How to make a comfortable dressing room with your own hands - tips on planning, photos and drawings of the best ideas

design of a spacious dressing room in a classic style

There was a time when families dreamed of buying a small-sized Khrushchev apartment with two or three rooms. Although in such an apartment literally every square meter of space counted. Fortunately, that time is a thing of the past. Today, more and more people can buy nice, spacious apartments or even their own houses. In such dwellings it is possible to beautifully, tastefully and comfortably decorate the kitchen, living room, and bedroom. In addition, many such apartments or houses have dressing rooms, the design, projects and photos of which are the topic of our review.

Clothes, shoes, and accessories are stored in the dressing room. A dressing room allows you to free other living rooms from unnecessary things. Thanks to this, they become lighter and more spacious.

Features of the dressing room design project

an elongated dressing room with a small sofa by the window

There is a certain set of items that must be in the wardrobe room. This does not depend on its size. Such items include cabinets, racks and shelves for clothes, hats and shoes. This includes the chest of drawers in which the laundry is stored. The dressing room may contain an ottoman, a mirror, pull-out shelves and drawers. If such a need arises, an ironing board and iron can also be placed in this room. It is possible to design a dressing room yourself or with the involvement of a designer in the project.

If you tackle a wardrobe design project yourself, you will need imagination and certain skills. When preparing a room for things, you should carefully consider down to the smallest detail how to use it to the maximum. The best option would be to fully utilize the entire area, down to the centimeter.

dressing room project with many shelves for storing things

To prevent a spacious, comfortable dressing room from becoming a cramped, unsightly closet, existing items should be removed from the room. These include various hooks and devices that are located in the wall. When the necessary renovation work is carried out, the room will have additional necessary space.

Initially, cosmetic work is carried out. Sometimes it is enough to hang wallpaper or paint the walls. Since most of the space in the dressing room is devoted to shelving, you will only have to treat a few walls. If the future dressing room is small, then it is better to first place the necessary items and then paint the exposed walls. You can use photo wallpaper, this will be a very original and non-standard option.

small dressing room design

A few nuances on interior design

Carpet is not suitable for covering the floor in a dressing room. A large amount of dust collects on it. Therefore, it is best to use linoleum. It looks good and creates an atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

The lighting is chosen to be slightly subdued and dim. But the dressing room should be bright enough. Usually there are no windows in such rooms. Daylight can only enter through an open door. If you install one light source, it will not be enough. It is best to think about good lighting in advance by purchasing a large number of light sources.

corner dressing room project

It is extremely important to install high-quality ventilation in the place where things and shoes are stored. Otherwise, over time, the air in the room will stagnate and become musty. To prevent the appearance of mustiness, the room must be ventilated.

Each owner chooses what style to decorate the dressing room himself, based on his own tastes and preferences. The room may have several racks for clothes and an ironing board. If the room is spacious enough, then you can not only place all the necessary objects, but also arrange a corner for relaxation. This is especially important for the fair sex. They often get tired in the process of housekeeping. Thus, a space where they can retreat and relax is extremely important to them.

The lighting in the dressing room should not be very bright, so one chandelier is enough

Each owner decorates his dressing room according to his own preferences. For example, in the photo of the design of wardrobe room projects in the middle of the room you can see an elegant table or a beautiful soft ottoman. The option of installing a pear-shaped chair is often used. This gives the design of the room a certain touch of negligence.

Selecting functional add-ons

In addition to the basic equipment, the wardrobe is complemented by other auxiliary items.

  • Ironing board. When folded, the ironing board remains completely invisible, since it is usually hidden in a niche or narrow cabinet in one of the sections of the dressing room. For such an additional element, you need to think about the location of the outlet, and choose a place where you can place the iron, taking into account safety rules.
  • Mirror in the dressing room. The dressing room space can be equipped with several mirrors, providing views from different angles, or you can install one mirror sheet that reflects the silhouette in full height. A very convenient option are huge cabinets with a mirrored facade.
  • Dressing room with dressing table. A dressing table with all the attached attributes will make it easier to create an image. Since, thanks to this element, it is possible to combine the application of cosmetics, fitting of outfits and jewelry in one place.
  • Dressing room with sofa. A soft sofa not only serves as a relaxation area, but also provides a comfortable place to place things, combine clothes and create suitable ensembles.
  • Organizers for small items. Thanks to additional organizers, organized storage of small items is created. Jewelry, various decorations, belts, ties, etc. will always be at hand.

The photo shows the design of a separate wardrobe with a dressing table.

In order to easily get the necessary things from the upper tier, a folding stepladder is installed in the wardrobe. In a small dressing room, the stairs can be replaced with a regular stool or chair.

Types of dressing rooms

“The optimal size for design projects of small dressing rooms is an area of ​​four square meters”

To decorate the interior of a dressing room, you need at least two square meters. It will only be enough to competently think about the design itself and how to place the objects.

location of the dressing room on the attic floor

If the dressing room has a large area, then when creating the layout, you should take into account the system of modules and movable partitions. They must be in harmony with the overall style.

A competent designer will first pay attention to the size of the space at his disposal. Depending on it, he will draw up a drawing and properly implement the layout and arrangement of the room.

The optimal size for design projects of small dressing rooms is an area of ​​four square meters. It is in a room of this size that it is most convenient to store clothes and shoes. If the area is smaller in size, then this is not critical. You just need fewer shelves or racks.

long and narrow dressing room in light colors

Occasionally, to create a dressing room, the owner fences off part of the living room or uses a closet in the hallway. This solution allows you to use the surrounding space as efficiently as possible. As an acceptable option, you can create a narrow room. This is achieved by installing a plasterboard partition in the room.

Choice of colors

If you have a limited number of square meters, it is better to choose a light-colored dressing room design. White colors will not only visually expand the room, but will also become a neutral basis for jewelry and clothing.

The photo shows the interior of the dressing room, designed in gray tones.

The most popular and suitable are beige, gray, brown or milky shades. To create a bright background that will shine through open shelves and racks, red, blue, turquoise, yellow or fashionable purple tones are suitable.

The photo shows a beige color scheme in the design of a small separate wardrobe.

Corner dressing rooms: design, projects, photos

If you are planning a corner room for a wardrobe, it is extremely important to measure the required footage. It is very important that the space is compact. To optimally place things, sometimes a small space is enough.

corner dressing room for storing shoes

The uniqueness of the project lies in the fact that the necessary space is cut off from the total area of ​​the room by a partition. As you can see in the photo, in design projects for a corner dressing room they strive to use a minimum of space .

It is best to make a partition from plasterboard. Specialists, as a rule, prefer this material. During the work process, virtually no construction waste remains in the room. In addition, there is almost no dust generated.

The furniture inside is arranged according to two schemes. In accordance with the first scheme, all cabinets and shelves are placed along the wall. According to the second scheme, all objects are placed opposite each other on both sides of the room. The second version of the scheme is more preferable, as it saves space.

open shelving saves space

As a good option, you can use a jumper between the shelves in the form of a spiral. With this method of dressing room design, the corners are smoothed out and the space is optically enlarged.

To save space, it is recommended to install open shelving in the dressing room.

The entrance to the room should be spacious, so it is better to make the door in the form of an accordion. Using the sliding mechanism, you can completely open the dressing room. In addition, such a door will serve as an original element. It will harmoniously connect the dressing room with the living room. With the help of such a designer find, the dressing room will become cozy and comfortable. Choosing the things you need will become easy and pleasant.

How to finish the walls, ceiling and floor?

Decorating walls is not particularly difficult - there are quite a few options, and each of them can be used equally successfully. The most commonly used methods are:

  • wallpapering;
  • prints;
  • painting.

If we talk about wallpaper, it is worth noting that the dressing room, as a room where there should be no humidity, can be covered with fabric, paper, bamboo or non-woven wallpaper. However, remember that the room is small, and too bright drawings will look unfavorable. And they won’t be visible from behind the shelves.

With decorative patterns

If there are spaces on the walls that are not occupied by shelves, then you can think about prints - you can even use your own photographs as a drawing. Please note that this will not be cheap - such prints can only be made to order.

With painted walls

Painting the walls is the simplest, cheapest and, oddly enough, effective option. It won’t require much effort, and the result will be attractive. If you use light colors, you can visually expand the room.

Projects of built-in wardrobe rooms with photos

built-in dressing room

Linear type

The linear type is a clear example of a built-in wardrobe. With this storage option, the necessary items are built along the wall. A significant part of the room area is saved with this option.

A linear dressing room is not so much an independent room in the apartment as a separate niche. Sometimes you can store a large number of necessary things behind an accordion-shaped door. The door opens effortlessly, so any item can be quickly reached.

In a linear type dressing room, pull-out hangers are often used. Any wardrobe accessory can be easily reached with a simple movement of the hand.

Such a structure is made at least one and a half meters deep. Its width depends only on the size of the room. However, if there is enough space, you should not use it as much as possible. It is better to abandon various shelves and niches, as well as all kinds of partitions. It is necessary to understand that in a linear dressing room there will most likely not be additional space to store household appliances. It is unlikely that it will be possible to put an ironing board there.

design of a built-in compact dressing room with many shelves, racks and drawers

It is best to choose open shelving to visually enlarge the space. The depth of the room can also be optically enlarged. To do this, you need to install cabinets with doors. However, such a solution would be appropriate if there is a long wall in the apartment.

L-shaped type

In addition to linear solutions, there is an L-shaped layout for the design of wardrobe projects in the room. This option has certain differences and specifics. With such a solution there is no need to build partitions. The dressing room itself becomes part of the room, fitting harmoniously into it. The presence of shelving optically increases the space.

built-in dressing room in the bedroom

U-shaped type

A dressing room made in the shape of the letter P is a rather original idea. It is believed that such a solution is only appropriate for large, spacious houses. However, this statement is not true: pay attention to the photos of dressing rooms with U-shaped layout design projects in small apartments.

The set in such a room is monolithic. Shelves are not just located on the wall. There are special sections, closed drawers, and clothes hangers placed in the room.

linear dressing room

The space allocated for the interior of the dressing room must be used with maximum efficiency. This is the designer's primary task. The lighting level must also be carefully considered. If space is limited, then most likely the room will be poorly lit.

The dressing room, made in the shape of the letter P, can act as a separate room in which guests are received. This will be appropriate only if there is a room in the house or apartment in which you can allocate a special place for clothes and shoes.

Efficient use of space can be achieved by making certain changes. For example, increase the width of the upper shelves. This maneuver will free up space for storing more things.

Original decor in the interior of the dressing room

The original decor in the design of the dressing room creates a special mood and makes the interior brighter. The main thing is that the decorative elements correspond to the overall design concept of the room.

Wall decoration with reptile skin panels

All photos In the photo: Design of a men's dressing room in the art deco style
Exclusive panels made of reptile skin look charismatic and are perfect for the design of a stylish men's dressing room, equipped with furniture from the famous European brand Visionnaire. And vintage posters look especially advantageous against their background.

Gilded stucco in the design of a classic dressing room

All photos In the photo: Design of a dressing room in the Rococo style
Rich stucco decoration in the color of old gold is suitable not only for decorating a living room in the Baroque or Rococo style, but also for the design of a luxurious dressing room with marble floors decorated with a carved stone pattern and a palace chandelier.

Avant-garde style panels in an Art Deco dressing room

All photos In the photo: Design of a dressing room in the art deco style for a spa area
A bright avant-garde panel framed with a luxurious silver frame is a suitable decoration for a dressing room in the art deco style. It occupies almost the entire wall and is the style center of the interior.

Combined dressing rooms

dressing room combined with bedroom

The simplest and yet most effective option is a parallel dressing room. In this case, you will need a partition and a headset. This is an excellent option for organizing a dressing room in the entrance area of ​​the apartment and living room. However, if the owner wants to store things in a separate room, then this option is definitely not suitable.

the dressing room can be combined with the bathroom

It is important to consider the distance between the walls. It should be at least one and a half meters. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to move in such a room. In general, the optimal distance between shelves or racks should be at least 80 cm.

End hangers help to use space most effectively. It is very comfortable. Cabinets with retractable panels are also often installed.

Proper lighting

For this room you need to choose lighting as close to daylight as possible. Installing halogen or diode lamps that do not distort colors will help with this.

It is appropriate to equip a small dressing room with compact light bulbs or built-in lamps, which can be located in any area of ​​the room. In the wardrobe, you should consider multi-level lighting with LED strips, track lamps and sconces.

The photo shows a dark dressing room equipped with LED lighting.

Projects based on area

The ideal option is projects of houses with dressing rooms, but in an ordinary apartment with a standard layout you can get just as comfortable.

U-shaped dressing room

To make the room comfortable and cozy, it is necessary to take into account certain nuances. They do not depend on where the dressing room will be located. It can be installed in the hallway, bedroom, corridor or on the balcony.

Arrangement work should begin with the selection of furniture. It is best to use a pre-made headset. You can install it either on your own or with the help of professionals.

You can assemble cabinet furniture using individual modules. In this case, the advantage will be to independently choose the design and future storage space for clothes and shoes.

dressing room in a classic style with an island

One of the criteria by which the functionality of a dressing room is determined is the quality of lighting. The lamps in the bottles glow dimly, so it is advisable to avoid them. It is best to use spot lighting. It is worth remembering about high-quality ventilation. Especially if the dressing room is not part of the open space. If the rack on which things are stored is located in the pantry, then a hood or air conditioner should be installed there.

Wardrobe area 1 sq. m.

in a small area, exclusively open shelving is used to save space

In a space of such area it is possible to place things only on racks. However, design projects for small dressing rooms allow you to equip them both in the living room and in a standard corridor . The object is very easy to install and compact.

On such a small part of the space, you can only place a few shelves where, for example, clothes will be stored. Shelves should be additionally equipped for linen.

Dressing room project 2 by 2 sq. m.

compact linear wardrobe

A dressing room in such an area will be small in size, but functional. The room can be made in the shape of the letter L or P. A minimum area is used, but convenient access to things is provided.

A similar room can be arranged in a house or apartment in any room except the kitchen. In a 2 by 2 dressing room project, shelving for things should fit harmoniously into the overall interior.

Dressing area 3 sq. m.

the dressing room can be arranged in the attic or attic if there is good heating and ventilation

An area of ​​this size can accommodate a spacious, full-fledged storage room. It can be open or closed. It depends on the layout of the house or apartment, the arrangement of furniture, and interior doors.

The dressing room can be separated by a small partition or a separate door made in the form of an accordion. If desired, you can put a dressing table in such a dressing room.

Dressing area 4 sq. m.

wardrobe design with multiple drawers

In such a space you can allow yourself to dream. In fact, the dressing room is a separate room. It will contain many things. Therefore, in this case, it is best to visually separate the dressing room from other areas in the living space.

It is worth thinking carefully and in detail about how to arrange objects, in what order and how to use shelves and racks. You can also put a large chair and hang a mirror in the room. See what can come out of such a room in the photo of 4 by 4 wardrobe room projects at the end of the article.

Dressing area 5 sq. m.

L-shaped walk-in closet for storing everyday items

In a dressing room of this size you can safely store a large number of everyday items. Here you can safely place household appliances, for example, an iron or a vacuum cleaner.

If desired, the room can be divided into men's, women's, and children's sections. As a result of such a decision, it will be easy and simple to find the desired wardrobe item in a short time.

Dressing area 6 sq. m.

dressing room design with mirror

A dressing room of this size gives scope to the owner’s imagination. Ideas can be brought to life in large private houses or duplex apartments.

Existing options for arranging wardrobe compartments

Strict and spacious dressing room

Today, dressing room layouts of a wide variety of sizes and configurations are allowed. The most popular is the wall-to-wall storage system, but if you are arranging a dressing room as part of the room, you should take a closer look at the following options:

  • Corner design;
  • A kind of “room within a room”. Such a dressing room has space to move around it, as well as a door leading from it;
  • A dressing room in the form of a large closet, running along the entire wall;
  • Storage systems separated by other items. A good example would be a large number of cabinets, separated from each other by a niche in which a fireplace or wide-screen TV is installed;
  • A dressing room under the stairs, if you are the happy owner of two or more floors of your own apartment or house.

Dressing rooms located in a separate room:

  • A classic version of a wardrobe, where wardrobes and cabinets are located along the entire perimeter. Sharp and right angles predominate, the room itself is square or rectangular, a rhombus shape is allowed;
  • An attic or attic space as an area for storing things and household items.

The choice of one of the presented options depends on your financial security, the size of the apartment, as well as the wishes of all family members.

Design projects for small dressing rooms

“Design projects for small dressing rooms fit into other rooms”

dressing room created on the basis of a pantry

The most common and striking example of such a dressing room is its creation on the basis of a pantry. A pantry that meets the minimum requirements can be used as a separate room.

How to make a dressing room from a closet

The storage room must meet the following requirements:

  1. It must have sufficient footage in length and width. A room that is too small, measuring one meter by one meter, is not suitable for a dressing room.
  2. There should be no large shelves or other storage structures in the pantry. This is necessary to avoid complex dismantling.
  3. Wiring for lamps must be available. However, it can be let down in the future.

dressing room project with closed shelves

As practice shows, very few apartments have storage rooms. Therefore, design projects for small dressing rooms fit into other rooms.

A similar solution can be implemented in a large corridor. In this case, special attention should be paid to ensuring that the dressing room does not restrict the passage and fits well into the surrounding environment.

Most often, a dressing room is equipped in the bedroom. This solution allows you to rid the apartment of a large amount of furniture. After all, all things move to one place. All clothes are distributed on shelves. This creates a system for comfortable storage.

cozy dressing room in a modern interior style

It is very convenient to have a dressing room in a living space. Representatives of the fair sex will appreciate its presence. It is, in a sense, a small world where ladies can experiment, transform and keep their secrets.

But the dressing room is not only for women. All family members store their clothes and shoes in it. Thus, this room is somewhat universal.

dressing room design with transparent cabinets and a small island

When talking about a dressing room, people imagine luxurious and spacious apartments in which representatives of the wealthy class live. But that's not true. Not every family can afford a dressing room as a full-fledged room. But she is quite capable of arranging a modest and functional storage room.

Typically, the far corners of rooms, insulated loggias or niches are used for dressing rooms.

We use the premises for their intended purpose

For Russian apartments, separating part of the room for a dressing room is the only way out, since developers do not provide a separate room for storing things. Despite this, modern designers have already found several tricks that allow them to arrange a wardrobe even in a small bedroom. For example, a U-shaped or L-shaped set will fit very well into any layout. Thus, it will look very nice and will not interfere at all, since it will be built into the wall.

In any case, the wardrobe has a number of advantages over traditional wardrobes, even the largest ones. For many, this component of the apartment is still the same closet. However, the difference is that the dressing room is not a piece of custom-made furniture, and you can store there not only everyday clothes, but also jackets, coats, shoes, sports gear, and much more, this directly depends on the area allocated for these purposes.

Functional and stylish dressing room

The spacious wardrobe compartment can accommodate:

  • Elements of outerwear;
  • Travel bags and suitcases;
  • Hats, caps, bonnets;
  • Underwear;
  • Equipment and other equipment for cleaning the apartment;
  • Various unnecessary things that I would like to hide from prying eyes;
  • Pillows and blankets used only when guests are staying with you;
  • Belts, ties and various accessories, you can also provide a compartment for jewelry;
  • Indoor and outdoor shoes;
  • Some stocks of various cosmetics, including clothing care;
  • You can also set up an ironing area here by placing an ironing board and iron in one of the far corners. Provide outlets for this.

The direct purpose of the wardrobe space is to create a specific storage system, thanks to which you no longer have to spend a lot of time searching for the right clothes or shoes.

The most suitable room for arranging a dressing room in it is the bedroom. This is due to the fact that it is in this room that we set ourselves up for the coming day, create our own image, ironing and cleaning certain items of clothing. In order not to lose sight of a single flaw, the dressing room should be equipped with high-quality lighting, but not too glaring.

After the frame is assembled and installed, set aside several areas for arranging lamps. It is very important not to make a mistake with the color of the lamps, since it should not distort the perception or hide any elements of clothing. It is completely undesirable to purchase green, yellow and other lamps that distort the overall picture. Lighting must be as close to natural as possible. It should feel like you are standing by the window on an early sunny morning. This will not only allow you to successfully select every element of your image, but will also lift your mood for the whole day.

Advice! Take care of the correct placement of the lamps, since they should illuminate you from all sides, but not create shadows when you preen yourself near the mirror.

Modern and interesting ideas and solutions

It is quite easy to organize a dressing room in an apartment yourself. To do this, you need to have basic design skills and understand how to properly assemble modular systems, shelves and racks.

corner dressing room with open shelving and shoe rack

In general, the dressing room should be in harmony with the overall style and interior of the house or apartment. But occasionally it is acceptable to violate accepted standards. This applies to modern non-standard solutions when it comes to lighting and furniture placement. When the dressing room is fenced off with a door or partition, you can safely experiment.

When it comes to managing the space at hand, as a rule, the most daring and original decisions are made. The distance and its functional purpose become the object of close attention.

If you want to visually enlarge the dressing room, you can experiment with the color palette of the walls and the arrangement of furniture. You should pay attention to the correct division into zones and fastening of built-in cabinets.

Making a dressing room layout yourself: tips

A schematic representation of the future design will help you act according to the plan

To prevent unnecessary things from appearing in your home, it is recommended to clearly draw up a plan for your future dressing room. This layout allows you to plan in advance where clothes will be stored, where shoes will be, and also how many shirts and dresses will fit in one section. There are several basic recommendations for drawing up a plan:

  • It is better to depict the diagram to scale by drawing the plan on a sheet of paper using a ruler
  • for a more visual example, you can cut out scaled parts from cardboard and put them together - this way you can understand the full picture of the future system
  • during the layout, you should get a dressing room where drawers, shelves, rods, pull-out baskets will be placed, and the distances between shelves and other elements will be indicated
  • for normal operation it is necessary to maintain the following distances: between shelves for clothes - from 30 cm, between shelves for shoes - from 20 cm, section for shirts - from 120 cm, section for trousers - from 140 cm, section for dresses - from 150 cm and section for outerwear – from 160 cm
  • in the upper compartment there is a compartment for hats, as well as for items that are rarely used
  • on the side, for convenience, it is necessary to make a small high space for the ironing board
  • below it would be appropriate to organize an area for storing a vacuum cleaner

Planning your wardrobe layout in advance will help you avoid mistakes during assembly, and will also help you rationally fit all your clothes in the storage area.

What to pay attention to when registering. Advice from experienced designers

the dressing room should be in harmony with the overall design of the apartment

First of all, the room should be comfortable. The entire dressing room environment must be carefully considered. Often the necessary comfort is achieved through proper selection of furniture.

It is better to hang sweaters, blouses and dresses on hangers. For trousers, it is advisable to purchase a trouser holder.

It will be more convenient to put sweaters and T-shirts on a shelf. It is advisable to place underwear, socks, scarves in the drawers. Shoes are placed on the lower shelves. It is better to put hats on the top shelves.

small dressing room

If space is limited, more boxes must be used. It is also important to promptly remove out-of-season clothing and shoes. It is better to get rid of those things that have not been used for more than a year.

Differences in dressing room layouts for women and men

Any room requires general rules of design and equipment. Here the space from floor to ceiling is used, for this they use the principle of 3 zones.

In the upper zone (above 190 cm from the floor) seasonal and rarely used items are stored. In the middle zone, at a height of 60-190 cm from the floor, clothes that are needed daily are placed. The lower tier stores shoes, accessories and household items.

Arranging a women's room

For women or girls, style is very important. The room is often decorated in pastel pink, beige, green and blue colors. Provence, country, and shabby chic are popular styles. It is important to have a mirror and, if possible, a dressing table with an ottoman. All fittings, shelves, drawers and other fixtures are selected in the same style. Often the room is complemented with designer trinkets.

A woman's wardrobe contains more clothes, small items of clothing and accessories. A large number of drawers, boxes, and organizers help organize proper storage. High sections are required, the size of which is selected according to the length of skirts and dresses.

Male layout

Unlike women, men care less about the external design of their dressing room. Functionality, convenience and practicality play a major role here. Here you need compartments with hangers for jackets, shirts, sections with holders for trousers of different heights.

Men's dressing room is more discreet and simple

For numerous ties and belts, special rods and hangers are equipped. Gloves, hats, scarves are stored in drawers. For active men, a sports corner is a must. To save space, it is installed on the same wall as the door. For example, skis and snowboards can be placed under the ceiling on special holders.

Men's dressing rooms are often decorated in loft, hi-tech, and minimalist styles

In combined rooms, separate shelves are allocated for each person, the room is divided into two halves, and hangers and fittings of different colors are used.

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