60 trendy wallpaper options for the bedroom in 2022 (useful if you want a trendy interior)


What wallpaper to glue in the bedroom

Repairs ahead. What kind of wallpaper should you use in your bedroom to create a harmonious design? Correctly selected shades will make the room more spacious, hide uneven walls, and correct layout flaws.

Quality rest is possible only in a cozy interior. The right colors and materials allow you to relax after a long day.

How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom

How to hang wallpaper in a bedroom with a low ceiling?

Decorate one (if the room is elongated, then small) wall with canvases with a pattern in the form of vertical stripes. A “striped” pattern (especially an active one) throughout the room can create a cage effect.

Ideas for visual adjustment of space

Leave a gap of about 10 centimeters between the ceiling and the beginning of the wallpaper. This will create an optical removal effect. The color of the ceiling should be light or white, without unnecessary decoration.

The room is too narrow: Wallpaper with a large horizontal pattern can expand the walls. This technique works correctly with good ceiling heights.

Curved walls: Defects in the coating are “erased” by the diagonal print.

Too spacious room: Zoning with combinations of shades and materials is designed to add comfort and texture.

Combining textures

Selecting a tandem of colors is not very difficult, but choosing the appropriate textures is much more difficult. Creating a spectacular duet is possible by taking into account:

  • ceiling height;
  • room size;
  • thickness of combined trellises.

Important! Be sure to take into account such a factor as the use of different types of glue for the selected materials.

Color palette

What wallpaper to choose for the bedroom, taking into account the color scheme? Light colors are a classic option:

Green color of any intensity calms and helps to relax after strong mental stress.

How to hang wallpaper in the bedroom: photo examples

A gentle blue tint extinguishes aggression and visually makes the room more spacious.

Cream, peach, beige tones are perceived neutrally. Plus, they go well with any decor.

Pearl shades look luxurious. But keep in mind that the temperature in such a room feels 1-2 degrees colder (psychosomatics).

Don't be afraid of white wallpaper. Gone are the days when it looked like a hospital. To prevent the design from being boring, use the rule: 65% white, 25% additional color (any contrast), 5% bright decor.

Dark, but not bright colors are suitable for people who especially value comfort - chocolate, dark blue, wallpaper the color of wet asphalt set the mood for relaxation and a restful sleep.

Is a bright bedroom taboo? Yellow color is very sunny and does not strain your eyesight. In such a room, your mood involuntarily improves. The most effective solution is a combination with dark deep tones (purple, burgundy, blue).

Orange seems inappropriate for the bedroom. But it’s worth paying attention to its muted shades: peach, mango.

Red bedroom decoration is suitable for passionate people. To avoid eye fatigue, give preference to neutral details. Steel or chrome elements look luxurious against a red background.

Patterned, printed, textured wallpaper

What wallpaper is best for the bedroom if you don't like plain walls?

Original patterns will make the design more interesting. Avoid too sharp corners and extremely clear geometry. Such drawings cause a feeling of nervousness. Smooth lines, a large flower or soft abstraction are calming.

Animal prints evoke positive emotions. Photo wallpapers in the form of genre paintings look beautiful, but quickly become boring. Any clear drawings require joining. As a result, there are difficulties in the repair process and increased consumption of materials.

A bright contrasting ornament is appropriate only in large rooms. If the room is small, even a small pattern can aggravate the situation. The ideal solution is one or two walls. The rest are a neutral background.

Tip: the smaller the area, the more impressive the textured walls look. The play of light makes the room visually more spacious. In addition, you can pay less attention to the alignment of the walls.

New wallpapers for the bedroom

One of the fashion trends of the 2018-2019 season was one wall with a forest image. Moreover, trees can be either realistic or a distant imitation. The main thing is the effect of being inside the thicket.

“Granny wallpaper” is another trend that takes us back several decades. The difference is in the quality of the material and the contrast of the images.

Parquet on the wall. “Brick” and “wooden” walls were replaced by “parquet” ones. To avoid the effect of continuation of the floor, its covering should be made of materials of a different color or texture.

Combining wallpaper in bedroom design

In modern renovations, one type of finishing is practically not used. How to put two types of wallpaper in a bedroom to make it look stylish?

Current methods:

Focus on the headboard. This wall (or part of it) is decorated with contrasting canvases, often with ornaments. The remaining walls serve as a background. They are characterized by a single-color pasting.

Horizontal combination. Light top, dark bottom. Very often, a print in the form of vertical stripes is chosen on the lower part of the wall. You can additionally mark the border with a plinth. With standard ceiling heights, a 2:1 combination of top to bottom is used.

Vertical combination. An interesting combination is plain wallpaper with printed (non-contrasting) wallpaper in the same color scheme. Bright transitions look quite rough. But on large areas they are appropriate.

Contrasting combination (dark shade with light shade). Depending on the size of the room, one or two walls are covered with dark canvases. The smaller the area, the less dark. The remaining walls are made in a neutral light tone.

Pictures from wallpaper sections. An original way to get rid of waste after renovation. Part of the canvas with a large pattern is placed in a frame. A homemade painting is hung on a monochromatic section of the wall in an identical color scheme.

Choosing wallpaper for the living room - long thoughts, excellent results

Have you ever wondered how many factors our choice of wallpaper in this room depends on?

Room area

The hall is usually the most spacious area in the apartment. A large room allows you to experiment with different shades of coating, as well as with functional areas and materials of different textures. You can put black wallpaper here, but will all family members be able to stay in such a depressing environment for a long time? This room is suitable for photo wallpaper with a macro pattern or coverings with a large pattern and rich colors. For small rooms, only neutral light shades (milky, cream, pearl and beige), small floral or abstract patterns, and barely noticeable non-contrasting stripes remain.

The degree of illumination and the location of the room.

If the windows face south, it is better to choose wallpaper that will not fade in the sun. Therefore, paper and textile coverings will not be the best solution. Give preference to non-woven rolls with the “sunlight resistance” label. In addition, in order not to add a feeling of heat to a summer day, avoid warm, fiery shades: terracotta, ocher, orange, saffron and bright yellow. If the living room is located on the north side, there may be a lack of lighting. Then, to compensate, wallpaper is chosen in light shades, and the wall farthest from the window is covered with the lightest possible coating. It should be noted that white is not the best choice: they are impractical, and under the influence of direct sunlight they become covered with unsightly yellow spots.

Selected interior style, available furniture and accessories

If you do not have a room, but a real front hall, then you will probably choose a classic style, in particular Empire, Baroque, Rococo. Then the wallpaper should correspond to the general luxury and splendor. Textile wallpaper (velor, jute, silk, felt) will fit perfectly here. An alternative option, in keeping with the spirit of classicism, would be linkrust - wallpaper for the living room with a paper base and a washable relief surface. They successfully imitate natural stone, gilding, and stucco. Also suitable are liquid wallpaper that gives the impression of decorative plaster, or marbled vinyl wallpaper. For a modern style, it is possible to use the widest range of non-woven and paper wallpapers, as well as photo and glass wallpapers. Ethnic notes in the interior (oriental, Japanese, Chinese styles) are perfectly emphasized by bamboo and cork materials.


A high level of strength and wear resistance of wallpaper is required in the presence of small children and pets roaming freely around the apartment. Paper and textile wallpapers are traditionally considered the most difficult to care for; they get dirty easily, practically cannot be cleaned, and any flaw is very noticeable on the surface. Therefore, it is better to use such materials to cover a hard-to-reach wall hidden behind upholstered furniture, or the upper part of the wall above the molding when combining different types of coatings horizontally. Liquid wallpaper is called more practical - you can soak it and smooth out the scratch, or remove the damaged piece and reapply the mixture. Fiberglass wallpaper and non-woven coating can withstand repeated staining, which means you can easily hide any defect, as well as update the boring color of the walls. Vinyl wallpaper with micropores washes well, but it is better to use it to cover areas of high humidity, for example, a corner with tropical indoor plants. Bamboo and cork are environmentally friendly materials that are also easy to care for.

How to visually expand or reduce a room

Vertical contrasting stripes of medium thickness, a combination of two types of wallpaper, or an elongated pattern will help raise low ceilings. You can move narrow walls apart using a horizontal strip or a longitudinal combination of two types of wallpaper and molding. Light glossy walls will visually expand the room, while dark matte surfaces or a bright photo wall will make it smaller.


The most affordable options are paper, vinyl and non-woven coverings. The most expensive ones are fabric, bamboo and cork. If you also give preference to expensive photo wallpapers, you need to think about whether you will get tired of such a bright image after a couple of months.

Materials for production

They differ not only in texture, but also in the method of gluing. The most common types of wallpaper:

1. Vinyl. Some of the most popular. They have a paper or non-woven base on which a PVC coating is applied. Such wallpaper is easy to glue and can be washed. They retain color for a long time. Minus: I don't let air through well. A room decorated with vinyl wallpaper needs to be ventilated more often.

Types of wallpaper

2. Paper. Eco-friendly, cheap, easy-to-stick wallpaper. There are one- and two-layer ones. They allow air to pass through well and do not cause allergies. Disadvantage: relatively short service life.

3. Textile. This is a multilayer material based on non-woven or paper. Fabric is applied on top (linen, cotton, silk - natural or artificial). In addition to external beauty, textile wallpaper is wear-resistant and environmentally friendly. Disadvantages: high price, specific gluing, the need to wipe off dust from them.

4. Non-woven. One of the most flexible wallpapers. Perfectly hides wall defects. Durable, easy to glue, budget-friendly. Non-woven wallpaper can be repainted several times.

5. Liquid. They are a glue solution containing fibers and dye. Wallpaper such as plaster is applied, leveling the surface. Pros: retain color brightness for a long time, soundproof.

6. Acrylic. The production technology is similar to vinyl. The difference is in the top layer. In this case it is acrylic. Among the advantages: such wallpapers are as durable as vinyl ones, but more environmentally friendly.

7. Glass wallpaper. Manufactured from fiberglass. Thanks to this, they are as durable as possible. This type of wallpaper is easy to apply and has fireproof functions. Advantage: hypoallergenic.

Suitable wallpaper for the living room

Our consultants will tell you which wallpaper is suitable for your living room. But, since there are quite a lot of varieties of suitable materials, it would be nice to navigate the features of each type.

Standard wallpaper, known to everyone, is produced on a paper basis. Such materials are quite suitable for short-term wall decoration (if used carefully for a couple of years, they will still retain their original appearance).

However, paper-type wallpaper should not be used in areas exposed to fire and moisture. Such materials are glued exclusively to a finished, leveled surface, and due to their thin structure they can even tear during the gluing process.

Tip: using paper wallpaper you can decorate the most remote areas of the walls, which are least susceptible to unnecessary contact. The cost of such wallpaper is the lowest, so little money will be spent on background decoration.

A more durable option, which is suitable for decorating living room areas exposed to the threat of mechanical damage, scratches and even soiling of the walls, is non-woven wallpaper.

Using such wallpaper for decoration, you do not have to worry about the possibility of damage to the appearance of the walls from exposure to moisture or sunlight.

Vinyl wallpaper on paper and non-woven backing will serve as a high-quality alternative to the first two varieties. In addition to good strength, wear resistance and long service life, such materials are famous for their ease of cleaning and the ability to use detergents to remove stains and dirt.

Tip: Vinyl wallpaper is ideal for background decoration. Firstly, high-quality materials of this type, when combined on the wall, do not form visible joints. Secondly, most vinyl wallpapers made in the silk-screen style have an exquisite pattern that emphasizes the coziness of the living room interior.

Some materials do not play a special decorative role in the space, but, thanks to their high quality, they allow for a durable finish. For example, glass wallpaper, which usually includes one shade and has a light relief pattern, is suitable for creating a background in the interior of a living room. Such wallpaper is not only elastic and durable, but also fire-resistant.

And some glass wallpaper can be washed and repainted, so you can maintain the appearance of your walls for a long time.

Natural wallpapers are becoming increasingly popular. One of the leaders in this category is bamboo wallpaper, emphasizing the naturalness of the interior decoration of your room.

The safety of such wallpaper can be maintained by periodically wiping the surface of the walls with a damp sponge.

Otherwise, they are not capricious, so you will forget about the problems associated with the loss of the appearance of finishing materials.

Textile wallpaper will help you create a stylish decor on one or more walls. The advantages of such materials include the complete absence of toxic substances, safety for health, ease of gluing and operation, ease of surface care, as well as an amazing appearance created by embroidery, painting and high-quality printing on canvas.

Since purchasing such wallpaper is not a cheap pleasure, textile wallpaper is increasingly used to highlight an accent wall or create small inserts on plain surfaces.

Textile wallpaper can be conveniently combined with curtains, upholstered furniture, carpets and other fabric details to emphasize the integrity of the created design.

Have you decided which wallpaper to choose for your living room? Let's now look at their design and color scheme: the most fashionable and interesting shades that match the purpose of the living room are available in an assortment of almost every type of wallpaper for walls.

Wallpaper styles for the bedroom

What wallpaper should I put in the bedroom to match the style? Let's consider popular destinations:

• Classic. A bedroom in this style will be in light colors in 90% of cases. Wallpaper with smooth patterns in the same color scheme is chosen as decor. Horizontal and vertical zoning and a dark accent on the head of the bed are appropriate.

• Country. Canvases in muted colors are ideal. Often preference is given to a small checkered or floral pattern. Sometimes they use wallpaper that imitates wooden boards.

• Ethno. Animal prints, folk ornaments, and bright walls became the hallmark of the style.

• Modern. Wallpaper in a bedroom in a modern style suggests light shades that do not draw attention to themselves. In this case, it is better not to use a drawing. The maximum you can afford in design is one contrasting wall.

• High tech. The calling card of the style is white, gray, metallic and other light colors. It is allowed to dilute the interior with black. This design should be designed in cool shades.

• Loft. The main element - a brick wall - can be built using wallpaper with an appropriate print. The remaining walls should not distract attention. Therefore, it is recommended to make them plain. Any colors are acceptable.

• Japanese minimalism. Plain coating, imitation wood panels, light shades. Photo wallpapers with images of paintings in Asian style are allowed.

How to glue wallpaper in the bedroom

Purchase rules:

• Unfold the tube and look at the wallpaper in the light.

• Attach two unfolded canvases to the wall, this will make it easier to imagine the overall appearance of the room.

• For combined schemes, purchase models from the same collection.

Method number 1: focus on the brightness and size of the room

Deciding which wallpaper color is best for a bedroom should begin with an analysis of the basic parameters of such a room. Even the most stylish and pleasant shade can be perceived incorrectly if it distorts the appearance of the space.

Consider the level of lighting in your bedroom. Wallpaper for a bright bedroom located on the south side can be of any color, since the sun's rays will make your room quite bright and light. A cold palette is also allowed.

Unlike wallpaper for a sunny bedroom, finishing materials for darkened interiors should be made in the lightest and most delicate colors possible. Otherwise, the interior of the bedroom will look dull and dull, and you will not get satisfaction from your rest.

Attention! Light and dark wallpaper for walls can be combined with each other: this approach will correct the excessive brightness or darkness of the room, but do not forget that all dark walls should be sufficiently illuminated.

When choosing suitable materials for wall decoration, decide what colors of wallpaper in the bedroom will allow you to properly highlight the available space. If the bedroom is large, you are in luck: in such an interior there will be enough space for self-expression.

But often they try to visually reduce the spacious interiors of a bedroom in order to emphasize home comfort. In this case, dark and bright wallpaper is used for walls with a rich palette.

The cramped interiors of the bedroom need to be visually expanded to ensure a perception of freedom, lightness and tranquility in such a space. For this, wallpaper in light shades is used: white, soft blue, yellow, beige and others.

Tip: in a narrow bedroom you can use both light and dark wallpaper. A dark contrasting canvas is used to decorate wide walls and visually pushes them apart in different directions.

Some patterned wallpaper, such as bright vertical stripes on a light background, raises the level of ceilings. Horizontal patterns also expand limited space, and bright, large prints reduce the area of ​​the room.

You can implement these approaches to wall decoration if you are not satisfied with the original shape or area of ​​the bedroom.

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