What plants and flowers to choose for the bedroom: TOP-18 best options (43 photos)

Plants in the bedroom improve the condition and ionization of the air.
What will you read about in the article?

  • What potted flowers to choose for the bedroom? Some of the most popular plants
  • The healthiest flowers for the bedroom
  • Other flowers for the bedroom
  • What plants should you avoid in the bedroom?
  • The air in our house
  • What flowers in the bedroom cleanse the air of toxins?

Flowers enliven the bedroom and make it more cozy; they are also a wonderful decoration. Some plants humidify the air and cleanse it (even of strong toxins!), while others can cause allergies or illness. Therefore, today we present the most popular flowers for the bedroom along with a description of their use and care requirements.

Find out if the plant you keep in your bedroom has a positive effect on your sleep health and if it's worth moving it to another room in the house. Also find out which flowers can purify the air from harmful substances, such as cigarette smoke.

What potted flowers to choose for the bedroom? Some of the most popular plants

To begin with, we will present a few plants that are worth putting in your bedroom and that will additionally provide you with a fantastic decoration. We are talking here about woody and common aloe, Guinea sanseveria and orchid.

Aloe tree and aloe vera are succulents that grow up to 1 meter in height. It is worth pruning them to reduce their growth, while still benefiting from their beneficial properties for our health (they are contained in the gel visible after the leaf breaks down). Aloe in the bedroom filters and humidifies the air.

It will feel best on a windowsill or in close proximity to a window. It grows easily and is drought tolerant (but also frost sensitive). Water once a week, and less often in winter.

Sanseveria Guinea is a variety that, like aloe, grows up to 1 meter in height. It has long, stiff, narrow and upright leaves. Produces large amounts of oxygen, especially at night. It is not a demanding plant and grows well in shady bedrooms. You must remember that it is important to fertilize it and also replant it every few years in a larger pot with fresh soil. Tolerates dry air well.

The orchid has thick, leathery leaves and grows to a height of about 35 centimeters. It has bell-shaped flowers of different colors, collected in a long inflorescence. This plant requires a bright position and high humidity. It does not like too frequent watering, but responds well to (even every day) irrigation with water, for example, from a spray bottle.

Plants that produce oxygen at night:

  • Aloe vera and wood aloe. These succulents grow up to 1 meter in height, so they should be trimmed to reap the beneficial properties of the leaf sap.
  • Guinean Sanseveria . This plant has long, straight leaves and also produces large amounts of oxygen.
  • Orchid . It has beautiful, delicate, bell-shaped flowers and is quite demanding to grow.

Aloe is an amazing plant that makes an interesting decoration for a bedroom window.

What flowers are not suitable for the bedroom?

Behind the external beauty and enchanting aroma of an indoor flower, dangerous properties are sometimes hidden: poisonous juice, intoxicating odor, active absorption of oxygen at night, the ability to cause allergies.

During night sleep, such plants actively affect the sleeping person, so it is not advisable to place them in the bedroom.

May cause harm to health.

Emitting a heavy strong aroma

  • oleander (causes dizziness, dangerous for eyes and skin);
  • lily (provokes headaches in the morning, causes insomnia);
  • orchid (stimulates the nervous system, interfering with normal sleep);
  • primrose (the smell of flowers causes nausea and dizziness).

If this plant is in the bedroom, then the relationship between spouses may deteriorate

Species with caustic juice

  • croton (causes burns on the skin, is fatal in some cases if it enters the bloodstream or is ingested);
  • dieffenbachia (severe poisoning if ingested; burn);
  • hydrangea (swelling and allergies);
  • tuberose (causes skin allergies).

Croton is a flower whose energy is very powerful

Absorbs excess oxygen at night

  • lily;
  • ferns;
  • monstera.

All flowers of the genus of vines, according to superstitious people, negatively affect the human condition

Causing attacks of asthma or rhinitis

  • geranium;
  • ficus;
  • cyclamen;
  • spurge;
  • lily;
  • tuberose.

Tuberose can cause allergic reactions on the skin.
Plants in the bedroom create comfort and purify the air, maintain a balance of humidity, and saturate it with oxygen. Knowing the properties of plants will help you choose a safe and useful indoor flower and correctly place it in the bedroom interior.

The healthiest flowers for the bedroom

Of course, aloe vera, wood aloe, guinea sanseveria and orchid do not close the list of flowers and indoor plants for bedrooms that purify the air. We have a lot to choose from, for example, the fern is slowly returning to its former popularity.

A fern is a plant with characteristic, green, succulent leaves. Grows well in shady places where temperatures are moderate. It can grow to large sizes and looks good in hanging containers, pots and baskets. The substrate requires constant moisture, which means it needs to be watered two or three times a week. A fern in the bedroom cleanses the air of formaldehyde (which we will talk about a little later).

Can a ficus stand in the bedroom? Through thick and thin! Spring ficus "Robusta" has bare, leathery, glossy, decorative leaves. Like a fern, it cleanses the air of formaldehyde. It prefers bright sunshine and tolerates high temperatures well. Attention! Ficus has poisonous leaves, so keep it away from children and animals.

Main types of house plants

When choosing the best plant for your bedroom, you should first study the main types of indoor flowers. It is believed that each “green friend” has special energetic qualities, having a special effect not only on human physiology, but also on his energy status. Considering this feature, all plants for the home can be divided into the following categories:

  • Donors;
  • Vampires;
  • Charms;
  • Space purifiers;
  • Neutral;
  • Intoxicating;
  • Poisonous.

In fact, the same flower can belong to several categories at once. Unfavorable combinations lead to the fact that flowers cannot be kept in the bedroom, in the child’s room or in the study.

Other flowers for the bedroom

What other flowers are recommended for the bedroom?

Chlorophytum has decorative saber-toothed leaves (similar to decorative grass leaves). It can be placed in different places because it tolerates both partial shade and sun. In a very dark place it loses its decorative white stripes on the leaves. The herbaceous plant Chlorophytum looks beautiful planted in hanging containers or placed on tall furniture. Great for creating compositions with other indoor plants.

Spathiphyllum is a plant with shiny dark green decorative leaves and original flowers. Purifies the air from toxic substances that can be released by furniture, carpets and plastic. Grows well in semi-shaded and even shady places.

Christmas cactus . It is watered infrequently during most of the year, but more generously from the time the flower buds appear. Does not bloom if it is kept in a warm room (above 22º C). In winter it grows best at temperatures between 10 and 15º C. It does not like to be transplanted and, if necessary, it is best to do so when the roots are coming out of the pot.

Nephrolepis is a type of fern that likes shady places with good humidity (this is worth remembering, especially during the heating season). It can be sprayed with water every day, and also placed in a pan with water and pebbles. Large Nephrolepis ferns look beautiful in hanging containers and pots.

Basic recommendations for selecting indoor plants

When choosing which flowers can be placed in the bedroom, it is important to find out the necessary information about the type you like. It is necessary to determine whether the plant releases more oxygen at night or, on the contrary, absorbs it. Some representatives of indoor flower plants can be poisonous or act as aggressive allergens.

The bedroom is the place where a person is most vulnerable. During sleep, he should relax, fall into deep sleep, and fully restore his strength. Given these features, not all plants can be kept in the bedroom.

You should refrain from buying an unknown species or an overly exotic flower. Intoxicating plants that emit unpleasant aromas will interfere with proper rest and can significantly worsen a person’s well-being.

You should not place too many pots and cache-pots in the room, turning the sleeping area into a pseudo greenhouse. According to Feng Shui practices, only healthy flowers with stable energy are suitable for boudoirs. They grow slowly, rarely bloom, and fit harmoniously into the interior.

Also, do not bring artificial flowers into the room. Such decor is a relic of the past. It literally attracts dust and makes the interior look cheap and tasteless. Artificial flowers are a taboo for modern interior compositions.

What plants should you avoid in the bedroom?

Although most plants are beneficial to our health, some of them can be harmful. We are mainly talking about cut flowers, with a strong aroma that can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. Moreover, this smell often interferes with sleep.

Therefore, it is better not to place potted flowers such as hyacinths or oleanders, as well as bouquets of lilies, roses or hydrangeas in the bedroom. It is also not recommended to grow begonias, primroses, lilies of the valley, African violets or Persian cyclamen in the bedroom.

If there are small children or animals in the house, it is better not to leave flowers such as philodendron, beautiful shpurg (the so-called Star of Bethlehem), anthurium, diefenbachia, monstera, oleander, ficus, dracaena, allocasia and spathiphyllum in the bedroom (and at home in general). Although they have a good effect on the microclimate in the room, consuming their leaves can lead to poisoning.

Let us add here that, according to the principles of Feng Shui, it is better not to use flowers in the bedroom. As living, developing organisms, they bring energy of movement, vitality and growth into the room, which is not conducive to rest. Particularly unacceptable are cacti, whose needles symbolize fencing and protection from the outside world. Sharp shapes, according to Feng Shui, increase tension and disrupt the feeling of comfort that we would prefer to avoid (especially in the bedroom).

Plants that are not recommended to be placed in the bedroom:

  • Intensely fragrant potted and cut flowers: hyacinths, oleanders, begonias, primroses, lilies of the valley, African violets, Persian cyclamen, lilies, roses, hydrangeas.
  • Flowers with poisonous leaves: spathiphyllum, monstera, discharge, dieffenbachia, anthurium, star of Bethlehem, dracaena, oleander, ficus, philodendron.
  • According to the principles of Feng Shui, you should avoid placing flowers in the bedroom, especially cacti, whose needles cause discomfort and tension in the interior.

Hyacinths are not a good choice for the bedroom due to their intense scent.

Choosing colors for the bedroom according to Feng Shui to harmonize relationships

Under no circumstances should we place dried or artificial flowers in the bedroom! They rob you of your vitality.

  • To ensure harmony in the bedroom, it is necessary to place the following flowers: in the room where the spouses relax, it is necessary to place calla lilies. These plants eliminate disagreements and misunderstandings, promote better mutual understanding;
  • also for the same reason, roses and scarlet poppies are recommended;
  • ficus has the ability to unite people. This plant is recommended to be placed in the room for those who are planning a new addition to the family;
  • Geranium flower increases a person's vital energy. It helps fill you with strength for new and grandiose achievements;
  • The money tree enhances femininity and family happiness. It also gives financial prosperity;
  • Crassula, like a money tree, also increases wealth, but has stronger energy;
  • all citrus plants give an increase in energy and refresh the air, purifying it;
  • but bamboo provides good health and long life. It also connects lovers and helps them find understanding and harmony in relationships;
  • Guzmania eliminates depression and improves well-being;
  • nematanthus acts as a healer for other plants. And also - absorbs all negative emotions;
  • plumeria gives longevity and health;
  • Bonsai gives protection and improves energy;
  • rosemary improves immunity and is indicated for sick people who suffer from ailments of the upper respiratory tract;
  • the most powerful flowers that will give you happiness are lotus, chrysanthemum, peony, magnolia and orchid. By the way, they don’t have to be grown in a pot; they can be used as a painting or painting.

Important: Ideally, place flowers on a southwest window or wall, as well as in the eastern spectrum.

Each flower carries its own energy

  • The meaning of blooming flowers also plays a role: white flowers are able to calm and smooth out conflicts;
  • purple buds help solve difficult situations in life;
  • but blue colors open channels of wisdom;
  • black or dark buds bring profit and give career advancement;
  • to increase intimate attraction in the bedroom, you should resort to placing flowers in red and pink shades;
  • in general, all spectra of red increase passion, romanticism and improve financial affairs;
  • orange – stimulates brain function;
  • and yellow flowers charge with optimism.

The placement and color scheme of the buds plays a role

What flowers in the bedroom cleanse the air of toxins?

Why are we writing about this? One NASA study found that some houseplants can absorb most of the harmful substances mentioned above. It is estimated that thanks to them we can remove them from the air by even 85%. What are these plants? We've already mentioned a few of them, but for the sake of order, we'll also talk about them in the context of detoxifying the air.

For example, fern not only promotes proper air humidification, but also cleanses them of formaldehyde, xylene and carbon dioxide. Ivy absorbs formaldehyde, benzene and carbon dioxide. Good for areas with low sunlight, and by using appropriate supports you can give it interesting shapes.

Azalea is a flower that can handle formaldehyde cleansing. However, this is a very demanding plant. In turn, it allows you to remove formaldehyde, xylene and trichlorethylene from the air. Philodendron can filter the air from many harmful substances (benzene, ammonia, formaldehyde), but it is dangerous (so it is better not to store it if there are small children or animals in the house). Chrysanthemums remove formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene and xylene from the air, and spathiphyllum removes benzene and formaldehyde.

Thanks to anthurium, the air in the bedroom will be better humidified, in addition, you will get rid of substances such as xylene or toluene. Skinapsus loves shady places, and gerberas love sunny places.

Houseplants cleanse the air of many toxins.

Favorable flowers for the bedroom: influence on our life and health

It's no secret that the air in the rooms where we spend most of our time is many times more poor quality than outside. This is due to the fact that pollutants and substances follow us everywhere: benzene and formaldehyde are present in furniture, carpets, household chemicals, and cleaning products. Constantly inhaling such polluted air can cause serious damage to our health.

Flowers are not just for decoration

General recommendations for choosing colors for the bedroom

  • The easiest way to purify the air in your home and protect yourself from illnesses is to resort to placing indoor plants and flowers. These home helpers produce oxygen, reduce bad elements in the air, and also remove chemical poisons.
  • The choice of indoor plants and flowers for the bedroom, where we spend a decent amount of time, must be done responsibly. After all, the bedroom is a special room: during sleep, our breathing is deeper, so different plant compounds can negatively affect our well-being.
  • A stunning option for the bedroom are plants that have antibacterial properties and can also humidify the air.
  • It is important to remember that fresh flowers affect a person’s psycho-emotional background. With the help of fresh flowers in the bedroom you can reduce nervousness, relieve excess excitement, and fill the room with the energy of love and trust.
  • To make this room as comfortable as possible for your stay there, it is necessary to ensure a constant flow of clean air, think about the correct arrangement of furniture and comfortably distribute lighting.
  • When choosing living plants for the bedroom, you need to study as much information as possible about them. But the most important thing is the absence of possible allergies and the release of toxic substances. Also, you should not place plants that have a strong or specific aroma.
  • Give preference to flowers that release oxygen at night to purify the air.
  • It is better to choose plants that grow slowly, so as not to disturb the peace in the bedroom with their energy. Also, do not place them too close to the bed for the same reason. The optimal distance is 1.5-2 m.
  • It is important to properly care for flowers, because only healthy flowers have a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being. Therefore, it is better to temporarily remove dried or damaged plants.

Don't place them too close to the bed!

List of the most favorable colors for the bedroom

  • Chlorophytum is a great living plant, ideal for the bedroom. Since it has the properties of neutralizing toxic elements and fights various microorganisms in the air. It copes well with substances such as formaldehyde. It also has air humidifying properties.
  • Spathiphyllum - this plant is an excellent oxygen producer, both day and night. Perfectly cleans the air from harmful components (benzene, acetone, ammonia, xylene, methyl alcohol). The flower can increase the moisture content in indoor air by 5%. The moisture from this indoor flower perfectly fights allergenic microbes.

At the same time, this plant also normalizes sleep and helps fight insomnia. And for girls, such a flower brings feminine happiness!

Ideal for the bedroom and women's happiness

  • Sansevieria or mother-in-law's tongue is a flower that produces oxygen at night and perfectly purifies the air. But its main merit is in increasing immunity.
  • Hamedorea - this flower not only purifies the air, but absorbs all toxic fumes. Including discharge from synthetics and plastics. The plant is also capable of neutralizing benzene and trichlorethylene.
  • Geranium - this plant amazingly cleanses the air of chemical compounds, carbon monoxide and fights streptococci. It also has the properties of producing negative ions, which have a very beneficial effect on the health of our body. Stabilizes blood pressure, relieves headaches, improves the body's immune system, and fights sleep problems. What is very important is that geranium repels various insects. Take note for mosquito control.

Important: Geranium or pelargonium can cause allergies.

In common parlance, geraniums are called kalachiks

  • Laurel has long been famous for its properties of normalizing sleep. It should especially be placed near the baby's crib. The flower also purifies oxygen, eliminates headaches and increases brain activity.
  • Cactus is extremely useful for placing in the bedroom. Preference should be given to cacti with long needles; they are more effective in cleansing matters. This living plant fights various microbes, reduces the amount of harmful ions in the air, and also protects our body from electromagnetic rays. That is why cacti are simply necessary in rooms where various computer equipment is present.

Important: But the wisdom of Feng Shui warns that flowers with needles make the owner just as prickly and unapproachable. Therefore, you should choose succulents with a smoother surface - this will improve the quality of your life.

Cacti and their relatives are essential in a home with an abundance of technology.

  • Kalanchoe
    - This plant is famous for releasing huge amounts of oxygen at night and also helps fight depression. It has a pronounced calming effect and helps cope with insomnia.
  • Violet is a female plant, which is perfect for a sleeping place. It is this plant that will bring calm and relaxation, thereby normalizing sleep. By the way, white flowers can calm the nerves and protect against nervous breakdowns, while purple flowers establish a spiritual connection between relatives. Red tones or pink colors will bring joy to the owners.
  • Asparagus - this flower is endowed with active energy, helps fight depression, improves immunity, and also makes breathing easier at night. Asparagus is an excellent assistant in the fight against various diseases; it sterilizes the air, kills germs, and cleanses it of heavy metals. Promotes quick recovery.

Different colors of violet have different effects on our lives, but they all harmonize women's happiness

  • Dracaena is a plant that increases human tone and also saturates the room with positive energy. In addition, this flower normalizes family relationships and establishes the correct microclimate.
  • Ficus Benjamina - This indoor plant produces large amounts of oxygen. It also perfectly fights air pollution, destroys toxic emissions from chemical cleaners, furniture, etc. Helps relieve stress and promotes quick sleep.
  • Begonia – for the bedroom you should give preference to royal begonia. This home flower destroys harmful substances and microorganisms in the air. The light aroma of this plant relieves tension and nervousness and helps fight depression. Begonia is especially indicated for various diseases.
  • Aloe is a great plant to have around the house. Aloe reduces the amount of toxic and poisonous elements in the air, also produces large amounts of oxygen at night and absorbs carbon dioxide. In addition, he can truly be called a home healer.

Note: According to legend, aloe helps protect owners from the evil eye and accidents. It is especially recommended to install it in a child’s bedroom to normalize the microclimate.

Aloe should be in every home

Live indoor plants in the bathroom

Plants in the bathroom are quite rare, and the reason for this is poor lighting, high humidity and lack of space. However, owners of private houses are lucky, because the bathroom can be equipped with windows. Then it can be decorated with moisture-loving plants. Monstera, violet, and Japanese fatsia are perfect.

If there are no windows, but you still want to add green notes to the bathroom, use artificial plants. Some people think that such decor makes the interior lifeless, but you just have to look hard and you can easily find imitations of plants that cannot be distinguished from the real ones.

Indoor plants add coziness to any interior and create a homely atmosphere. The main thing is to choose them correctly, taking into account the characteristics of each culture. Don’t forget to water your flowers on time, and they will delight you with their beauty for many years!

Tall plants in the interior of the house

For large flowers stretching to the ceiling, large rooms with an abundance of free areas are selected. After all, many specimens grow up to 150 centimeters and higher, with their tops reaching the ceiling. Window sills are not suitable for them. As the flowers grow, they will lack space and lighting. And a room with large flowers on the windowsills doesn’t look the best.

Tall plants are arranged to decorate the interior in single specimens, in groups, or in whole ensembles of plants of different heights. Islands with a composition of living plants next to the sofa and armchairs are imbued with tranquility, helping to relax after a long working day and relieve stress.

Flowerpots for planting large plants play an important role in the design of premises. They, like all pieces of furniture, must fit into the overall decor of the room and be in harmony with each other and the design of the apartment. A correctly selected crown of plants should visually expand the area of ​​the room, make it taller and more spacious.

Bedroom phytodesign

Often flowers in the interior are not just used as decoration, but occupy a central position in it. This direction of interior design, in which flowers are the main figures, is called phytodesign and is currently very popular.

Flowers in this bedroom design can be present in a variety of forms. Thus, flowers in phytodesign are found in the form:

  • live and artificial plants;
  • ornaments on wallpaper;
  • large composition on the central wall;
  • in textiles and curtain design;
  • in decorative elements.

Read our recommendations for choosing wallpaper for the bedroom in this article! Tynts!

However, despite its “floral name”, the design of such a bedroom should not be pretentious or too colorful. Therefore, when decorating a room in the style of phytodesign, you should listen to the recommendations of specialists.

First of all, there must be moderation in everything. The main thing is not to overdo it by surrounding yourself with flowers in all forms and manifestations. Otherwise, instead of a beautiful and romantic interior, you may end up with an aggressively decorated room with elements that clearly conflict with each other.

Regardless of the number and type of colors in the bedroom interior, they should all be in harmony with each other and create a single composition that is pleasing to the eye. It is advisable, even before starting to renovate and decorate the room, to already have a “picture” in your head of how everything will look, where and what kind of flower will be located and what it will decorate with.

Some plants for the bedroom and their energy

There will never be a dull moment in a house where begonias grow. © floradania

Begonia in the bedroom

Begonia has quite strong energy, it is like a whirlwind and moves from the roots to the outside of the flower. When plants are concentrated in one place, the energy of the plants increases. Begonias have the ability to calm, relieve stress after a hard day, and will also help you make the right decision.

Begonia will give a person joy, renew feelings, and also awaken the desire for life, for moving forward. In a house where begonias grow, there will never be a dull moment or dull days. Begonia will inspire a person to action, awaken desires for change, and also change the usual order of things.

Begonia is a welcome guest in any room, be it a bedroom, nursery, school, hospital, etc. Thanks to the begonia's ability to purify the air, it can be kept anywhere.

The energy that plants emit will help cope with all diseases, problems, adversities and difficulties.

The best place for gardenia is the bedroom. © Pam

Gardenia in the bedroom

Gardenia jasmine is a very beautiful and delicate plant. Gardenia is the flower of Leo. The energy of gardenia will help to attract the attention of a loved one, win love, and also evoke friendly feelings.

The energy of gardenia is cloud-like and evenly distributed. Gardenia gives strength, gives rise to a feeling of quiet joy and peace. It is especially useful for people who have experienced grief and are weakened after illness. The energy of gardenia will help restore strength after prolonged work. However, gardenia, being a source of energy for others, does not lose its strength and does not wither.

The best place for gardenia is the bedroom. The energy of gardenia will set you in a romantic mood, and the delicate aroma will bring pleasant dreams. It should be remembered that gardenia fades in a noisy room near audio equipment, computers and other equipment. You should not place cacti and other thorny plants near gardenia, as well as plants with narrow long leaves.

Lemon is endowed with a very important property - to tone a person. © marthastewart

Lemon in the bedroom

Lemon is a Sagittarius plant, as indicated by the sour taste of lemon. The taste of lemon is controlled by Jupiter, and the beauty of lemon is awarded by Venus. Together, these planets encourage a person to exhibit noble deeds, as well as seek self-expression in the spiritual realm.

The energy of lemon is like a cloud. Lemon is endowed with a very important property - to tone a person. The energy of lemon invigorates and helps overcome all fears. Lemon will awaken the desire to participate in social activities and help get rid of routine.

Lemon should be grown in a very bright, well-ventilated place. The energy of lemon will help people prone to conflicts and irritability. Thanks to its delicate aroma, lemon relieves headaches and improves concentration. The energy of lemon will help cope with fatigue and calm the nervous system. Lemon will relieve insomnia and nightmares.

The energy of hyacinth charges a person with love of life and vigor. © vdvossen

Hyacinth in the bedroom

The beautiful hyacinth is a Libra plant. The patron of Libra is Venus. She endowed the hyacinth with a wonderful aroma and wonderful flowers. Under the influence of hyacinth, a person feels a surge of strength and a need for creative activity. The energy of hyacinth creates a friendly attitude towards others. Hyacinth ennobles a person’s thoughts, feelings, needs, aspirations, as well as relationships between people.

The energy of hyacinth is wind-like. The energy of hyacinth charges a person with love of life and vigor. The plant is a catalyst for any creative endeavors and processes. Hyacinth will give a person determination and a willingness to act. A harmonious atmosphere spreads around the plant, creating a more refined atmosphere.

It is best to place hyacinth in the brightest place in the apartment. Hyacinth will be comfortable on the windowsill of a large window. Almost any room is suitable for hyacinth. Hyacinth will make the atmosphere of any room friendly.

The energy of the Chinese rose will bring missing health, joy and love into the home. © Linda Ross

Hibiscus in the bedroom

Hibiscus, or the popularly known Chinese rose, is a Leo plant. The energy of hibiscus will not allow the soul to be lazy and awaken living feelings. The Chinese rose will inspire unexpected good deeds, and will also bring emotional satisfaction to its owner.

The energy of hibiscus is directed upward and outward. It spreads around in a strong stream. The energy of the Chinese rose will bring missing health, joy and love into the home. People suffering from heart disease will feel better next to hibiscus. Hibiscus with red flowers will make love relationships brighter and hotter. Yellow flowers will help people become more open and friendly.

It is better to place the Chinese rose on a western or eastern window. Hibiscus is perfect for the bedroom, living room or kitchen.

It is no coincidence that the Chinese rose is considered the flower of love and the flower of beautiful women. In India, hibiscus is woven into wedding wreaths. In the bedroom it will enhance marital love.

Cyclamen will create an atmosphere of mutual trust and ease around itself. © marksandspencer

Floral theme in the bedroom interior

Choosing colors for the bedroom, as well as using a floral theme in the interior of the rest room, is associated with a number of difficulties. It is necessary to take into account not only the color palette and taste, but also the combination with other elements of the bedroom interior.

Wallpapers with images of flowers are still relevant. Thanks to the variety of textures, shades, and patterns, such wallpapers are suitable for most design trends, especially for Art Nouveau and classicism styles.

If you are creating a bedroom interior in a more formal style, then you can choose wallpaper with a graphic image of large flowers against a background of natural materials (stone, sand, wood texture, etc.). If you do not plan to glue wallpaper in the rest room, but have plastered the walls for painting, you can paint images of flowers on them or use film decorettos with unique floral patterns.

A decorative panel made in the form of a glass panel with various images of flowers can become a very fashionable element of your bedroom interior. You can use both small glass panels, which will act as decorative inserts, and huge panels that occupy the entire wall and represent an entire composition. Everything will depend on the style you choose. Recently, glass panels with 3D images of flowers have become very popular. With them, your bedroom will have an unusual, fascinating look. In addition, such images visually expand the space of the room.

A very good option for the bedroom would be to use images of flowers on fabrics. Be it bedspreads, bed linen, curtains, upholstery fabric of upholstered furniture. Flowers will not only be appropriate everywhere, they will give your relaxation room a unique charm.

You need to remember two simple rules. If the interior of your bedroom is created in a simple style, large graphic images of flowers are suitable for it. And if the bedroom is planned in a softer style, evoking romance, then you need to choose natural, rich, colorful images. If you like a refined, luxurious bedroom interior, then you can add paintings or artistic photographs depicting flowers to it. And also recently, floral bas-reliefs have come into fashion, which look simply stunning in the bedroom. Whatever option you choose to depict flowers in the bedroom, remember that the main purpose of flowers is to create warmth, comfort and a pleasant, calming atmosphere.

Bedroom with indoor plants

The atmosphere here should be calm and peaceful. The decor, including plants, is selected precisely according to this principle. Do not use flowers with strong aromas - they will interfere with sleep, and in the morning you risk waking up with a headache, because you have been breathing these smells all night.

Just a couple of non-flowering and slow-growing crops will be enough, which will look especially beautiful in a pot over the bed. Avoid an abundance of lilies and orchids - they absorb a lot of oxygen, which will cause dizziness and poor health of the owner.

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