How can you decorate a room for a teenage girl? 41 room designs for teenage girls

Just recently, your daughter was just a child, but today she has become a teenager. And this means maximalism, first love and the need for personal space. Now the room is not only a place for sleeping and playing - it keeps its little secrets. How to decorate a teenage girl’s room with your own hands so that everyone is happy?

There is only one recommendation for parents: to take into account the interests of the child, who has developed his own opinion and taste. Ideas, sometimes completely crazy, a teenager wants to implement in his room.

Your task is not to interfere, but only to direct her plans in the right direction. Do not forget to help in choosing furniture and decorative items, monitoring their quality.

What to sleep on

When creating the perfect teen room, why not start with the bed? Since the bed is the centerpiece of our bedrooms, you have to make it "epic". There are plenty of fun options to create a dramatic bed shape in a teen's room, including loft beds, four-poster beds, daybeds, or even a regular bed with stunning bedding. Below are some amazing bed ideas for a teenage girl's room.

If you're good with your hands or can hire someone, wouldn't it be great to create custom bunk beds like these? If you don't have the budget to create the beds of your dreams, don't worry, I have other ideas to suit any budget.

This time it's a custom design with a loft bed. Even if you can't customize a bed like this, this room will give you an idea of ​​what you can do with the space if you have a loft bed. This solution really creates a lot more space, for example, here they were able to add a table area and a sofa under the loft bed.

If you're working with a small space, a loft bed is the perfect solution to increase the living space in your room. Plus, getting a good night's sleep is fun! Yes, this is a great idea for how to decorate a room for a teenage girl!

Another bed is a four-poster bed. A canopy gives the bedroom a more feminine look. If you like a more girly style, this bed might be perfect for you.

A daybed is a great option for a teen's room because it's the perfect place to lounge during the day, and if you remove the throw pillows, it makes a cozy bed at night. There is additional storage space with built-in drawers, perfect for storing all those pillows for the night!

To add romance and femininity to a canopy bed, drape it with flowing fabric at all four corners.

This amazing built-in bunk bed. I love how they added shelves by the bed and an extra loft on top.

I showed you several bed options. You may not be able to buy the same bed, but don't let that stop you from creating something unique. There are many options, including loft beds and daybeds, that will become the focal point of your room. Check out some of the best I've found.

How to decorate a teenager's bedroom

When decorating such a room, it is worth considering the fact that in this case we are not just decorating the room.

The purpose of the rooms for a teenager implies a functional approach and the creation of a bedroom, playroom and office in one space.

We recommend consulting with the future owner of the room

If the main goal of redesigning a teenage room is based on changing the overall concept of the room, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Color design according to the taste of a teenager.
  • Using shelves and racks in the interior to place your favorite books or the results of personal achievements.
  • Optimizing space by having a loft next to the bed.
  • Give priority to your child's personal preferences.
  • Decorating walls with posters, wood or mosaics.
  • Thematic decoration of the room.

Whatever you create, and whatever additional decorative elements you make yourself, we recommend that you consult with the future owner of the room and find a compromise in all the details.

What to sit on

One of the most important parts of a teen's room is the sitting area, where you can chat with friends or find a cozy place to read. There are many options for creating an amazing seating area or reading nook. There are fun hammocks that hang from the ceiling, pretty chairs, or even a place with tons of comfy pillows that are perfect for a teenage girl.

This hanging chair is the perfect place to read a book or even play on your phone.

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Another great seating option is to add a cute chair in your favorite color with a fun throw pillow and a comfy blanket.

Here's another style of hanging chair that looks great in the corner of a room.

If you have a hanging chair, you can create a cozy nook by hanging twinkle lights and adding a pillow, blanket, and soft fluffy rug underneath.

To create a stunning sitting area in a teen girl's room, you don't even need chairs. To create your own cozy place to relax, take advantage of the style of this room and place pillows and blankets directly on the floor.

You don't need a lot of space to create the perfect relaxation area for your daughter and her friends. Here are a few more options for hanging chairs for decoration.

Universal decorations

One of the main recommendations is to select elements that match the overall style. But some decorations for a teenager’s room are universal and suitable for any interior, for both boys and girls. Among them:

  • Original shelves for books, if the child likes to read them in paper form. They can be in the form of honeycombs, broken lines, snakes, bridges, geometric shapes, arrows, drops or branches.
  • A colored glowing jar powered by solar energy, or an interesting lamp in the shape of a balloon, sun, airplane, etc.
  • Interior decorative letters with initials or in the form of a motivating inscription.
  • A bean bag chair that matches the interior theme, an ottoman or hanging chairs.
  • Boards or magnets for notes and drawings.
  • Stylish boxes for storing small items.
  • It is better to choose light paintings. They should be placed at eye level with the teenager. If they show people, make them smile, this will create a positive emotional atmosphere in the room.
  • A triptych or photo wallpaper with nature, an opening window to the sea, a view of the city from the height of a skyscraper, or marine and space themes are appropriate. This is an original and safe way to decorate a room the way a teenager wants.
  • Young aquarists will be delighted by an aquarium in the nursery with bright fish in the form of a soccer ball, flasks with flowing liquid, a TV, a kettle, or made in the classic version. And for those who have a pet - a bed for a cat or dog in the general style.
  • Interior vinyl stickers with images that meet the interests of a teenager.
  • Posters or posters.
  • Unusual wall or table clock.
  • Panel with clips for photos, drawings, notes.
  • Non-standard photo frames, including electronic ones.
  • Designer products for the desk: organizers, book stops, note holders.
  • Place for awards or collections (cars, ships, coins, etc.)
  • Products for athletes, music lovers, paraphernalia of favorite clubs and performers.

Multi-colored shelves to match can also be a worthy decoration for a nursery.

Wall decor

A decorative wall is an interesting idea to accentuate the attention. When someone walks in, their eyes will immediately be drawn to the wall where you made your “statement.” This is a great opportunity to show off everything you love!

Here's an easy and super cheap way to make a wall pop in a teenage girl's room. Just find a tapestry or fabric that you really like and hang it on the wall in your room. I love how they frame the bed in the picture above to create a cozy atmosphere.

Painting one wall with black chalkboard paint is an amazing way to make a wall pop and stand out in your teen room. I would only recommend one wall because if you did everything it would be too dark. For the greatest impact, choose a wall that you will see immediately upon entering your room.

Chalkboard paint is so much fun in a teen girl's room because you can paint on the walls and your friends can write on the wall too, and when you want to change something, just wipe it off and start again .

Wallpaper is a great way to add character to your room. There are tons of great wallpapers to choose from.

Here's another great example of a chalkboard wall and how cool it looks when you decorate it with your own artwork. I love how she designed the wall opposite her bed so she can lay back and look at her beautiful art!

Below are the best finds, including wallpaper, chalkboard paint and beautiful tapestries, to create and style a stunning wall in a teen girl's room.

Window as a decorative element of the interior

A window mounted into a wall, which serves as an interior partition, is a rather extraordinary method of dividing space. Such a solution will not only become the main decoration of two zones at the same time, but will also allow more natural light to pass from one room to another.

A window frame can also be an extraordinary independent art object. Hang it on the wall or place it on the console - this technique will radically transform the atmosphere, adding lightness and elegant charm to it.

An aged wooden frame with a large number of sections looks very colorful. It’s easy to make such a decorative item yourself at minimal cost.

A decorative window frame can not only serve as a decoration for a room, but also be a functional piece of furniture. So, mirrors with glazing like a window frame look quite interesting. A clear example is shown in the photo of the bedroom interior.


If you want to create an ultra-feminine atmosphere in a teenage girl's room, then a chandelier is a great option. Below I will show you some amazing room ideas. Plus, I'll show you lighting options from vintage to modern that are probably cheaper than you might think.

Check out the chandelier, it's a great way to add a feminine touch to a teen's room.

Here they choose a giant chandelier with all the vintage vibes that really stands out in the room.

This chandelier would look great above the bed to give the room an ultra-feminine feel.

This is not the type of chandelier you usually think of, but instead it is modern and beautiful. I wanted to show you this because it's a great example of how you can really add a wow factor with your lighting choices. This is a modern Jonathan Adler lamp.

I found some stunning chandeliers to decorate a teen girl's room in a variety of styles including vintage and modern. Check them out below to see which style will suit your space.

Color selection

For a young girl’s bedroom, you should not choose very bright colors. This negatively affects the unformed and unstable child’s psyche. Therefore, it is worth listening to the advice of psychologists on choosing a color palette and shades of finishing materials and decorative elements.

Traditionally, it is believed that the most suitable color for a girl’s nursery is pink. But, as a rule, girls 10 years old, on the contrary, strive to get rid of the signs of a “little princess.” You can go from pink to peach, salmon, light pink, pastel, coral, lilac, lilac or raspberry tones. Soft pink and its shades give a feeling of carefree and calm, relieve aggression.

For slow, inactive girls, yellow-green colors are suitable. Yellow invigorates and encourages activity, tones and compensates for the lack of sunlight in the room. And it will be balanced by green, which relieves tension and fatigue. But since the predominance of one bright color is undesirable for the interior of a young girl, it is better to dilute it with harmoniously combined colors: green, beige, white.

It is believed that blue and light blue are used to decorate only boys' rooms. But that's not true. Perhaps these are your daughter's favorite colors. Blue, like green, has a relaxing and calming effect. But at the same time, spending a long time in a room with a predominance of blue is depressing, takes away energy and can cause depression. Blue is a good option for hot-tempered, very active children, but it is completely unsuitable for work and study areas, as it interferes with concentration.

It is better to combine these colors with light, pastel shades: gray, beige, white, light turquoise, light yellow. You can perform zoning using these colors. For example, paint the wall adjacent to the place of rest and sleep blue or light blue, and the wall next to the desk – light yellow or beige. You will find tips and photo ideas for painting walls in a nursery in our article.

A universal option would be to decorate it in light colors: cream, powder, beige, caramel. This will not only make the room spacious, but will also give you more options in choosing accessories. If you don’t know how to combine colors, then feel free to choose these shades. They go with any furniture and decor, and the room seems “grown up”.

Some examples of different color design ideas.

Add a little pink

Pink is the most popular color for decorating teen girls' rooms. Why not be a girl all the way and include pink in your color scheme. Look at how the rooms are decorated in the pictures below, in my opinion they look amazing with pink.

Black and pink is a classic color combination that always looks great when decorating. Black will draw your eye throughout the room, while pink will add softness. This color combination will look amazing in any teen girls room.

How to choose curtains for the living room according to the color of the wallpaper and furniture

Another favorite color combination is pink, gray and black. This color combination is a little softer than just black and pink and would look amazing in a teen girls' room. As you can see, they also use white color and natural wood and it looks amazing.

I love the combination of black, pink and gold. Bedding is the easiest way to match your color scheme to your room. I would start with this and then choose accessories for your room that match the color of your bed. If you have old furniture, you can always paint it to match your color scheme.

Grey, pink and white are another amazing color combination. You'll notice that in all of these rooms, 2-3 primary colors are chosen to create a cohesive, harmonious look throughout the room.

The easiest way to add a little pink to your room is with your bedding. Check out the best pink bedding for teen girls.

If you don't like pink, don't worry, I have a few more bedding colors you'll love, I'll share them a little later.

Nuances of phytodesign

Decorating a room with fresh flowers is both a pleasant and useful activity. Green spaces have a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional state, bringing the home atmosphere closer to natural sources.

Advice! In order not to turn the room into a greenhouse, it is enough to decorate it with 5-6 plants. If the flowers are small, feel free to increase the number of specimens to 8-9 pieces.

In addition to the direct choice of vegetation, pay attention to the pots. A single ensemble of containers will harmoniously decorate the interior of the room, especially if they are located close to each other

When placing flowers, take care of the optimal conditions for their development: place light-loving ones on the windowsill; it is better to place certain types away from direct rays of the sun.

In addition to green spaces, shelves for them can also decorate the interior of a room in an original way. The choice is extensive:

  • expensive forged coasters are appropriate in a spacious classical-style room;
  • carved wooden shelves will complement the Provençal interior;
  • a laconic combination of glass and chrome will decorate the interior in high-tech style and other styles of minimalism;
  • if natural flowers are replaced by a herbarium and do not require watering, an interesting shelf can be made from a wide ceiling cornice.

If you do not have the skills to care for living vegetation, you can decorate the room with ikebana. Just don’t buy cheap artificial flowers, this is a clear sign of bad taste.

Table for a teenage girl's room

Somehow, homework becomes so much easier and more fun when you have a beautiful desk, right? There are tons of great modern tables out there. Pair one of these with a nice and comfortable chair and add fun accessories.

Check out the beautiful desks below and steal these ideas for decorating your teen girl's room.

I love how they expanded this small area with a small modern desk and a nice desk chair. If you need extra storage space, you can always take small drawers and slide them under the table for all your things.

Here's another pretty modern work desk. The transparent mid-century modern chair fits perfectly into their space. They made the most of every inch of this bedroom.

I love how this teen added her own personality to all her desk decorations. They make the cutest accessories for any style and are perfect for decorating a small desk.

Here's another cute table that doesn't take up much space in the room. Desk accessories make it the perfect place to work at home.

So now you're inspired to create a beautiful workspace in your daughter's room, right? Below are my favorite desk area organizing items I've found.

We decorate the mirror with our own hands

Take any mirror - round, oval, square. You will also need beads and shells that will serve as decorations. From the tools you need to take a glue gun, transparent glue or PVA, varnish for coating jewelry, adding gloss, a brush and a couple of newspapers.

Just one mirror can dramatically change the entire decor, thanks to its bright decor.

Decoupage is performed in stages:

  1. We lay newspapers on the table and put a mirror on them. The mirror surface should be covered with a rag or gauze so as not to get dirty during work.
  2. Glue small shells around the perimeter of the mirror using glue.
  3. Using a glue gun, we carefully check the voids between the shells and pour sea sand into them.
  4. Let the glue dry for 24 hours.
  5. Apply varnish to the entire structure and let it dry for 24 hours.

The resulting masterpiece can be hung and admired.

Luxurious bed linen

So, we've already talked about how the bed is often the focal point of your entire room. Another way to make it stand out is to use luxurious bedding. By this I mean choosing a variety of textures and decorating with blankets and pillows.

Here's a great example of decorating a teenage girl's room! I love how they paired the black and white quilt with the blue quilt for even more pops of color. Plus, all the pillows look amazing.

Even just adding a beautiful throw to your bed will instantly take it to the next level. Add a comfy pillow to make your room feel like a stylish hotel.

Can't choose a color for your bed linen? White is a great color choice for this occasion, it looks clean and modern. You can always add color with accessories like pillows and throws.

Below are my favorite comforter sets that evoke a luxurious feel.

Create a work area

The workplace should not only be comfortable, but also put the student in a serious mood. Where is the best place to put a desktop? Where nothing will distract the teenager from his studies: away from the TV and other devices that force him to switch his attention. The ideal solution is to place the table opposite the window. The fact is that any artificial lighting is an additional strain on the eyes. Therefore, it is very good if it is possible to place a workplace under or next to a window. If the height of the window sill allows (75–78 cm from the floor), you can “extend” it, turning it into a full-fledged table.

Twinkling lights and garlands

Small twinkling lights are an easy and cheap way to add a little personality to your space. See below how other teens have used them to make their room beautiful, modern and fun.

Here, twinkling lights create a beautiful, feminine atmosphere.

Here the lighting adds a special Hollywood atmosphere to the mirror. In addition, it will be the ideal lighting for the morning toilet.

How to make a paper airplane that flies far and fast

Place string lights around the bed to add lighting for reading or homework. Plus, when you turn off the lights, it will look really nice.

If you have a small shelf near your bed, this is an ideal place to place lamps on it. They don't have to be perfect—a casual look will give your room a boho vibe.

Below are my favorite twinkle lights and string lights that are perfect for decorating a teen girl's room. What I like about them is that they come with a little remote control so you can get into bed at night, change the colors and turn them off without getting out of bed. Plus they are very cheap!

Vinyl stickers

Among wall decor, vinyl stickers occupy a special place. Their advantages:

  1. a wide range of;
  2. ease of gluing and dismantling;
  3. no traces after removal;
  4. affordable prices.

Thematic compositions from stickers look original and beautiful. Little girls will appreciate fairy-tale decor with fairies or princesses, and growing ladies will not be indifferent to exotic animals or intricate patterns.

For the curious, “useful” stickers in the form of a map or alphabet will be a decoration for the nursery, which will be interesting to study in the evenings.

Stickers with a function for drawing with chalk will appeal to little artists and will allow them to show their talents even at a tender age.

Wall painting

Where to store things?

There are plenty of options for storing your items in style. Check out these gorgeous teen rooms that make perfect use of storage space.

Who said you have to stuff your clothes in your closet? If you keep it neat, hang your clothes outdoors, it will look modern and stylish and you will be able to show off all your beautiful things!

Wall shelves like the ones pictured here are a modern, clean way to add more storage space to your room. Since they are open, you'll want to place things on them that look nice, like cute decor and signage or pretty storage containers.

Built-in bookshelves are a great way to add storage space to a girl's room that is personalized and looks amazing.

If you don't have the means to hire a carpenter, there are other options for organizing storage space in a teenage girl's room. Check out my favorite options.


There are a lot of options for decorating a room where a teenager lives. But they are realized only when you know how to make handmade things. If you want to learn, use online tutorials, but base it on the style of the room. The designers recommend a few simple ideas that even a teenager can handle.

  1. Set up a work area. It can contain a creative wall clock and a board for notes. A girl can create her own “wish card” - a collage of pictures cut out from the pages of old magazines.

  1. Collect all decorations in one place. Come up with an original organizer for them made of lace stretched over a wooden frame, cardboard wood, or real twigs coated with varnish. You can use figures made of papier-mâché or copper wire.
  2. Find something to do for your diligent child. If a girl likes bead embroidery, crocheting, or sewing Tilda dolls, then let these skills become useful. Original interior items are always appropriate, especially in a girl’s room.

  1. Clean out your wardrobe. Sweaters and jeans that the daughter no longer wears can become new pillows, upholstery for ottomans and chairs.
  2. Find places to keep secrets. Old suitcases, boxes and drawers are suitable for this purpose. Decorate them using decoupage or collage techniques.
  3. Find original places for jackets and raincoats. Get creative: take plastic glasses and attach them with glue to a board covered with beautiful paper.
  4. Give a second life to old furniture. A chest of drawers, a wardrobe, a nightstand with an original handmade finish will take its rightful place in the space.

  1. Use modern design ideas. Wooden furniture in an ethnic style, romantic shabby-chic pillows with ruffles, an ultra-modern laptop, delicate curtains in the spirit of Provence and a comfortable Victorian sofa in bright colors will create an atmosphere of coziness in the space.

Create together with the girl, and joint ideas will not only decorate the room, but will also help you get closer to the child and understand his inner world.

Between childhood and adolescence

The age of 11-12 years, and sometimes a little earlier, becomes a turning point in a girl’s life - she is no longer a child, she wants to quickly join adult life, but at the same time it is a pity to say goodbye to childhood. And sensitive parents, when starting renovations, will try to treat their daughter’s opinion as carefully as possible, observing a reasonable compromise between her immediate desires and their desire to make the room “for growth.”

Advice: when choosing wallpaper for a nursery, sticking to a gentle, harmoniously combined color scheme, you will develop good taste in a teenage girl.

Photos, paintings

Any child will appreciate it if his drawings are placed in a frame and an impromptu exhibition is arranged. The author will be doubly proud if his creations take pride of place in his nursery.

An older girl's room can be decorated with photographs depicting bright events from her life. Such decor will charge the room with positive energy and give a good mood to its occupant.

Photo frames can be arranged in a non-standard way

Loft style for girls

Although this style is considered masculine, lately teenage girls have also been choosing it. It does an excellent job of developing creative abilities and is always minimalist, which helps you not have to worry too much about cleaning.

A loft-style children's room for a teenager allows you to stick posters of your favorite bands, artists and posters with scenes from your favorite films (cartoons, anime) on the walls. And also use collections of figurines and accessories that match this style to decorate the room.

The brutality is softened by a more delicate color scheme of textures, walls and furniture. The colors of fuchsia, green, indigo, light gray in textiles and decor are always easy to change and remake a room from a loft, for example, to scandi or modern classics. Especially if the walls and ceiling are in neutral colors.

In order not to bother with expensive finishing materials in the form of a brick wall, wooden beams or concrete floor, it is worth replacing them with wallpaper under the masonry, and covering the floor with laminate or gray flooring. Let the ceiling remain plain white.

Furniture for the loft style is steel or wood, simple without unnecessary decoration.

From London to Hawaii

Which girl will live in this room: a thoughtful dreamer or a daring, sociable “life of the party”? Is she interested in dancing, music, dreams of being on stage, or loves playing with kittens and puppies? Depending on this, we will choose the interior design.


Informal in the spirit of urban romance, charming many children aged 11-12 years and older. Signs of the London style:

  • walls (or one wall) with imitation red brickwork;
  • furniture of simple shapes and deliberately rough texture;
  • wallpaper or paintings on the walls with motifs of London city streets, red telephone booths, double-decker buses;
  • avant-garde lamps, unusual carpet, pillows, bed linen with thematic images.


This design of a children's room will appeal to delicate natures, prone to playfulness, grace and aristocracy. A French-style interior does not tolerate flashy colors and sharp angular shapes - only pastel shades, antique-style furniture, a lot of textiles and feminine trinkets. Required:

  • light plain walls or wallpaper with a discreet, elegant pattern;
  • watercolor drawings or black and white photographs of Parisian streets;
  • bed with canopy or canopy, dressing table, chest of drawers;
  • mirrors in forged frames, flower vases, figurines.

A piece of France - Provence style

Hawaiian Islands

The main thing here is a sense of proportion, without overloading the children's room with bright details that become familiar six months after the renovation is completed. Hawaiian interior is ideal for girls who love animals, flowers, enjoy swimming, and have parties with their friends. This design features:

  • wallpaper in light and pure colors: yellow, blue, green;
  • furniture made of light wood, rattan. A hammock, a wall bars, and, if space allows, a sports corner will fit perfectly;
  • many indoor flowers on stands or shelves, an aquarium with fish, bird cages;
  • Color images with views of the beach and sea - for example, will harmoniously complement the interior with photos from a family vacation.


At the age of 11-12, the character of a teenager is changeable; today he is interested in one thing, tomorrow he is interested in another. The ascetic interior of minimalism allows you to create a chameleon room that will change with the young housewife and adapt to her requirements. Making renovations in this style is not difficult, but you must use furniture and finishing materials of excellent quality.

  • white stretch ceiling;
  • the walls are painted with light paint (option - white textured wallpaper);
  • a minimum of furniture - a table, a wardrobe, a bed - of simple shape, made of wood, metal;
  • high-quality flooring – parquet, laminate;
  • Curtains, accessories, a carpet, and large poufs instead of armchairs will add personality. With the replacement of parts, the teenage room will be transformed.


The “boho” or “bohemian style” design allows you not to maintain perfect order in the room. Bohemian chic will appeal to girls 11-12 years old who love travel, art, theater, are interested in painting or photography - in a word, creative people. In such an interior they live brightly, tastefully, with complete comfort and love for details. Basic ideas of “boho”:

  • an abundance of pillows - sofa and floor, instead of chairs;
  • bright rich colors, silk-screened wallpaper, a variety of textures and a mixture of styles;
  • there are many open shelves with various souvenirs; beautiful oriental items will fit perfectly into the interior - Buddha figurines, netski, “wind chimes”, as well as a forged chandelier and candlesticks;
  • The boho design is emphasized by a colorful carpet on the floor and heavy silk or velor curtains on the windows.

Good memories

Photos in the interior of any room are pleasant memories of the brightest and most joyful moments in life. Children love to look at photos and recognize themselves in them. If you want to decorate a children's room, this decor is perfect.

Stickers on furniture and frames on the wall - an option for a teenage girl

Classic photo frames can be hung asymmetrically or in chronological order.

Another option is a garland made of decorative braid, clothespins and photos. This solution is suitable for those who like to change something in their environment from time to time. Photos on clothespins can be changed to other images of the desired color and theme.

A family tree is a decoration that will remind a child from early childhood that he has a large and loving family. The tree itself can be painted or glued. If the child has already grown up and is engaged in creativity, you can involve him in decorating the wall.

Window to another world

The 3D effect is no longer an innovation. The full-wall image will become the main theme-forming element of the children's room.

Stills from your favorite cartoons are a classic, win-win option for photo printing for children.

Pink tones for girls

Imitating children's drawings on the wall is gaining popularity.


They look very impressive, but the price of this type of wall decor is usually higher. Landscapes with fairytale castles will look perfect in a girl’s room.

Photo printing is possible in any part of the room, even on pieces of furniture.

Interior vinyl stickers

- a quick way to make a room feel cozy. The stickers adhere well to almost any surface, and if necessary, they are easily removed and do not leave marks.

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