Chandelier in the corridor - features of choice and placement tips

A correctly selected chandelier for the hallway is an important point that must be taken into account at the initial design stage. The overall impression of the room depends on this. Therefore, the issue of choosing this design and functional accessory should be treated with the utmost care.

Chandelier with spotlights in the hallway.

Features of choice

In order to choose the right chandelier, you should initially take into account the dimensions of the room. If the hallway is large enough, then one lighting source may not be enough. For small corridors, you should not buy a chandelier that is too bulky, as it can visually reduce the area.

Lighting in a bright hallway.

It is important to create the intensity of lighting in the hallway no worse than in other rooms. It is necessary to select devices that will not be too dim and at the same time will not greet your guests with excessively bright light that blinds the eyes.

You should also pay attention to the location of the chandelier itself. With proper placement, you can zone the space, which will allow you to divide the room into several parts or simply visually enlarge it.

When choosing a product design, you need to take into account the style in which your hallway is designed. The chandelier should fit into the interior, and not be a separate component. For a classic style, preference should be given to chandeliers with a similar design.

Hallway lighting with plasterboard ceiling

For such ceilings in the hallway, any lighting options are appropriate. However, pendant lamps and chandeliers must be mounted under a metal profile or a special dowel.

Due to their characteristics, plasterboard ceilings practically do not reflect rays. But you can create spectacular hidden lighting for the corridor by placing shelves with lighting fixtures in the lower box of the structure. You will get stunning light lines with soft, unobtrusive radiation. It is not necessary to make them even - if there are decorative elements on the ceiling, the stripes can follow their contour. The photo shows a vivid example of the implementation of such a lighting project.

Lighting a plasterboard ceiling in a hallway

Color solutions

The color scheme is dominated by light-colored lamps, ranging from white to pastel shades. Black or brown lampshades are no less popular. For large hallways, the best option is black or brown lamps. Following the trend towards everything natural, lately more and more choice has fallen on chandeliers whose designs include wood trim.

Light lamps in a narrow hallway.

Nuances for a private home

Unlike an apartment, a corridor in the interior of a house may have a source of natural light in the form of a window. However, in any case, it is necessary to organize the necessary level of artificial lighting. To ensure a uniform light flow, ceiling spotlights are perfect.

The photo shows lighting with spotlights in the hallway of a wooden house.

It is important to take into account all the features of corridor lighting in the house, as incorrect placement of lighting fixtures will deprive the room of warmth and comfort. For example, in the interior of a wooden building, one should take into account the fact that wood has the ability to absorb light. Therefore, in addition to diffuse lighting, you will need to install additional lighting.

How to choose the right one

When choosing a lighting fixture for the corridor, you need to rely not only on the above recommendations, but also on a number of others. The quality of the ceiling covering and the layout are taken into account.

In narrow hallways, designers recommend installing rectangular or ellipse-shaped ceiling lights. The lamps are located across the entire width of the ceiling.

Lamps along the entire length of the narrow corridor.

Large chandeliers made in a modern style are suitable for large hallways with regular geometric shapes. It is installed in the center of the room. Spots aimed at accessories look great in tandem with it.

Chandelier in a modern style in a large hallway.

Small lamps placed along the entire perimeter of the corridor will emphasize the advantages of a small room. For hallways with low ceilings, the best option is flat lampshades.

Spot lighting along the entire perimeter of the hallway.

Regardless of the shape, color and style of the chosen chandelier, it must fully fulfill its not only aesthetic, but also functional purpose.

The chandelier must fulfill its purpose.

World of lamps

For apartment hallways and corridors, you can use the following types of lighting fixtures:

Ceiling and spotlights are a common technique.

  1. Spot and ceiling lamps. This solution is universal. It is perfect for a tiny hallway in a Khrushchev apartment and for a huge hall in your own house.

An example of a lamp with a rotating shade.

It is convenient when the selected lamps have the option of adjusting the shade. Such devices can be placed both along the wall and on the ceiling.

The chandelier is good for a spacious room.

  1. The traditional lamp in the hallway is a ceiling chandelier. This solution will not be the best if the room is very small. The best option for using a ceiling chandelier is in a hallway that has a significant area and correct geometry.

Wall lamps are optimal as local light sources.

In all cases, a ceiling lamp in the form of a chandelier can be complemented by sconces as local light sources.

  1. Wall “luminaries” are not able to fully recreate high-quality lighting. However, they generate the diffused light necessary in the hallway.

Accent the picture with the help of sconces.

Sconces are also optimal in cases where you need to focus attention using lighting on some decorative element of the interior.

LED lighting around the perimeter.

  1. LED lamps in the form of spotlights or strips have become very popular in recent years. They are very economical in terms of energy costs and are varied in reproducible light colors and designs. Although LEDs are convenient to use, their spectral glow is not always comfortable for our eyes.

Most often, spotlights are used for local lighting.

Local lighting is most often provided using various models of built-in spotlights. They are not only functional, but can also be very original in design.

Practical recommendations

Original lighting around the perimeter of the floor.

  1. Use decorative lighting more actively. Moreover, it can be installed not only on the ceiling or walls, but also along the perimeter of the floor. This way you can recreate the original decorative effects and remove the feeling of enclosed space.

Glazed doors will allow natural light to penetrate into the hallway.

  1. The instructions recommend choosing interior doors opening into the hallway with glass elements on the leaves. This will make it possible to saturate the room with natural light coming from other rooms.

This is how a light with a motion sensor works.

  1. Take a closer look at lighting fixtures equipped with motion sensors. Such lamps are practical and easy to use. They make it possible to significantly save electrical energy without requiring your personal participation. At the moment, the price of such products has become quite acceptable for all categories of users. You can install such a lamp yourself.

Paintings are an interesting design move.

  1. For long rooms, an excellent technique that will diversify the monotony of the walls will be objects of artistic or applied art. They can be illuminated with turned instruments. Bare walls, for example, can be turned into a kind of exhibition for crafts and products made by you and your family members.

Let there be light!

  1. Protrusions or niches in the room also need lighting. To arrange it, it will be quite enough to install a spotlight on the top of the structural element.

When purchasing products for corridor lighting, pay close attention to their color. The most comfortable and pleasing to the eye are lamps and LEDs that are yellow in color. Cool white lighting makes the room look uninhabited. Red irritates the eyes, and blue can put pressure on the psyche.

My light is a mirror...

Good mirror lighting – beautiful reflection!

The mirror, especially when it is large or life-size, must be illuminated as well as possible.

And you will have the opportunity to see a neat and smiling face in the reflection.

Makeup also requires high-quality lighting.

  1. The optimal solution has always been considered to place sconces on both sides of the mirror on the wall.

Traditional arrangement of wall lamps near the mirror.

But design technologies do not stand still. Now manufacturers produce a lot of mirror models that have built-in lighting in the form of spotlights.

But it is better to light the mirror from above.

  1. Lighting fixtures for mirrors should not only be aesthetic, but functional and practical. The best solution here is a lamp with a laconic shape and a light matte shade. It will provide the space with diffused and soft light that does not strain the eyes.

Lamp on a flexible bracket.

  1. An excellent choice would be lamps with a rotating shade or located on a flexible bracket.

Keep in mind that the lamps located near the mirror are a local light source. They cannot replace general lighting.

Photo gallery: Types of chandeliers in the hallway

Designer recommendations: playing with light

When choosing the color and texture of the hallway, you should not forget that one of the main positions in creating its design is occupied by lighting. With its help you can add an original accent, emphasize advantages or hide minor flaws.

Lamp shades will help add a touch of original individual style. They can change the color of the light itself, and therefore the shades of the room. It looks very impressive. How does the color of lighting affect perception, and what chandeliers are hung in the hallway of different sizes?

A long hallway can be decorated with several lamps.

  • Red.

Does not allow you to relax, partially excites the nervous system.

If you stay under its influence for a long time, fatigue may occur.

A chandelier will give harmony to the interior, hide minor imperfections in the decor and help give the desired effect.

  • Blue.

With short exposure it relaxes and calms.

Like blue, it promotes relaxation, but should not be chosen for very small rooms.

It is the most pleasing to the eye and does not tire.

To create a unique play of light, different types of materials are also used, which can reveal the design of the room in a new way. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Material and resulting effect.

  1. Crystal – shimmering light and faint shimmer.
  2. Relief glass - rainbow glow.
  3. Plastic with anti-glare effect - gentle velvet light.
  4. Fabric – soft lighting.

An original approach to creating colorful light and shadow solutions would be to use relief patterns on the walls and ceiling.

The hallway is the place from which one begins to get acquainted with the house. Its design influences a holistic opinion about the interior. Therefore, the correct choice of lighting is very important.

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