Green curtains in the kitchen interior - combinations and design

Rules for selecting curtains

The presence of green elements in the kitchen creates a spring mood, cleanliness, and freshness. The base color can be different - yellow, gray, beige, and bright curtains will help enliven the design.

Translucent light green tulle

When choosing curtains for the kitchen, take into account some features:

  • Based on the size of the kitchen, choose a light or dark green palette. Dark tones (emerald, marsh) visually conceal the area, so they will be inappropriate for small kitchens. Roller or Roman curtains, as well as shortened models, are suitable here;
  • Depending on which side the windows are located on - southern or northern, the density of the material is selected. Kitchens that are illuminated by bright sun most of the day will be saved by thick fabric, such as blackout, and for well-lit ones, choose muslin or transparent tulle;
  • Green creates the effect of completeness of the window composition and fills the atmosphere with calmness and warmth;
  • Green goes well with almost all colors, so these curtains are appropriate for different interiors.

Thick curtains combined with translucent roller blinds

Which material to choose

When choosing a material, several factors are taken into account - attractiveness, practicality, convenience. The size of the kitchen and the location of the window opening play a big role. Curtains not only protect from bright rays and glances of passers-by, but also visually enhance the space. With the right color and style, you can visually increase the space and ceiling height.

Bright Roman blind and thick curtain

Depending on the style, textiles vary. For example, to sew curtains, use dense fabrics that protect from light:

  • Blackout. A material consisting of two layers and characterized by high density. Even the lightest sheet of this fabric completely blocks light. It consists of black polyester threads and an outer decorative layer. Most often, long curtains or blinds are sewn from this fabric;

  • Linen. This is a coarse textile with large weaving, from which curtains of a simple style are usually made, for example, curtains or shortened models;

  • Jacquard. Durable, thickened textiles with beautiful patterns, consisting of natural, synthetic or mixed fibers. Similar in appearance to a tapestry;

  • Matting. Natural textiles with decorative weaving of threads that form a very beautiful pattern. It is great for kitchens because it does not attract odors and dust and does not lose its original appearance for a long time. Most often found in country style kitchens;

  • Taffeta. Smooth material with a shiny surface. It adds festiveness to any interior, it is easy to wash and iron, but it quickly loses its original beauty;

  • Brocade. Material consisting of mixed and silky fibers. The base of jacquard weaving and lurex threads adds chic to the fabrics. Used for sewing curtains or double curtains;

  • Atlas. There are natural and synthetic satins. The outer side has a smooth, shiny surface, and the back has a matte surface. Natural is more difficult to care for, but such a kitchen will always have a luxurious look;

  • Calico, chintz. These are the simplest natural materials that are suitable for any interior, adding comfort to it. But they quickly accumulate dust, become saturated with kitchen odors and fade from the sun.

Satin, taffeta and brocade are usually used in spacious kitchens or living rooms, where they are used only for interior decoration, since these materials are not practical.

To sew light kitchen curtains use:

  • Organza. A very thin material that forms beautiful shimmers in the sun. Such curtains allow the sun's rays to pass through well, slightly darkening the space;

  • Kisei. These are thread curtains that add lightness to the interior. They are used not only for window openings, but also for zoning the kitchen;

  • Veil. Matte translucent textile that can take any shape. In production, cotton and silk threads are used.


By hanging light green curtains in the kitchen, you will not only decorate the room beautifully, but also get the opportunity to reduce weight. After all, green color and its shades reduce appetite. You will begin to eat significantly less food than usual.

In addition, the kitchen will seem cooler. It will become easier for you to prepare food, and the intrusiveness of smells will decrease.

If you choose curtains for a light green kitchen, you should pay attention to the orange color. The room will look much more interesting. Curtains with a yellow tint are used to create a cozy atmosphere.

Which shade of green to choose

In a green kitchen you can find a large palette of shades. They all vary in intensity - from pale to bright. The choice of color depends on the style of the kitchen and its features. The most common shades:

  • Dark green. This color is often chosen as an accent color, regardless of whether it is quite dark. It looks like it has pine needles. Looks very good on long curtains;

  • Light green. A catchy summer shade associated with freshness. Light green color is great for kitchens because it energizes with positivity;

  • Olive. It is a neutral color often used in traditional kitchens. Combines beautifully with white and pearlescent colors;

  • Mint. A color from a cool palette that is suitable for kitchens located in the south and decorated in Provence or shabby chic style. It fills the design with tenderness and freshness;

  • Pistachio. Also a calm shade that is used in classic and modern kitchens. It is a soft, calm and pleasant color;

  • Emerald. A rich color that has a bewitching and calming effect on a person. Emerald curtains will transform the decor, adding nobility and elegance to it;

  • Light green. More gentle than light green, it has a positive psychological effect, creating a positive and calming mood;

  • Lime. This is an unusual green shade with a yellowish tint. It has similarities with light green, which means it is suitable for kitchens, filling the atmosphere with positivity and dynamism;

  • Bolotny. Dark green color with a brownish tint. It looks like a dried bay leaf. Often used in eco-style kitchens;

  • Turquoise. A very delicate shade, reminiscent of the azure coast. This color is represented by a combination of blue and green.

Curtain design options

Printed curtains enliven the kitchen interior. They will always be noticed, and, therefore, will become the highlight of the design. The pattern on the curtains can be similar in other interior elements. The most common prints:

  • Flowers. They have been decorating almost every interior for a long time. A small floral pattern is suitable for kitchens of any size, while a large one is used only in spacious kitchens. Flowers are not only realistic, but also fictional. White and pink flowers look beautiful on the curtains;
  • Strip. Stripes of contrasting green shades will liven up any setting. Striped curtains look stylish in the interior and attract the eye. Vertical stripes visually increase the height of the ceilings, and horizontal stripes expand the space;

  • Abstraction. This print is not tied to any theme, so it will suit a variety of styles. It is better to hang such curtains with single-color wallpaper so as not to overload the interior;

  • Patterns and monograms. They do not tolerate combinations with other prints well, so they are often used with a plain finish. Golden patterns stand out beautifully against a green background;

  • Polka dots. These curtains will add mischief and playfulness to any kitchen. Cream, beige and yellow peas look good against a green background;

  • Cell. Typically, checkered curtains are used in rustic styles - Provence and country. To completely immerse a person in a romantic setting, they add themed accessories;

  • Fruits. Canvases depicting ripe fruits increase appetite and improve mood. They are suitable for any kitchen and any length of curtains;
  • Photo printing. There can be not only simple patterns, but also entire scenes, for example, seascapes, streets. You can order an image on any topic;

  • Leaves. The shape and appearance of leaves affect the mood of the environment. For example, large leaves from a palm tree resemble hot countries and bring positive emotions, while simple leaves represent peace;

  • Gradient. This is a smooth flow of one shade into another. They can be combined both with tones from the green palette and with absolutely other colors.

Combination of green curtains with other colors

Green curtains can be easily combined with many other shades, both catchy and neutral:

  • With white. A common combination that fills the environment with purity and lightness. It relaxes, helps you concentrate and prepare for the new day. Green curtains combine beautifully with white ceilings, walls, floors and furniture. In this case, you can use both dark and light tones;

  • With yellow. Bright models are used for windows located on the north side, as they are associated with the sun and positivity. Snacks in such an atmosphere charge you with positive emotions;

  • With orange. This combination increases appetite, relieves stress, improves performance, and also makes any interior bright;

  • With gray. Both green and gray are natural shades that harmonize well with each other. This combination is very often used by designers;

  • With blue. Suitable for bright, lively interiors, for example, a bright kitchen-living room. To achieve a more relaxed atmosphere, you can dilute this combination with brown. Blue-green curtains will become an accent in the Mediterranean style;

  • With purple. An original combination in which purple and green effectively emphasize each other. Purple combines very beautifully with olive and pistachio;

  • With brown. A natural combination associated with warmth and comfort. More often found in traditional cuisines. Olive and lime go well with brown.


Light green items are preferable for the living room than soft green ones. They do not create a sleepy atmosphere in the room, but, on the contrary, make it sunnier and brighter.

Such an unusual shade cannot be called universal. Not everyone likes him. Some people find bright colors annoying: this is due to the fact that they intensely affect the nervous system.

Salad can be divided into yellow and green. Each color has its own effect on a person. The first gives a charge of strength, a feeling of vigor and joy. He is liked by cheerful, open people, sociable and loving non-standard solutions. The second one has healing powers. It is able to restore, have a relaxing effect, and reduce tension.

Green is associated with safety. This is the color of nature - foliage, young grass. The person who chooses it to decorate the room creates in the apartment an ideal environment for complete relaxation. Something as small as curtains is enough to make your home seem more spacious.

What style is it suitable for?

When choosing a model and shade, style plays a big role. Green color emphasizes the interior, making it unique and harmonious. Such curtains are appropriate in different styles:

  • Provence. To convey the charm of the French countryside, they choose delicate tones, natural materials and simple models, for example, shortened curtains, roller blinds, which reflect the modesty and grace of the style. The materials chosen are linen, cotton or matting;

  • Country. Rustic style, for which checkered curtains or canvases with small flowers are suitable. Calico or chintz models look beautiful, matching other textiles in the kitchen. Often they are attached to a drawstring or ribbon;

  • Classic. The style is associated with natural colors without flashy patterns, for example, marsh or olive. Curtains can be straight, with tiebacks, or drapery;

  • Loft, hi-tech, modern. Practical and convenient models are suitable for them, for example, Roman or roller blinds. It’s good if the color matches the walls. Curtains are made from different textiles, different lengths and shades;

  • Ethno. A style with its own characteristic features - thematic prints and colors. There are options in which the main role is played by color or symbolic designs, for example, national plants.


Light green curtains are purchased for the bedroom to make the room more comfortable. Green color has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calms and helps to relax.

But if the main thing for you is that the room is as comfortable as possible for relaxation, it is better to prefer curtains of cooler shades of green to light green curtains. Don't forget that yellow is invigorating.

You can purchase night or daytime light green curtains for the bedroom or a set of curtains in different shades. Remember that the tulle should be as transparent as possible. It is important that it looks airy.

It is better to purchase night curtains that are thick and do not allow light to pass through. This way you can relax and fall asleep even during the day.

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