Photo wallpaper in the bedroom above the bed: 22 original photos of interiors

Source: // A bedroom is a private area for its owner. The decorative design above the head of the bed must be original. Photo wallpaper is a creative solution that allows you to create a piece of paradise. The owners of the bedroom themselves decide which plot is most suitable for them: they can travel to an exotic country and relax on the sea coast under the bedroom, or lie down in the shade of trees in a marvelous garden where beautiful flowers are fragrant.

This method of decorating a bedroom is considered the most affordable; it also has other advantages: it is both spectacular and effective. If ordinary wallpaper needs to be supplemented with the help of special decorative means, then in the case of photo wallpaper this is not relevant; they can simply be glued to the surface of the wall, which must be carefully leveled.

Types of photo wallpapers

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Finishing materials are produced with paper, non-woven and vinyl bases. All types of photo wallpapers are suitable for decorating a bedroom. There is little traffic in this room, so a protective covering is not required.

When it comes to a children's bedroom, or when pets come into the room, you can use a well-known technique: stick dark wallpaper with a high density at the bottom, and lighter models at the top.

Bed along the wall - 7 ways to protect the wall covering from dirt and damage

The problems of residents of small apartments are often associated not only with how to arrange furniture so that there is still some free space left. It often happens that the size of the room does not allow you to purchase a luxurious bed with a headboard, and the covering of the walls behind the bed gets dirty over time, loses color and wears out.

In this case, renovating the apartment is expensive and not necessary at all. You can protect the covering of a small area in the immediate vicinity of the bed or decorate an entire wall adjacent to the sleeping area. This can be done in a variety of ways.

Classification by subject

The division is conditional; this classification allows the user to determine the search directions.

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Nature. This can be all kinds of landscapes, natural bodies of water, fauna and flora. Such images are in harmony with any style decision. When choosing a color palette, take into account the features of the room: in a small room, the current solution is to visually “push” the walls apart.

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Floral motifs. The floral theme echoes the previous category. Macro photography of half-opened buds serves as an excellent decoration for the interior, but the subject is not compatible with all styles.

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Marine theme. Here the sea is shown in all its manifestations; images of a person at sea, as well as various types of ships, are popular. For big fans of yachting, photo wallpaper is a luxury yacht in a bay or on the open sea. The theme is in perfect harmony with the marine style of interior design.

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Paintings, frescoes and reproductions of famous works of art. Exquisite options will not leave indifferent fans of the classics. The richness of the classic interior is suitable for rooms with a large area where the ceilings are high.

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Glamor and pop art. This direction is chosen by everyone who is interested in the details of “star” life.

What photo wallpaper to choose for the bedroom above the bed : source //
Abstraction. Original and interesting images with clear and blurred lines attract attention. It is important that the owners of the bedroom have the appropriate mood - even an original picture can quickly tire you.

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Modern metropolis. Urban views are suitable for high-tech, loft and modern. To decorate the interior in a unified style, you will need to purchase suitable furniture, the necessary decorative elements and lamps.

Interesting objects

Have you found an art object that strikes your imagination or an item that is extremely dear to your heart? Perhaps his place is above the bed.

Several commonly found wall objects: a panel with fresh flowers, branches, panels or curtains with lighting, compositions of mirrors and a half-canopy.

Practical tips that may come in handy

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  • Photo wallpaper is glued where furniture is not planned to be installed, then the image is not covered by other objects and is clearly visible.
  • When decorating, use the properties of cold colors and warm shades wisely. A cool palette expands the space, which means green and purple tones will help to visually increase the area of ​​the room. To make your bedroom comfortable and create a homely feel, you will need all sorts of shades of red, yellow and orange. The main thing is to remember that a warm color palette, on the contrary, narrows the space.
  • If the picture is positioned vertically, then the ceiling of the room visually rises, while the horizontal placement of the picture makes the room lower.
  • The 3D effect looks great, but only in spacious bedrooms as well as macro images. A small room will seem even smaller.
  • Multi-colored canvases with bright colors require proper lighting, which allows the “plot” to be fully revealed.
  • If you choose perspective, you will need to install additional lighting on the ceiling and walls. Professional interior designers advise choosing wallpaper for the bedroom that depicts a perspective with a light background. But here it all depends on your own taste preferences.
  • The incredible 3D effect is a “presence effect” that can be created in large rooms with high ceilings. However, if you are the owner of a small bedroom, then you can also take the opportunity to transform the interior space with the help of fragmentary photo wallpapers; they consist of only one roll. Also suitable are fluorescent models with additional lighting that distributes diffused light throughout the room, and LED photo wallpapers; they can easily change the composition of the image on the remote control.

What wallpaper can be used for?

Contamination of wallpaper can be caused by various factors: in the kitchen it is cooking, in the hallway there is dirt from the street, in children's tricks. To protect the wallpaper from dirt, you can create a protective film on top of it; this requires a special varnish. At the same time, it is important to understand the types of wallpaper and varnish so that all wall painting activities are successful.

Of course, there is a universal varnish that fits perfectly on any surface, be it plywood or wallpaper. But in order to achieve maximum results that will last a long time, it is better not to paint anyhow, but to pay attention to the type of wall covering and choose the best option for it.

Using white wallpaper in a children's room is not the best option and requires additional protection

Let's look at the most popular of them in turn:

  • Porous materials, such as paper or non-woven fabric, are most often subject to the application of protective compounds. To protect against dirt, paper wallpaper can be coated with various compounds, but the most effective is water-based acrylic varnish. Water-based varnish is suitable for various wallpapers; it adheres well to paper and non-woven fabric; it is used to cover photo wallpapers. It provides high protection from moisture and dirt, and at the same time does not spoil the decorative appearance of the wallpaper. Painting walls with this paint coating is convenient, the work does not take much time.
  • In most cases, vinyl wallpaper does not need to be covered with an additional protective layer. Vinyl is already an excellent modern material that easily tolerates moisture and is ready for constant washing. An additional layer of varnish applied on top can harm the decorative and practical qualities of the wallpaper. It is permissible to varnish only foamed vinyl wallpaper, the material of which is the most delicate and vulnerable. Hot stamping vinyl sheets do not require additional processing, so there is no need to paint them.
  • Natural wallpapers, such as cork, wood, bamboo, most often require additional processing, because they do not tolerate moisture particularly well in their natural state. Knowing this, manufacturers of paints and varnishes have prepared a special varnish for each type of material. For example, using regular varnish for cork wallpaper is unacceptable, since it significantly reduces the elasticity of the material, while at the same time closing the holes and pores through which air passes through the cork. The special composition partly solves these problems. Bamboo wallpaper is not so sensitive, so you can choose any varnish for it, and after the wall sticker has been successfully applied, the coating should be varnished. It is, of course, advisable to paint bamboo with a clear coating, since it already has a pleasant color.

Bamboo on a balcony often requires additional protection

  • Whatever varnish you want to cover your fabric wallpaper with, it will definitely be the wrong decision. You will not gain any benefit from this event, due to the characteristics of this material, but you can ruin the decorative surface in the bud. If you want to try it anyway, start varnishing in a corner and see how poorly the fabric reacts to this treatment.
  • You can varnish liquid wallpaper without even using a brush; just add the composition to the mixture during its preparation. Without a doubt, this will be a worthy solution designed to enhance the performance of the material. The varnish will perform especially well if you use it to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands from paper. If you miss the moment, there is nothing to worry about, you can also apply a varnish coating to the finished liquid wallpaper finish; special compositions are produced for this. However, in this case, you will have to work hard to carefully apply the varnish to the entire surface of the wall, with all its flaws and growths. In some cases, liquid wallpaper will look even better after varnishing.

What do you need to know about the rules of color combinations?

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A harmonious interior in the bedroom is easy to create if you maintain a balance between rich colors and a neutral or calm overall tone. If the picture shows the Garden of Eden, delighting with lush greenery, then you need light wall decoration and light furniture. A classic combination considered a win-win is sea aquamarine surrounded by sandy shades. When choosing photo wallpaper in pastel colors in the interior, you need to make several color accents.

Important information! All people perceive the same colors differently. Sometimes strange combinations, which for most people seem unacceptable and unworthy of attention, delight someone. Before you buy rolled finishing materials, get acquainted with the current offers that are in demand and consider various options for combining tones. Consult with knowledgeable experts to find out how the photo wallpaper you choose will fit into the overall style of your bedroom.

Shelves and niches

When choosing how to protect the wallpaper behind the bed and decorate the wall, you should think about shelves or niches. It is not only beautiful, but also convenient and functional. You can place books, lamps, soft toys, small vases or flower arrangements on them.

The height of the shelf attachment should be equal to the length of your arm. This will allow you to quickly get the necessary thing from a lying position. If the option of sitting in a bed is provided, then the height of the shelf should be the height of a person in a sitting position plus 15 cm. You can make several shelves. But in this case, it is necessary to use lightweight structures so that there is no feeling of hanging over your head while resting.

To decorate a niche, an insert made of wood, glass, leather, fabric or plastic, LED lighting, paintings, photographs can be used.

Important benefits

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Photo wallpapers have many advantages, among which the main ones stand out:

  • diverse storylines;
  • the ability to choose any color scheme;
  • there are options for all interiors;
  • the opportunity to create a unique model;
  • wide range of prices;
  • the presence of a kind of zest in the interior;
  • ease of application to the surface.

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If the bedroom interior is already quite boring, then it is not at all necessary to undertake a major renovation. Simply complement the decorative design of the room with photo wallpaper. Finishing materials are amazingly combined with any interior. Decorate the area above the head of the bed with beautiful canvases, and the bedroom will be radically transformed.

If you are interested in applying a unique design to canvases, then this option will cost more than ready-made models. Prices for rolled materials vary depending on their quality, uniqueness, country of origin and brand.

With the help of suitable photo wallpapers it’s easy to create the mood you want, you just need to use your imagination a little. The realism of the images is amazing; paste a background of the sky with running clouds, and the feeling of flight when entering the room is guaranteed.

You can make an imitation of a window, creating the illusion of a magical forest or a blooming garden. Photo wallpapers with perspective will expand the space limited by walls and invite you to take a long walk along a park alley or city square.

Painting the walls

The wall at the head of the bed can be painted with washable water-based paint. The advantages of this modern material are:

  • long-term preservation of color and shine due to the presence of modifiers;
  • the ability to carry out wet cleaning using household chemicals;
  • versatility when choosing the surface on which the paint is applied (concrete, drywall, plaster, brick, wallpaper and some others);
  • efficiency;
  • high degree of maintainability, allowing you to paint over and renew the wall surface;
  • richness of color palette.

To create a unique design, you should invite an artist to paint a thematic picture on the wall.

Photo wallpaper as a piece of art

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Manufacturers of photo wallpapers offer consumers fantastic collections with intricate plots and an incredible palette of colors. The engraving behind the bed ennobles the room and looks very unusual, like a set for an old movie.

Cartoon characters and 3D effects are suitable for a child’s bedroom. Shrek, donkey and others will come to life and become true friends for the baby. An equally interesting option is a tropical “photo painting”, which you can paint yourself using the most daring color combinations.

Soft panels

The bedside space will be beautifully and reliably protected by decorative elements that will add zest and make the room more comfortable. You can order them in a store or make them yourself. To do this, cut out parts of the required size from plywood or chipboard, apply a soft base (foam rubber or padding polyester) and attach with a stapler. Then choose a material that suits the situation and also secure it with metal staples.

Popular decorative option

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Create a green tranquility in your bedroom that fills the atmosphere with calm and harmony. In a private place you will always feel calm, and your sleep will be healthy and sound.

To create a soothing atmosphere with 50 shades of green at your disposal, it is important to know all the nuances of their use.

The green color itself is associated with the bosom of nature, symbolizing rebirth, youth and coolness. It is made by mixing blue and yellow together. This is where the fun begins - if blue predominates in the interior palette, it will feel cool, and a blue tone with great saturation will add aggressiveness. Shades of yellow range from the light of warm grass heated by the sun's rays to mown hay in autumn. The main thing is to use moderation when selecting tones; too much can lead to undesirable results.

The most suitable shades of green for the bedroom:

  • soft green;
  • olives;
  • mint;
  • kiwi;
  • green apple;
  • pistachios

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Experts note that the green spectrum is always pleasant for the eyes. However, there are also shades that are not recommended for use in the bedroom:

  • neon is too bright and causes irritation.
  • malachite is a difficult color to perceive; it puts pressure on a person.
  • jade - greatly narrows the internal space, not suitable for small rooms.
  • emerald – energizes rather than relaxes.

Liquid wallpaper for a bedroom with a white bed

It is quite difficult to keep the space near the bed near the wall from getting dirty. Therefore, the wall covering should be easy to wash without losing its aesthetic appearance. This material is liquid wallpaper in the bedroom near the bed instead of a carpet, which is available in a wide range of colors, allowing you to choose the right shade to decorate the interior of the room and take into account what wallpaper will suit a brown bed.

This finish includes cellulose fibers and glue, and wood shavings, mica, sand and other elements are often added to give it texture.

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to fading under the influence of ultraviolet radiation (this is important for rooms with windows facing the sunny side);
  • do not contain allergens or components harmful to human health;
  • unpretentious when applied, as they can be used on various surfaces, filling cracks and small irregularities;
  • the possibility of additional decoration with patterns.

Extravagant options

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If you like unique solutions, but the goods in the store seem ordinary to you, it is possible that you need abstraction. The world of abstract images looks like the object of a prestigious art gallery.

An unusual blurry picture is suitable for young people, active and full of energy. Spotted photo wallpapers in store windows are labeled as reproductions of abstract artists. Therefore, Van Gogh’s painting in the bedroom can become a reality at the request of its owners.

Photo wallpaper with abstraction will look good above the bed. But still, before buying, you should consult with your other half. Not every person likes abstract art, and this should be understood. Some people prefer regularity, but bright colors stress and tire them.

Incredible vintage chic options include wall murals.

Long shelf

This solution is now in trend, and deservedly so - it looks elegant, beautiful and also functional. A horizontal line visually expands the space, and if you paint the wall below and above the shelf in different colors, the effect will be enhanced.

Choose a shelf that is not wide so that you can put small decor, posters and photographs on it. If you are afraid that all this will fall on your head at night, stop on a shelf with a side. If the shelf is very narrow, a curtain string stretched a short distance above it will also cope with this task. On such a design you can even place a book or a laptop (vertically), put small items and hang glasses on a string - you see, you will be able to do without a bedside table.

Possibilities of blue in the bedroom interior

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If you contemplate the expanses of heaven or sea, you can find peace. Floating clouds or waves deserve a place in your bedroom.

Photo wallpapers made in all shades of blue will appeal to any person who is attracted by the feeling of cleanliness and freshness, who wants renewal. If you turn to professional psychologists, not all experts recommend using blue in the room where people sleep. This color may be heavy if the picture shows the sea during a storm or a stormy sky. Subconsciously, a drawing can have a depressing effect, as a result a person will feel inexplicable anxiety and may lose sleep.

For the bedroom, choose light shades of blue with calm themes. Let it be a blue lagoon, where it is so pleasant to lie on the golden sand and bask in the rays of the sun, or the sky with white clouds slowly floating into the distance.

In the children's bedroom, stick a photo wallpaper depicting the sea king Neptune or an uninhabited island surrounded on all sides by water. If the room is spacious and bright, then any fantasies can be realized.

Important information! Blue and blue belong to a cold palette; if the bedroom is located in the north, then use shades with caution.

Shelves and niches

A beautiful and useful type of decoration. Books, toys, small vases and various necessary little things are placed on the shelves.

There are many more ways to protect the coating. The demonstrated imagination will save nerves, time and money for new repairs. You can love a small closet, as long as everyone feels cozy and comfortable here.


A classic of the genre: a winning black and white color combination

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Classic products are always in fashion, they will not become outdated over time. Original models of excellent quality, made in the spirit of monochrome, will please demanding aesthetes. For people of creative professions, it is necessary to make the bedroom different from the others.

Monochrome techniques and numerous storylines are the best option for realizing your dreams. Choose an alley of an ancient park with wrought-iron gates, a retro-style car waiting for its driver under a lamppost. An important nuance is to accurately determine the ratio of black and white.

Monochrome is great for a white bedroom. You can install black furniture in it and create an amazing illusion of a black and white movie, where you will play the role of the main character.

If you cover a large area with black and white photo wallpaper, then such a design will be overwhelming. It’s better to place a photo covering behind your bed, then you’ll fall asleep and wake up peacefully. Make sure that everything is in moderation - the retro charm should not be replaced by a gloomy atmosphere.

Protecting wallpaper in the apartment from children

Does your child draw on the wallpaper? You shouldn’t scold a child for his creative endeavors. You need to understand the child and help him explain where he can draw and where he cannot. Children have no boundaries and boundaries of what is permitted; only after three years, under pressure from society, they begin to understand and listen to the advice of others. We’ll tell you in our article how to protect wallpaper at home and not harm your child’s psyche.

A child draws on wallpaper without understanding what is possible and what is not. Photo:

Floral motifs

Flowers are in harmony with any style. Floral motifs suit all people, regardless of their character and temperament. Flowers look appropriate in any style if the palette of shades and shapes is chosen correctly.

Just one flower can bloom behind the headboard, which will create a romantic mood in the bedroom atmosphere. Flowering trees give light and a feeling of freshness. The best choice is a favorite plant that will bring you the most joy. This flower carries unusual energy.

Photo wallpaper in abstract style (new design for 2022)

Abstraction on photo wallpapers is of a purely individual nature and is not suitable for everyone. The fact is that you can quickly get tired of such an image.

However, there are not so few lovers of original and attractive stories with different outlines.

In a modern bedroom, abstraction will look quite natural and organic.

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