Bright bedroom - 150 photos of unusual bedroom design in light colors

Whatever the bedroom, its main purpose does not change: it is a place of comfortable relaxation and quiet rest, an area of ​​coziness and comfort.

And a bedroom in light colors copes best with this role.

Brief overview of the article

Benefits of light finishes

Bright bedroom design:

  • makes the room more spacious and comfortable;
  • gently removes negativity and makes you forget about problems;
  • goes well with any decoration, furniture and textiles;
  • practical, since dust is almost invisible on the decoration and furniture;
  • compensates for the lack of light;
  • promotes sound and healthy sleep.

Light shades will help create real home comfort and make the room more neat and well-groomed. They are perfect for both small and large rooms.

Popular design trends

The main advantage of a white bedroom is that there are no restrictions when choosing a design style. The most common:

  • classic style, it is also universal. The color palette includes beige, cream, light gray shades;
  • modern - you can experiment with bright accents and combine different styles (eclecticism);
  • Provence is suitable for romantics who want to retire from the frantic pace of city life. This style is characterized by natural shades: pink, green, lilac, beige;
  • Scandinavian - in this style you can decorate your bedroom in gray and white tones. Quite simple, does not require large financial investments and at the same time creates comfort and coziness;
  • Loft - calm design in muted brown and gray shades, but no less interesting;
  • minimalism gives airiness and adds more light to the bedroom.

A white interior allows you to choose any style, and in all cases, the bedroom design will create the necessary warm atmosphere for relaxation and sleep. You just need to think about your preferences and decide what mood your personal room should evoke: calm and tranquility or bright emotions.

Disadvantages of a bright bedroom

A bright bedroom can become a very boring room if you use exclusively monochrome design, so it is better to use all kinds of shades and small accents. A few dark items can complete the stylish look.

Cleaning a bright room will require much more effort, although, as practice shows, dust is more noticeable against a dark background and it is much more difficult to wipe it off. It is believed that such a bedroom can quickly become boring, but a simple replacement of decorative elements will help the room sparkle with new colors.

Color Features

White is a true universal soldier. Scandinavian style, classic, minimalism, hi-tech, Provence - it lives equally well in any style.

At the same time, it performs several useful functions at once: it makes the room lighter and more spacious, and visually “raises” the ceilings. Achromat conceals the boundaries of space, balancing proportions, emphasizing the lines of contrasting elements, “highlighting” them, as in an art gallery. It also becomes a discreet background for the rest of the colors in the room.

At first glance, white seems harmless and easy to use, but this color has many opponents in the interior. The main argument against it is that it’s too boring, “like in a hospital.” You can avoid this effect by choosing the right shade and diluting the solid snow-white space with colored accents. Just as in any monochrome interior, the lack of color is compensated by a variety of textures and attention to shapes.

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Achromatic tone goes well with other colors. Its classic companions are black, gray and beige. The combination with natural shades, complemented by natural materials and living plants, gives a feeling of comfort. The monochrome palette will be diluted with bright colored spots: red, dark blue, purple, pink or blue.

6 photos

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When choosing white for your walls, it is important to choose the right tone. If you simply buy any light paint in a store, there is a risk that the pure color will be too saturated and will cause that same feeling of a hospital room, for which total white interiors are criticized.

How to choose the right white?

  • Determine lighting parameters. If the windows face north, there is little light, you need to choose warm shades. If the room is always flooded with light, the windows are large and there is a lot of free space, you can experiment with cooler tones.
  • Order color palettes from several manufacturers. Typically this is a free service. They will bring you catalogs with paint samples, and at the first stage you can select several shades you like, compare them with each other and “try them on” for the future decor of the room.
  • Make paintings. Relevant if you decorate the walls with paint. This is the most important point, because paint always looks different on paper or in a picture on the Internet than in reality. Small jars can be ordered from the manufacturer or at a hardware store. Then paint a section of the wall (preferably at least meter by meter). This way you can see how the color behaves in specific lighting, at different times of the day, in the sun and with the lights on. You can paint several shades at once in order to understand in practice which one is best suited for your room.
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Shades of a light bedroom

A modern bright bedroom is not only about the usual white or beige tones, although they are very diverse. There are some lovely colors here:

  • ivory or pearls;
  • creamy dessert and champagne;
  • vanilla ice cream and cream cake;
  • milk-coffee foam;
  • sea ​​sand or light stone;
  • exquisite magnolia and fresh snow;
  • soft brown wood

A large and small bright bedroom can be decorated in more colorful colors. Bedrooms in pastel colors will look charming and sophisticated:

  • blue;
  • lilac;
  • lemon;
  • pink tones.

An unusual design will be a gray finish, which, depending on the shade, gives the bedroom either soft comfort or additional coolness.

Combination of white with other shades

White color is good in its own way and unique in that all shades are combined with it and in any case the design of the room will look advantageous. Let's consider some combination options.

  1. The combination with black has a number of advantages. A bedroom in black and white has always been and will be relevant, regardless of preferences and age. This option makes it easy to choose furniture, appliances and decor. This color palette can suit any style. However, the contrast in colors is not suitable for lovers of calm and subdued interiors. To dilute the contrast, you definitely need to introduce additional shades. And from a practical point of view, every speck of dust will be visible on a black background.
  2. If you prefer neutrality, simplicity and harmonious space, then a bedroom in gray and white tones is one of the best options. Here you can implement a minimalist style. Ideal for small spaces. The combination of these colors will provide a quality break from everyday hustle and bustle and will not cause an emotional outburst. In a white bedroom you can choose furniture with a metallic shade, textiles and decor with gray inserts.
  3. For some, white symbolizes sterility and purity. A room that is too bright can be boring. To diversify and enliven the interior, you need to add bright shades. A bedroom in white tones with bright accents will add dynamism and variety. If one of the walls is decorated in rich colors, it will become the main element in the interior. Popular combinations: red and white, white and blue, sapphire color will add freshness. A small room should not be overloaded with contrasting or variegated colors. As accents, you can choose calm tones: peach, mint, lilac.


Most often, the walls in the bedroom are decorated with time-tested wallpaper or practical paint. Although no one bothers to use light laminate or wooden panels, white brickwork, decorative or simple plaster. Although such exotic options are most often used to create one accent wall.

A light-style bedroom on the north side will benefit from the presence of warm shades that can create a cozy atmosphere. All other bedchambers can be decorated in both warm and cooler tones.

Unusual decor will include stucco molding, carved furniture elements, glass shelves, and mirrors.

Elegant modernity in a trunk bedroom

Designers love to use this style in bedrooms. Smooth lines of the bed and rounded corners of the cabinets create a feeling of aristocracy, and in combination with the functionality of the furniture, the room will be comfortable and cozy. The main element of the interior in the bedroom should be the bed; it is permissible to decorate the headboard with a large picture.

You can use any materials as finishing - laminate or linoleum on the floor, wallpaper or paint on the walls and a whitewashed or multi-level ceiling. The main thing is that only one color dominates in the bedroom - all shades of gray, beige, blue, green or yellow.

For lighting, it is better to purchase a pair of sconces, a floor lamp and table lamps, and leave the ceiling in the shade; when using tension or multi-level structures, you can supplement them with small LEDs, creating the feeling of a starry sky at night.


Even a bright room requires good lighting. Light, light curtains that cover the window only during the day, a central chandelier (spotlights, track lamps), cozy wall sconces, floor lamps or lamps on bedside tables will help create it.

Photos of a bright bedroom will demonstrate the charm of a bright room and help you choose the most interesting features.

Examples of design projects

Finally, let’s look at photos of successful design projects. Let's look at what techniques are used in them and what ideas you can take note of.

Real Scandi

Here is an example of exemplary Scandinavian style. A small bedroom does not seem cramped or cluttered thanks to the light decoration, and the windows painted to match completely blur the boundaries between the room and the street. The textiles are lightweight, layered and (should be) pleasant to the touch. There is no unnecessary decor. Natural materials predominate in the room; light wood on the floor is complemented by a cozy carpet. The only contrasting elements are a black vase on the bedside table and a matching rim on the ceiling lamp.




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Light classic

This recreation area is decorated in a “light” classic style: maximum light and space, minimum clutter. Shades of white flow into each other, then into creamy beige, bringing to the fore a variety of textures and light wood on the floor.

A contrasting tone - deep green - punctually dilutes the light landscape, appearing in textiles and decorations. And plain walls look voluminous and interesting due to the traditional decorative trim of the classical style with moldings.

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Photo of a bright bedroom design

What kind of furniture should be in a bright room?

If the room has a fairly large area, then you can choose massive furniture made of natural wood of a dark color.

If you want to achieve greater lightness and weightlessness in the interior, then it is better to opt for furniture made of glass.

In conclusion, speaking about combinations of other colors with white, one cannot help but notice the uniqueness of the color, thanks to which almost any shade looks interesting with white. The most popular combination is with gray color.

However, it is quite possible to add any other color to the interior, from blue to such an interesting shade of green as olive.

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