What material to choose for the kitchen: expert advice

The kitchen is not just a place where we cook. This is the heart of the home, where the whole family gathers to share a meal in a warm, cozy circle. It should be not only beautiful, but also practical. That is why before purchasing you need to think about what material is best to choose for the kitchen. After all, it depends on how long it will serve you.

How to choose a kitchen?

You need to approach the choice of kitchen responsibly. Beautiful design must be complemented by functionality and durability. All kitchen elements - cabinets, countertops, decorative parts - are constantly exposed to high temperatures, high humidity, grease splashes and unpleasant odors. To ensure that your kitchen serves you for as long as possible, you should take into account every little detail.

Before looking for a kitchen, consider some questions:

  • Do I need to make repairs first? If the old wallpaper is starting to come off, the ceiling is cracked, and the interior itself is already boring, then definitely yes. Before choosing a kitchen, update the room.
  • Which size and equipment should I choose? It is believed that a kitchen set should occupy no more than 20% of the room. This will leave you with space to place the dining area and free movement around the kitchen.
  • What equipment is needed and where to place it? If you plan to move the sink or buy a dishwasher, then think about where to move the sockets and drainage system. Before purchasing cabinets, decide whether there will be built-in appliances, as well as where to place the refrigerator. Its door should not block passage and access to other cabinets.
  • How much storage space is needed? Think in advance where you will place all the products, dishes, winter preparations, and equipment. If you have a large family, then you need more storage space. It is advisable to use functional cabinets, pull-out and built-in shelves.
  • What will the dining area be like? If the kitchen is small, consider installing a breakfast bar, folding or pull-out furniture.
  • Are there any non-standard layout details? Some rooms have awkward ledges and niches that can be successfully used with furniture.

When all the details have been resolved, you can proceed to the next stage.

What should you do before purchasing?

  • Inspect the room critically. Decide whether repairs need to be made.
  • Think about what kind of furniture you would like to see in the kitchen. Do you feel a lack of hanging shelves, for example? Does color bother you? When choosing a new set, be sure to take these wishes into account.
  • Take measurements of the room and existing furniture. Ideally, the kitchen should not occupy more than 20% of the area.
  • Be sure to note the presence of non-standard corners and niches. Consider their practical applications.
  • Plan the dining area and the location of household appliances. Answer the question, will it be convenient and comfortable for you to receive and prepare food here?

Let's sum it up

Today we answered the question of which material for the kitchen is better to choose, based on common sense and our own preferences. And finally, a few more pro tips on how to choose the right kitchen furniture:

  • do not combine cheap materials with expensive ones in the same kitchen. An elite stone countertop laid on chipboard furniture looks ridiculous;
  • even if you choose an economy class kitchen, buy it from a trusted company. The same chipboard made in a homemade way will, over time, begin to release toxic substances and harm your health. Always inquire about the factory’s reputation and material quality certificate;
  • If you are not a fan of frequent cleaning, choose matte surfaces - water stains and hand marks are not so noticeable on them.

Let the process of choosing a kitchen be pleasant and the result successful!
Return to list of tips

Kitchen configuration, or where convenience begins

When you imagine a new headset in your apartment, you will think about its most convenient location. There are 5 layouts:

  1. 1
    Linear (straight). Option for small kitchens with an area of ​​6 to 12 m2. To save useful space, built-in furniture and retractable storage systems are used.
  2. 2
    L-shaped (angular). Optimal for square rooms. Hard-to-reach areas are provided with corner cabinets and pull-out storage systems.
  3. 3
    Island/peninsular. These are options for rooms with an area of ​​20 sq.m. An “island” can represent a separate area with a sink or stove; a “peninsula” is often a bar counter.
  4. 4
    U-shaped. This is the most functional kitchen for rectangular rooms with a width of 2.5 m. Allows you to place a maximum of equipment and storage systems.
  5. 5
    Double row. Such sets are for very elongated kitchens. Arrangement options: on one side there is a stove and a sink or just a stove, on the other there is a refrigerator or a refrigerator and a sink.

It is equally important to know how to choose the right kitchen size. It all starts with measurements and drawing up a plan. You can make them yourself using a tape measure. It is more convenient to measure together with an assistant or use the services of measurers. Be sure to mark communications (pipes, radiators, etc.). When planning, keep in mind that the furniture is not placed close to the walls - there must be at least 1 cm of space between them.

Tip: Pay close attention to the height of the floor part of the headset. You should not cook by bending over too much. To determine the width of the working part, take into account the size of the household appliance. A sober assessment of the amount of their contents will help determine the depth of drawers and shelves.

Now we’ll tell you how to choose cabinets for the kitchen. For hanging cabinets, the main criterion for convenience will be your height. Their standard depth is 30 cm. When selecting upper cabinets, it is important to follow several ergonomic rules:

  • There must be a space of at least 50 cm between the wall and floor parts.
  • You should be able to reach the top shelf without any problems.
  • The width of the top and bottom rows of the headset should be the same.

The length of the headset depends primarily on the length of the room. The hood is located at a distance of 70 cm above the gas stove and at a distance of 80 cm above the electric one.

Useful tips for choosing a kitchen

  1. To save time and money, turn to local furniture manufacturers. This can be very high-quality furniture, which is in no way inferior to its European counterparts.
  2. The most practical color in the kitchen is white gloss. There is practically no visible dirt on it.
  3. There should be chipboard inside the boxes, and MDF or laminated chipboard on top. At best, natural wood.
  4. Upper cabinet drawers with hinged opening are no worse than lifting doors, which are more expensive.

With the help of useful tips and important information, you can learn how to choose the right kitchen and not make a mistake in your choice.

Correct zoning and filling

The kitchen area is divided into 3 functional areas:

  1. 1
    storage area - this includes a refrigerator and food cabinets.
  2. 2
    cooking area – this may include a microwave, stove, or hob.
  3. 3
    The washing area is a sink, dishwasher, dryer or shelves for dishes.

These points are like the vertices of the “working triangle”. Moving between them should be free and comfortable. To do this, place the “tops” at a distance of at least 60 cm from each other.

Proper filling can also make your kitchen more practical. By organizing things from bottom to top in 4 different levels, you can fit everything you need.

  • The first level - drawers or lower compartments at a distance of 40 cm from the floor. Heavy dishes and other kitchen utensils that are not used daily are placed there.
  • The second level consists of cabinets, shelves, drawers at a height of 40-75 cm. Those things that are used daily, but rarely, are placed here.
  • We distribute all things that are often and constantly used (cups, cutlery, boards, etc.) at the middle level. This is 75-190 cm from the floor. Everything you need should be in the foreground, and things put away should be clearly visible.
  • Everything higher is level 4. Its purpose is similar to the first level, but light objects are removed upstairs. This is due to the fact that it is problematic to reach a heavy thing with outstretched arms.

By taking some time to properly place your dishes and kitchen accessories, you will stop wasting time searching for them.

Kitchen manufacturing countries: comparing products

For some consumers, the criterion for quality is the country where the furniture is made. Most often you can find products from the following countries:

  • Russia. When thinking about how to choose an inexpensive kitchen, many opt for a domestic manufacturer. He knows first-hand the consumer’s living conditions and produces kits that correspond to them.
  • Germany. German quality has already become a standard. The whole secret is in the complete automation of production, which eliminates defects. These are dimensional sets, they are perfect for spacious modern interiors. The price is above average.
  • Finland. The Finns strictly monitor the environmental friendliness of all materials used. Finnish kitchens are surprisingly functional, have laconic forms and are inexpensive.
  • Sweden. Swedish models are distinguished by straight lines and simple design. This is environmentally friendly furniture. It is distinguished by practical content, ergonomic arrangement of cabinets and shelves.
  • Italy. This country produces elegant compositions in the style of traditional classicism. Italian furniture makers often use manual labor and safe plant-based paints and varnishes. The price of such kitchens is high, but they fully pay for themselves due to their beauty and durability.

Which manufacturing country to choose is up to you to decide, based on your financial capabilities. Look for an option that you will like in terms of performance and will last a long time.

Selecting the material of facades and casings

Tip: The facade is the “face” of your kitchen. Therefore, the question of how to choose material for a custom-made kitchen or for a ready-made set is very relevant.

For facades they most often use:

  1. 1
    MDF – pressed boards made from fine wood fibers. Dense material, due to which it has greater strength than its cheaper counterpart - chipboard. It has decent moisture protection, which means MDF kitchen facades will last you a long time.
  2. 2
    Chipboard. One of the most budget options. This is a laminated particle board. It is protected from mechanical damage and humidity.
  3. 3
    Array. This is the most expensive material for the manufacture of facades, but there is no doubt about its environmental friendliness. The natural wood structure will decorate the kitchen.

For external covering of facades the following are used:

  1. 1
    Veneer. This is a thin cut of wood, it has a unique pattern, efficiently protecting and decorating the facade. This is a durable, inexpensive material that is resistant to damage and moisture.
  2. 2
    PVC. Advantages: low price and variety of colors. The film can be given any texture, and the surface is easy to care for. Among the disadvantages, it should be noted that PVC coating does not tolerate high temperatures, is not scratch-resistant, and fades in direct sunlight.
  3. 3
    Acrylic. When thinking about how to choose a practical kitchen, people choose an acrylic facade. You can order almost any shade. Smooth glossy surfaces look interesting. In addition, acrylic is not sensitive to sunlight.
  4. 4
    Plastic. This option is inexpensive and allows you to play with shades and textures. The pattern can imitate stone, leather, and other materials. Plastic facades are used together with MDF or chipboard.
  5. 5
    Enamel. Despite the high cost, it is durable, does not fade, and is not afraid of steam and humidity. You can transfer any design to the enamel, making the set unique.

Most of the body elements are made of laminated chipboard. This reduces the weight of the product and its cost. The color and cladding of the body may match the façade design, or they may be strikingly different.

How to choose a countertop: materials and their qualities

The countertop should be durable, beautiful, easy to clean, resistant to moisture, high temperatures and, ideally, inert to mold and mildew. Here are the characteristics of the 6 most popular options on the market.

Artificial stone (acrylic)Composite
  • Easily scratched
  • A variety of shades and imitations for granite, marble, quartz, etc.
  • During maintenance, brushes and abrasive cleaners can damage acrylic stone. Plus: the surface can be restored by polishing.
  • Does not deform under the influence of humidity. Does not absorb water.
  • Low heat resistance, it is not advisable to place hot dishes on the countertop
  • Inert to fungi
  • Virtually scratch-resistant
  • Wide range of shades, variety of shapes
  • In terms of maintenance, composite stone cannot be polished. But thanks to its durability, no stains remain on the countertop, even if you wipe the stain off after a few hours. The table can be washed using any means.
  • Moisture resistant material
  • Heat resistance up to 280°C
  • Mold will not grow on such a surface
A natural stonePlastic
  • Long lasting option. However, marble can be sensitive to strong acids. Plus, he's prickly.
  • A wide selection of options (quartz, marble, granite, etc.), a large palette of natural shades.
  • Granite does not require special care; any cleaning products can be used. But marble needs careful care using special products.
  • Granite countertops do not absorb water. Stains may remain on the marble; it is advisable to wipe them off immediately.
  • High temperature resistance.
  • High inertness to fungi/mold
  • The service life depends on the care taken.
  • The widest possibilities for creating a designer countertop.
  • Needs regular care. Does not absorb odors, but stains from strong dyes (coffee, beets, etc.) may remain on the surface.
  • Not afraid of steam and moisture.
  • Average heat resistance. It is not recommended to leave hot dishes for a long time.
  • Mold will not grow on plastic.
TreeStainless steel
  • Service life is approximately 5 years. Afraid of moisture.
  • The natural massif is beautiful in itself. Wood-look countertops, made of laminated chipboard, are available in any design.
  • Soft wood requires gentle care. It is possible to remove damage by polishing.
  • Low moisture resistance, may swell in areas exposed to moisture.
  • Contact with hot cookware is not recommended.
  • Needs additional treatment against mold and fungi.
  • With proper care it will last for many years. Avoid strong heavy impacts. Not afraid of acids, fats, alkalis.
  • Can be matte or glossy. In some places where functionality requires it, texture may be present (for example, ribbing in places intended for drying dishes).
  • Easy to care for.
  • Does not absorb water or odors.
  • Heat resistant material.
  • It is not a breeding ground for mold fungi.

Apron for the kitchen: choosing options

The part of the wall above the sink and stove is always affected by hot steam, moisture, and mechanical stress. Therefore, the apron must have high protective properties. Kitchen aprons are made from materials such as:

  • ceramic tiles or mosaics. The low porosity of the material allows it to repel moisture and has antibacterial protection;
  • glass. It will allow you to hide small defects in the wall, but requires caution during operation;
  • steel. It is used quite rarely, since the style requires the presence of other steel elements around it. A steel “apron” would be an excellent option for a high-tech kitchen;
  • natural or artificial stone. It is resistant to temperature changes, is not afraid of water, and is easy to remove grease and dirt. It can remove scratches and other defects.

Headset color: creating the mood

For each owner, the optimal shade will be the one that matches his inner feelings. If energetic and self-confident people like black and red shades, then a positive, cheerful person will choose yellow. The always popular white color will fit into any style. Restrained tones of gray, green, lemon will refresh the atmosphere of the room. A beautiful combination of beige and light brown tones creates a warm and cozy atmosphere. Chocolate or light green shades of the kitchen set will increase appetite and set guests and household members up for warm communication. Natural shades of wood look rich and elegant.

Modular models: features and advantages

Modular sets are purchased for small kitchens. The main advantage is the possibility of combining furnishing elements. The owner can transform the modular system, taking into account his own preferences and interior features. Another advantage of this choice is the price - such kitchens cost much less than conventional ones. But it is important to ensure the quality. When purchasing, check the reliability of the fittings and the compliance of the product with your wishes.

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Test “Kitchen of your dreams”

Custom-made headset: 3 mandatory steps

This kitchen is made especially for you, according to your measurements and requirements.

  • Hire specialists to take accurate measurements of the room.
  • Create a design project. Professionals in the field of volumetric modeling will show you in advance what the future kitchen will look like. Go through the options for arranging sections. Find out what are the best materials to use.
  • Enter into an agreement with the manufacturer. Include in it all the details of the furniture: from materials and shape to the brand of fittings.

We hope you will listen to our advice on how to choose a kitchen and purchase a high-quality set.

Kitchen front materials

Now let's talk about furniture facades. Today they can be finished:

  • PVC film. It is economical, UV resistant and quite durable. But if you still damage the surface during cleaning, it will not be possible to restore it. And with prolonged exposure to steam, the film may peel off.

  • Enamel. This option is more expensive than film, but easier to maintain. Choose light-colored material - fingerprints are less visible on it.

  • Veneer coated with matte or glossy varnish. With such facades, the kitchen will immediately take on an aristocratic look. The effect will be long-lasting, because veneer is durable. You will have to fork out more money for this material, but you will be making a long-term investment. Even if you damage the surface of the facade, you can easily restore it with light sanding.

  • HPL plastic. The material is strong and durable, has a glossy effect. But this also leads to a minus: noticeable “fingers” and the need to frequently wipe the facades.

Timber is an investment in the future

What material is better to make a kitchen from if the budget is not limited? Of course, from solid wood. It has no analogues in terms of strength and solidity. The appearance of wooden products is unique - over the years they begin to look even more elegant. “This house is a full bowl” – that’s what solid wood furniture conveys.

What material is better to choose for the kitchen? Professionals advise choosing oak, beech or ash wood. This durable wood can withstand intensive use for decades. Get ready to shell out some money: an oak or beech set costs a lot. A more economical option is pine wood. But since pine is a soft material, furniture made from it requires careful handling. Using abrasives or scrubbing too hard may leave scratches.

Will the wood deteriorate in such a “wet” area as the kitchen? Don’t worry: modern processing reliably protects the wood from getting wet, mold and wood pests.

These are the pros and cons of wooden furniture. A solid wood set is your option if:

  • you prefer to make repairs once for many years;
  • you want to create a respectable interior;
  • you put eco-technologies and natural materials first.

Solid wood kitchens are made to order within a few weeks. The final touch is coating the facades with varnish, enamel or patina. Elegant gilding, noble silver plating, artificial aging - each option looks impressive in its own way.

Smart savings on kitchen fittings

Various contents of furniture modules make up a significant part of the purchase budget. This is another point of possible savings. An important condition for this is thoughtful planning of filling the kitchen unit at the first stage. It is then that cabinets and drawers that will be used more intensively are determined. They should be equipped with the most reliable and high-quality fittings. In other cases, you can think about saving.

Designers believe that such a practical approach should be applied to the lower row of cabinets and cabinets to increase their functionality and ergonomics. It is wiser to equip heavy, deep and most frequently used drawers with expensive guides: mataboxes, tandemboxes. Their service life will increase significantly, and there will be no additional costs for repairs. The remaining elements of the furniture set can be equipped with cheaper but reliable fittings in the form of roller guides.

The same should be the approach to equipping folding facades with lifts. You can save a lot on pens. Even if the furniture is made to order, you can independently select inexpensive but reliable pieces with a galvanized coating.

Functional Scandinavian

This interior solution appeared in the twentieth century. The finished design of those times was practical and multifunctional. Today it is characterized by the following features:

  • excess lighting: artificial and natural are taken into account;
  • the presence of a white or light-colored headset;
  • rational use of free space;
  • use of natural wood: solid oak;
  • lack of rich decoration of facades, minimal finishing of cabinet furniture;
  • presence of home textiles;
  • Instead of curtains, roller blinds or Roman blinds are hung.

The walls are decorated with non-textured materials of a neutral palette: light gray, pale pink, peach, straw, beige.

Scandinavian interior style in a white kitchen Source roomester.ru

Scandinavian style kitchen interior with decor in the form of a wicker rug on the floor Source ceiling.ru

Laying a checkerboard floor in a Scandinavian style kitchen Source roomester.ru

Small kitchen in Scandinavian style with decor from indoor plants Source mebel-rubikon.ru


This interior option fits harmoniously into bright kitchens whose windows face the sunny side. They have characteristic features:

  • variegated shades;
  • the use of mosaics and tiles;
  • use of recognizable prints for decoration: branches of fruit trees, a handful of olives, lemons;
  • focus on natural materials: tiles, stone, wicker elements, wood;
  • among the shades they prefer beige, terracotta, pistachio, olive.

As a result, an original motif is created that will emphasize the direction and functional significance of the room.

Which manufacturer should you trust?

A lot depends on the manufacturer. The modern market is flooded with proposals for the manufacture of furniture. Don't be tempted by advertising and too affordable prices. Reliable companies do not need widespread advertising. Furniture from European manufacturers is in great demand, but domestic ones are in no way inferior.

  • German kitchens are the standard of quality and the latest technology. It is in Germany that they are the first to use the latest innovations and implement bold ideas. The production process is fully automated and eliminates the appearance of defects. Such high quality naturally affects the cost. Their peculiarity is that they produce only large-sized headsets for large rooms.
  • Italian kitchens are distinguished by impeccable design, combining elegance and individuality. Handwork is often used, which makes the furniture exclusive. They boast a wide range of models to suit every taste.

  • Scandinavian kitchens – combine environmental friendliness, simplicity and functionality. At the same time, they do not lose their attractiveness and are distinguished by their stylish design. Fans of minimalism will appreciate their headsets.

  • Domestic, Russian manufacturers can also boast of high quality at reasonable prices. The factories have modern equipment installed, high-quality materials and new technologies are used. The model range is not yet so diverse and most often copies foreign brands.

The article was written for the site.


Choosing a color scheme depending on the area of ​​the room

The final choice of facades is to give them a certain color. This issue should be approached with extreme caution. For small rooms, light colors are recommended that will not visually weigh down the set or muted and soft color shades. In large rooms you can give free rein to your imagination. Don’t forget about the semantic load that a certain color brings to ours:

  • White is always relevant, a classic color. Very light, airy, perfectly combined with other shades and makes the room brighter. White facades are the most affordable;
  • Orange and red - stimulates appetite, invigorates, energizes;
  • Yellow – fills the room with warmth and sunlight;
  • Green – symbolizes the beginning of a new life, gives peace of mind, fills with vitality and refreshes the interior;

  • Blue or dark blue – helps reduce appetite, “cools” the room and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • Brown – symbolizes reliability and stability, gives a feeling of security and confidence;
  • Black is a stylish solution that should be used carefully. Symbolizes self-confidence.

It is not necessary to use all colors in their pure form, pay attention to their interesting and unusual shades and combine them with basic ones - white, gray, beige.

No. 2. Furniture color

It would seem that choosing the color of furniture for the kitchen is not so difficult, but in order to end up with a harmonious, stylish room, you need to think through many details in advance. You can use the services of an experienced designer, or you can try to cope on your own by looking through successful examples on the Internet. It will be best if the furniture is matched to the kitchen that is being renovated: you can immediately choose the appropriate color for the walls, tiles, linoleum or tiles and other details. You should immediately decide whether one color or a pair will be used, what color it will be, and then use the selected shades as a starting point when choosing everything: from the furniture itself to curtains and accessories.

As for specific colors, it all depends on your preferences, and kitchens can now be of all imaginable and inconceivable shades. The well-known rule applies here: light shades visually expand the space , so if you have a small kitchen, then you should not load it with dark furniture , which will look harmonious in a spacious room. You can opt for bright colors : orange, green, yellow, red, and then the kitchen will become a stylish, interesting place. You can even use contrasting rich shades , but remember that they are only appropriate in spacious rooms. In small rooms, light and pastel shades save the day, and to prevent the kitchen from looking too boring and faded, simply add a few bright accessories: curtains, tablecloth or napkins. In addition, shades such as light green, light blue, light yellow, peach, light gray, etc. are suitable for miniature kitchens.

By the way, psychologists have long proven that our mood largely depends on the color that surrounds us. To improve appetite , bright colors typical of fruits and vegetables are used in the design: green, yellow, orange, red. White in this case remains neutral, but is able to enhance the impact of other colors. If inducing an appetite is not in your plans, but proper nutrition and diets are planned for the coming years, then for the kitchen you can choose colors such as gray, olive, marsh, blue, purple, blue.

The degree of lighting also affects the choice of color scheme. If the kitchen faces south, it means the sun will constantly shine, and to make the room visually a little cooler, you can use cool colors: blue, green, purple, indigo, gray. If the situation is exactly the opposite, then your option is sunny warm shades: yellow, peach, sand, orange.

How to choose an interior style to suit your kitchen

There are several simple rules that people rely on when choosing the interior of a kitchen space. Conventionally, they are divided into several subcategories depending on:

  • on the character of the owners;
  • age;
  • kitchen area.

Minimalism and high-tech styles suit dynamic and purposeful individuals. People with a calm, simple disposition will like classicism or French Provence.

For example, young people living without children are characterized by laconic interiors. Chaos and disorder are inappropriate for them. Therefore, ideally such stylistic solutions as minimalism, modernism, hi-tech. These options are also suitable for single people.

For married couples who have children, loft, classic, and Provence solutions are typical. These forms will emphasize the comfort and warm atmosphere.

We save on household appliances built into kitchen cabinets

The option of purchasing a turnkey kitchen set, fully equipped with built-in household appliances, does not help save the family budget at all. The prices for the equipment offered are much higher than in stores. Installation usually comes at an additional cost. The manufacturer does not always comply with the customer's wishes. Consider purchasing your own appliances. Of course, this may cause some difficulties. But the result is quite justified.

Of course, you can reduce the cost item by abandoning, for example, a hood, but over time this can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the furniture, which is constantly exposed to temperature changes and exposure to steam from cooking. Do not try to purchase small household appliances. It usually costs more than the standard one.

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