Bedroom 8 sq. m. - original design ideas for a small bedroom, successful layout options

Modern apartment layouts are characterized by small room sizes. The design of the 8 sq.m. bedroom deserves special attention. m. After all, in such a room it can be difficult to organize a functional space and choose the right stylistic solution.

Bedroom decoration 8 square meters Source

Small bedroom with work area Source

Bedroom 8 squares in coffee color Source

Bedroom 8 meters

Many apartment building projects are standard. They often contain rooms measuring 8 square meters. It’s not enough for a full-fledged room, so it’s often designated as a bedroom.

However, even for such a purpose, these rooms are too small. A small area limits the space for creativity when creating home comfort.

You shouldn't be upset. You can come up with interesting designs for bedrooms of 8 square meters. Professional designers resort to various tricks to visually expand the room.

ADVICE. Light colors give the space more volume. Especially if the room's windows face the sunny side. Combining natural light with light colors is a good way to start the day.

Lighting for a small bedroom

Large lamps and massive chandeliers are not recommended for small rooms, as they take up space.

For small rooms, small night lamps, floor lamps or wall sconces are used.

A good option would be to use illuminated cabinets or built-in lamps. It is worth placing one light source upstairs and the other by the bed.

When choosing lighting fixtures, preference should be given to lamps that have a soft light and do not irritate the visual perception.

Night lamps and floor lamps are chosen to match the color of the base decoration of the bedroom. In small spaces, single-color appliances will look appropriate.

In what style is it better to decorate?

Each owner or hostess determines for himself an acceptable design style for the bedroom. The style depends on personal preferences and other features of the renovation, so that the apartment has a uniform design.

Common styles:

  • Scandinavia,
  • Asia,
  • Provence,
  • Hich-Tech,
  • Minimalism,
  • Loft,
  • Eco-friendly,
  • Country,
  • Functionalism and others.

They are quite easy to understand. Much is already said in the title. The photographs below show real examples of designs for small bedrooms of each of the listed styles.

If the hostess doesn’t like the presented styles, you can create your own. The above styles are provided as an example and are not intended to represent a design standard for interiors.

For example, the following options for individual design of a bedroom of 8 square meters are appropriate. m. with a double bed, which are shown in the photo below.

Furniture arrangement

The choice of furniture directly determines the degree of efficiency in the use of space. The main element of the bedroom is the bed, which is located near the wall or window. The bed can also be placed on a podium to save space.

If necessary, you can purchase a corner bed, which takes up less space.

Another option is transformable furniture, such as a wardrobe bed. This is due to the fact that in this case there is no need to purchase a mattress, and bed linen can be stored in the built-in drawer.

In addition to a place to sleep, the bedroom should have a bedside table, wardrobe or shelving unit. If there is a niche in the room, furniture can be placed there.

It is recommended to give preference to beds and cabinets that have rounded corners. This helps give the interior smooth features and softness.

You should not choose models with legs, as such furniture looks extremely pretentious. Also, its use in the interior is non-functional, due to the fact that dirt and dust often accumulate under it.

If the room is narrow, the bed can be placed parallel to an elongated wall. Due to this, the bedroom will acquire an almost perfect square shape.

It is necessary to ensure a free approach to the sleeping place, otherwise it will be inconvenient to make the bed or place bedside tables.

If the bedroom is extremely small and narrow and suggests the possibility of placing only one bed, it should be placed in the far corner.

In an elongated space, there are usually problems with installing a work station or dressing table. This furniture is placed next to the window opening; the window sill can be converted into a tabletop using the zoning principle.

To save useful space, it is worth placing open shelves or cabinets that are placed above the bed.

Folding sofas, folding tables and other transformable furniture will help to properly organize useful space.

Popular minimalism

Minimalism style is perfect for small rooms. Its main feature is to remove everything unnecessary from the room, making the perception of space easy and functional.

In a time of information noise and continuous growth in consumption, minimalism is gaining more and more popularity as a means to create a calm, simple and cozy atmosphere.

This bedroom design will fit into 8 square meters. m. even in Khrushchev. The photographs below show various options for small 8 m2 bedrooms in a minimalist style.

Ceiling decoration

Nowadays, it has become modern and stylish to decorate the ceiling part of the room with stretch wallpaper with a matte or glossy surface. Their main advantage is the ability not to reduce the height of the room and the creation of a mirror-flat surface. Therefore, this type of ceiling decoration is quite in demand and loved by many ordinary people.

In addition, when renovating a bedroom, decorative plaster and painting are used to decorate the ceilings. Use only light shades when finishing the ceiling.

Finishing, materials and other renovation features

Repairs can be done easily and relatively inexpensively if you approach the issue correctly.

Simple tips will help greatly simplify the task, even without repair experience:

  • Any repair begins with a plan (preferably on paper) - the visualized plan immediately shows the miscalculation (the cost of the rework - a new drawing);
  • Based on the finished plan, the cost of building materials is calculated (to prevent repairs from taking a long time, it is recommended to start repair work after purchasing all the materials) - the most common mistake is protracted repairs;
  • A plan for carrying out repair work is drawn up - a sequential order is determined;
  • Work is being carried out.

The presented plan helps greatly simplify the task, reduce nerves, reduce the budget and add predictability to all your processes.

Selecting lighting sources

Proper lighting of a small room plays a significant role in the interior. You can install a stylish lamp in the center of the room, and use original sconces or table lamps as additional lighting fixtures, in accordance with the overall style.

Externally, they should look light and airy, not burdening the room, but creating coziness, warmth and softness. Volumetric chandeliers will make the room too heavy. The suspended ceiling will be decorated with beautiful built-in spotlight elements, which must be provided for when creating a bedroom project.

Wall and floor finishing

Walls and floors are the places where the eye falls most often (even the ceiling, a person does not look that often). Therefore, special attention should be paid to these repair areas.

It is better to make the walls light, with a large pattern of a delicate or light color. Thus, a small room will be given greater visual volume. Calm tones will calm the nervous system and have a positive effect on falling asleep and waking up. The walls of your bedroom are the first thing a person sees when he opens his eyes.

The floor should be made of pleasant environmentally friendly materials. For example, parquet boards, laminate or soft-touch linoleum. The design is chosen at the discretion of the owners. However, it is advisable to make it calm to match the walls (this will give uniformity to the room).

ADVICE. For greater comfort, you can lay a soft-pile carpet on the floor. If the floor is not heated, in addition to coziness, comfort is added thanks to additional heat. Examples of successful interior solutions are shown in the photographs below. However, owners can come up with their own.

Accessories - what is possible and what is not

Decorative items are an important component of any interior. Bedspreads and pillows, which act as the main textile accent, are matched to the tone of the walls and furniture.

It is acceptable to use small patterns that will correlate with other decorative elements. If the bedspread is plain, you can match it with pillows of a brighter shade to break up the monotony of the interior.

To decorate small bedrooms, you should use photographs or paintings. If possible, it is worth placing small shelves above the bed on which books and decorative items can be stored. Do not overdo it with details: it is important that there are not too many of them, and that they are all made in the same style.

When decorating windows in a small bedroom, preference should be given to blinds. It is desirable that these be light, monochromatic options, which will be dense enough to prevent light from entering the bedroom. Their cornice can be made of plastic or metal. Wooden options look too pretentious and are not suitable for small spaces. They look more appropriate in classic interiors and bedrooms decorated in Provence style.

It is acceptable to use mirrors to visually expand the space. Any glass parts have a positive effect on the interior. In a small bedroom, transparent shelves, lamps or tables will look organic.

Interior and decor

A good interior with decor adds additional coziness to any room. In the bedroom, it should be made not only beautiful, but functional.

If desired, you can place a built-in wardrobe, various bedside tables, a beautiful bed (mandatory furniture for rooms of this type), a mirror and other elements.

  • Built-in wardrobes save space and are built from floor to ceiling.
  • Modern materials make it possible to build built-in wardrobes of any design so that it fits harmoniously into the overall style.
  • Examples of successful built-in wardrobes are shown in the photographs below.
  • There are different options for installing this useful piece of furniture: from installing a ready-made one (assembled like a kit) to making an exclusive version to order.
  • Thanks to their convenience and beautiful style, built-in wardrobes are gradually replacing their classic counterparts.
  • Sliding doors allow you to save space by placing other items closer together. A full-length mirror adds even more space.

In the photographs below you can get acquainted with various solutions for built-in wardrobes that will fit well into almost any interior.

The decoration of this room should be treated with special care, because a new day begins here. Everyone knows: How you greet a new day is how you will spend it. Pleasant and comfortable feelings in the morning charge you with a joyful mood for the whole day.

Decide on a style

When arranging a small bedroom, it is important to choose the right interior style. Not every design is suitable for this, since some design options involve an excessive number of accessories and additional elements, which will look out of place in a small space.

So, it’s worth abandoning the classic style, Provence, shabby chic and other options that involve filling the bedroom with various elaborate details.

It is recommended to use minimalist design options to free up space and use only the most necessary items.

Suitable options are Scandinavian, loft, minimalism, hi-tech or eco-style.

Scandinavian style

The characteristic features of this interior solution are simplicity and conciseness. In the design of the premises, preference is given to white color and wooden furniture.

The bedroom should contain a minimum of things that can be easily moved if necessary.

Thus, the Scandinavian style allows you to quickly rearrange, so you can diversify the free space with a new arrangement of things.


This is a modern design direction, which is characterized by decorating the bedroom with glass, metal elements and raw surfaces.

The windows in such a room are often not closed with curtains or blinds, but remain open, which gives the design a feeling of spaciousness and airiness.

Artificial lighting is organized in the form of a group of devices with a strictly defined color scheme: calm colors and a combination of 2 or 3 shades.

Lofts are characterized by negligence and a small amount of furniture.

The “highlight” of the loft interior is an accent wall with brick laying.

To brighten up a minimalist interior, you can use bright posters, maps or road signs placed on the walls.


A characteristic feature of minimalism is the presence of a limited number of decorative items and the use of furniture of the correct shape.

Minimalism consists of using consistent and strict shades of the color palette: black, gray, white.

Dark colors are usually used to create accents in the functional area or near the head of the bed.

Light shades are the base, which serves as the basis for finishing the remaining surfaces.

High tech

This style is characterized by restraint and conciseness, which is perfect for small and narrow bedrooms.

It is usually based on cool shades like light blue or gray. These colors help to visually enlarge the space.

Expert opinion

Irina Klimova

I am 29 years old. I'm an interior designer. I love my profession and have been doing this activity for more than 8 years. About 100 projects have been implemented. I provide professional advice.

When choosing furniture and beds, it is recommended to focus on items that have slightly darker tones. This helps draw attention to significant objects in the bedroom and highlight them against the background of a monochromatic finish.

Eco style

This bedroom design option allows you to recreate a unique natural corner even in a small room.

For this, natural finishing materials and a calm color scheme with a choice of white, sand, and light green are used.

Eco-style is also characterized by a moderate amount of decor , which helps save functional space.

Photo of the design and layout of a bedroom 8 square meters. m.

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