Decorating a room in stages: simple and stylish ideas, photos of current designs, learning how to make fashionable decor with your own hands

Have you moved into a new apartment, want to transform it, but don’t have a lot of money for renovations? Or are you just bored with the appearance of the room that was left over from the previous residents? Or maybe you are trying to change your life and want to start by renovating your room?

When people start talking about renovations, the financial question involuntarily arises. Some people don’t care how much they spend on decorating a room. Others cannot afford to hire designers.

If the issue of money is clear and quickly resolved, then the lack of ideas for decorating the room brings the plan to naught.

Kitchen decor

A room where household members often get together. When decorating a kitchen, you need to adhere to the general style. It’s easy to implement any non-standard ideas here – from painting walls to decorating furniture facades.

If you don’t have enough artistic skills, you can use ready-made stencils for drawing: photos of painted room decor are easy to find in the public domain. Empty spaces on the walls are filled with paintings or panels made from natural materials.

Panels with 3D effect

A recent fashion trend for multi-dimensional decorative elements is rapidly gaining popularity. The 3D panels presented in the next photo literally attract the attention of others. Reasonable prices allow many to purchase such panels for decoration, while the texture and pattern can be chosen to suit your taste. There are many design options: engravings, plaster bas-reliefs, compositions from various multidimensional details.

Do not forget about the fragility of such products. Installing and transporting them is very difficult, but the visual result is worth it.

Living room decor

To implement living room decor ideas, you can involve all household members. Such joint creativity brings family members incredibly closer together. The easiest way to transform a room is to cut out a symbolic figure (letter or number) from cardboard and cover it with beads, rhinestones, and paper flowers.

This homemade decor is placed in a frame and placed in the most visible place in the living room.

In addition, to decorate the living room they use original pillows and textiles, photo wallpapers, paintings, homemade vases from bottles, and fresh and artificial flowers.


Another way to make a beautiful room is to change the lighting. Working with light is a favorite technique of designers. For example, soft light in the living room or bedroom helps you relax and unwind, and cold bright light in the office will set you up for serious work; multi-colored lighting, colored or wicker lampshades will add festiveness to the room.

LED lamps perfectly support the high-tech style. By the way, LED lighting can now be placed not on the ceiling, but on the floor or on furniture - unusual and stylish.

Bedroom decor

To decorate this room in 2022, designers recommend using natural materials and living plants. The bedroom is a rest and relaxation area, so you need to decorate it carefully so as not to overload the space with unnecessary trinkets.

It is enough to add a couple of interesting details to refresh the interior and give it a special chic. The ideal option is a beautiful painting or photo collage on the wall.

In addition, textiles are actively used for decoration. For example, for rooms in a rustic style, bedspreads made using the patchwork technique or knitted from multi-colored threads, homemade curtains, blankets, pillows, and bedside rugs are relevant. Bold combinations of textiles can completely transform the interior of a bedroom.

An interesting idea for decoration is birds, hand-sewn from fabric. They are attached above the bed with satin ribbons.


An aesthetic painting is a traditional element of home decoration. You can, of course, buy a finished painting from artists, but now hand-made ones are valued no less. Therefore, you can make simple and original paintings at home.

For example, “Picture of circles.” Cover the prepared plywood tablet with a layer of white acrylic paint and allow to dry. Cut out circles of different sizes from paper and glue them onto the tablet in any order. Instead of circles, as you understand, you can cut out and glue any shapes. You can also make an Instagram Picture, in which case you need to paste 9 photographs of the same size and style onto the tablet. Yes, in general, you can make a picture without a tablet, and stick the photo directly to the wall with double-sided tape.

Another type of hand-made paintings is made using the “topographic threads” technique. You need to put the desired design on the tablet and put several points where you need to drive the nails. We tie the thread to one nail and wrap it around each nail in a random order. For a more beautiful effect, you can repeat the process of winding with multi-colored threads.

You can make a panel of dried flowers and leaves that will remind you of summer. By the way, know-how - if you need to place a panel in a room, be sure to hang it at eye level.

Bathroom decor

Bathroom decor, unlike renovation, does not require any special expenses. You can decorate it with the help of mirrors in original frames, homemade items made from shells and sea stones, unusual lamps, and accessories.

Beautiful textiles play a huge role in transforming a room. Colorful floor mats, towels and bathrobes contribute to a cozy, relaxing environment. Shells can be used to cover wooden mirror frames, shelves and towel hooks.

Spot and hidden lighting will help change the atmosphere in the bathroom: with its help it is easy to create a unique romantic atmosphere.

Children's room decor

To decorate a children's room, you should use only safe materials. The decor should be appropriate for the age and main theme. As the child grows up, the design of the room can and should be changed. Over time, shelves with plush toys are replaced by your favorite posters, photographs and bright photo wallpapers.

Attractive details always arouse children's interest. The walls can be decorated with paintings, homemade lamps, and the windows with cute curtains with colorful prints. By involving your baby in decorating the room, you can create many original crafts with your own hands.


Shelves are another way to beautifully decorate a room. If you have several separate hanging bookshelves, you can hang them on the walls in the form of some kind of geometric pattern. Or you can make shelves of non-standard shape yourself - in the form of a triangle, crosses and a hollow pipe and assemble them on the wall into a composition. There are also a lot of options for how to decorate the rack. For example, you can frame it with a baguette, or paint the back wall in a contrasting color.

One important point is that in order for shelves or racks to look like a decorative element, the objects on them must be arranged harmoniously.

Both disorder and empty space are unacceptable.

What to use for decoration (materials)

You can make the decor yourself from any materials that can be found in the house:

  • Cardboard and colored paper;
  • Old CDs;
  • Stones and shells;
  • Glass bottles;
  • Bottle stoppers;
  • Tree branches;
  • Old fabric;
  • Thread and beads;
  • Jute and wire.

You just have to use your imagination and look for objects that will help decorate the interior.

Drawings and painting

There are many ways to decorate a room using hand-drawn images for those who know how to do something and those who do not have the skills of an artist.

1.Frescoes and wall paintingsRequire certain skills.
2.Outline and silhouette drawingsThey resemble an applique made of colored paper and black and white photos, only the outlines need to be drawn (you can invite a specialist) and the blocks filled with a certain color.
3.Textured drawingPrinting forms, relief images, construction roller attachments, and natural materials are dipped into paint and printed on the wall.
4.Abstract drawingThe palette is more important than the recognition of the image. Additional drawings and strokes on top of the “smudge” are possible - the profile of a face, mountains, a musical instrument, a branch with flowers.
5.Stencil paintThe simplest design of a room, the method of applying paint - spraying, painting, contouring, you can combine everything together.
6.Drawings with wet sponges and handsA technique that parents and children can practice by drawing trees, flowering meadows, animals, etc. with their fingers and palms.

A wall in a children's room can be decorated with simple drawings based on your favorite cartoons.

Painting a classic interior requires extraordinary creative abilities.

See alsoModular paintings in the interior

Window decoration (ideas)

Instead of one or two curtains on the windows, you can use several multi-colored curtains at once. This new trend breaks the usual stereotypes and fits perfectly into the interior with a calm finish.

Another non-standard solution is the installation of a window structure into an interior partition. This will radically transform the interior, adding sophistication and European chic to the atmosphere.


It’s not for nothing that curtains are called window dressing. After all, it is this part of the interior that allows you to give the room a complete design.

You don't have to buy expensive designer pieces. It is quite possible to buy fabric and create them yourself, especially since classic and Italian curtains are quite easy to make.

As decorations, you can use a variety of tiebacks, pompoms, tassels, decorate curtains with fringe, lace, embroidery - everything that the craftswoman’s imagination is capable of.

Door decor

Doors lose their attractiveness over time and need updating. Cracks and chips may appear on the surface. Decor allows you to give them a second life. The easiest way to update doors is to paint them with acrylic or oil paint. The surface is first degreased and finally varnished.

Doors can be covered with non-woven wallpaper, posters or photo wallpapers with panoramic images, landscapes, and still lifes.

Another option is door upholstery with artificial leather, velvet, linen, or silk. The fabric is glued with a special casein-based glue, additionally securing it to the sash with a construction stapler.

Plants, flowers

Indoor plants in pots are not only a hobby, but also another option for decorating a room. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the interior of the living room may turn into a greenhouse.

Flowers in vases are decor typical for the summer period. Drawing attention to themselves, they shape the space of the room. Accordingly, if you change the bouquet, you change the design to some extent.


You can also quickly change the atmosphere with the help of new textiles. Bright pillows, homemade rugs and curtains will help create a different mood. If you have sewing skills, making this decor is quite simple.

A sewn pillowcase or curtains are decorated with ribbons, beads, rhinestones, and embroidery. Old pillows and curtains are updated in a similar way.

Original idea - pillowcases with ombre effect:

  1. To do this, the fabric is dyed using a special paint.
  2. You need to dip a wet pillowcase into it 2/3 of the way, then immediately pull it up a few centimeters and leave it in the solution for five minutes.
  3. After this, the procedure must be repeated: tighten the tissue a few centimeters and record the result for five minutes.
  4. Continue dyeing in this way until the pillowcase is completely dyed.
  5. The finished product is rinsed in a vinegar solution and sent to dry.

The original pillowcase with the ombre effect is ready.

Photos of room decor

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