Wallpaper in the interior (135 photos): overview of the most fashionable colors and patterns for 2022. Examples of modern wall decoration with wallpaper

Choosing wallpaper for the kitchen is an individual and very delicate question. Choosing an interior design style is a complex question. Especially when there are certain preferences for designs, colors and patterns. What to do if you like a pattern with a small flower - where can you apply such a pattern, for which interiors is it suitable, and in which will it be inappropriate?

The role of wallpaper in the interior

First you need to think about the effect that the wallpaper will create.

They can:

  1. Fill a dark room with light;
  2. Visually enlarge or, conversely, reduce the room;
  3. Become the highlight of the interior, make it unique;
  4. Hide any wall defects.

Recommendations for caring for textile wallpaper

In order for textile wallpaper to last for a considerable time, it is necessary to properly care for it and systematically keep it clean. A few recommendations for caring for textile wallpaper:

  • After the wallpaper is hung, it must be treated with a special antistatic agent.
  • Clean fabric wallpaper regularly with a vacuum cleaner using a special brush for soft bristles.
  • If a stain has formed on fabric wallpaper, you need to treat it with soapy water as soon as possible and blot it with a white sheet of paper.
  • You should not use wet cleaning on this wallpaper.


The size of the room plays an important role. If the room has a large area, then you can choose wallpaper with any patterns. However, if the room is small, then the freedom in choosing a wallpaper pattern is significantly reduced.

The wrong design can make an already small room appear smaller. In such a situation, you should follow the recommendation: in a small room you cannot glue wallpaper with a large, especially weakly expressed print; the patterns must be clearly drawn.

Advantages of textile wallpaper

The main advantages of fabric wallpaper are:

  • durability;
  • contains only natural ingredients;
  • interesting and sophisticated appearance;
  • tolerate dry cleaning well;
  • create additional sound insulation and thermal insulation.

It is also worth noting that the catalog of textile wallpapers is distinguished by a wide range of color palettes and various textures and designs.

Psychology of color

Scientists have long proven the influence of different colors on humans. For example, the color red and all its shades negatively affect the human psyche and can cause attacks of aggression, etc., while green and its shades, on the contrary, create a relaxing atmosphere and can improve a person’s mood.

This should not be forgotten, because it is important that the room is comfortable to be in, both physically and mentally.

As a rule, light and pastel colors are suitable for bedrooms, bright and rich colors are suitable for the kitchen and bathroom. The color red is known to stimulate appetite.

Fiberglass wallpaper

The composition of glass wallpaper includes glass fibers, which can have different thicknesses and shades. This material has a set of undeniable advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • airtight qualities;
  • long service life;
  • heat-resistant characteristics;
  • suitable for painting.

In addition, glass wallpaper can be used to cover not only walls. But also furniture items.

Fiberglass sheets perfectly hide all irregularities, chips and cracks, therefore they are suitable for covering brick, plasterboard and other wall surfaces.

From the photo of textile wallpaper you can see that this material looks luxurious and elegant in a residential interior. That is why they can become independent elements of any design that will complete and complement any interior.

Wallpaper trends in 2021-2022

Yes, wallpaper has made a comeback in popularity. However, it is worth noting that this applies to vinyl and non-woven wallpaper.

  • Paper wallpaper is already outdated. They are cheap, so they won't last long, which is not economical.
  • Vinyl or non-woven wallpaper is another matter. They are more expensive, but their quality matches the price.

Such wallpapers are durable, which means they will last longer, and they will also be able to hide some wall defects due to their density. Everything is clear with the material, but what prints are better to choose?

Stages and features of gluing walls with fabric wallpaper

Since wallpaper can reveal all the imperfections of the wall covering, before pasting it, you should very well prepare the surface for pasting.

The first thing to do is to clean the wall of old paintings and other materials. Next, the surface is cleaned and plastered. Next, a primer is applied, everything dries and only then can gluing be carried out.

Hanging textile wallpaper is quite a complex and labor-intensive task, so you should entrust it only to professionals; you won’t be able to do this kind of work efficiently on your own. But, if you still have to glue such canvases with your own hands, then you need to know some rules:

  • the glue for textile wallpaper is selected the same as for heavy wallpaper;
  • apply the composition to the canvas with brushes or a roller;
  • The canvas should not be folded, as these places are torn during gluing;
  • The material can only be applied end-to-end, but not overlapping.

Tropical theme

These wallpapers depict jungles, tropical trees, leaves, exotic flowers and plants, and so on. Thanks to this, they are able to create the atmosphere of a desert island, transform the interior, and give it individuality.

It is important to understand that such prints are very “active”; they need to be “calmed”, for example, the floor should be made in soothing colors, but compatible with wallpaper.

Textile wallpaper manufacturers

There are many textile wallpapers on the market from different manufacturers. German textile wallpaper manufacturers Rasch have proven themselves well and are in good demand.

The wallpapers of this company are distinguished by a wide range of designs and colors. Also high quality textile wallpaper from Zuber.

Geometric prints

All kinds of geometric shapes of different shapes and colors are applied to wallpaper of a single color. These can be triangles, squares, circles, lines and so on. Such wallpaper will look stylish.

It is advisable, in order not to overload the room, to decorate only one wall with this wallpaper, placing emphasis on it.

Types of textile wallpaper

Textile wallpaper for walls is divided into two types:

  • standard wallpaper rolls, 90-120 cm wide. This type of wallpaper consists of two layers: paper or non-woven, as well as a textile covering. The textile layer can be made of silks, cotton, viscose or jute;
  • Seamless textile wallpaper is a single piece of fabric in roll form, approximately 295-320 cm wide.


In 2021-2022, wallpapers with floral prints will also be relevant. Wallpaper with large flowers looks especially beautiful and elegant. It is also worth paying attention to the wallpaper with flowers that look like they were painted in watercolors. They are perfect for the bedroom.

Types of Floral Designs

Let's start with luxurious large flowers. They are found both on textured vinyl and on good old paper wallpaper. This print is mainly used for emphasis.

Tropical flowers amaze with their unusual combination and real riot of colors. Lime with lilac, carrot with herbal, fuchsia with turquoise... In the standard, restrained perception of interiors, such colors do not always seem appropriate, but if you are tired of the faceless gray of Russian realities, then you should experiment with the exotic. Surely everything will work out, and the house will become sunny and cheerful.

Floral wallpaper in retro style

Since wallpaper was invented by the Chinese, it becomes clear why the first floral wallpaper was inspired by this particular culture. Flower buds were surrounded by butterflies, national lanterns and pineapples. Everything was done in red and black colors. The style was called shinaurzi. Today, the color field of this ancient style has been significantly expanded, but, nevertheless, even using less bright and tonally aggressive wallpapers of this type, try not to turn your home into a kind of pagoda. Brighten up your interior with Scandinavian furniture.

“Grandma’s flowers” ​​remain bestsellers, because the presence of “small chintz” in children’s and romantic bedrooms creates an incredibly cozy atmosphere.

Warm shades of the background and cool shades of the buds create perfect harmony

Some tips

When choosing the main color, it is important to consider the area of ​​the room. In a small room it is not recommended to use dark shades; it is better to choose light ones.

A room with a large area is allowed to combine wallpaper in dark colors with wallpaper with large prints.

If your home has high ceilings, you should not combine wallpaper with stripes directed vertically.

Fine Chintz

“Grandma’s Flowers” ​​are once again becoming bestsellers, because nothing cozier than this design has yet been invented. Most often, “fine chintz” wallpaper is used to cover children’s rooms or bedrooms in a romantic style. In a nursery, small flowers are more appropriate than fairy tale characters; they will not need to be changed when the girl grows up to be a princess.

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On the picture:

Walls covered in wallpaper with a fine floral pattern + matching textile print = the interior turns into an elegant box.

fashion historian Vasiliev Alexander

Should wallpaper be combined with textiles in the interior?
Avoid active patterns on the walls and upholstery if they are different, but if there is one pattern and it transfers from the wallpaper to the furniture, it can be very impressive.
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Should wallpaper be combined with textiles in the interior?

Avoid active patterns on the walls and upholstery if they are different, but if there is one pattern and it transfers from the wallpaper to the furniture, it can be very impressive.

Combination options

  1. Pair with wallpaper with vertical stripes. As mentioned above, such wallpaper is only suitable for low ceilings. They can visually enlarge them. One wall can be decorated with wallpaper with stripes (their color depends on the personal preferences of the owners), the other with plain wallpaper that will match the first in color scheme.
  2. Combine with wallpaper with horizontal stripes. Such wallpaper can visually expand the room, but you need to remember that they cannot be glued in a room with high ceilings.
  3. Combine with wallpaper with a bright, eye-catching print. The wall that the eye immediately falls on upon entering can be decorated with wallpaper with a bright pattern, thus making an accent on this wall. On other walls you can stick plain wallpaper that matches the accent colors.
  4. A combination of plain wallpapers of different colors. For example, in the bedroom you can do this: decorate the wall next to the bed with wallpaper in a rich color, and the rest of the walls in a light color.
  5. Combination of wallpaper with patterns. This option has become quite popular lately. In the store you can often find ready-made options, in which there are plain wallpapers and wallpapers with patterns applied to the same base.

In what rooms should it be used?

By and large, a chintz pattern can be appropriate in a room for any purpose.

But most often it is rightfully applied:

  • in the kitchen,
  • in the bedroom,
  • in the nursery.

It is extremely rarely used to decorate hallways and offices due to the obvious discrepancy between the frivolity of the design and the purpose of the room.

In the kitchen, a small flower can be a real hit. It will look especially organic if the entire kitchen is decorated in Provence style. Curtains and tablecloths, as well as bouquets of wildflowers in the interior, help support the theme.

However, even in an ordinary eclectic kitchen, a small flower will be quite appropriate. This pattern allows you to create a bright and at the same time unobtrusive design of the room, giving the interior lightness and festivity. Flowers on a light background are especially good for dark kitchens with windows facing north. Lemon yellow flowers will allow you to create an interior filled with sun and light in the absence of it.

Related article: Sizes of sinks and washbasins

Wallpaper with a pattern as a panel in the kitchen can be combined with plain walls

Important: The main thing is not to overdo it with flowers. If the kitchen walls are covered with such wallpaper, then the textiles should be plain. Colorful curtains with the same flowers will create a feeling of ripples in the eyes and bad taste.

Flowers in the bedroom look very organic. It can be decorated in Provence style, linen style, or classic. Pastel delicate colors would be appropriate here. As a result, a small flower pattern creates an atmosphere of sophistication, mystery and comfort in the room.

The same can be said about children's rooms for girls. A small pattern will soothe the eye and at the same time awaken the imagination. In addition, flowers are universal and suitable for rooms where children of different ages live.

Important: for many parents of very young children, an important selection criterion will be that traces of children’s creativity are almost invisible on the wallpaper with small, frequent flowers. Considering that children love to paint wallpaper, the floral pattern is very practical.

In some cases, drawings in this style are perfect for decorating living rooms. As a rule, the choice falls on a discreet, strict design, where flowers can be combined with stripes and checks.

Photos of the best wallpaper in the interior

Calico room: DIY interior design

It often happens that a person cannot or does not want to use modern materials to create comfort in his home. The reasons may be different: either it’s too expensive, or the color scheme doesn’t suit you, or it’s bad for your health, especially in our “age of allergies.” And here chintz, beloved by many designers, comes to our aid. Inexpensive, environmentally friendly, non-allergenic material, which is also easy to care for. And what a variety of colors and patterns. Chintz are plain, with small geometric patterns, striped, checkered, with rich floral and plant patterns. Some capture the motifs of Russian applied art, others - Western European, and still others - elements of oriental ornament. Often these motifs are so intricately intertwined that chintz becomes a real work of art. Among such wealth, it is easy to choose fabric to create an interior of any style: from bright folk to sophisticated romantic design. It is known that in the 19th century it was fashionable among nobles to have a room in their house where everything was decorated with chintz. They called it “chintz”. Chintz was used to cover floors and walls, cover furniture, and make bedspreads, curtains, and tablecloths from it. Why are we worse than the nobles? Moreover, in our time of modern technology, it is much easier to do all this. Therefore, if you have the desire and a little patience, you can create your own “calico” room. So, let's start with the “chintz” floor. We will need chintz, hardboard (fibreboard), white oil paint, PVA construction glue, colorless yacht varnish. We remove the baseboards, level the floor (we scrape the wood), cover it with hardboard (fibreboard). If the chintz is chosen in a light color, then the hardboard (fibreboard) is pre-painted with white oil paint so that after gluing the fabric does not acquire a yellowish tint. If you prefer dark colors, painting the floor is not required. We glue the chintz onto a clean, prepared floor. Apply the glue with a foam roller. We spread the fabric, carefully level it with a soft brush, and roll it with a rubber roller. We glue the pieces of fabric end-to-end, matching the pattern and controlling the connection with the previous fabric. After this, we dry the floor for about 2 days and cover it with colorless “yacht” (waterproof) varnish in 2 layers. Dry each layer well. This floor can be washed without fear. Walls covered with chintz will add special warmth and comfort to the room. For “chintz” walls you will need chintz and PVA glue. The glue is applied using a construction roller in a thin layer. After that, they apply chintz fabric end-to-end and smooth it with a soft brush - “make a herringbone”: move the brush from above from the middle of the fabric to the edges, all the time controlling the joint with the adjacent fabric. The disadvantage of chintz walls is that they quickly gather dust. In this regard, after the fabric is glued to the wall it is necessary to cover it with a protective layer. This is done very simply, the fabric is evenly covered with a thin layer of PVA glue using a roller, allowed to dry - and the room is ready. After this treatment, the walls are not afraid of wet cleaning. For a chintz panel you will need: A scrap of chintz you like, lining fabric, padding polyester, a suitable size piece of hardboard (fibreboard), a decorative frame, PVA glue to secure the fabric. 1. According to the size of the fiberboard, we cut out parts from padding polyester and lining fabric. 2. We also cut out a piece from chintz, adding 2-3 cm on all sides. 3. Between the chintz piece and the piece made of lining fabric, we place a padding polyester and pin it together. 4. We stitch along the contour of the chintz ornament or design. 5. We cover the fiberboard with fabric, bending it and gluing it with PVA glue on the back side of the fiberboard. Dry it and place it in a frame. Pano is ready. You can attach photographs, children's drawings or “reminders” to this soft panel using pins. Using chintz, you can update the lampshade on an old table lamp or floor lamp. For a chintz lampshade you will need: A frame from an old lampshade, a piece of chintz fabric, threads of a suitable color, an elastic band. 1. Remove the old fabric from the lampshade - this is an excellent pattern for a new lampshade. 2. Iron the removed fabric, lay it out on paper, trace along the contour and cut it out. 3. Lay out the pattern on the fabric, outline it with chalk or soap, adding 4-5 cm along the edges. 4. Sew the sides with a linen stitch. To do this, fold the workpiece with the wrong side inward and stitch at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge. 5. Turn the fabric inside out and make another stitch on the wrong side at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. This second seam will close the raw cut and you will have a clean edge on both the front and back sides. 6. Finish the top and bottom edges by bending the cut inward by 1 cm. The lines are not completed to the end, leaving “entrances” for the elastic. 7. Carefully iron all seams. 8. Using a pin, thread the elastic into the hem of the top and bottom edges. 9. The new “dress” for the lampshade is ready. Place it on the frame, tighten the elastic bands and sew it together. The lampshade can be decorated with beautiful buttons, beads or a satin braid tied around the waist. Using an old frame, you can also make a lampshade for a ceiling lamp. Covers for sofa cushions made from chintz will add completeness to your stylish interior. They are decorated with appliqués and embroidery. lace, braid, decorative buttons, tassels and pompoms. It all depends on the style you have chosen for your room. To make a pattern for a pillowcase: 1. Measure the width and length of the pillow. Then we add 1 cm so that our pillow feels comfortable in the new robe and 1 cm under the fold - for the seams. 2. You can decorate the front side of the pillowcase either with one solid piece of beautiful fabric or using the patchwork technique. “Dumka” looks interesting if the front side is made quilted. In this case, for one side of the cover we cut out not one, but three pieces of the same size: two from chintz, one (for volume) from synthetic padding, thin batting or soft drape (can be from an old coat). Between the chintz parts we place a part made of padding polyester (drape), fasten it with pins and stitch it. The stitch can be made in the form of squares, diamonds, circles. draw it in a zigzag or spiral. It all depends on your imagination. 3. After decorating, fold the details of the cover with the front side inward and stitch on three sides, departing 1 cm from the edge. 4. If desired, the pillowcase can be decorated with a ruffle. To do this, cut a strip of fabric twice as wide as the future ruffle, fold it in half, gather it with a thread and baste it to the top of the pillowcase. We attach it on the machine. 5. Insert a zipper into the fourth (not sewn) side. 6. If you don’t have a ready-made thought pillow, then the cover can be filled with foam rubber. pieces of padding polyester or batting. This is how we ended up with a “calico” room. Imagine, try. create, and let your life be filled with warmth and comfort, we hope that our master class on creating such a unique and inimitable room design will help you with this. You may also be interested in an article about what color to choose in the interior of your home and what flowers to use. The article about the “calico room” was prepared by Irina Vitalievna Martynova.

Color scheme for the kitchen

The best choice for the dining room would be high-quality non-woven or vinyl materials with roses, daisies, and orchids.

Attention! Paper wallpaper is not suitable for the kitchen; it will quickly lose its original appearance, and the room will have to be redecorated frequently.

When choosing the color of the trellises, it is important to consider that it is the color scheme of the walls that is the basis for creating a certain tone and mood in the room. When choosing colors for the dining room, it is important to consider certain nuances.

Key parameters for selecting the shade of trellises:

  • room parameters;
  • ceiling height;
  • style decision;
  • room illumination

Professionals recommend that owners of small dining rooms purchase light-colored canvases with a small pattern for wall decoration.

There is also a certain psychological point that is also important to consider when choosing canvases for the kitchen walls. For example, bright trellises with huge roses, according to psychologists, will have an irritating effect on the inhabitants of the apartment.

If the kitchen is of impressive size, it is allowed to decorate the walls with dark finishing materials, complementing them with contrasting 3D stickers in the form of daisies, roses, orchids, and sakura.

Attention! The satiety of cold tones will deprive the kitchen of full-fledged home comfort and turn it into an “office” dining room.

There are certain rules that must be followed when decorating walls in a kitchen that is deprived of full natural light. In order to cope with this problem, you need to select warm, calm shades, for example, buy beige, orange, light brown trellises with small light colors.

The photo shows an example of the use of photo wallpaper when decorating walls in a modern kitchen. Interior professionals recommend using a similar option when carrying out cosmetic renovations in small dining rooms.

Certain difficulties in selecting finishing materials for walls also exist in kitchens that are oversaturated with natural sunlight.

Advice! For such rooms, desaturated colors are suitable, for example, green canvases.

Pistachio shades have a positive effect on the digestive system, so psychologists recommend choosing trellises in these tones for dining rooms where children eat. Pastel wallpaper colors can be selected to decorate the walls of any room, including decorating dining rooms. In addition to the color of the main background, it is important to take into account the patterns on the trellises.

Floral motifs on wallpaper are always in trend

Floral motifs have been very popular for several seasons. It seems that even today they are not going to give way to graphic prints. Floral wallpaper looks quite trendy, often taking on modern forms. Plant patterns can dazzle with their richness. The choice is really huge. Floral wallpaper can be adapted to any style, as well as to the interior, regardless of whether it is classic or modern.

Decorative wallpaper: flowers and light

Combining subtle earth tones and metallic effects of silver, gold or copper in wall decor allows you to emphasize texture and work with varying degrees of shine in the background. On a matte surface, wallpaper creates a muted feeling. Reflections from glossy metal surfaces, similar to fabric, demonstrate the play of chiaroscuro. If you want to highlight the texture and shine of a wall in your interior design, place wallpaper on the wall next to a window. Depending on the time of day, the appearance of the surface will change.

Floral patterns never go out of style. Flowers on wallpaper can create a subtle theme or act as the dominant decor in a room. Wallpapers in flowers appear in many styles and will suit both classic and modern interiors. Floral patterns give rooms a cozy and interesting touch, and the right print can even make a room appear larger. When choosing floral wallpaper, you need to pay attention to ensuring that its color does not differ much from the color of the decorative elements in the room. Take advantage of the ideas for harmonious design of different rooms of the house in the photo gallery.

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