the brick and perfectly continue the color palette of natural wood.
  • A high ceiling, which should be as if the room had been untouched without renovation: interfloor beams and ventilation pipes open to view.
  • Wood in the interior. This could be a floor covered with wooden laminate, or decorative furniture made from natural materials. Wood, especially aged wood, will give the interior some zest and will continue the idea of ​​natural surroundings: stone and wood.

What directions can you choose for a loft-style nursery?

Within the loft style, the following directions are distinguished:

  • Bohemian - retains elements of industrial style in untouched wall and floor finishes. At the same time, a creative approach is felt in the selection of furniture and other interior elements. Furniture usually looks old and has been in use for a long time. Decorative elements do not always combine with each other, but at the same time they are directly related to art. These can be paintings, sculptures, musical instruments and any other art objects.
  • Glamorous direction distinguished by a specific color palette and a special combination of pastel colors. For example, a gray-lilac color scheme, rather than the traditional white and gray. Special attention is paid to the choice of lighting fixtures: lamps, chandeliers, shades and floor lamps of various unusual shapes.

  • Industrial (industrial) direction is the most popular. The interior of the room must contain signs of an industrial building or factory production: pipelines with valves, chains, electrical wiring, wooden beams. The furniture used in the interior is characterized by simple geometric shapes and the absence of unnecessary details.

Decoration of walls, floors and ceilings

Safe and environmentally friendly materials in the design of a nursery are a must.

  • Wall decoration

The most popular materials for children's rooms are paint and wallpaper. Brickwork is imitated with stylized wallpaper or walls are painted. The most practical thing would be to paint the walls, since they can be washed. The paint chosen is water-based. Since it does not smell and is absolutely safe for health.

If the interior is planned for an older child, decorative overlays in the shape of bricks are used. At the same time, the process of creating such a wall will captivate the child himself. There is also a cool trick: one of the walls is covered with slate paint. And the child can make drawings on it and create fascinating stories. One wall is completely or partially given over to slate. Here you yourself determine the extent of what is permitted. This paint adheres perfectly to any surface and can be tinted in any color.

If a child has asthma or allergies, instead of a slate surface, make a wall for drawings with a marker.

  • Floor decoration

The most suitable solution for flooring is parquet or laminate. Firstly, it is environmentally safe for the child, and secondly, it matches the style. Parquet is decorated in an antique style, and laminate flooring is purchased immediately in retro-style decor. A flawless coating without flaws is not suitable for a loft.

A carpet is laid on the floor to make it more comfortable for the child to play. The carpet will also protect the floor from falling toys and repeated tapping while exploring the world. Carpet is not recommended. It is more difficult to clean and keep clean and goes against the loft concept.

  • Ceiling decoration

Finishing the ceiling will not take much time. In a child's room it can be stretched, always matte, a variant or painted. If the ceilings are high, create structures made of wooden beams, they will add warmth and comfort to the nursery. It is worth mentioning that this is absolutely not recommended. Decorative cornices around the perimeter of the ceiling, plasterboard structures in several levels, drawings on the ceiling. All this will cheapen the interior and there will be no trace of style left.

Choosing furniture

When looking at interiors with a “masculine character,” it is clear that regardless of the chosen style, they contain a spirit of minimalism, the characteristic features of which are space, functionality, the absence of “extra” decor and, in general, the presence of only necessary furnishings. This principle should be followed when decorating a teenager’s room - boys do not need additional furniture and are often not too picky about its appearance.

If the room is small, then it is worth using multifunctional furniture - transformers, folding models and loft beds, tables, chairs and cabinets on wheels, lightweight portable lamps.

So, with the help of a transforming sofa, you can combine three functional zones in a modest-sized room: during the day it will be a guest area, and at night it will be a full-fledged sleeping place. And the third function is organizing the storage of bedding or clothing.

A cabinet with wheels will acquire dual functionality - you can store personal items in it and use it as a bedside surface for a lamp or as a coffee table.

Parents should pay special attention to the materials used for making furnishings. The most practical and environmentally friendly materials are metal and natural wood - they have an aesthetic appearance, a long service life, and are perfectly combined with each other and with other finishing materials

They are also suitable for any style solution in the design of a teenage room.

Among inexpensive materials, laminated chipboard is highly decorative. Furniture made from it has a glossy shine, which visually increases the area of ​​a small space. The color can be very different, and with the help of modern technologies, the facade of such furniture can be decorated with any image.

Sleeping area

The bed must be positioned in such a way that it is not completely visible when entering the room. Usually, a wall location is chosen, in which the sleeper will feel most comfortable, and this will also save free space.

Near the bed you can place a cabinet or other surface for small things - a night light, a book, a telephone. Console shelves are distinguished by their compact placement. If possible, it is better to avoid hanging shelves above the bed.

If the style solution in the interior involves an open floor covering, then you can put a small soft-pile rug near the bed.

Storage area

It is advisable to place the storage system in close proximity to the sleeping area. A teenage boy's wardrobe is not as large as that of girls his age, so it is enough to install a built-in wardrobe with a linen chest of drawers. This piece of furniture can stand alone and additionally serve as a TV stand. Depending on the chosen style, the storage system can be supplemented with chests and baskets.

It is important that the boy has enough space to store personal belongings - books, magazines, music and computer discs, award paraphernalia and collectible models. Racks and shelves are used for this purpose.

If necessary, a through shelving can be used to divide the space into private and common areas.

Furniture for a teenager's room

Basic requirements for all furniture:

  • zoning of the premises;
  • functional;
  • simplicity;
  • convenience.

The style involves a minimum amount of furniture. To store things, use a dressing room or a spacious closet. It should feel like the room is almost empty. The few pieces of furniture should be functional. Unusual designs, transforming models and geometric designs are welcome.

  • You can approach the furniture in a non-standard way: for example, in a boy’s room, instead of a large closet, install a spacious hanger.
  • A computer chair will fit well into the overall picture.
  • The desk is chosen as simple as possible, without decorations. A classic model with a wooden tabletop and metal support will do. The workplace is located near the window or frontally, so that natural light falls from the left. The table must be functional, because in addition to lessons, they will be doing creative work at it, playing computer or board games.
  • It is better to store clothes in a closed closet: it is difficult for a child to maintain order on the shelves.
  • Style presupposes the absence of clutter of things, so it is important to take care of a large number of drawers, shelves, and containers.
  • Don't forget that teenagers are still children who like to sit on the floor, communicate noisily and move a lot. Furniture should not take up much space and should not consist of breakable elements.
  • An important detail is iron furniture, such as a bed or shelving unit.
  • For a teenager, you can buy a sofa bed or a double bed: this will allow you to spend as much time as possible without thinking about changing it. Lovers of everything unusual will love the loft bed.
  • Another option is a podium bed. Underneath there are several spacious drawers for clothes and bedding. Very popular are lift-up beds that can be stored in a stylish closet in one movement.
  • Transformers are always more convenient than stationary furniture: they save space.
  • A small chest of drawers can be complemented with a mirror surface. Or organize a full-fledged floor mirror in the interior.

When choosing furniture, we give preference to natural wood. We pay attention to ergonomics: all drawers must be equipped with closers. You can combine modern furniture with antique ones. The style is played up with fittings: cast iron hooks, stainless steel elements.

The good thing about a loft is that it allows you to create a non-standard interior in a standard room without significant material investments. The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing decor and focus on natural materials. Your teenager will want to get back to his room as soon as possible after school!

Arranging a teenager's room: making custom-made furniture from solid wood and metal

This beautiful set came out of our workshop for furnishing a room.

Oil treatment with tinting emphasizes the beautiful pine pattern. Drawers allow you to store small and personal items. High-quality fittings are used.

The furniture is moisture-resistant, durable and treated to protect against moisture and mechanical damage.

All furniture is made by us according to customer sizes. For a teenager - a stylish room that you can show off to your peers. For parents - high-quality and inexpensive furniture that will last a long time and will not require much attention.

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