Chandelier for the bedroom - features of choosing the type and style, photos of new modern designs

A luxurious chandelier is traditionally associated with a living room, a large hall with a high ceiling, or, in extreme cases, a formal dining room. For bedrooms, owners usually choose more modest products, pendant or ceiling lamps that do not attract close attention. It is believed that there is no place for too large, original models in a room intended for sleeping. That a spectacular chandelier will look alien in a calm and peaceful environment. And this is a huge mistake!

The right chandelier can magically transform a room. It creates a stylish, atmospheric accent. It radically changes the very perception of the interior, making it more characteristic and individual. Even a typical, unremarkable bedroom can sparkle with new colors, you just need to install a suitable lighting fixture.

What subtleties and parameters should you pay attention to when choosing a chandelier for the bedroom? We will talk about this in our article.

Rules for choosing a chandelier for the bedroom

The purchase of a chandelier is influenced by:

  • interior style features;
  • characteristics of manufacturers;
  • size and shape of the room;
  • personal preferences;
  • ceiling height;
  • main purposes of lighting.

Based on the type of design, chandeliers are divided into ceiling and pendant. Preference should be given to a ceiling chandelier if the distance between the floor and ceiling is less than 2.7 meters, and if more, then a pendant one.

When choosing a chandelier for a bedroom, the following functional features are taken into account: how bright the room will be illuminated, the weight of the chandelier, the light bulb and the size of the socket. In addition to the main function of lighting, the chandelier must fit into the interior and design of the room.

When buying a lighting fixture for a bedroom, you need to consider its size. If the width of the room is less than 10 square meters, then the diameter of the chandelier should be 40 cm. If the width of the room is less than 15 m2, then the diameter of the chandelier is from 40 to 50 cm, and if the width of the bedroom is less than 20 m2, then the diameter of the chandelier is up to 70 cm.

Ceiling, very popular today

Hanging - generally rare, it looks beautiful in the presence of high ceilings. A chandelier in a bedroom interior should look beautiful and not particularly attract attention. Having chosen a small lamp, you need to hang it in rooms with small volumes.

A chandelier for a small bedroom should have a minimum number of additional elements. Massive - naturally suitable for large bedrooms. For ease of cleaning, select a chandelier with simple designs.

How to choose lamps

There are 4 types of lamps for chandeliers:

  • incandescent lamps;
  • halogen lamps;
  • LED;
  • luminescent.

The advantage of incandescent lamps is their low cost, but their disadvantage is their short service life. They are a source of warm light.

The advantages of halogen lamps include bright light, long service life, and use in suspended ceilings. The disadvantages of such lamps include: high price, difficulty in recycling, and inability to use in rooms with high humidity.

LED lamps last 15 times longer than incandescent lamps; save energy, the ability to choose colors and have a service life of up to three years.

Fluorescent lamps are used when it is necessary to create even lighting. They are 5 times brighter than incandescent lamps and last three times longer, but their luminous flux gradually decreases.

Moderate brightness and uniform distribution of light are the key to comfort and tranquility in the bedroom, as well as being comfortable for the eyes. It is necessary that all zones are highlighted. Therefore, combined lighting is better suited for the bedroom. The main lighting fixture is placed on the ceiling, and the local one either at the mirror, or on both sides of the bed, or next to the closet.

If the bedroom is small, then a compact chandelier is better suited here, and if the bedroom is large, then all corners should be illuminated.

Types of lamps for modern lamps

Incandescent lamps are the most inefficient type available today. Their use can only be explained by the love of many buyers for bright, intense light, filling the entire room with warmth. But low efficiency in terms of energy saving will soon lead to the disappearance of this type of lamp from the modern market. Such light bulbs are inexpensive, but, in addition to high electricity consumption, they have another significant drawback - they heat up very much in the process, which can lead to heating of synthetic, paper and other decorative elements of the lamp.

Halogen lamps are bright and energy efficient. This type of light bulb is popular nowadays. The only drawback of such lighting elements is the cold glow. If you can use a similar glow to illuminate the hallway, kitchen and even living room, then in the bedroom most of us would like to create a warm, cozy atmosphere of relaxation and rest. In any case, the cool glow of halogen lamps can be “softened” by the material of the chandelier shades.

Fluorescent lamps - from the point of view of the glow produced, this type is similar to halogen lamps. Cool light also limits the use of open lamps in the bedroom space as an attribute, without shades or lampshades. The lamps do not heat up during operation; they can be used in chandeliers made of any materials.

LED lamps are also energy efficient. Their advantage is that they are available with a wide variety of glow options. The elements also do not heat up during operation.

Color recommendations

The choice of chandelier color depends on the style direction or the color scheme of the carpet, bedspread, curtains. A lighting fixture in a neutral shade will be a good option for any style direction. Neutral colors include white, beige, and metallic.

An unmistakable option would be to purchase a product made of silver, gilding, bronze, or wood. Lampshades should be made in white, cream, pastel colors or simply transparent.

When choosing a brightly colored lighting fixture, you need to be careful, as it can attract attention and distract from sleep.

Popular types of lamps

Now it’s time to figure out the types of light bulbs.

Let's look at the most popular:

  • Halogen. They shine brightly and use minimal energy. Luminescent. Bright and energy saving.
  • LED. Inexpensive, energy efficient and with many different shades of lighting.
  • Chandeliers when choosing lighting zones.

If there is a work area in the room, then naturally it should be illuminated as much as possible. It is necessary to provide for this veil so as not to harm your eyesight. There are chandeliers with shade regulators. In the recreation area, additional lighting devices must be installed.

Modern chandeliers

Modern chandeliers are made from various materials - glass, crystal, metal, plastic, ceramics and others. When making chandeliers for a bedroom in a modern style, even paper and fabric are used.

From decorative parts of plywood or plastic, you can make a chandelier that changes shape or opens and closes like a flower bud - such a chandelier will be a piquant addition to the interior.

Modern residents increasingly prefer LED lighting for their homes, the power of which is controlled by a dimmer or remote control.

Types of chandeliers for rooms of different sizes and stylistic design

If we talk about the method of attaching a chandelier, then all lighting fixtures of this type are divided into pendant (pendant chandeliers) and ceiling. From the name it is clear that a ceiling chandelier is attached directly to the ceiling and is a very compact option for equipping a small room or one with low ceilings with the required level of illumination. A ceiling lamp can be designed as a composition of lampshades with light bulbs and decorative elements located on one “base” attached directly to the ceiling. There are a lot of options for the execution of such models.

A pendant chandelier is a lamp made of one or more shades attached to a cord, string or chain. It is this intermediate link between the ceiling surface and the lighting elements itself that allows you to adjust the height of the device and its appearance. A pendant chandelier can be compact, consisting of one lampshade, or it can be a whole complex of different elements - in this case, the designers’ imagination has no limits.

If we talk about the division of chandeliers in terms of material, then in this case the choice is much richer. The frame of the lamp can be made of metal, wood, plastic, glass and a combination of these materials. But to make lampshades and decorative elements, in addition to the listed materials, a wide variety of options can be used - fabric, paper, wicker, rattan, bamboo and even recycled materials. Designer chandeliers can not only be an original lighting fixture, but act as an art object.

Chandeliers with a metal frame and lamps imitating candles are similar to the lighting fixtures with which the history of these types of pendant lamps began - a slight touch of the Middle Ages makes them an excellent option for decorating traditional interiors and an accent element in modern design.

From a stylistic point of view, classic chandeliers are the most popular. These are various variations on the theme of a pendant lamp with several sockets for light bulbs, often imitating candles, with many decorative elements. This is exactly the type of pendant that many of us imagine when we hear the word “chandelier.” It is not surprising that the classic chandelier has not lost its popularity for many decades. An optimal combination of beauty and functionality, available in a variety of different decor and color options to satisfy the needs of a wide variety of customer categories.

A classic chandelier can transform the simplest, most unpretentious interior. It can become the only decorative element of the interior, while properly performing its main function. It is only important to choose the right size of the lighting fixture, which will allow a modest-sized room to appear larger, and will look organic in a spacious room.

One of the varieties of the classic chandelier is the floral style model. Any use of plant motifs - leaves, flowers, twigs, buds - allows you to create original and at the same time attractive models of chandeliers. Such a chandelier can be either the only piece of furniture using a plant theme and act as an accent, or it can be supported by other elements, for example, the colors of textiles on the windows or the drapery of the bed.

Chandeliers in the Art Nouveau style are usually called many versions of lamps, the design of which is opposed to the classic one. These can be either laconic designs with the simplest lampshades, without decoration, or elaborate models using original material or the method of its application. Such chandeliers will look natural in a bedroom decorated in a modern, minimalist, contemporary, or loft style.

A certain niche in the range of chandeliers for bedrooms is occupied by lamps made in eco-style. The main feature of such lighting devices is the use of natural materials, the dominant place among which is wood, and natural motifs in execution. Such chandeliers will look natural not only in the bedrooms of country houses. Within an urban home, it is also possible to successfully integrate original lamps in eco-style, especially since an increasing number of modern trends in the design of residential spaces tend to use environmentally friendly materials.

Chandeliers for suspended ceilings

When purchasing a chandelier for a suspended ceiling, you need to take into account that additional steps will be required during installation and you need to pay attention to the heating properties of the lamps.

The glossy fabric of a stretch ceiling does not tolerate high temperatures and tends to stretch, so it is better to avoid incandescent lamps. In this case, LEDs or fluorescent lamps are better suited.

The size of the room also influences the choice of chandelier. For a small room, an excellent option would be a chandelier on a strip located close to the ceiling. And if the ceilings are high and the room is large, then a hanging chandelier will do.

Combinations of suspended ceilings with LED strips, spots, and LED lamps look very unusual and attractive.

Spots are small in size and powerful. Individually, they serve as an additional light source, and a system of spots can replace a chandelier.

An LED lamp is a lighting device on which LEDs are located on the base and covered with plexiglass on top. Their light is bright, but soft.

LED strip is a strip of LEDs, the reverse side of which has an adhesive backing. It is used as decor in the design of premises and is a backlight for a stretch ceiling.

Considering all of the above, you can easily choose a chandelier that is right for you. The variety of models presented by different manufacturers will make it easier to find and select a lighting fixture.

First of all, a chandelier should not only be a source of light, but also fit correctly into the direction of your style. Ideally, it should be a decoration and create harmony and comfort in your bedroom.

Bedroom illumination

Of course, in the bedroom a chandelier acts primarily as a decorative element and its appearance is of great importance. But it is important not to forget about the original purpose of the lamp - to illuminate the bedroom space. And in this case, it is important to choose the right light intensity. After all, everyone knows that low lighting in a room creates a soporific effect, while strong lighting creates a stimulating and even irritating effect. It is important to find the “golden mean”.

When calculating the lighting intensity of a room, it will be necessary to take into account several indicators:

  • type of light source;
  • its declared power (experts always advise purchasing a lighting fixture with a power reserve);
  • number of lamps and their type;
  • the material from which the lampshades and lampshades are made (if any);
  • the location of the lampshades (whether they spread light up or down);
  • color palette of the room (the main role is played by the color of the walls).

The main indicator will be the power of the lighting device. In the standard version, this value ranges from 15 to 25 watts per 1 square meter of room area. But even in this case there are some nuances. If the decoration of the bedroom walls is made in light or even white colors, then the power can be reduced, because the light will be reflected well from vertical surfaces.

Among other things, experts recommend using diffused light in all living spaces, and the bedroom is no exception. This means that a chandelier with shades turned up will be an ideal option (although it must be admitted that caring for such a device is a little more difficult - dust and sometimes small insects settle in the bowls of the shades). But the visual effect of expanding the space that can be achieved just by using the right lighting fixture is worth spending a little more time cleaning.

Photos of chandelier design ideas for the bedroom

What chandeliers and lamps will be in fashion in 2022

Modern collections of chandeliers and lamps 2022 seem to be inspired by nature itself. You can easily integrate new lighting installations into arrangements straight from last year's interior catalogues.

This season, designers are still focusing on minimalism, but only in a different version. Geometric design is intertwined with warm, inviting natural materials such as fabrics, wood and living plants.

A real hit is the spherical lamps in the shape of flower buds. The popularity of spherical lamps is associated with the popularization of styles such as modern, loft, hi-tech, minimalism. They all bring joy and promote balance. With this in mind, the 2022 fashion lighting trends were developed.

If you decorate your apartment in accordance with the philosophy of modern interior style, spherical lamps will hit the bull's eye. Choose minimalist models with simple shapes, since the presented lamps should be, above all, practical.

Living room lamps

Most often, it is the chandelier in the living room that is the largest and brightest in the entire apartment. This has been the tradition from generation to generation: only the best should be in the reception room. But even with the best, you have to be careful not to overdo it.

If you are crazy about large, richly decorated chandeliers, then we must not forget that they should be combined with a fairly restrained interior. Otherwise, your living room risks becoming a parody of the Hermitage.

There are several fashionable models this year. One of them is a combination of transparent glass shades with a thin metal frame, somewhat reminiscent of the chemical compounds that everyone drew in their school notebooks. By the way, this option is perfect for kitchens.

Often glass shades are not used at all. The result is something similar in shape to a craft made from matches. To make the chandelier even more interesting, you can choose unusual light bulbs, for example, in a retro style.

Another variation on this theme is sea urchin chandeliers. Ball-shaped, consisting of many metal rods, they will become a bright accent in any living room.

This year's real find for designers was a well-forgotten old theme - medieval-style chandeliers. The forged base of dark colors mentally takes us back to the times of the knights. It is important to remember that one detail in this style in the room will be quite enough, otherwise it is better to stick to modern models, otherwise the living room may begin to resemble an agricultural estate.

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