How to choose the right photo wallpaper for the bedroom: examples with photos and videos

I would like to make the bedroom interior truly cozy and stylish, because we spend most of our time in our bedroom. A special atmosphere can be revived with the help of well-chosen photo wallpapers. We’ll figure out the advantages and disadvantages of introducing photo wallpaper into the bedroom interior, how to properly glue them, how to combine colors correctly, and of course, we’ll discuss the pricing policy.

Harmonious photo wallpaper in the bedroom Source

Features of wall design

Before you start choosing photo wallpaper for the bedroom and other finishing materials for the walls, you should decide on the choice of the main color scheme.
A person spends about 33% of his life in bed; in addition, the state of health largely depends on the quality of sleep. In order for the color scheme of the room to promote healthy sleep and good health, you need to follow simple Feng Shui recommendations:

  • in the bedroom a person relaxes, so preference is given to warm, soft tones of a non-aggressive palette;
  • for newlyweds it will be useful to add red to the bedroom design, this could be, for example, curtains or an accent wall;
  • when choosing color combinations, you should be guided by the compatibility of the elements: Fire has a beneficial effect on energy when paired with Wood or Earth, Wood, in addition to Fire, is combined with Water, and Earth with Metal;
  • for a bedroom located in the east and southeast, shades of green are suitable, and accents are created by including brown, lemon and mustard;
  • for the southwestern and northeastern rooms, gold, chocolate, brown, light brown and black are preferable; you can add white details;
  • in the south the element of Fire rules, so for such a bedroom you should choose rich colors, all shades of orange and red, cherry and terracotta are suitable;
  • a bedroom in the north is considered not the best option; for such a room the colors of the elements of Water are suitable: from azure to indigo; it is prohibited to include white, gray or silver in the interior of such a bedroom;
  • in the west and north-west, the element of Metal is considered dominant, so gray and silver colors are suitable; a combination with lemon, lilac and purple is considered successful.

Types of modern materials

The first peak in the popularity of photo wallpapers occurred at the end of the last century. But demand for them fell quite quickly. Paper decor did not retain its attractiveness for long; the images did not have the necessary realism. Today, when decorating a classic, modern bedroom design with photo wallpaper, you can use a variety of options. Printing technologies allow you to create clear, naturalistic images based on:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • textile.

Today's paper versions differ significantly from their counterparts of the last century. The production uses a smooth, coated material with high density and strength. High-quality paper produces high-definition, high-contrast images. The pictures have maximum naturalism and are distinguished by natural shades.

Modern photo wallpapers have maximum naturalism

The advantage of vinyl materials is their high resistance to any external influences. Wallpaper can be washed without the risk of damaging the decor. But it is not necessary to use such materials in the bedroom. The intensity of use in this room is low; regular wet cleaning of the walls is not a prerequisite here.

The use of non-woven materials allows you to increase the comfort of the room. This wallpaper will not only decorate the interior, but will also additionally protect it from external noise. The bedroom design with photo wallpaper on textiles looks respectable. They are made using canvas to create an imitation of artists' paintings. For the most part, images of a historical nature are created using such material.

Non-woven photo wallpaper will protect the bedroom from external noise

Bedroom design with photo wallpaper

There are countless design options with different patterns and prints for the bedroom. The choice of a particular option is influenced by many factors:

  • the room can be for women, men or family;
  • belongs to a child or teenager;
  • the size of the room is important;
  • the presence or absence of windows;
  • personal preferences and budget.

rear wallpaper

3D wallpapers appeared on the market relatively recently. Their main feature is the creation of a three-dimensional pattern effect. Stereoscopic photo wallpapers recreate three-dimensional space.

The photo shows 3D wallpaper with voluminous roses and imitation silk fabric.


Photo wallpaper with three-dimensional images of flowers will look great on the wall in the bedroom; this design of the room will fill it with romance and love. Orchids and roses are considered classic options, with white ones being especially popular among the latter. Sakura is also very popular. Less trivial is the choice of images of tulips, peonies, chrysanthemums or dandelions. A bright accent can be created using photo wallpaper with poppies. The pattern can be on the entire wall, or it can be narrow and decorate only part of it.

The photo shows wallpaper with a three-dimensional image of tulips to create a bright accent.


Wall painting has been known since antiquity. The first picturesque drawings on wet plaster were created in ancient times. Photo wallpapers with imitation frescoes are perfect for decorating the bedroom of lovers of classical art.

The photo shows the headboard of the bed, decorated with wallpaper imitating a fresco.


You can decorate a wall with wallpaper with an abstract pattern; this option leaves a wider field for selecting other interior elements, and the ability to choose a texture allows you to create various effects.

The photo shows a children's room with an accent wall decorated with wallpaper with an abstract pattern.

Black and white

Photo wallpaper with a monochrome image is perfect for decorating a bedroom in black and white colors. This can be a plot design or a geometric pattern. Vinyl or non-woven wallpaper with repeating motifs or monograms are also suitable for such a room.

Birds and animals

Photo wallpapers with images of birds and animals can carry additional meaning. For example, swans are a symbol of fidelity and create an atmosphere of romance, and the image of a lion can be a veiled compliment to a partner. Birds of paradise and butterflies are suitable for romantic and dreamy people.

In the photo, the head of the bed is decorated with wallpaper covering the entire wall with a picturesque image of an owl.


Thanks to photo wallpapers, you can fall asleep every night on the seashore, enjoy the summer forest or fall asleep at the foot of a waterfall. The quality of printing and modern materials make it possible to create a real feeling that the bed is not surrounded by walls, but, for example, by a pristine jungle or located right on the beach.

The photo shows a bedroom interior with forest photo wallpaper covering the entire wall.


Photo wallpapers depicting the city are suitable for active people. For the bedroom, the most successful is the city at night. This design solution will organically fit into the room of a teenager, especially a boy. For a girl, a sunset in Paris would be more suitable. New York and London with their famous bridges are also very popular.

In the photo, the teenager’s bedroom is decorated with wallpaper with a dynamic image of a city at night.

View from the window

If the bedroom does not have a window, then the ideal solution is to purchase photo wallpaper that imitates the view from the window. A significant advantage of the false window is that you can independently choose which view to admire in the coming sleep.

In the photo, the effect of visual expansion of the bedroom space is achieved thanks to wallpaper imitating arched French windows with a beautiful view of Paris.


Various hobbies can be reflected in a personalized bedroom design, including sports preferences.

Reproduction of paintings

An indicator of good taste is the choice of photo wallpaper with reproductions of paintings. These can be works executed in a classical style or corresponding to modern trends in art.

Pricing policy, what it depends on

The provided model options differ mainly only in the material from which the photo wallpaper is made. If the buyer orders workers who level the walls for further covering, then the price of gluing photo wallpaper to the bedroom may change.

Photo wallpapers are very sensitive to the quality of gluing work Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in finishing materials and related work

If the paint fades, then such a photo, at a minimum, will no longer decorate the bedroom Source

The following materials are used as a basis:

  • paper
  • Vinyl
  • Textile
  • Nonwoven

Paper photo wallpaper

The most inexpensive is paper. This type of photo wallpaper has a high air impermeability, but quickly fades and becomes dull. They may also become wet if exposed to water.

Classic paper photo wallpaper Source

Fabric photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper made from fabric is a good option for bedroom decor. They differ in aesthetic appearance, because... the fabric looks richer and more harmonious than other fabrics. This model practically does not wear out over time and is not susceptible to exposure to sunlight. But such wallpapers have one drawback - dirt.

Designer fabric wallpaper Source

Non-woven photo wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is distinguished by its quality, as well as its price, which is significantly higher than that of other materials. This option is most suitable for gluing bedrooms. Non-woven photo wallpapers are made from natural raw materials. The raw materials contain organic components, minerals and macroelements. Basically, preferences for this type of photo wallpaper are provided by people who have the opportunity to pay for such expensive material.

Non-woven wallpaper with 3D effect Source

Vinyl photo wallpaper

And the last type of photo wallpaper materials is vinyl. They exist in two types: paper-based and non-woven. After reading a little above, you can already draw a conclusion about the pricing policy, based on the basis of the material of vinyl photo wallpaper. Accordingly, paper-based ones are cheaper, but non-woven ones are an order of magnitude more expensive. However, experts are skeptical about covering bedrooms with such photo wallpapers, because the base layer has very low breathability. Therefore, it is better to use vinyl wallpaper to decorate non-residential premises, these can be photo studios, cafes and restaurants, lounge areas, etc.

Vinyl photo wallpaper on paper basis Source

Combination options

As a rule, photo wallpapers do not occupy the entire area of ​​the walls of the room, but are used as a decorative element in combination with other materials.

With other wallpapers

The most common option is to combine it with other wallpaper. This combination can be contrasting or consistent in a single color scheme.

The photo shows a combination of photographic and textured wallpaper in the bedroom design.

With other finishing materials

The combination of photo wallpaper and painting looks elegant. Those who prefer originality can choose to combine it with an unplastered brick wall. A combination of photo wallpaper with artificial stone and other coatings that imitate rough brickwork is also successful.

The photo shows a combination of photo wallpaper with a gentle landscape and matching paint.

The most popular types of photo wallpapers

Modern wallpapers on the market are cheap, easy to install and easy to maintain. The most popular will be those in the aisles, because:

  • they don't stretch
  • they don't have any imperfections
  • can be washed with detergents.

Self-adhesive photo wallpapers are also an interesting option, but they are recommended primarily for perfectly smooth surfaces such as furniture, mirrors or windows.

Design ideas in various styles

The approach to bedroom design can be carried out within the framework of one style or another. All interior elements, including wall decoration, should be subject to this.


This French style was created over 300 years ago, but remains relevant to this day.

The photo shows a bedroom decorated in Provence style. Photo wallpapers help create an original atmosphere of romance and comfort.


For those who prefer functionality and conciseness, a modern style in bedroom design is suitable.


This style is distinguished by respectability and adherence to traditions. The bedroom, decorated in a classic style, combines solemnity and grace.

High tech

This style owes its origin to the rapid development of high technology. A bedroom in this style assumes a predominance of simple shapes and strict lines.

English style

The dominant features of the English style are elegance, aristocracy, discreet luxury and comfort. When decorating walls, it is recommended to use panels made of wood or a material that imitates it. Photo wallpaper with a repeating floral motif is suitable for such a room.

The photo shows an English-style bedroom. The unobtrusive pattern of the wallpaper organically emphasizes the elegance of the room.


The charm of the loft style lies in its distinctive, rugged appeal. Without clear boundaries, it provides scope for creativity and self-expression. For example, movie fans can decorate a wall with pictures of their favorite actors.


You can realize your love and tender affection for the attributes of past eras with the help of retro design. Photo wallpapers for bedrooms in retro style are rarely used; they are mostly small-sized imitations of paintings.

Choosing photo wallpaper to suit your bedroom interior style

When planning to stick photo wallpaper in the bedroom above the bed or in any other place in the room, it is important to be guided by the style of the space.

  • For classics, pictures with patterns, flowers, and gilding are suitable.
  • Popular Provence is characterized by images of nature.
  • Most often these are various landscapes: forest, sea.
  • In modernity it is common to use abstractions. There may be bright colors and contrasts here.
  • Large pictures without unnecessary details are suitable for minimalism.
  • Black and white compositions are often used in lofts.
  • Urban pictures are suitable for high-tech.

Bedroom color scheme

Color affects a person’s well-being, his sense of self, and even his state of health. It is important that the color scheme has a beneficial effect and promotes relaxation and good rest.


Such a bedroom can be made in any style, it will still have a feeling of spaciousness and lightness.

In the photo, wallpaper depicting plaster tropical thickets gives the room a monumental feel without depriving it of its lightness.

In shades of purple

Purple is suitable for creative people; it is also associated with luxury and prosperity. Photo wallpapers in purple tones are perfect for a bedroom. With their help you can make a bright accent or, conversely, dilute the color scheme of the room.

With yellow furniture

Yellow has a calming effect. Furniture of this color is perfect for the bedroom.

The photo shows a bedroom with lemon furniture; this interior is perfectly complemented by photo wallpaper with a stylized image of autumn trees.

In shades of green

Green helps to achieve harmony and get rid of negative emotions. The ideal color scheme for the bedroom.

In beige tones

Beige is a neutral color. In a bedroom made in such colors, self-sufficient people will feel comfortable.

In turquoise tones

Turquoise color has a calming effect on a person, stabilizes and improves sleep, so it is ideal for the bedroom.

Choosing the color of photo wallpaper for the bedroom

To achieve the desired result, it is important to choose the right wallpaper color. Psychologists do not recommend putting bright, tacky variations in the bedroom. It is best to use pictures consisting of shades of similar gamuts.

Natural images in natural or muted tones are most suitable. Any picture must be evaluated individually. People have different concepts of what is beautiful and what is permitted.

Popularity belongs to:

  • Neutral beige, gray tones;
  • Blue, green of moderate intensity;
  • All gentle colors.

Use red, yellow or orange with caution. These colors are invigorating and strongly attract attention. They are used in small portions. It is possible to have bright colors in a room where one falls asleep in the dark, and in the morning needs a push to quickly wake up.

Use violet shades with caution. Despite the darkness of black and brown, their presence in the bedroom is shown. In this case, the colors must be diluted with white or other neutral colors.

Which photo wallpaper to choose for the bedroom above the bed?

The most popular solution for placing photo wallpaper in the bedroom interior is the wall above the bed. But there are some peculiarities depending on the shape of the wall - we will consider them below.

For a room with a standard layout, there are virtually no restrictions when decorating the walls with photo wallpaper.

Using photo wallpaper on the wall in a bedroom on the attic floor helps create an additional feeling of coziness and lived-in space, as well as emphasize the originality of the layout.

In the photo, the accent wall above the bed, decorated with photo wallpaper with flowers, is an original highlight of the decor, adding completeness to the interior.

Background Wallpaper

The image does not have a specific pattern, it can be a tropical forest, the sea, clouds and more... Background photo wallpaper visually enlarges the space, hides wall defects, and is more suitable for emphasizing something more significant. As a rule, they imply additional decoration, being, for example, part of a composition where the main subject of attention is the bed.

Panoramic wallpaper - the picture conveys a beautiful landscape, panorama, for example, a view from some hill.

Subject photo wallpaper - the drawing conveys the outlines of a specific object, and being the center of attention sets the tone for the design of the room.

Realistic photo wallpaper - realism is achieved when 3D wallpaper is used in the bedroom, or with the help of special lighting equipment and image transmission angle, they are also treated with fluorescent lighting.

Modular photo wallpaper - the design consists of several depicted fragments on separate parts or modules. The nature of the drawing can be anything: landscape, background, specific object.

Decorating an accent wall opposite the bed

Often photo wallpapers are used to create a bright accent. The accent wall opposite the bed can be decorated with photo wallpaper using other finishing materials: it can be textured wallpaper or paint in a bright, rich or contrasting color.

Children's photo wallpaper

In the children's bedroom, photo wallpaper is chosen by the little owner. Parents only adjust his choice, trying not to turn the child’s sleeping and resting room into a bright playground. The popularity of this choice can be judged by the increasing assortment every year. Manufacturers offer:

  • stylish graffiti;
  • funny cartoon themes: magical fairies, cool cars and rainbow ponies;
  • favorite fairy-tale characters: Spider-Man, Fixie and the cat from Prostokvashino;
  • cute photographs of raccoons, puppies, kittens and other representatives of the animal world;
  • geographical maps indicating where pirate treasures are hidden;
  • landscapes that look like a portal to a fairy tale.

All this splendor can be pasted on a free wall or above the bed. The remaining pieces of furniture and interior are selected in the same theme and shades as the wallpaper or remain neutral, giving space to the central figure.

Photo wallpaper "bridge" above the bed

Photo wallpaper with an image of an old night city above the bed in the bedroom

Small bedroom ideas to expand the space

To decorate walls in a small room, you can use several techniques that will help visually enlarge the space. The most obvious option is to use mirrors; gloss on the walls will give a similar effect. Photo wallpapers with the effect of open space will also cope with the task: a seashore in perspective, a forest, an imitation of a window, images of the galaxy and space.

In the photo, the combination of matte and glossy surfaces helps to visually enlarge the small space of the bedroom.

Using photo wallpaper in wall decoration is a simple and affordable way to add originality to the decor of a room and make it unique.

Decorative function of images

Wall images carry an important decorative meaning. This is the main element of the interior, capable of solving several problems:

  • provide the design with originality and uniqueness;
  • clearly emphasize the style and its advantages;
  • successfully place accents.

Photo wallpapers are a sure-fire option if the interior seems boring and uninteresting. Each image has its own character, which will certainly affect the overall design. They perfectly enliven an inexpressive design, eliminating facelessness and monotony.

Properly selected photo wallpaper will highlight the style of the interior

In the photo of bedroom designs with photo wallpaper you can see interiors in a variety of styles. No wonder. The modern assortment includes images that fit perfectly into elegant classics, extraordinary loft, comfortable country, ultra-modern high-tech, etc. They differ in theme, shades, and compositional techniques.

This decor will always attract attention, which you can use. Against the background of such an accent, you can place the most important element of the interior and provide it with a leading role. Photo wallpapers can also distract attention from what should not be conspicuous.

Photo wallpaper in a modern bedroom interior

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