Dark bedroom design: choice of style, color and design options (90 + photos)

Therefore, you should not be afraid of dark tones and avoid them - they have many undeniable advantages over a light color palette. They combine perfectly with each other, are friendly with many interior styles, make it possible to adjust the proportions of the room and emphasize its architectural advantages - and most importantly, they allow you to create a unique and stylish interior that will not get boring for a long time. Have you not yet decided to take the path of bold decisions and radical changes? We invite you to look at stylish options for designing and decorating a bedroom in dark colors - take note of the fashion trends of 2022.

Fashionable color palette

The fashion for decorating a home in strict accordance with the canons of a certain style is gradually disappearing. It is being replaced by trends in creating interiors that are fully adapted to people’s needs - after all, this is the only way to create an environment in which it is comfortable and convenient to live as you like, and not as interior style dictates.

Photo: hgtv.com

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Do you want to envelop your bedroom in a boudoir atmosphere with a touch of luxury? Decorate it in shades of emerald green, deep blue, dusty purple, brown or seductive cherry tones - they are the most popular today.

Photo: bocadolobo.com

Photo: designingidea.com

Texture and texture design

Against a dark background, surface features are especially clearly visible: smooth canvas or relief, matte velvety or bright gloss. Combining different textures and textures will give the bedroom design an effect of nobility and splendor.

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It is especially worth paying attention to the texture of the wood. It is necessary to use only dark shades of noble tones.

Game of contrasts

In dark interiors, no worse than in light ones, you can effectively play with rich shades - dark walls are not only able to incredibly unite and harmonize stylistically different elements of the decor, but also emphasize the features of each of them. Don't be afraid of dissonance! Even furniture with bright upholstery on a dark green or graphite blue background will not seem colorful and provocative - it will refresh the dark background and fill the room with a truly relaxing atmosphere.

Photo: secretlinenstore.com

Such different shades

Unobtrusive lighting of the room will make the interior not at all gloomy

Dark wallpaper for the bedroom and other rooms can have the following shades:

  • black - it is better to use not over the entire area of ​​the room, but only on one of the walls to create a semantic accent (dressing table, headboard);
  • dark blue - they are ideal for decorating a bedroom, as they have a calming effect;
  • dark brown - also ideal for decorating a bedroom and a number of other rooms. The darker the wallpaper, the lighter you need to select other items;
  • dark green - with it you can create interesting combinations in the bedroom and living room by adding opposite, brighter components (purple, yellow, blue). But contrast should only be emphasized;
  • dark red – creates an atmosphere of luxury, but should be used in spacious rooms. Well, for a small room, dark red wallpaper is suitable for point accents (joints with the floor and ceiling, at the door, etc.).

Light accents

Small bedrooms, where there is little natural light, should not be completely immersed in a dark frame, otherwise an overwhelming atmosphere may arise in the room, in which you will not only relax, but you will not want to be. The best solution for decorating a fashionable interior in a small bedroom would be a combination of shades of a dark and light palette, echoing each other.

For example, the walls and floor may be dark, but the furniture and ceiling may be light. Such a coloristic technique will visually expand the boundaries of the room, and the room will no longer seem cramped.

Photo: decoist.com

Photo: decoist.com

Choice of finishes

If you need to make a deliberately dark bedroom lighter, then first you need to choose a lighter finish, and the closer this tone is to white, the more the room will be filled with light. Therefore, you can choose light beige or white wallpaper for decoration. When the room faces north or cloudy, rainy weather prevails in your region, then white trim, on the contrary, will make the interior more gloomy and uncomfortable, as it will be reflected in gray.

Expert advice! In this case, a cream-colored finish is ideal. If the room has a rectangular shape, then the shortest wall should be covered with yellow wallpaper, which will give it a truly spring warmth.

Floors are an equally important part of the finishing. If the area is large, then dark floors are allowed in it, even if it is excessively dark. But if there is not much space, then it is best to use a light-colored floor covering that will prevent light absorption.

A dark bedroom requires light curtains

Window decoration

The bedroom should have not one curtain, but two. One of them (organza) will be used during the daytime to ensure maximum light penetration. Well, the second curtains should be thick, night curtains. They can be not only dark, but also light.

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The advantage of light drapery is that it will protect the room from light penetration, but at the same time will not take away some of the artificial lighting. Therefore, the darker the bedroom, the lighter the curtains should be. If the room is visually too cold, then yellow curtains will help give it warmth and comfort.

Dark furniture is allowed in the large bedroom. At the same time, the walls should be light

Floor and ceiling bet

A modern interior trend that is predicted to remain in trends for a long time is a dark ceiling with decorations in the form of interesting designer chandeliers, pendants and spotlights.

Photo: hgtv.com

Photo: home-designing.com

The floor has also ceased to be background and neutral - parquet or laminate with an expressive pattern is better for the bedroom.

Photo: home-designing.com

When to use dark wallpaper

Lately, dark wallpapers have become especially popular. The use of such finishing material allows you to give the room a mystical energy and make it more mysterious.

Dark wallpaper in the bedroom should only be used if the room:

  • It has impressive dimensions. Otherwise, the bedroom will look like an inconspicuous and cramped closet.

  • Has two windows. If the room has two large windows, this will provide maximum natural light.
  • Normally lit at night. In addition to natural lighting, artificial light sources are installed in the room. In a dark room, in addition to the chandelier, there should be other lighting fixtures.

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Experts do not recommend using dark-colored finishing materials in dark and small rooms.

Prints and ornaments

It used to be customary to make an accent in interiors with the help of bright colors, but today prints and ornaments come to the fore. Use wallpaper with dark floral patterns or contrasting monochrome colors with large and voluminous geometry for decoration - they will look especially impressive in the bedroom, where an intimate and cozy atmosphere will reign.

Photo: freshome.com

Photo: nonagon.style

Oriental patterns are also in fashion, combining several rich colors at the same time - they harmonize perfectly with dark walls of any shade.

Photo: usualhouse.com

Dark walls

This surface is the largest in area, which means it can set the overall tone for the interior. When choosing wall decoration, it is worth considering that a perfectly smooth surface will look original. But this option creates a feeling of coldness and is not suitable for everyone.

Dark walls with gold and silver patterns will look impressive. You should be careful when choosing wallpaper with large, bright patterns. If the space is small, such an element will make it visually smaller. To balance out dark walls, use contrasting shades in other parts of the bedroom. An interesting solution is a photo wallpaper depicting a city at night or a starry sky. Contrasting light interior items will favorably emphasize the deep tones of the walls. Wall decor in moderation looks good on plain wallpaper.

Proper lighting

A dark bedroom interior can look different under different lighting scenarios. Remember: the darker the tone, the more light it absorbs. If your bedroom has only one small window and it faces north, you need to take care of artificial light and increase the power of the lamps in the lamps. If, on the contrary, the bedroom windows face south and the room is constantly flooded with sunlight, dark, rich walls and thick curtains will be a real salvation from the sweltering heat.

Photo: deconewyork.net

Photo: home-designing.com

Green bedroom - what accessories to choose?

Light or dark green in the bedroom is a pretty strong accent color, but it's still worth adding variety to the arrangement. Plants are great for the bedroom, but watch out for species that suck up oxygen at night. Aloe vera works well if the interior is not too large. In a spacious bedroom, use dracaena.

Both a dark green bedroom and a room with a mint accent will delight in the arrangement if you hang frames on the walls. You can fill them out in a variety of ways, such as graphics that you can print out yourself. The piece of wallpaper that adorns the wall opposite will also be presented in a frame. You can rely on the classic solution in the form of travel photos.

Use the rug as decoration. Multicolor designs with abstract motifs are also popular. Choose an area rug that has part of the color scheme that matches other colors in the arrangement, such as the shade of the walls.

Don't forget about curtains that will decorate the space and provide you with privacy. Choose thick fabric so you can fall asleep easily despite outside lamps or morning sunlight. Curtains can be plain, but if the arrangement seems too boring, choose a patterned one. Plants or geometric shapes - such motifs can make a green bedroom more interesting.

Green bedroom - what additions to choose for variety?

  • Plants such as aloe or dracaena
  • Frames with photographs, graphics or a piece of wallpaper decorating one of the walls,
  • Rug with abstract pattern
  • Curtains - smooth or patterned.

Reflective addition

To prevent an overwhelming atmosphere in the bedroom, add glass, metal, glossy or mirror surfaces to the interior. They will increase the glare of light and make the room much brighter. It doesn’t have to be mirrors - an acrylic console or a glass vase with live plants is enough to fill the room with the necessary lightness and add a little shine to the atmosphere.

Photo: homestratosphere.com

Photo: home-designing.com

Disadvantages of white

  1. Impracticality, soiling.
  2. Neutrality.
  3. Regular care of white furniture.

Thanks to modern cleaning products and washable surfaces, cleaning a white apartment is no more difficult than any other. And the use of various halftones, shading the background with other colors, and the help of a designer will help get rid of facelessness in the house and achieve the desired effect. Furniture with removable covers will help make interior care easier.

You can look at photographs of bedrooms in white tones, study and take an example (idea) from them when renovating your rest room. A little imagination and then the result will exceed all expectations.

Rich textures

Dark shades in interiors go well with textures - they play a key role in modern design. Therefore, furniture and decoration should be not only functional, but also pleasant to the touch. Velvet, silk, corduroy, suede, leather - feel free to add them in any quantity to the bedroom if you want to create a timeless interior.

Photo: decoratrend.com

Photo: deskgram.net

Styles for a black bedroom

Among the variety of stylistic solutions for a dark bedroom, the most suitable are:

  1. Art Deco. The luxury and pretentiousness of this style are perfectly conveyed by dark shades. There is not only black, but also burgundy, purple, dark brown. Furnish your bedroom with expensive furniture, hang bronze lamps, add gilding to the decor, and you will get a truly rich interior.
  1. Baroque - and here dark colors will come in handy. Tapestries, printed velvet curtains, stucco, gilding, painting and floral patterns. There is pomp and splendor in everything.

  1. Gothic. Black is a favorite color in this direction. You will also need dark red or burgundy velvet, heavy curtains, dark bulky furniture, and bronze lamps. Mystically beautiful.

  1. Loft. If the three previous styles are the prerogative of large rooms and are difficult to implement in city apartments, then the industrial loft aesthetic is quite a compact option. Graphite, black and dark red surfaces perfectly camouflage pipes and wires, and they do not disturb the overall harmony.

  1. High tech. Loves clean lines, smooth surfaces, glossy shine and black color. Be sure to add something contrasting to the decor. In this style, it is better to make only one wall black.
  1. Minimalism. The ascetic design is done in rock style. These are a lot of metallic elements, silver or platinum shades combined with black. Minimalism does not accept color variegation. Limit yourself to two colors.

  1. Japanese - loved for its grace and lightness. It unusually harmoniously combines black, white and red colors. Be sure to add some wooden elements.
  1. Classic. A classic-style bedroom may well be black and white. But do not neglect dark emerald and burgundy colors.

Black color is universal. It goes well with many colors. To prevent your black bedroom from looking too dull, it is important to choose the right partner for black. Next, let's talk about combinations of black in the interior.

Minimum decor

In modern interiors, everything should be as useful and practical as possible - decorative emphasis is placed on functional objects, and not on unnecessary little things cluttering up the space. In a dark bedroom, the emphasis can be placed on bright lamps or furniture pieces of non-standard shapes - they will help create the right mood in the rest room just as well as many candles and photo frames.

Photo: annacasainteriors.com

Photo: architonic.com

One or more paintings on a dark wall will look expressive - an image with a predominance of white in a thin black frame would be an excellent option. Such a picture will evoke an association with a window that you will want to look through - the room will be filled with depth, from which the interior will only benefit.

Photo: sdesigns.co

Photo: nickyholender.com

Using black shades in the interior

Black wallpaper creates a mysterious, unusual and elegant room design. If you want to explore something new and create a modern interior that is unique, you should consider black wallpaper and decorative accessories.

Modern black wallpaper with stunning graphics creates an inexplicably captivating effect in the room. They radically change interior design.


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Many people are afraid to use black wallpaper for interior decoration, because they think that they look gloomy and dull. If the living room or bedroom is not deprived of square meters, then black wallpaper will be an advantageous solution. Reasons to use beautiful dark wallpapers:

  1. Spots and small scratches are not visible on such canvases.
  2. They can hide errors in the relief of the walls - for example, if the canvas was glued to an uneven surface.

For small rooms it is better to use the contrast method. Look good when combined with cool or neutral shades. This method can also be used for zoning, highlighting a wall with black wallpaper with an emphasis on expensive furniture or a piece of art.

Golden splashes

Gold accents go well with the trendy dark colors of 2019. A dressing table with elegant gold legs, a wall panel framed with metallic golden rays, and chandeliers with brass inserts will fit perfectly into the bedroom interior and add an attractive shine to it.

Photo: hgtv.com

Photo: nickyholender.com

Bedroom with dark furniture

Selecting furniture is a difficult and important process. This choice determines how successful the result will be. When deciding to make a bedroom in dark colors, it makes sense to give preference to massive furniture. This set looks harmonious if it is made in dark colors. It will emphasize the depth of the color scheme, create comfort and a feeling of nobility.

A dark-colored bed should be complemented with a large amount of textiles; it will add prestige to the overall design. Please note: dark furniture will only reflect light if there are glossy elements.

Abundance of greenery

Does the dark interior of the bedroom seem uncomfortable to you? Add live plants to the room - they will compensate for the richness of the dark walls, push them into the background and create a feeling of depth. Just a couple of original flower pots or a floor planter with an indoor tree - and your bedroom will have the illusion of a miniature home forest, surrounded by which it will be very pleasant and comfortable to relax.

Photo: happyinteriorblog.com

Photo: freshome.com

Dark curtains for the bedroom

Dark curtains can create contrast with the bedroom interior or become a neutral part of it. In a monochrome design, you can use curtains in the basic tone of the room, this will make the window less noticeable. Contrasting textile elements will balance and emphasize the depth of surrounding colors.

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