Corner bedroom: 145 photos of the best layouts, secrets of arranging and placing furniture in the interior of the bedroom

Regardless of the size of the apartment and the number of rooms, its furnishings must fully comply with the chosen design. At the same time, the location of furniture is of great importance in everyday practicality.

Rational organization of space implies thoughtful functionality and decor of corners in the apartment.

Corner bed in the bedroom

The bed is a key element of bedroom furniture. But this does not mean at all that the only right place for it is the center of the room. Corner models are becoming increasingly popular.

They take up minimal space, saving a significant amount of square meters. In addition, L-shaped furniture opens up the rest of the room, bringing airiness and style to the interior.

Floor lamp

An additional light source will never be superfluous, especially if we are talking about a large space. In addition, the soft light of a floor lamp will add more coziness to your home. It is best to place an additional lighting fixture in the living room, but if desired, you can choose a suitable model for the bedroom.

Corner chest of drawers in the bedroom

A corner chest of drawers in the bedroom, firstly, should provide placement of all the necessary items, and secondly, it should decorate the room. It's a great choice. Installed at the junction of two adjacent walls, it occupies a minimum of usable space and helps to rationally use empty corner space.

Another advantage of corner chests of drawers is the increased amount of storage space. This configuration allows you to place in them things of non-standard dimensions that do not fit into a conventional design.

Functional items

For any room in the house, you can choose furniture that will not just occupy empty space, but perform some useful function. For example, in the bathroom you should use a corner laundry basket; for the bedroom, a floor hanger is suitable. Use an umbrella stand in the hallway, and stacked stools for guests in the kitchen. Of course, these are not all the practical ways to use corners in an apartment.

You can come up with many different ideas to tastefully fill empty corners. Take the options described in this article as a basis and create your own bright interior.


Corner dressing table for bedroom

A corner-shaped dressing table has a number of advantages, among which the following stand out:

  • Large capacity;
  • Original appearance;
  • Compact sizes.

It is installed complete with a corner mirror in the bedroom and is usually equipped with many convenient drawers and shelves.

Ideas for decorating a corner of a room

If the apartment is large, then the corner can be filled with decorations that will delight the owner and surprise his guests. Filling options:

  • recreate a small greenhouse and fill it with ornamental plants;
  • put a large aquarium with fish;
  • make a place for pets, beautifully decorating it with special furniture;
  • put up a football table.

Built-in corner wardrobe for the bedroom

A built-in corner wardrobe in the bedroom is an ideal solution if the room is of modest size. Such structures lack back, top, and often side walls. The furniture is mounted in a niche, the role of which is assigned to the corner of the room.

Built-in wardrobes:

  • Fully correspond to the parameters of the bedchamber;
  • Have sufficient capacity;
  • Save space;
  • They are highly functional;
  • Equipped with a variety of shelves, drawers, compartments and sections.

Today, the buyer can choose built-in cabinets of various designs and colors.

But most often, corner wardrobes for the bedroom are made to order. This allows you to fit the design into a room of any stylistic orientation and layout.


The shape of the corner structure is selected depending on the purpose of the sofa and the layout of the room. Low furniture visually raises the ceiling. Round models look advantageous only in the middle of the room. Symmetrical U-shaped structures can be placed either in the center or close to the wall.

The photo shows a stylish sofa with a low back.

Cabinet version of a corner wardrobe for the bedroom

A cabinet corner wardrobe for a bedroom is considered a classic. Such furniture consists of solid frame parts - walls.

Its advantages:

  • Increased capacity;
  • Elegant appearance;
  • Mobility;
  • Possibility of use for zoning.

Modern models are usually a collection of modules, the number of which can be adjusted to your liking.

Corner bedroom design

In the design of a corner bedroom, items should be combined with each other and complement each other. The room will not seem cluttered if you use the same color for the walls and cabinets. If the room is small, then it is advisable to decorate the interior in contrasting colors.

The material of the facade plays an important role in the appearance of any element of furniture. Cabinet manufacturers use:

  • Wood-fiber boards coated with plastic, film or veneer (the most popular option);
  • Mirrors (promote visual expansion of space, improve lighting);
  • Glass (can be transparent, tinted, frosted);

An interesting and unusual solution is the simultaneous use of several materials. This furniture looks incredibly impressive.

You can choose a design with a straight or radius body. The fittings and decor of corner wardrobes may also differ.

Indoor flowers

Buy a stylish vertical flower stand and place it in an empty corner of the room. This way you can make your home more comfortable and at the same time solve the problem of plant placement. This option is suitable for the kitchen, living room or bedroom. Place the stand on the sunny side or use additional lighting sources.

Interior styles for a corner bedroom

The style of the corner wardrobe depends on the size and design of the bedroom.

Here are the most current styles:

  1. Classic. Designed for conservative people who love traditional interior solutions. Classic corner cabinets are cabinet structures of strict shapes, richly decorated with carvings. Preferred colors are natural.
  2. Loft. A characteristic feature is a combination of new and old. The direction is recommended for spacious rooms, as a result of which the furniture can be bulky. Designers advise choosing neutral tones.
  3. Minimalism. The best choice in this case is to purchase a coupe model with clear geometry and a calm color scheme.
  4. Modern. Suitable for those who value comfort. Experts advise taking a closer look at wood structures with curved chrome decorations and tempered glass inserts. The smoothness of the forms is welcome here.
  5. Techno. In such an interior it is appropriate to purchase non-trivial furniture, for example, with a frame made of metal tubes or with mezzanine platforms. Basic shades - silver, ash, khaki, bronze.
  6. High tech. For this style, you can buy a built-in model with a mirror finish. The preferred palette is pastel.
  7. Village. Light cabinet furniture with a simple design is required. An artificially aged wardrobe decorated with carved elements will fit in organically.

Doors for corner bedroom

The cabinet you choose should be user-friendly. You should think in advance which method of opening doors is suitable in your case. Owners of small bedrooms should pay particular attention to this issue.

All corner models can be divided into two groups:

  1. With hinged doors. This is the traditional option. Such designs are distinguished by functionality, reliability and simplicity, and also easily fit into any style. They have one drawback - the need for free space to open the doors.
  2. With sliding doors. The sliding wardrobe is ergonomic and practical. It allows you to install other items of the bedroom set close to it. The downside of such furniture is that it does not protect things from dust. There is also a risk of wear on the roller mechanism.

When deciding on the idea of ​​a corner bedroom, you should be thorough and patient. This choice affects the quality of your night's rest and overall success.

Therefore, you should definitely consult with an experienced designer before going to a furniture salon.

Important tips for repairs, finishing, insulation

So, before starting renovation work, you should decide on the style of the room. The owners are responsible for developing interior sketches before the rough finishing begins. For those who are “boggled” by the abundance of design proposals, it is advisable to seek advice from professionals, because renovations are not done in one day, so they should not become boring after six months of permanent residence in a new place.

Short-sighted people sometimes think that if you paint the walls a beige shade, then in the process the interior itself will somehow appear in the imagination. Such an approach is frivolous and risks the fact that against the backdrop of noble Venetian plaster, objects belonging to the country, Swedish or Mediterranean style will be placed, which will create unambiguous disharmony.

Following these rules will help you avoid serious mistakes:

  • First, accurate calculations, sketches, comparisons, only then the purchase of building materials and finishing.
  • The corner wall will have to be additionally insulated. This will ensure a state of serenity even in very cold winters or when the heating system breaks down.
  • The issue of insulation on the outside of the house is relevant in Khrushchev-era buildings. To solve this problem, it is reasonable to involve a construction team with the appropriate equipment and experience in the repair.
  • Wall cladding, doors, baseboards, cornices, floor coverings, and ceiling finishing require careful design. If you have doubts about your own abilities to cover the entire range of important details, you need to seek help from specialists.
  • The location of communication pipes must be thought out before starting repairs, so that the interior is not subsequently spoiled by an inappropriate overhead socket with wires protruding from it.

Only after the room has been renovated can it be filled with furniture and decor items according to the initially approved project. In such a corner apartment, the chosen design option will be effective, emphasize the excellent taste of the owners, and provide ideal living conditions for all family members.

Photos of design examples for a corner bedroom

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