13 simple ideas on how to make DIY decor for a teenage girl’s room

All children inevitably grow up, and their needs and views change rapidly. The child is no longer satisfied with a blanket with ducks, bears on the wallpaper and bunnies on the shelves. A teenager needs to express himself and there comes a time when repairs become necessary.

Having good taste is useful to everyone more than once in life. And it must be vaccinated from childhood.

The design of a room for a teenager must necessarily take into account not only the wishes of the parents, but also the preferences, tastes, style and hobbies of the boy. The interior themes of a teenage room are varied: music, sports, technology, cinema, cars or any other.

In adolescence, everyone wants to make the space close to them and often disagrees with the arguments of their parents who talk about functionality.

Minimalism and functionality are encouraged in furniture. It is a rare teenager who will appreciate complex design solutions and an abundance of decorative elements. Teenage furniture is usually compact, comfortable, but quite stylish.

The color scheme is chosen together with the teenager. For boys, these are usually neutral blue, green and blue shades, for girls - pink, lilac, beige.

It is also relevant to decorate a teenager’s room in calm white or gray tones with bright accents.

When choosing materials, it is worth considering that children at this age are usually not very hardworking and will not be particularly happy with frequent cleaning. Avoid soiled and dust-absorbing materials.

Let us formulate the basic requirements for the design of a room for a teenager:

  • Originality;
  • Functionality;
  • Modern style;
  • Practicality.

For each child in adolescence, the image of an ideal room is completely different.

Universal decorations

One of the main recommendations is to select elements that match the overall style. But some decorations for a teenager’s room are universal and suitable for any interior, for both boys and girls. Among them:

  • Original shelves for books, if the child likes to read them in paper form. They can be in the form of honeycombs, broken lines, snakes, bridges, geometric shapes, arrows, drops or branches.
  • A colored glowing jar powered by solar energy, or an interesting lamp in the shape of a balloon, sun, airplane, etc.
  • Interior decorative letters with initials or in the form of a motivating inscription.
  • A bean bag chair that matches the interior theme, an ottoman or hanging chairs.
  • Boards or magnets for notes and drawings.
  • Stylish boxes for storing small items.
  • It is better to choose light paintings. They should be placed at eye level with the teenager. If they show people, make them smile, this will create a positive emotional atmosphere in the room.
  • A triptych or photo wallpaper with nature, an opening window to the sea, a view of the city from the height of a skyscraper, or marine and space themes are appropriate. This is an original and safe way to decorate a room the way a teenager wants.
  • Young aquarists will be delighted by an aquarium in the nursery with bright fish in the form of a soccer ball, flasks with flowing liquid, a TV, a kettle, or made in the classic version. And for those who have a pet - a bed for a cat or dog in the general style.
  • Interior vinyl stickers with images that meet the interests of a teenager.
  • Posters or posters.
  • Unusual wall or table clock.
  • Panel with clips for photos, drawings, notes.
  • Non-standard photo frames, including electronic ones.
  • Designer products for the desk: organizers, book stops, note holders.
  • Place for awards or collections (cars, ships, coins, etc.)
  • Products for athletes, music lovers, paraphernalia of favorite clubs and performers.

Wall decoration

This is perhaps the most painful moment for parents. It is difficult for them to explain to their child why they need to choose calm tones. Find an alternative - use photo wallpaper that will create a special atmosphere. The girl will certainly be able to choose the right ones from the variety of options.

There are other options for wall decor. They will help you on how to decorate your room with your own hands for a teenager. The easiest way is to use vinyl stickers in the form of fantasy plant motifs. They will add tenderness and sophistication to the room.

You can create an accent wall using expensive photo wallpaper. Progressive parents follow fashion trends, so their daughter will be delighted with the soft finish - fabric, leatherette with foam filling. Encourage creativity:

  • Hang photos printed from your smartphone in original frames. Offer the girl a photo print of pictures with friends as wallpaper for an accent wall. Don't want to ruin the finish? A girl can place a photo on a stand with buttons or on a rope with clothespins.
  • Fans of graffiti can turn to professional artists or friends who draw well. If a girl is interested in art and knows how to transfer surrounding objects onto paper, give her... a wall. Choose a place for the future drawing together.
  • An effective and stylish solution – volumetric letters. They place the right accents and can become a way for a teenager to express himself. Letters are made from plastic, wood, fabrics, etc. Find an option that your teenager will like.

If your daughter has agreed to a neutral finish, consider what details to use to bring the room to life.

How to decorate a teenager's bedroom

When decorating such a room, it is worth considering the fact that in this case we are not just decorating the room.

The purpose of the rooms for a teenager implies a functional approach and the creation of a bedroom, playroom and office in one space.

We recommend consulting with the future owner of the room

If the main goal of redesigning a teenage room is based on changing the overall concept of the room, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Color design according to the taste of a teenager.
  • Using shelves and racks in the interior to place your favorite books or the results of personal achievements.
  • Optimizing space by having a loft next to the bed.
  • Give priority to your child's personal preferences.
  • Decorating walls with posters, wood or mosaics.
  • Thematic decoration of the room.

Whatever you create, and whatever additional decorative elements you make yourself, we recommend that you consult with the future owner of the room and find a compromise in all the details.

Types of mechanisms

Sofas have many types of mechanisms, all of them representing variations of several basic solutions.

Stylish “click-clack”

This is an ordinary “book”. It is the simplest design, which is activated according to the algorithm:

  1. raise the seat;
  2. wait until the backrest is level with it.

The process is very simple, but if the child is twelve years old, then it is better to choose a more modern teenage sofa, since even adults often cannot cope with this model.

Its only advantage is its simple mechanism, which is resistant to breakdowns.

Sofa "click-clack". To unfold it, you need to pull the seat up

Fashionable "accordion"

"Accordion" is a very compact sofa. Perhaps the most comfortable model that teenage sofa beds can offer. It’s easy to unfold: just pull the loop under the bottom, the structure will stretch out and the back will lower.

There are no special differences between levels, no special effort is needed, even a 12-year-old boy or a weak 13-year-old girl can cope.

There is one downside: with frequent use, the mechanism quickly breaks down.

Green “accordion” unfolded

Convenient "dolphin"

Quite a compact option. There is no drawer for bed linen. It unfolds in one step: you need to pull the roll-out part towards you, it will come out from under the bottom of the sofa and automatically rise. Even a child can handle it, which is important in your case.

The mechanism must be metal. Otherwise, it will quickly become unusable.

"Dolphin" when folded always has an angular shape

Modern “Eurobook”

A slightly more modern variation of the same “click-clack”. To get a comfortable ottoman to sleep on, you need to pull the loop at the bottom of the sofa. The retractable module will roll out to its full length, and a back cushion will need to be placed on the resulting void. This is very easy to do. However, there will be a difference between different parts of the sofa, which will be felt during sleep.

Unfolded “Eurobook”. If you look closely, you can see the gap between the two parts


There are a lot of options for decorating a room where a teenager lives. But they are realized only when you know how to make handmade things. If you want to learn, use online tutorials, but base it on the style of the room. The designers recommend a few simple ideas that even a teenager can handle.

  1. Set up a work area. It can contain a creative wall clock and a board for notes. A girl can create her own “wish card” - a collage of pictures cut out from the pages of old magazines.
  1. Collect all decorations in one place. Come up with an original organizer for them made of lace stretched over a wooden frame, cardboard wood, or real twigs coated with varnish. You can use figures made of papier-mâché or copper wire.
  2. Find something to do for your diligent child. If a girl likes bead embroidery, crocheting, or sewing Tilda dolls, then let these skills become useful. Original interior items are always appropriate, especially in a girl’s room.
  1. Clean out your wardrobe. Sweaters and jeans that the daughter no longer wears can become new pillows, upholstery for ottomans and chairs.
  2. Find places to keep secrets. Old suitcases, boxes and drawers are suitable for this purpose. Decorate them using decoupage or collage techniques.
  3. Find original places for jackets and raincoats. Get creative: take plastic glasses and attach them with glue to a board covered with beautiful paper.
  4. Give a second life to old furniture. A chest of drawers, a wardrobe, a nightstand with an original handmade finish will take its rightful place in the space.
  1. Use modern design ideas. Wooden furniture in an ethnic style, romantic shabby-chic pillows with ruffles, an ultra-modern laptop, delicate curtains in the spirit of Provence and a comfortable Victorian sofa in bright colors will create an atmosphere of coziness in the space.

Create together with the girl, and joint ideas will not only decorate the room, but will also help you get closer to the child and understand his inner world.

We decorate the house and room with our own hands in an original way

How to decorate a wall in a room. Bubble painting.

This project is also very simple.

You will need: a tablet, a large brush, scissors, white acrylic paint, matte decoupage glue (Mod Podge), tissue paper in the desired colors.

Paint the tablet with one coat of white paint and leave to dry

Cut out 3 circles of different sizes from papyrus paper (you can cut out any other shape, any color)

Distribute the shapes on the tablet as you like, and if you put one color on top of another, you will get new colors

Apply glue to the place where you will have this or that figure

Place the circle on the glue and gently smooth it with a brush (it’s okay if you don’t manage to smooth it completely)

Repeat the process with all remaining shapes

On top of the already glued figures, you can apply another layer of glue

Instagram as a decoration tool or how to decorate a room with photos.

Everything is very simple:

Prepare a square tablet

Print some images from Instagram

Apply glue to the tablet with a brush

Paste the images

* In this example, each image is 10x10cm in size, which means the tablet is 30x30cm in size to fit 9 photos perfectly.

* You don’t have to use a tablet, but simply carefully and evenly glue the square images onto the wall using double-sided tape.

How to decorate a teenager's room. Topographic threads.

Although this work is not difficult, it requires accuracy and patience.

Prepare a wooden tablet, small nails, a hammer and thread.

Place any simple drawing (or in this case a word) on the tablet

Place several dots on the drawing - they will indicate the places where you will drive nails (do not apply dots exactly throughout the entire drawing)

Start driving nails into the tablet

Start pulling the thread - first tie it to one nail and then randomly wrap the thread around each nail, and then you can choose a different color of thread and repeat the process.

Picture from CD cases

This interior decoration is made from 20 CD cases. To make it, you need a little skill in working with graphics programs (Adobe Photoshop).

Find a suitable high-resolution image on your computer, and divide it so that you get 20 square images, the same size as the CD case.

Print each image separately

For each photo, cut cardboard or thick paper and use double tape to attach the cardboard to the photo.

Also, using double-sided tape, attach each image to the inside of the case and close it (of course, you need to remove all inserts from the case, if any)

Carefully assemble your puzzle and attach it to the wall using the same double-sided tape

Toilet paper art or how to beautifully decorate a room

This example actually uses a toilet paper cylinder, and you'll be surprised at how cleverly it can be used in the name of art. The cost of such work is incredibly low, the main thing is to prepare the cylinders, tablet and paint.

Cut each cylinder into several rings of the same size

- “flatten” and arrange the rings as you like on the tablet (you can arrange them in the shape of flowers or leaves)

Glue the flattened rings to the tablet

Use spray paint (in this case white) to color your flowers.

* It is best to paint outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

* You can replace the spray with acrylic paint, but in this case it is better to paint the rings before gluing them.

Paper silhouette or how to decorate a room yourself

For this work, you can copy images of people from the Internet, print, cut out and trace the silhouette on black construction paper.

You can also do the same thing with existing photos of friends and family.

Prepare photo frames

Insert silhouettes into frames

Hang the frames on the wall so that the silhouettes from each frame “communicate” with each other

Design for a boy

For boys, they choose more restrained colors, cool shades and shapes that refer either to sports or cars. If your child is already a young man, then it is better, of course, to take something strict that will make him feel like an adult (can be made of real wood, with bent legs, with carvings).

When making an interior for a boy, they usually prefer subdued colors and cool shades

If the guy is still small, and adult furniture attracts him less than cars, you should take a sofa in the shape of a car or with upholstery from a vehicle.

In general, the two main rules are as follows: the sofa must fit the interior and the child likes it. And let the result be black, with a canopy, side and side mirrors, like a real car.

Decorating a children's room with your own hands

When looking for materials for decorating a nursery, pay attention to old puzzles. You can make interesting appliqués out of them by painting the parts, gluing them to a base and placing them in a photo frame

Balloons filled with helium will be a fun decoration. Secure a couple of these balls on the floor so that they are located at the child’s eye level. Sew and glue yarn hats and hair to the balls, draw funny faces - your DIY decoration for the children's room is ready.

One of the popular ways to decorate a nursery is with colorful paper and inflatable balloons.

It’s easy to create an unusual textile decoration for a children’s room yourself

Bright paper butterflies on the wall in combination with bright pictures will decorate a girl’s room

An original idea for decorating a children's room

You can decorate a teenage boy’s room with posters or graffiti

Decorating a nursery in a marine theme

Bright paper butterflies on a branch look cute in a baby's room

Traditional elements of a baby’s room are bright pillows of various shapes. Patterns for such products can be found in various sources, and the simplest ones (for example, letters of a child’s name) can be made yourself. Decorate the curtains in the bedroom, lamps, empty areas of the walls with garlands of figurines cut out of colored cardboard strung on a thread or fishing line so that not a single area in the room remains boring or dull. Make the interior of your children's room cozy and cheerful with your own hands.


You can make the letters of the baby’s name and other inscriptions with your own hands

A children's kitchen, the walls of which are decorated with stickers, garlands and original wall lamps. Any adult can create such a space for a child.

Any room in an apartment or house will instantly be transformed, you just need to add an unusual element made by yourself. If you are interested in the art of quilling, we recommend watching a master class on this topic in video format.


Decor in a girl's room

You can transform a teenager's room without even spending a lot of money on purchasing new interior details. It is enough to show a little imagination. Here are some ideas that will inspire you to get creative.

  • Phytodesign – flowers decorate life. These are indoor plants, decorating walls with painted flowers, photo wallpaper with macro photographs of buds, or a chandelier in the form of petals. In this style, you can use stabilized flowers - purchase compositions from natural plants in a glass vase. This method allows you to preserve their appearance for a long time.
  • Creative teenagers will be interested in trying to make their own floral ikebana from flowers and herbs.
  • The walls in a teenage girl’s room can be decorated with decorative butterflies, lanterns, macrame, an unusual mirror, curtains - funny pendants in the form of monkeys or tildes.
  • Cover the headboard of the bed with soft plush or, if it is wooden, paint it in a new color that matches your emotional impulse.
  • A dream catcher can be placed above the bed.
  • Garlands of hearts, buttons, beads or paper figures can be used as decoration for a wall, window, doorway or chandelier.
  • If a girl is passionate about creativity, you can purchase or make a box or box for small items using the decoupage technique.
  • A teenager’s wish card will be an excellent decoration and motivating product.

Boho style is characterized by a variety of bright colorful pillows


Decorations include drawings on the wall, a soft headboard, and large lanterns.

Decoration features

The features of creating decor are largely determined by the materials you have. So, if you do not have experience in wood carving or wall painting, there is decoration in simpler forms. This can be felting or quilling. For those who have artistic abilities, batik or painting of various surfaces is suitable.

The following available decoration methods can be distinguished:

  • embroidery;
  • knitting;
  • quilling;
  • wallow;
  • decoupage

Thanks to careful embroidery, works appear that transform the walls. But it must be made in a suitable style. For decoration, several embroidered paintings that can be attached to the wall are suitable. This solution looks good in a spacious living room or studio apartment.

Thanks to knitting, not only flat, but also voluminous decorations appear. Knitted items look great in the bedroom. Such decor for a children's room includes toys, bedspreads and even curtains, which can look very modern.

Quilling allows you to create appliqués made from twisted strips of colored paper. Although these products are not durable, they are ideal as DIY nursery decor. If children are small, it is better to hang pictures made of colored paper on the wall. This way they will last much longer. But if you have a fairly mature child, he will be interested in creating ideas and participating in all stages of decorating.

Felting makes it possible to create excellent wall decor in a child's room. There are such decoration techniques as dry and wet felting. The first option makes it possible to create three-dimensional figures made of natural wool. As for the wet felting technique, it is suitable for appliqués that have a flat appearance.

The decoupage technique is becoming one of the suitable solutions for decorating a living room. All you have to do is transfer the image you like from the napkin to the dishes. This is an excellent solution for those whose living room has a dining area. It is also suitable in cases where there are sideboards for storing dishes in the room. Ideas for using decoupage in different rooms allow you to choose the appropriate option.

In the video: decoupage of interior items using ordinary household cord.


Sofas come in different sizes. When choosing, you should focus on the capabilities of the room and the characteristics of the child (it doesn’t matter whether you have a boy or a girl). There are the following types:

  • Single rooms. This is an ottoman for a teenager (economy class). If the room is small and the child needs somewhere to sleep, then a narrow sofa will do.
  • One and a half trucks. A little wider. On such sofas, the child will not be able to lie across, but he will not fall off in his sleep. This is a compromise option - as a rule, a one-and-a-half teenage sofa can be squeezed into even the smallest room.
  • Double. This is more of a luxury than a necessity - two people usually sleep on such sofas. But if a child turns around in his sleep, spreads out and generally likes wide sleeping places, then he will definitely like such furniture.

In addition, the design, which indirectly affects the dimensions, is also important.

Black sofa bed for a teenager

Built-in sofa bed for teenager

Sofa with drawers for a teenager

Sofas come in the following varieties:

  • Stationary. Such structures do not unfold and occupy the area where they were placed. On the one hand, it’s convenient - you don’t have to constantly open and close the mechanism. On the other hand, they take up much more space than a folding sofa.
  • Folding. Such designs have several variations. In order to straighten some, you need to make a significant effort, while others can be handled even by a child. However, their main advantage is their compactness. Also, folding sofas are often equipped with a drawer for bed linen.

It is worth choosing the size and the presence/absence of a mechanism based on the living conditions and taste of the teenager.

Turquoise sofa for a teenager

Wooden sofa bed for a teenager

Sofa for a teenage boy

Nuances of phytodesign

Decorating a room with fresh flowers is both a pleasant and useful activity. Green spaces have a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional state, bringing the home atmosphere closer to natural sources.

Advice! In order not to turn the room into a greenhouse, it is enough to decorate it with 5-6 plants. If the flowers are small, feel free to increase the number of specimens to 8-9 pieces.

In addition to the direct choice of vegetation, pay attention to the pots. A single ensemble of containers will harmoniously decorate the interior of the room, especially if they are located close to each other

When placing flowers, take care of the optimal conditions for their development: place light-loving ones on the windowsill; it is better to place certain types away from direct rays of the sun.

In addition to green spaces, shelves for them can also decorate the interior of a room in an original way. The choice is extensive:

  • expensive forged coasters are appropriate in a spacious classical-style room;
  • carved wooden shelves will complement the Provençal interior;
  • a laconic combination of glass and chrome will decorate the interior in high-tech style and other styles of minimalism;
  • if natural flowers are replaced by a herbarium and do not require watering, an interesting shelf can be made from a wide ceiling cornice.

If you do not have the skills to care for living vegetation, you can decorate the room with ikebana. Just don’t buy cheap artificial flowers, this is a clear sign of bad taste.

How to decorate a room: flowers

Every housewife knows that fresh flowers are not only a source of oxygen, but also a wonderful decoration for the apartment. Flowers enliven the interior and make it more “natural”. But this technique must be used very carefully. Your home shouldn't look like a greenhouse. Stop at 5-6 plants (if they are small, you can increase the number to 8-9).

The green color of fresh flowers always pleases the eye. Try to choose the right not only the flowers themselves, but also the pots for them. If your “pets” are located in one place, then the flower pots should create a single ensemble.

Do not forget that flowers require care and various conditions. Light-loving plants, for example, will take root best on or located on the sunny side.

If you don’t like flowers or don’t know how to care for them, you can get unpretentious plants, for example, cacti. If you forget to water them, nothing bad will happen.


do not use artificial flowers. They are considered a sign of bad taste. If you want to decorate your home with flowers, but cannot get fresh flowers, then try dried plants. Similar bouquets are sold in decor stores, but you can easily cope with this work yourself. You just need to dry the plants and collect a beautiful bouquet from them. Dried flowers do not require any care and will delight your eyes for many years.

Additional furniture functions

Since most often children's rooms are not large in size, it is important to choose furniture that solves several practical problems at the same time:

  • The presence of internal drawers or sections in the sofa for storing things and bed linen ideally solves the problem of convenient storage systems;
  • Arranging sports walls or corners on the sides of two-tier models will help children maintain good physical shape;
  • In attic models, the sleeping area and the guest area are organically combined. Moreover, the sofa located on the first tier can be considered as a guest sleeping place;
  • Corner models perfectly solve the problem of “dead” corner zones. This is an excellent option for furniture that saves space and saves more space in the room for active movement of a teenager.

When choosing a model, it is important to consider the functional purpose of additional furniture features. For an active child, it is desirable to have a sports corner, and a sociable girl will like a corner sofa, which creates a cozy area for receiving guests.

How to decorate pillows with your own hands

Any teenager's room has a sleeping area. And regardless of whether it is a compact sofa or a large bed, they are all decorated with decorative pillows, without which the room would not be cozy.

Main decor options:

  • Bantami.
  • Ruffle.
  • Burlap and flowers.
  • With ribbons.
  • Embroidery.
  • Application.
  • Knitted.
  • Images.

When working on the design of pillows, it is worth considering the style of the room. Air pillows are suitable for teenage girls, and strict ones for teenage boys, for example, denim ones, with more strict and creative images or decorative elements.

It is important to take into account the availability of a minimum number of various accessories that ensure the process of high-quality cleaning of the room.

Photo gallery

We offer 44 more photos with ideas for interior design and design of a children's room for teenagers in a modern style:

How to decorate a child's room

1. You can start by decorating the walls of the children's room.

Of course, you can limit yourself to purchasing wallpaper with playful patterns and colorful designs.

But if you have a desire to do something special with your own hands, then you should pay attention to the bright accents that are already present in the room

For example, children's bedding and blankets have various images or bright patterns that you can transfer to the wall and/or ceiling. Use watercolor paints to do this.

You CANNOT use aerosol paints to paint walls, as they will harm the health of the child and your health.

2. Unusual wall images.

In the first example, you copy a drawing that is already present in the interior, and in this example, you create a completely new image to which you can add three-dimensional elements. You and your child can make several crafts from paper or plastic and then decorate the room with them.

3. What should I add or change?

Take a look around and think about what you can change in your children's room. Maybe some elements can be decorated or changed. For example, you can replace regular sofa pillows with brighter ones or simply sew (you can buy) bright pillowcases.

You can also come up with a specific theme - for boys you can decorate the room in the form of a pirate ship, and for girls in the form of a princess castle. Add paintings, posters and rugs with a suitable theme (don't forget about wall decorations).

Below you can see a huge number of children's rooms decorated on different themes.

How to choose lighting?

When planning room lighting, you should pay special attention to the child’s workplace. Usually it is placed opposite the window so that natural light falls on it. It will also be convenient if there is a table lamp on it, which the teenager will use when it gets dark outside.

In addition, spotlights are used for zoning a room. A floor lamp in the recreation area, a bedside lamp on the nightstand, a table lamp on the desktop - the room is visually divided into parts in accordance with the purpose of each zone.

Do not underestimate the importance of lamp design, because in addition to their direct functions, they also perform decorative ones.

The choice of lamps is so huge that they will fit perfectly into any interior and emphasize its style. About general lighting, it is worth saying that it should be soft and diffused, spread throughout the entire room.

You need to try not to leave dark corners.

See alsoDesign of a children's room 12 sq m

Boy's bedroom decor for birthday

A beautifully decorated room for his birthday will be a real surprise for every boy. When choosing a theme for a holiday, you should focus on the age and interests of the birthday person. Many guys are delighted with superheroes and pirates, so it’s worth taking this fact into account. Inflatable balloons with your favorite characters, elegant costumes, unusual table decorations - all this will please the little hero of the occasion.

Pirate's birthday

A boy’s room will look most impressive in this style. You can decorate the nursery, as well as the hall where the holiday will take place, with ropes, skulls and bones, and chests. When decorating a pirate party, black, red and white fabrics are used on the table and in the room. The walls can be decorated with toy swords. The festive table with an unusual design in the shape of a ship on the side is complemented by a crew flag.

Football themed holiday

It is much more pleasant to receive congratulations from friends on your birthday when the decor of the room is done in the desired way. If your son loves football and everything connected with it, then it is better to organize a celebration in this theme. The easiest way to decorate a room is to use clippings from football magazines.

You can cut out triangles from cardboard that will serve as flags, and stick a soccer ball or team emblem on top. Using a thread, it is easy to connect the flags into one and hang them around the apartment.

Space and travel

The easiest way to decorate a room with a space theme is to create a night sky with your own hands. Stars or planets can twinkle on a black background, which can be made from cardboard and then additionally painted. You can make planets out of paper and hang them so that they hang from the ceiling. It is important to complement the festive table with skewers with stars and decorations in the form of flying saucers.

Little guests can have a lot of fun at a travel-themed birthday party. The decor of the room is dominated by maps, compasses, and boats cut out of cardboard. Inflatable balloons are most often purchased with designs in the form of a crab or a ship.

What kind of furniture should I put in?

When choosing furniture for a teenager’s room, you need to pay special attention to storage systems. Teenage boys are usually not too keen on order, so small drawers and racks with small cells are more suitable for them. This way things will be stored much more aesthetically, and the boy will have to clean the room less often.

These same repositories of boyish treasures will come in very handy in the workplace, because the main requirement for him is ergonomics.

Everything here should be organized and at hand. In addition, you need to choose the right height of the table and chair. Be sure to make the purchase together with your child and invite him to test the model he likes.

To avoid having to buy a new chair as your child gets older, opt for a convertible model with an adjustable backrest.

It is desirable that this backrest, as well as the seat, be soft, which will reduce the load on the boy’s spine.

Most young men are quite happy with the minimalist style in decorating a room, so you can safely choose furniture from simple and uncomplicated models. The most popular materials are metal and wood, and both products have their pros and cons:

When choosing a bed, don't underestimate the importance of the right mattress for your child's health.

A good orthopedic mattress will correct your posture, and your sleep on it will be more sound and of higher quality.

Not subject to corrosionFragilityDurabilityHeavy weight
Warm surfaceFire hazardStrengthCold surface
Great looksFire resistanceProne to corrosion
Easy to clean

A small room area is not a reason to limit the flight of your imagination. On the contrary, here it’s worth expanding it to its fullest and coming up with a way to save space. There are several ready-made methods for this case:

  • A transforming sofa that folds out to form a comfortable sleeping place;
  • Bed extending from the podium;
  • A bed located on a podium, inside of which there are drawers for storing things;
  • Bed that folds out of the closet;
  • A desk, above which there is a bed in the second tier;
  • Built-in wardrobe.

Functionality comes first, so you need to choose furniture that has maximum possibilities for use.

See alsoChildren's room in loft style: an interesting solution for a city boy

Walls, floors, ceilings: how best to design them

You are decorating a room for a princess. But this does not mean that the colors of the walls and furniture should be kept exclusively in shades of pink, and that hearts and butterflies should be pasted on all surfaces. If this is how a young lady imagines her ideal room, it's worth talking to her about a broader perception of styles.

At the same time, it will become a kind of corner for the girl’s creativity. On this wall she will be able to hang collages, handmade paintings, and various crafts.

The walls can be decorated in the style that the girl prefers. For example, you can choose wallpaper with motifs that are interesting to a teenage girl. Alternatively, plain walls can be decorated with hand-made elements. Butterflies, appliques, artificial flowers. There are many options, from your favorite cartoon characters to physics theorems. 3D stickers, perhaps clippings from posters and magazines, will help with this. A teenager’s imagination is limitless, and you can decorate a girl’s room with your own hands using many means.

You should lay a fluffy, warm carpet on the floor, or maybe a small one. Teenagers, like children, like to spend a lot of time on the floor reading, browsing the Internet and other equally interesting activities. The color of the floor and ceiling should be in light colors. They visually expand the room and make it more spacious. This solution is especially relevant for small rooms.

To decorate a teenage girl’s room with your own hands, you should use exclusively light shades, combining them with brighter colors. If your child prefers dark shades, you should dissuade her from using them in the bedroom interior. Practice shows that black, dark purple and burgundy become boring quite quickly and do not have the best effect on the psyche.

Things to remember

Entering adolescence, girls already consider themselves adults, but still remain children. Therefore, the room becomes something between a children's and an adult's room. Even if you didn’t plan to radically renovate your daughter’s home, some things are still worth changing.

First of all, choose the size of the bed, find higher chairs and choose different decor. It is important that you share your child’s interests in matters of repair.

The highlight of the entire interior can be DIY decor for a teenager’s room. The fulcrum can be a favorite cartoon character, book, movie hero, musician, as well as an uncontrollable childhood fantasy.

Based on your child's hobbies:

  • if a girl likes to draw, then you can select a part of the wall for drawing. Cover the wall with white slate paint, and after drying this area will turn into a kind of drawing board;
  • if the child is a book lover, then equip several bright bookshelves where you can put your favorite books;
  • if you are interested in sports, then make sure that there is enough free space in the room so that furniture and other interior items do not interfere with your activities.

Focus on one theme for decorating the space: it will be easier to implement and will not confuse the teenager in his own desires.

Every teenager will love it if there is something exclusive in his room that no one else will have. For example, a slate board for notes.

It's very simple to create it:

  1. Stock up on primer, sponge, and brushes.
  1. Buy a wooden or plywood board.
  1. Cover the surface of the material with black or gray slate paint.
  1. Place the product on the balcony and wait until it dries.
  1. Attach the frame to the board.

Let the girl come up with a place for fastening - she will be pleased that her parents took a little care of how to decorate a teenager’s room with their own hands.

Window as a decorative element of the interior

A window mounted into a wall, which serves as an interior partition, is a rather extraordinary method of dividing space. Such a solution will not only become the main decoration of two zones at the same time, but will also allow more natural light to pass from one room to another.

A window frame can also be an extraordinary independent art object. Hang it on the wall or place it on the console - this technique will radically transform the atmosphere, adding lightness and elegant charm to it.

An aged wooden frame with a large number of sections looks very colorful. It’s easy to make such a decorative item yourself at minimal cost.

A decorative window frame can not only serve as a decoration for a room, but also be a functional piece of furniture. So, mirrors with glazing like a window frame look quite interesting. A clear example is shown in the photo of the bedroom interior.

With shelves

Shelves are not only a utilitarian element for storing things, but also a full-fledged design detail that can become a real highlight of the wall. There are many options for use, the most popular are:

  1. Several straight tiers covering the entire wall or most of it. Basically, the elements are arranged symmetrically, although they can be fixed with a certain offset if it looks appropriate.
  2. Asymmetrical structures of different lengths, placed in random order. To enhance the effect, you can paint them in different colors to highlight some details and create bright accents in certain areas.
  3. Large storage systems that cover the walls and create a fancy pattern due to the arrangement of shelves. Most often they are made to order for a specific room.
  4. Individual elements of square, rectangular or hexagonal shape. Another fashionable solution that allows you to enliven the interior and give it originality. They can have different colors and sizes; decorative elements are most often placed on them.

By the way!

To give the wall a special expression, paint it dark and hang white shelves.

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