How to choose a wardrobe for a bedroom with hinged doors: options with photos

Wardrobes are suitable for bedrooms, especially small ones. It is in them that all the things needed in everyday life, spare sets of bed linen, everyday and seasonal clothes are stored.

Inside, the hinged wardrobes have sections for different types of clothes and shoes, a pipe-bracket for hangers, and shelves for putting additional things in piles. This piece of furniture does not take up much space, can accommodate spare clothes, home textiles and is appropriate for the bedroom.

To open this cabinet, you need to swing the doors open, hence the name “hinged.” There is no need for free space to move the door to the side, like with a sliding wardrobe. Let's consider the advantages of a modern wardrobe when placed in the bedroom. We'll tell you how to prioritize when choosing a model, and at the end we'll show examples of popular models in a convenient table.

Advantages of hinged wardrobes

  • large selection in stores; execution to order;
  • good capacity (books, shoes, and bed linen are stored in such cabinets);
  • easy movement - can be moved to any convenient place, moved to another room, unlike built-in models.

These types of cabinets remain on the market as competition grows, and manufacturers release newer models and configurations, gradually improving design and functionality.

There are practically no disadvantages, except that you have a small apartment, and swing models “love” space. But even for such cases, there are modifications: narrow, tall, with full-length mirrors, which are convenient to look into before leaving the house.

Over the entire existence of hinged wardrobes, designers have come up with many models, some of which have become popular:

  1. Single leaf. The most compact, convenient, quite fashionable. You can fill it with anything. As a rule, in addition there are drawers, shelves, etc. Depth 50 cm or more.

  2. Double-leaf model. They are often chosen for rooms with small living space.

  3. Three-, four-, five-door models. Open the “large” category. Such models have increased capacity due to auxiliary elements (shelves, pipes, etc.).
  4. With a mezzanine there is a wardrobe, somewhat reminiscent of a Soviet-design wardrobe.

  5. Modular. The main advantage: your own assembly according to the drawing or manual (you can correct something, add something, etc.).

  6. Built-in - saves space in a small room. Mounted directly into the wall or partially. The white model visually expands the room.

In addition to the listed varieties, cabinets come in various designs (corner, straight or linear, as well as radius). Manufacturers additionally focus on style: modern, minimalism, Provence, hi-tech, etc. There are designs with niches for a TV, a mirror. And the conclusion of the design is the color of the cabinet.

It is not recommended to keep the TV in the bedroom, but if necessary, the best place for it is a niche in the wardrobe


Despite the fact that the swing-type cabinet is familiar, there are several varieties, which, thanks to the configuration, differ greatly in functionality:

  • single-door – the most compact option, also known as a pencil case;
  • double-leaf - a classic of the genre. This type of wardrobe can be found in many homes; it is familiar and its design is trusted. There is a compartment for outerwear and other things;
  • tricuspid - in addition to a compartment for outerwear, it can be equipped with a chest of drawers or lower drawers;
  • four and five-door options - spacious storage systems that can accommodate a large number of things - from outerwear to shoes, hats and linen;
  • Soviet-style hinged wardrobes with mezzanines continue to be especially loved. They are ideal for storing seasonal items.

It must be remembered that size does not always guarantee comfort. The larger the furniture, the more “dead zones” it may have - spaces that are inconvenient to use due to inaccessibility.

Two door


Four-door Three-door

Single door


The content directly depends on the size, type and model of the cabinet. If the closet is small and uncomplicated, then the contents in it will be basic, consisting of shelves and space for shoes, pipes for hangers. Think in advance about how to place seasonal and casual clothes and allocate space for shoes.

Choosing a color scheme for the cabinet

The choice of color for the cabinet is a crucial moment on which the appearance of the room depends. The color of the furniture that matches the interior will allow you to create a harmonious composition that matches the decoration of the walls, ceiling and floor. The wardrobe in the hallway can be made in light colors and pastel shades, or can act as an accent in the interior.

For a small hallway, it is better to choose a light-colored model.

Interesting! The choice of color depends on the size of the room. Light shades will visually enlarge the space, so for small hallways it is recommended to use a combination of beige, peach, milky, light brown, white and other shades.

If you want to create a cozy atmosphere in a large hallway, choose wood shades.

The use of color also depends on the overall style of the room. At the same time, a color scheme different from the entire apartment is allowed for the hallway. It is important that the general principles of interior design are maintained. A wardrobe in a minimalist style hallway should be light and monochromatic. Provence allows for inserts of different colors, and loft implies natural wood shades.

If your interior is dominated by a modern style or you want to add dynamics to the room, you can give preference to rich solid colors.

A combination of a dark body and a light front side, or shelves and internal drawers contrasting with the shade of the facades is possible.

It is better to choose a model with a neutral body color, where the emphasis will be on the facades.


The basis of any real hinged wardrobe is wood. There are solid wood cabinets. These models are strong and durable.

But, as a rule, an ordinary practical wardrobe consists of chipboard and laminated chipboard. Furniture is coated with varnish or a similar substance to protect the wood from negative external factors (moisture, scratches, even insects).

Comparison of Soviet-era and modern door wardrobes

Previously, in Soviet times, it was quite common to find hinged wardrobes with only one hanger bar. If the cabinet had three doors, then there could additionally be one shelf and a pair of drawers, and a small additional rod.

This was enough then, but now, when each family member has quite a lot of clothes, such equipment is clearly not enough.

That’s why designers of modern swing wardrobes think through their internal composition as much as possible. Often here you can already see rods in two rows, many convenient shelves, drawers, including mesh ones for storing everything you need.

On top there is usually an additional shelf for storing organizers with seasonal clothes or shoes.


One of the important functions of a cabinet, besides the main one, is its decor. The basis of the design is mirrors, additional glass, photo printing, glossy, matte options. Also popular are options with a mirror, when it partially or completely covers the free area of ​​the doors. Try to choose a product color that is in harmony with the surrounding tone of the room (wallpaper, floor).

How to fit into the interior

The purpose of the room where the hinged wardrobe is planned to be installed is also important. It is these criteria that will determine the purchasing style. Its configuration features, model:

  • For living rooms, classic-style cabinets are recommended if we are dealing with an apartment of an ordinary family that did not involve a designer to create the interior. Even if you decide to change some of the furnishings, the wardrobe will remain harmonious in a newly renovated room;
  • For a bedroom, it would be a suitable option with a large number of shelves for bedding and accessories. It is not customary to store outerwear here, so a dressing room with a built-in chest of drawers for underwear and accessories may be relevant;
  • In a children's room, installing a hinged wardrobe means a cheerful design of the front part. These could be cartoon characters or your favorite fairy tale. In the closet it is necessary to allocate space not only for clothes, but also for toys or items necessary for study;
  • hinged cabinets installed in the kitchen may have glazed doors, or decorated with decorative panels.

There can be several options for harmoniously fitting a cabinet into the interior. Some owners make it the centerpiece. The cabinet can be made of bright plastic or have an elaborate finish that will attract attention. High-quality photo printing on the facade is popular. In this case, it is logical to use elements with overlapping themes for the interior.

There are cabinets that are inconspicuous at first glance. Moreover, they can be mistaken for an elegant part of the decoration of the room. We are talking about the finishing of the facade and the color scheme, which blends with the surrounding environment, turning the cabinet into an invisible one. An original solution is cabinets with a mirrored facade. They contribute to better lighting of the room, in addition, the space seems larger and the room is more comfortable.

How a swing wardrobe will fit into a specific interior must be decided based on the dimensions of the cabinet furniture, material, and finishing features. If the interior of the room is eclectic, then you should make sure that other furnishings are made in this style.


When choosing a design for a closet, it is important not to overdo it. It happens that the room is modest, but the wardrobe bought is extravagant, in the spirit of Art Nouveau. As a sample, it may not fit the space if it is made in a technical or strictly classical style. Therefore, the decision is yours. The main thing is that it is pleasant to watch.

Dimensions and shapes

Today, most furniture companies offer the production of beautiful custom hinged cabinets. Thus, the product will take into account the dimensions of the room, the height of the ceiling where it is planned to install the cabinet, as well as preferences in color and decor.

  • The most in demand are pieces of cabinet furniture with a height of 2-2.5 meters. 3 meters is a height that is requested much less frequently;
  • the width of the hinged wardrobe starts from 60 cm and can reach a length of 2 meters;
  • the optimal depth is 40-60 cm. This is the distance of an outstretched arm of an adult. It is possible to make the closet deeper, but it is not rational - it will be difficult to get things located under the wall.

The shape of the closet can seriously affect the remaining free space in the room.

Wardrobe shapeCharacteristic
LinearLocated along one of the walls. It looks compact and does not take up space, even if the length is the entire wall. Can be supplemented with shelves and mezzanines.
AngularVery roomy, but bulky. Popular for installation in the bedroom. Small and narrow cabinets are in demand in offices due to their compactness.
RadialLarge size, but feels compact. Compared to the corner option, this one is more elegant due to the convex or concave shapes of the facade.
WardrobeIt can be polygonal in shape, massive and spacious. Requires space.

It is important to remember that, depending on the configuration, the shape may be advantageous for one room and not fit into another at all. Thus, linear cabinets are considered ideal for elongated rooms, but if the room is narrow, hinged doors will become a disadvantage.

Linear Radial


How to choose?

Sometimes the choice is the most difficult for a novice decorator due to the huge number of proposals. This depends on financial capabilities and on the size of the apartment in which the closet will be located. For a small room, choose a small “safe.” For example: single-leaf or double-leaf model. It is practical and will not take up much space.

A good idea for a modest room is to get a narrow but tall cabinet, the so-called pencil case.

Expert opinion

Tatiana Leontyeva

Professional housewife

For a spacious bedroom, buy a large wardrobe. It will look perfect against the background of the room. If the cabinet is too long, then it is better to consider the option of corner installation, which will allow you to “stretch” the structure along the entire wall, while saving free space. If you have a sunny side, order a model with mirrors so that sunlight can be reflected in them: this will make the room festive and elegant.

Manufacturers produce hundreds of options from different materials. Models made from regular chipboard or laminated chipboard, as well as from solid wood, have proven themselves well, but their price is higher.

If you are a creative person, decorate the furniture with your own hands - a unique design will decorate your home and give it a touch of uniqueness.


Despite the abundance of models with sliding doors on the furniture market, swing-type cabinets remain in demand today. They are familiar, convenient, accessible and provide the space needed for things.

What are the characteristic features of this type of cabinet furniture:

  • doors that open wide require additional free space. If the room is narrow or you plan to install such a cabinet in the hallway, make sure that when opened it will not completely block the passage. A situation is possible when, when opening, the doors may touch nearby interior items or walls, thereby causing damage to both the cabinet furniture itself and the finishing materials;
  • The positive side is the ease of rearranging and transporting such a wardrobe. To change the installation location, the product does not need to be disassembled;
  • the simplicity of the door mechanism in the event of a malfunction can easily be repaired independently without the involvement of specialist furniture makers;
  • A hinged cabinet is a very impressive piece of furniture; when purchasing it, you need to take into account its combination with other pieces of furniture.

Considering the large number of more modern models with sliding doors, swing-type wardrobes have a very affordable price, allowing you to purchase high-quality, spacious cabinet furniture even on a limited budget. A large number of types of materials used in manufacturing provide ample opportunities for implementing design ideas and planning the internal content.

Popular models

Our expert, Anastasia Mikhaleva, has compiled a convenient table to familiarize yourself with examples of modern models from various catalogs of Russian online stores with a price range of 3409-38739 rubles.

NameBrief characteristics (dimensions in millimeters)approximate price
Method M5.19

A light tricuspid product that is laconic in style;
There are compartments with shelves and a hanger bracket. 1260 x 540 x 1990, laminated chipboard 16 mm thick.
6640 rub.
Fiji NM 013.02-03

A modest tall cabinet made of light wood at a reasonable price.
802 x 574 x 2256, chipboard, MDF
11590 rub.
Astoria NM 013.04-02Corner product with a large mirror for a modest-sized bedroom.
852 x 692 x 2256, chipboard, MDF
11490 rub.
Boston-22Wardrobe with 3 sections, mirror and very little depth.
It wins against its “competitors” due to convenient drawers for storing linen. 1600 x 2030 x 380, weight 140 kg, 11 different colors.
25810 rub.
JunoDesign with an original “metal” body design for a modern room.
There is space inside for hangers. 800 x 2000 x 500, chipboard.
3409 rub.
Eco 5.013

A tall, narrow cabinet for a hallway or small bedroom.
500 x 540 x 1990, weight 50 kg, laminated chipboard.
2600 rub.
Sonya SO-11

A classic double-leaf model for a children's room in a pleasant mint shade.
1100 x 550 x 2005, MDF facade, laminated chipboard body, weight 105 kg.
RUB 18,287
Assol AS-28A very large wardrobe in a romantic style, we recommend buying it if you have a large family.
1732 x 566 x 2225, material: body - laminated chipboard, facade - MDF board with 3-D pattern.
RUB 38,739
MD P-5A black and white pencil case of strict shapes for linen is a good option if your apartment is decorated in an ultra-modern style.
There are shelves inside and space for hangers. 2160 x 360 x 500, laminated chipboard, ABS edge.
4532 rub.
Boston-2A tall, light pencil case for storing things would look very everyday if it weren’t for the mirror on the entire front panel, making it elegant and comfortable.
400 x 380 x 2100.
7900 rub.

Choose a cabinet according to your preferences. The main thing is that it fits the size of the room and matches the style of the home decor.

Internal filling

The content of the built-in model depends on its purpose. There are no restrictions here:

  • Shelves are an element of any closet. Needed in the bedroom, hallway, and bathroom;
  • rods for hangers - required in wardrobes. If the depth of the cabinet is shallow, install perpendicular rods; if sufficient, longitudinal rods are installed;
  • Drawers, shelves or baskets are chosen for storing small items. The ability to pull out a shelf or drawer frees you from the need to “dive” into the closet;
  • special systems - trouser holders, tie holders, inclined nets for shoes, hooks, towel holders.

Photos of hinged wardrobes for the bedroom

Standard dimensions of a cabinet with doors: depth

Let's move on to consider the standard sizes of cabinets with doors.

  • The depth of the cabinet in this case is usually 52 cm - this is a standard that is rarely violated. The fact is that 50 cm is a comfortable depth for convenient placement of hangers inside the cabinet.
  • And 2 cm usually goes to the sash itself with hinges. So you get the notorious 52 cm, which cannot always fit into a small room.

Although things are even worse with sliding wardrobes, because their standard depth is rarely less than 60 cm, ten of which are allocated for the sliding door mechanism.

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