Small bedroom - 105 photos of functional and cozy design ideas

As a rule, in the lives of most people, small rooms are allocated as family bedrooms, in which, after installing a bed with bedside tables and a wardrobe, it is very difficult to allocate another place to place a chest of drawers with a dressing table. However, this is absolutely no reason for the impossibility of creating beauty with comfort.

We suggest looking through photos of a small bedroom in our wonderful selection to get original ideas and ideas, getting inspired to decorate the bedroom interior in your own home.

Everyone has long known that small rooms should not be cluttered, because the more objects there are in it, the smaller they will seem. For example, there are bedrooms in which everything looks like a terrible mess and a dump. At the same time, in such a designer interior you can add a chair, a few things/clothes, put on completely different bedding and that’s it, as a result, there will be no attractiveness left from the originally designed designer interior of a small bedroom.

It cannot be said that for some people who do not have any experience in independently designing interior design, this task will be literally impossible. Because of this, some simply decide to decorate simple white rooms, using the basic rule that white is a universal color and will “help out” in literally any situation, especially when it comes to the design of small bedrooms.

White bedrooms have their advantages and disadvantages. One of them is that creating a cozy, warm environment is quite difficult. But for many of us it is often simply necessary. Since white color makes the room look cooler and cleaner, it is recommended especially in hot countries.

At the same time, it is important to know that the interior color scheme can be adjusted to warm or, conversely, with the help of textile elements. We should have at our disposal a large bed with a headboard, textile curtains that, together with the carpet, can fill at least half of the room.

Read: Bedroom design ideas 2022 with 85 photos

If you prefer modern high-tech, or trendy minimalism, you can safely use white to decorate your bedroom design, which does not require any special effort.

Choosing an interior style

When planning the interior of a small bedroom, it is very important to choose the appropriate style, and you need to clearly understand which design techniques can be used and which cannot.

Your imagination and fantasy also play an important role; at this stage you need to clearly understand the final result that you want to see.

As a rule, almost any style is suitable for designing a bedroom with small spaces: classic, minimalism, loft, Scandinavian, modern. So, let's try to understand these styles in more detail.

Practical tips

  1. In a small space, the problem of storing things is always relevant, and every centimeter should be put to good use. The racks and shelves are spacious and convenient.
  2. A decorative staircase would be an excellent solution; you can store things and clothes here, and the height to the ceiling will make it even more practical. A standard cabinet can be replaced with a hanging rod.
  3. A light background makes the room larger; you don’t have to limit yourself to just white; light gray gives a similar effect. It is better to choose smooth and shiny surfaces that reflect light well.
  4. A bed is better with storage space. You can install it on the podium, and also use the space below.
  5. If the bedroom is combined with a living room, then it is better to use glass partitions for zoning; they make the room lighter. And to create a private atmosphere, you can hang curtains. The rack is also suitable for zoning; the partition allows light to pass through well and at the same time becomes an item for storing things.
  6. Even a small bedroom can have a beautiful design and practical interior. To do this, you should choose multifunctional furniture - a sofa bed or a bed-wardrobe. The furniture can be easily transformed, freeing up useful space.

The most important trick for increasing space is using mirrors. To make the effect more pronounced, place the mirror opposite the window, this will double the amount of natural light.

Small bedroom in modern style

This style is characterized by the presence of furniture made in a modern way, while the presence of decorative elements on the furniture should be kept to a minimum. The color scheme of the ceiling, as well as the walls, usually have bright colors, for example, white or beige or shades thereof.

But the floor is characterized by the presence of modern material, for example, carpet or parquet, or a regular laminate is used. In this case, the color component of the floor covering should be a slightly darker shade.

We should not forget about the presence of such decorative elements as metal or chrome handles, mirrors, and varnished wood. All these elements produce the effect of visually enlarging the room.

The style of a modern small bedroom is most clearly and well emphasized by the use of a variety of paintings, beautiful floor lamps, ceramic figures or figurines that will harmoniously fit into this style and bright LED lighting, which will give a unique look to the room.

Bedroom design 2022: fashionable bed

Just as a kitchen cannot be imagined without a stove, there are no bedrooms without beds (unless, of course, you are a hundred-year-old vampire from the Twilight saga who is awake around the clock).

Anything can act as a sleeping place: a sofa, a folding chair, a hammock, a loft bed...

But if you want a truly comfortable, stylish, sophisticated and elegant bedroom interior, opt for a traditional double or single bed.

In 2022, the most fashionable solutions among beds will be:

Bright and soft headboard

Velvet in rich shades is a favorite of 2022!

Just imagine how pleasant a headboard made from such material will feel to the touch.

A colorful headboard is a great way to add fresh color and rich hues to your bedroom without the investment or risk.

In addition, today there are a lot of video tutorials on how to make it yourself.

If you don't like it, remove it!

But you won’t have to rip off the paint from the walls, which you may get tired of in a week if the experiment turns out to be unsuccessful.

A profitable solution on all counts!

Low and discreet headboard

An alternative for bedroom design is to not use beds with a headboard at all, or to keep the headboard minimally visible.

This solution is perfect for those who like to focus on finishing materials rather than furniture.

Canopy beds

What could be better than a warm, soft, cozy bed?

Just a warm, soft, cozy bed in which no one will disturb you!

And in this your assistant will be... Canopy!

To be on trend in 2022, use cubic designs for bed canopies.

What is their charm?

  • This is additional protection from sunlight (and sometimes from mosquitoes)
  • Canopies make the bedroom cozier and more elegant at the same time
  • Canopy curtains can be easily changed to suit the season, a change in the look of your bedroom, or just to suit your mood

Well, besides, it’s just beautiful!

Take a look!

Life hack: If your apartment does not have very high ceilings, the canopy can be attached directly to the ceiling using a ceiling cornice.

Metal constructions

Wood has been used for making beds for so long that it is becoming more and more difficult for designers to create something unique, special, something that no one has done before.

In 2022, forged metal beds are at the peak of popularity!

Moreover, modern technologies make it possible to create a unique bed design in a relatively budget-friendly way.

Small bedroom in classic style

This style is characterized by the presence of expensive and luxurious decorative items, while the room itself should have a very rich and chic appearance, despite the fact that the room is not significant in size.

Of particular importance to this style is the presence of decorative items made of gold or silver, stucco moldings made of plaster, decorative mini-columns - all this reflects the life of rich and wealthy people.

Various furniture, for example, a wardrobe for a small bedroom, should have a similar appearance with ivory color, which will certainly add more aristocracy and significance.

Classic direction

From the photo of the design of a small bedroom in a classic style, it is clear that this is a direction for connoisseurs of luxury. Golden and silver patterns are required here, which go perfectly with white, soft pink, beige and light purple.

A crystal chandelier and stucco will highlight the rich furnishings.

Carved furniture will create a royal atmosphere. White leather is suitable for the headboard of the bed. The windows are decorated with luxurious velvet and satin fabrics to match the overall picture.

Similar textiles can be used for a canopy. And most importantly - a lot of light, it will make a miniature bedroom larger.

Small bedroom in Provence style

The main feature of this style is that the interior of the room should be decorated in calm shades of light colors. At the same time, the presence of dark colors is not allowed, which can negatively affect the interior as a whole.

But the furniture can be absolutely simple and without any fancy tricks and devices, and it should be made of light wood, possibly without painting with wood varnish.

Bedroom interior with balcony

By combining a bedroom and a balcony when remodeling an apartment, we will gain additional space. “How to use it?” - you ask.

There are many options! For example:

  1. Cabinet. The interior of the bedroom-office should be minimally loaded. In the recess of the balcony you can place a laconic table and chair, and place one or two bookshelves on the wall. Remember that the visual “queen” of space should remain the bed.
  2. Wardrobe. We have already talked about dressing rooms earlier. And if you are wondering where to get square meters to create such beauty, here is the answer: arrange a wardrobe right on the balcony! The idea is great, isn't it?
  3. Storage area. Often, the balcony in small apartments stores a bunch of the owner’s trash. Combined with the bedroom, it can have the same functionality, but look very laconic and neat.

Small bedroom in loft style

An important feature of this style is that wallpaper for a small bedroom may be completely absent. In this case, the main decorative element is a bare wall in the form of an ordinary concrete slab or brickwork, or even their imitation.

Also, there should not be many different decorative elements and fancy items; modern blinds or ordinary curtains are allowed on the windows.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom

Wallpaper should be chosen with special care, as it creates the overall mood of the room and its style. They can both visually enlarge the space and emphasize or even reduce the dimensions of the room.

There are several rules when choosing wallpaper for a very small bedroom:

  • Use light shades of wallpaper, they will visually expand the walls.
  • Avoid patterns on wallpaper that are too large or very small; use medium-sized patterns, this will balance the room.
  • If the ceiling is very low, then wallpaper with a vertical strip of medium width is suitable.
  • Try to avoid too bright colors when choosing wallpaper, as they have an exciting effect on a person’s psychological state.
  • If you cannot deny yourself the pleasure of hanging dark wallpaper, then still do it only on one accent wall, and use a contrasting light color on the others.
  • If the overall style of the room does not contradict simplicity and conciseness, then use wallpaper made from natural bamboo fibers, balsa wood, reed, papyrus. This wonderful eco-friendly material will add coziness and tranquility to the environment.
  • If you are not a fan of wallpaper, then perhaps use decorative panels of wood or stone, and special types of paint applied to the finishing putty are also possible. The advantage of interior paints is that you can choose exactly the shade you want, and you can also easily repaint a boring color.

Small bedroom in minimalist style

The main feature of this style is that everything here should be distributed clearly and compactly, while everything should be as convenient as possible.

  • Bed in the bedroom: 85 photos of modern design ideas 2022 and rules for choosing a place
  • Wardrobe for the bedroom - optimal ergonomics and design features of modern options for 2022 (125 photos)

  • White bedroom - bright and calm design ideas for any interior style (95 photos)

However, various decorative elements that have an expensive and rich appearance are completely unacceptable here. Everything you need should be in its place and nothing superfluous.

Color solutions

One of the main tasks for a small bedroom is to choose the color correctly and accurately. As a rule, the most often used color scheme is white flowers, which visually give the visual effect of making the room larger.

The smaller the room, the lighter the finish

We all understand perfectly well that small spaces need visual expansion with the help of finishing in light and even snow-white colors. But to avoid the appearance of the bedroom, similar to a sterile white room, it is necessary to use at least a couple of accents, made in contrasting or brighter colors.

Accent spots against the background of the light color scheme of almost all surfaces of the room can be decorative elements, textiles or some pieces of furniture.

A floor covering in warm, woody tones can be different from the rest of the room’s decoration.

With the help of bright, contrasting elements, you can create a truly interesting and non-trivial bedroom design, even on a completely white wall background.

When the room is so small that it can barely accommodate a double bed, the headboard can act as an accent element, which will not only dilute the light finish, but also give the bedroom personality, given the unusual design.

A bright accent can be a piece of art on the wall or a mirror in an unusual frame. They take up little space, but they can add beauty and elegance to the interior.

If the parameters of the room allow you to place a storage system for things, then it is better to choose a built-in wardrobe option. This will save precious centimeters, and will look stylish, practical and presentable.

Light finishing of room surfaces does not necessarily have to include the use of white shades. Pastel, gray colors go well with wood tones of furniture, and white also has a wide range of shades from milky to snow-white.

Against the background of light decoration, even minor manifestations of color look advantageous, and a contrasting, geometric pattern or paintings on the walls will definitely become the center of focus.

In small rooms, every centimeter counts, so the location of possible storage systems must be approached rationally. Even a small piece of space can be of benefit to residents by transforming it into a small rack, cabinet, or at least a shelf.

Small bedroom in blue tones

A bedroom decorated in this style is well suited for people with an active lifestyle, as it helps restore strength and energy, and also allows you to get a charge of vigor and freshness for a long time.

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Wallpaper for a small bedroom

In this case, it is imperative that the wallpaper does not have various patterns or ornaments, as well as designs. At the same time, the presence of dark tones is completely unacceptable.

However, the main colors that suit this style are calm tones of light shades.

Design Features

How to arrange a small bedroom to satisfy all needs? First, you need to decide on the functionality of the room. If in addition to this you have a couple more rooms and a spacious corridor, then this automatically removes the function of storing many things from the bedroom.

This means you can neglect a large closet in favor of a huge bed. Well, if you have only two rooms, then the bedroom should also serve as a night's rest, storage and regular pastime. At the same time, the interior should contain storage areas for various things .

Which curtains are suitable for a small bedroom

Of course, curtains are considered one of the most important elements of bedroom decor, and this means that they must meet all the requirements that apply to each style individually.

Bedroom interior with dressing room

If the size of your bedroom allows, you can arrange a dressing room in it. This is a very convenient solution. Besides, you must admit, every girl at least once dreamed of a huge dressing room in which she could try on, try on, try on...

There are several options for combining a bedroom and a dressing room. This can be either filling a niche in the wall or a separate “room within a room” made of plasterboard.

Idea: If you never get tired of admiring your outfits around the clock, make a glass wardrobe room. This method will add “airiness” to the interior and will not hide the space of the bedroom.

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