Modern wallpaper for walls: a selection of the most fashionable collections of 2022 + expert advice on what to consider when choosing wallpaper

Antitrends 2021-2022

Before choosing the right wallpaper, you need to know which wallpapers are not trendy and modern. These include paper wallpapers and photo wallpapers with large prints.

A large drawing very quickly tires and becomes boring, and it is also very difficult to fit it harmoniously into the interior. Anti-trends also include ordinary paper wallpaper, which greatly simplifies the appearance of the room.

Their quality does not allow you to create a stylish and modern interior, so it is better to forget about the existence of paper wallpaper. When choosing a wall covering, you need to familiarize yourself with the trends that are current in the world of interior design.

It is important to remember that the owner should like the wallpaper, so you should not focus only on fashion trends.

Classics of the genre in modern times

There are certain criteria when choosing wallpaper rolls for a specific room. Color and texture play a role here. operational characteristics.

Living room

For the main room of the house, calm tones and discreet colors are suitable. Canvas of beige, greyish, bluish, sand, light green color with a barely noticeable pattern or wallpaper with a textured texture, “embossed” pattern, as well as imitation plaster.

  • The color and pattern of the wallpaper should not irritate or overwhelm. The entire environment should feel cozy and present lightness, even in a bulky, rough and “heavy” loft.
  • By the way, there is wallpaper that imitates a red brick wall, photo wallpaper with graffiti and with thematic inscriptions and drawings. And, if you really want to try to bring the loft style to life in your living room, but don’t have the money for original finishing materials, then why not take advantage of a good idea and hang brick wallpaper?
  • Your own home - freedom of creativity. Again, if the experience is unsuccessful, then changing the wallpaper will not be difficult. This is a big plus of this finish.

The rustic style (or Provence) still prefers light colors and flowers. Classicism never goes away from bas-reliefs, architectural ornaments and gilding, although neoclassicism has nevertheless moved far from stereotypes towards something new.


Pastel colors in a room for sleeping and relaxing will come in handy. Subtle contrast is encouraged in bedrooms.

  • One wall, usually the wall where the bed is installed, is made the main one in terms of accent color.
  • The wallpaper tone for this area is chosen darker than the base background that will be on the other walls.
  • But in general, the main and accent canvas should be “friends” and complement each other.

The best option is wallpaper of the same texture and pattern, but different in color.


This is the room in which bright accents and a cartoon theme in the wallpaper are allowed. Manufacturers offer a large selection of children's wallpaper. But when deciding on wall decor, it is important to take into account that the child will get tired of too large images and unimaginably bright colors.

Bright wallpaper can be in the play area, but the main tone of the walls should still be muted.


For the hallway, choose durable (preferably washable) wallpaper in shades that are not quite light, but not dark either. You can apply liquid wallpaper. The hallway, as a rule, is much smaller in size than other rooms, so less material will be needed for finishing. Wallpapering a large living room with liquid wallpaper can cost its owners a pretty penny.


Wallpaper with fruits, coffee beans, and grapevines is still used by a considerable number of people, but they are applied to one wall as an accent. If you cover the entire kitchen with wallpaper with a pattern, it may start to make a slight ripple in your eyes. Accordingly, the kitchen linen for the walls is washable.

Current types of wallpaper

Each type of wallpaper has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. You need to analyze all the options, after which you can make a choice.

  • Non-woven wallpaper. They can be completely non-woven or just have such a base. These wallpapers are suitable for painting and look good in the interior.
  • Vinyl. This type of wallpaper is stronger and more durable, and it is also easier to care for.
  • Liquid wallpaper. They are diluted with water and glue, and after drying they form a durable coating on the wall.
  • Glass wallpaper. The most durable type, they can be used in rooms with high levels of humidity.
  • Textile wallpaper. The covering is made from different fabrics; they look beautiful on the walls and do not fade in the sun.
  • Natural wallpaper. They are made of bamboo, wood and cork. Such wallpaper fits perfectly into any interior and is considered very durable.

The first stage of wallpapering: putty

Some say putty, while others recognize only putty. This does not change the essence of the matter. The word putty comes from the German name for a construction tool - a spatula. Both options are correct. Puttying walls under wallpaper creates a smooth surface, eliminates pits and bulges so that the wallpaper lays in an even, beautiful layer.

Putty can be fixed almost endlessly if something goes wrong during the process. High-quality material is the key to success. The putty material is sold both in the form of a powder, which must be dissolved in water, and in the form of a ready-to-use paste.

Cement putty is universal and can even be used for outdoor work. It is resistant to fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Gypsum putty is easy to use because it is very plastic.

An innovative type of putty is polymer. It has the highest smoothness characteristics. The polymer substance is divided into two subtypes: latex and acrylic.

Current trends 2021-2022

  1. Botanical print. These include large palm leaves, rare plant species depicted on canvases, and the like. This design looks very harmonious, especially against the backdrop of living plants in pots.
  2. Provence and French pastoral. These are simple scenes from village life, which can depict animals, plants, birds and people.
  3. Geometric print. This print does not lose its relevance over many seasons; with the help of different lines, shapes and angles you can give the interior a certain style.
  4. Spotted print. A very non-standard solution that enlivens the interior.
  5. Animal print. This is an original choice for the interior, suitable for bold decisions.
  6. Relief and textured surface.
  7. Gradient. The transition of colors allows you to create a soft, and at the same time, stylish interior design.

Modern colors

  • Mint greens. This is a pleasant color that enlivens the interior and looks very harmonious on the walls;
  • Blue color and its shades. This color is considered difficult, but with the right design concept it will create a stunning atmosphere;
  • Fuchsia, purple, powder. These colors can be accent or background;
  • Soft orange color. Warm and cheerful, it can add coziness to any interior;
  • Mustard, sand, beige colors. These are universal shades that are easy to fit into any interior;

Apply primer to the wall

Why do you need wall primer? Is it possible to skip this step in wallpapering? Many novice finishers ask these philosophical questions. The advantages of primer are that the treated wall becomes dry and smooth, and the wallpaper stays on it much longer.

  • Wallpaper glue - choosing the best composition for different types of wallpaper (60 photos)
  • Brown wallpaper in a timely interior: 80 photos of wall designs for different rooms
  • Red wallpaper - 55 photos of residential interior design using red

The primer fills cracks and pores of the surface, preventing the appearance of fungus. You can begin this stage when the putty has completely dried. Using a sponge, apply the primer liquid evenly to the walls.

Photo wallpaper: Benefits

Photo wallpapers with large prints (flowers, geometry) are considered an outdated trend, but all other options can be used for a modern interior.

They are made on different bases (vinyl, non-woven fabric, fabric) and are presented in a wide variety. You can choose photo wallpaper of the theme that the owner likes.

Seascapes, flowers, nature are great for bedrooms; for a children's room you can choose motifs from fairy tales and favorite children's characters.

Textured canvases look very original; the advantages of photo wallpaper include the following qualities:

  • Originality.
  • Visual change of space.
  • Bright accent.
  • Division into zones.
  • Wide choice of topics.

Original new wallpapers

  1. Original new products for 2021-2022 include wallpaper with a metallic effect. The most fashionable colors are black or graphite. Metallic goes well with matte wallpaper. Designers advise using black metallic as an accent, but not covering the entire room with such wallpaper.
  2. Monochrome. Black and white combinations have held leadership positions for a long time. They fit perfectly into a minimalist interior and are also complemented by geometric prints.
  3. Waves. Wallpaper with waves can be reminiscent of Aivazovsky's paintings. Most often, they have a relief surface, which enlivens the picture and makes it three-dimensional. Wallpaper with waves is best used to decorate one wall, which will be an accent wall.
  4. Wallpaper 3D. This wallpaper design also continues to hold a leading position for several years.
  5. Wallpaper with luminescent and fluorescent effect. They glow in the dark, which is a mesmerizing sight. This type of wallpaper with a picture of a starry sky is excellent for a child’s and adult’s bedroom.

Combining wallpaper in 1 room

There are 5 options for combining wallpaper:

  1. Dividing the room horizontally. Option for classic styles or American style. The lower and upper halves of the wall are covered with different wallpapers, between them there is a border made of stucco or a special dividing strip of wallpaper. Usually one type of striped wallpaper.
  2. Accent wall. All walls except one (or even part of one) are covered with discreet background wallpaper, and one wall stands out from the others in contrast.
  3. Wallpaper inserts. Niches are decorated with wallpaper or panels are made within frames. Used only in classic styles.
  4. Different walls - different wallpaper, without any specific logic.
  5. Wallpaper in patches. A creative and labor-intensive way to decorate. There are a lot of options, but the method greatly depends on your sense of taste and proportion, and is therefore risky.

The most popular and ideologically correct way is accent walls.

We immediately divide all wallpapers into 2 main types: accent and background . Accent - wallpaper in bright colors, with aggressive contrasting patterns, geometric wallpaper. Background - plain wallpaper without patterns or designs, calm pastel colors. Accent ones are used on one or maximum two walls, and this is a strict rule.

Never use accent wallpaper on more than two walls. Better - on one.

The rule for choosing an accent wall is simple - the less loaded the wall, the better. With equal low workload, choose a wall on the axis of symmetry of the room. By busy we mean everything that breaks up the plane: windows, doors, shelves, paintings, appliances, furniture. Accordingly, when the wall is overloaded, we choose simple wallpaper:

For living rooms, the most often accent wall is the wall behind the sofa, followed by the wall behind the TV. On the other two walls, the plane is broken up by a window with a radiator and a door. If the walls behind the sofa and TV are small, this is also an argument against using accent wallpaper.

If all the walls are loaded, then you don’t need an accent wall at all. Design is not done only by finishing. Using only background calm wallpapers is quite normal. Photo wallpapers and other interesting options are especially sensitive to the absence of other objects on the wall:

A common mistake is to glue accent wallpaper onto a wall that is overloaded with objects:

Another mistake is adding wallpaper just because the wall seems boring. Below is a striking example - in such a situation, a white wall with a couple of lamps or abstract paintings is better suited.

A win-win wallpaper option

To create a modern, stylish design, you can choose the options that are a win-win.

  • Stripes. With the help of striped wallpaper you can create an excellent interior in the art deco style.
  • Imitation of natural materials. Contemporary wallpapers featuring wood planks or brickwork look very realistic and modern.
  • Wallpaper with large patterns. This print is suitable for spacious rooms, preferably living rooms.

Plain wallpaper. One of the most win-win and simplest options.

Modern wallpaper solutions offer an excellent choice of options for every taste. When choosing wallpaper, it is very important to focus on your own preferences, but at the same time, choose a wall covering from the proposed trend options for 2021-2022.

Fashionable wallpaper: photos in the interior of real apartments

See our photo selection and get inspired. The most daring ideas, amazing colors + classic options.

A few more photos of the interiors of the hall with fashionable wallpaper:

Photo of design of modern wallpaper for walls

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