Blue bedroom: bedroom interior design in blue tones, 30+ photos

It is these two properties that make a bedroom in a blue color scheme stand out from the general range of design ideas. Being in a bedroom with this design, you almost physically feel a light air of cleanliness, coolness and freshness. In addition, the advantage of this color range is its ability to relax the body, instill confidence and an optimistic outlook on life, and calm and pacify the emotional sphere of the person in the room.

The blue color palette is preferred by designers who practice creating light and bright interiors in a modern style. Using a combination of tones, you can get a very interesting result.

Advantages of a blue bedroom

Bedrooms decorated in a blue palette are in demand by many consumers, but few know about the effects it creates:

  • blue color forms in the human subconscious the desire for stability in relationships and life;
  • in a blue room you get the impression of a special ease of breathing, the room being filled with clean, fresh air;
  • this color of the bedroom relaxes and makes it possible to quickly fall asleep, and, therefore, give the body the opportunity to recover after a hard day or stressful situations;
  • the tenderness and lightness of light blue shades can replace the pink range, so beloved by girls at a tender age;
  • with an excess of blue tone, the bedroom, even without losing its coziness, can be perceived as cold.

Blue shades of the color palette applied to large surfaces can simplify the interior, therefore, if you want to get an “expensive-rich” interior, it is recommended to reduce the number of blue tones.


The gray palette is ideal for urban style. Loft interiors are simple and unpretentious, but striking in their practicality and relevance.

They are characterized by unplastered surfaces, concrete, brickwork and old wood. They recreate an industrial gray atmosphere with an abundance of communications, pipes, beams and other elements.

Such a room rarely uses bright elements; it is characterized by an abundance of light and free space. Antique items, trendy items are selected for her, and old things are found.

The best combination of shades in a blue bedroom

The absence of any aggression, the subconscious association with the purity and depth of the sky, the serenity of a calm water surface are decisive in the issue of compatibility of blue with other color shades. There is a wide variety of shades in this blue spectrum of the color palette. Among them there are tones close to both blue: azure and ultramarine, and green – cyan.

Professionals distinguish the following shades of blue:

  • cornflower blue - bright blue;
  • vidolovy – extremely dark blue, which was previously a replacement for indigo;
  • blue - the familiar light blue;
  • sea ​​– the embodiment of the color of the sea;
  • Parisian blue - rich, bright blue;
  • tausine – the so-called “peacock”, dark blue;
  • purple - red tint in blue;
  • electrician - gray tint in blue.

And this, according to the table, is not the entire list of shades.

The elegance of blue color makes the bedroom design free from pomp and pretentiousness. The main thing is to combine it correctly with partner shades. These can be creamy, coffee, beige, rich tones of green. Based on the psychology of blue, we can safely say that the following color combinations will also give an excellent effect when creating a bedroom interior:

Bright, deep, rich shades are ideal for bright blue.

For example, in a bedroom decorated in a minimalist style using blue, a combination with a cream shade would look great.

To avoid some boring interior, it is enough to place lemon-colored objects.

Gray and brown

This combination will give you comfort and incredible coziness. Gray walls in the bedroom interior will become the base, and chocolate and coffee shades will dilute the monotony. The combination of these colors will give the room a calm atmosphere, conducive to complete rest.

Beautiful chestnut draperies on the window openings and a fluffy carpet by the bed will become integral components of the created interior.

Common blue color combinations

Blue color is a classic design solution. Its use presupposes the presence of harmonious, visually pleasing traditional combinations of shades in the interior. The blue and white combination is one of the most ideal. Antique porcelain, wallpaper or panels with Gzhel painting look especially nice in such a room. When the bedroom is oriented to the south, this combination with the help of sunlight will not make the room visually cold.

To create a high-tech interior, a combination of gray and blue shades is best suited. Chrome furniture elements, glass and other modern materials will complement the color scheme.

This color palette fits well with the Mediterranean style, reminiscent of the sea, endless sky and stone beach.

Another trendy option is a combination of tones and shades of azure. It will make the room sophisticated and elegant.

A combination of shades of beige and blue will help you warm up in the comfort of your bedroom. Lightness, airiness, warmth - all this is combined in this range of colors.

Spring greenery on a blue background is one of the most noble combinations. In such an interior it is pleasant to fall asleep and wake up without any problems.

Combinations of blue shades with orange, pink, and yellow will add creativity to the bedroom. The room will become lush and bright.

Gray and pink

The classic combination will fill the space with comfort. An incredibly delicate tone can be seen in nature when the sky turns gray-pink in the rays of the setting sun. The soft combination fits perfectly into a home environment. It will envelop any space with comfort.

Delicate pink accents will complement the interior. To do this, just use several pillows or accessories. A light gray bedroom interspersed with pink details allows you to achieve original results. If you use multi-colored wall decoration, you will be able to highlight several zones or adjust the space.

Bedroom decoration in blue tones

The materials you plan to use to create a cozy bedroom should support the overall concept, giving the room a complete look:

  1. The ceiling can be suspended or simply plastered. The main thing is that its color is white. In a room with low ceilings, glossy canvases are quite appropriate. High ceilings will allow the use of multi-level plasterboard structures when decorating the ceiling. If blue was chosen for the color of the ceiling, then white elements in the form of monograms, clouds, and floral patterns can be placed on it as an accent.

  1. The walls can be covered with wallpaper with floral motifs or covered with textured plaster.

Decorating wall surfaces with moldings that will be a good accent on a sky or azure background.

  1. Light and warm shades of natural materials used as flooring will look nice in a bedroom with a blue interior.

Perfect curtains

In the interior of a blue bedroom, textiles play one of the most important roles. Curtains with white stripes look very impressive.

In addition, pay attention to popular floral and plant designs.

Curtains made of bamboo will fit perfectly into the marine style, and for minimalist trends the best option is light roller blinds.

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Choosing furniture for a blue bedroom

A background in blue tones suggests the purchase of furniture made from natural materials: wood or wood-like, the color range of which is from soft cream to chocolate. It will soften the coldness and give comfort to the bedroom. Glass, silver and mirror elements on cabinets will look very advantageous.

But the furniture surfaces of cabinets, chests of drawers and bedside tables in red or red color would be inappropriate in a blue bedroom. An excellent addition to the bedroom interior would be white or gray furniture. The monochrome of a blue and white room will be diluted by a bed with a colored headboard or a dark sleeping bed. This will bring a bit of brightness to the room.

Gray and yellow

The solidity and reliability of a neutral shade should be diluted with more vibrant colors. Sunny shades will illuminate the space, filling it with homely warmth and light. Gray color in the bedroom interior in combination with a yellow tone will give energy and enliven the interior.

Bright soft pillows, a glamorous bedspread, and printed textiles will be the best choice. Using different textures will add dynamism. This successful combination will transform any apartment.

Textile decor in a blue bedroom

Textiles, with the right approach to their choice, can give the bedroom a unique look. A blanket of light, almost cold tones placed on the bed enhances the feeling of coolness and freshness in the room.

The different textures of window drapery materials can change their color depending on the lighting in the room, which gives the bedroom some dynamics.

A carpet, pillows and blankets in beige tones will add warmth, comfort and tenderness to the atmosphere.

Paintings, panels, and mirrors will help highlight the main color tone. Large indoor plants will also be appropriate in the bedroom.

High tech

The gray palette is ideal for the world of technology and modern furniture. It will successfully emphasize the style direction and tell about the tastes of the owner. Metal elements and glossy surfaces will be a great addition to the interior. This style is characterized by restraint and conciseness. Any item must perform several functions. There are many geometric shapes in the space; furniture and its outlines are subject to strict rules.

To brighten gray surfaces, you need to choose the right lighting fixtures. There are an incredible number of original models in stores, among which it is easy to find options that perfectly match your style decision.

Blue bedroom in different styles

The classic style of the interior of such a bedroom will amaze with its grandeur and restraint at the same time. Light furniture on carved legs, a wide bed, a carved, figured headboard, a gold or silver pattern on the wallpaper, framed by a blue background - all this looks very majestic and rich.

Minimal decor, unusual texture and shape of furniture, bright accent textiles make the familiar interior sound new.

Provence style is the most suitable for a blue bedroom interior, which visually fills the room with air, the freshness of the sea breeze, and the smell of lavender. Snow-white lace, a wrought-iron bed, ornate legs of a snow-white table, chest of drawers and armchairs, light airy curtains and fabric lampshades - all this refers specifically to this style.

The Provence style echoes the marine style, in which shades of white, light blue and dark blue in various combinations are supported by paraphernalia appropriate to the theme: shells of various sizes, steering wheels, striped wallpaper, textiles.

Light shades of blue are also suitable for a Scandinavian-style bedroom. They visually add space to the created interior.

Gray and white

A light tone dilutes the dullness of gray elements and makes the interior sophisticated. A variety of white shades are used indoors. Many people will like the gray interior of the bedroom; it will create a harmonious atmosphere. There is no need to purchase massive pieces of furniture for such apartments; it is better to buy lightweight structures.

The gray and white apartments have a gloss and create a feeling of perfect cleanliness. There should be no bright spots of a different tone, as in black and white variations. It is allowed to add muted brown shades.

White furniture looks inimitable against a discreet background. This is used by professionals for their unique works. The gray and white tone looks great in Scandinavian style. It makes you immerse yourself in the comfort of northern dwellings. In countries where the sun does not often warm with its rays, people prefer to decorate their homes in a neutral palette.


Gray tones will help create a laconic design. A minimum of objects and a lot of free space are characteristic of minimalism. The room should not have intricate decorative elements. Natural materials and functional items are welcome. Minimalism does not have strict standards. It is distinguished by its simplicity, restrained palette and conciseness. Fashionable studios, hotel rooms, houses and apartments are decorated in this style.

Placement of accents

A stylish and beautiful room will set you up for relaxation and bring peace and comfort. It is not recommended to use bright accents for a bedroom in gray tones.

It is worth choosing options in accordance with the law of combination. Cold gray is diluted with emerald and blue. You can choose bedspreads and curtains with graphic elements. For a monochrome interior, chrome light sources are suitable.


It is important to choose the right lighting for the room. To liven up the space, purchase accessories. In the photo of bedrooms in gray tones you can find many ideas for your apartment. Bright elements with flowers look interesting.

A fluffy rug by the bed, beautiful pillows, and a soft blanket will bring coziness to the room. Silver details are suitable for it, which will make the interior special. You can hang a large mirror in a beautiful frame on the wall. Shiny elements will bring elegance and sophistication. There shouldn't be many of them.

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