Modern curtains for the bedroom: the best new products of 2022

Fashion trend - elongated curtains

Long curtains that fall in folds to the floor add elegance to the bedroom. To achieve this effect, curtains are usually made 5-15 cm longer than the height to the floor level.

Such curtains harmonize well with draperies and tassels. In addition, they visually soften the sharp lines of the window frame.

Floor-length curtains will add height to a room if it has a low ceiling, but if you want to emphasize the area then avoid tightly gathered curtains or curtains that fall to the floor, as their bulkiness is too intrusive in the room (both visually and physically). If the temptation is too great, choose a plain fabric and be sure to add support loops.

Curtain density

When choosing a set of curtains for the bedroom, it is important to take into account another important factor - the degree of translucency of the material.

If there is a need for the room to be thoroughly shaded, no matter during the day or night, the material for the curtains should be dense.

If it is not possible to purchase such fabric, then you should simply sew two layers of fabric together. This will be enough to ensure the required density.

Double curtains

Double curtains have become a fashionable novelty in bedroom design for 2022. Due to the fact that you can combine fabrics, wide possibilities in design open up. You can combine a plain fabric of two colors or combine a plain material with a pattern.

This curtain design looks very elegant and stylish. In addition, it is suitable not only for classic interiors, but also for modern ones.

Another design option would be to trim the edges of the curtains with a different fabric. In this case, the illusion is created that the curtains are double, but in reality this is not the case. This is a more convenient and economical option. You will need half as much fabric and, in addition, you will not need to install a triple curtain rod to hang two rows of curtains and tulle.

Hot colors for 2022

This season, designers propose using shades that are noble and at the same time “tasty.” What does it mean? Let's figure it out.


The freshest shade of green won the hearts of interior designers a couple of seasons ago. And he is still at the peak of popularity. Of one's own free will, no one can part with an instrument that, as if by magic, enlivens any interior, makes it cleaner, brighter and more extraordinary.

Admirers of the mint shade also have its other advantages. So, it goes well with most other colors, and is especially good as a partner for beige, brown, purple and soft pink shades.

The mint shade is suitable for interiors of different styles, from classic to modern. It is fully consistent with the eco-trend that dominates interior design.

Dark red

Deep rich shades of ripe cherries, sun-ripened pomegranate seeds or tart wine amaze with their complexity and even a certain three-dimensionality. They look discreet, but expensive. Additional decorations for curtains of this color only make them poorer. So, as part of the trend towards brevity, this is a great option.

Red always suggests some pretentiousness. The best decorations for it are a classic interior, black and white colors, noble metals in decoration, high ceilings in the apartment and large areas.

To decorate windows in small bedrooms, dark red shades can be used in doses, remembering that unexpected combinations and stripes are also in fashion today.

Beige and brown

The choice is really great. These are the colors characteristic of caramel, custard, condensed milk, chocolate of all types, honey sponge cake, ice cream, and toffee.

These shades can be used alone or combined with each other. A bedroom with a window decorated in these colors will look calm and cozy. It will be equally easy to fall asleep and wake up here.

Black and white

Local black curtains are a new direction in design. If previously these could scare, today they are more likely to arouse interest. In addition, they are very practical and will definitely not let in the sun's rays, which interfere with a restful sleep.

Of course, they are not suitable for every interior. They will fit harmoniously only into those that are made primarily in light shades. In all other cases, combining with white will help.

And again there is a reason to remember the current stripes. They can be either vertical or horizontal. The pictures will show more options.

Simplicity and conciseness

In recent years, the general trend in interior design has been simplicity and conciseness.

This light-colored bedroom should not be hidden from the sun. Voile air curtains with contrasting tiebacks are an attractive window design.

Most bedrooms are small and naturally dominated by the bed, leaving only a small amount of open space. That is why be careful when choosing fabric with a pattern for curtains and curtains in the bedroom. If the fabric for curtains and bed linen are bright colors, and even with a large pattern, then a modest-sized bedroom will immediately turn into a sea of ​​​​fabric.

In the photo, patterned coffee Roman curtains paired with rich cream drapes enhance the sense of space in this small but tranquil room.

To emphasize the feeling of space, use simple plain or light fabrics with subtle patterns, blues and greens are especially soothing.

Unlike contrasting colors, these curtains are made of cotton fabric in a traditional English style and are made in the same colors as the entire interior of the room. Milky Roman curtains allow daylight to flood into the room while providing that much-needed indoor feel.

Multi-layered window treatments, such as sheer curtains combined with a blackout fabric curtain, work well in a bedroom where a sense of privacy is appreciated and the abundance of daylight is not too favored.

But bedrooms are not always used only for sleeping; they are often used as a study or simply as a quiet, relaxing place to relax. If your bedroom also serves as your office, you should avoid overly ruffled curtains and design styles that do not contribute to the work environment.

TOP styles of curtains in interior design

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In the photo: Bedroom interior design with blue accents

There are different styles of curtains - nominally these are classic straight, Roman (rolled), Italian, French, Austrian and eyelet curtains. But in fact, when choosing curtains for a designer interior, a specific combination of many design elements is very important. To choose the right option, it’s not enough to know the style you like. Therefore, we advise you to contact interior designers for help in decorating your bedroom with high-quality textiles.


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In the photo: Curtains for the bedroom in a classic style

In the classic style, we usually see plain curtains made of jacquard or satin with tiebacks (sometimes also with fringe), plain and elegant, with white transparent tulle. More complex are Victorian curtains made of taffeta, velvet and brocade with patterns such as damask or chinoiserie. Sometimes the classics use Italian curtains, in which the fabric along the top is gathered into roses. There are two main color schemes here: pastel beige (beige, cream, ivory, etc.) and pastel color (yellow sorbet, sky blue, light strawberry, etc.).


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In the photo: Fashionable interior in neoclassical style

In neoclassicism, darker curtains are popular: gray, gray-blue, beige, light brown. Most often, plain curtains are used, for example, velor, flock or velvet with regular white voile tulle. Curtains with ornaments are rarely used (but most often not colored, but gold or silver) and then only to add depth to the image of the fabric, and not to focus attention on it.

Art Deco

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In the photo: Beautiful apartment interior in art deco style

The Art Deco style uses luxurious fabrics from jacquard and tapestry, natural silk and satin. As a rule, models from Italian brands are purchased and adjusted to specific sizes. Identical fabric is used for upholstery of some pieces of furniture or decor (pillows, ottomans).


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In the photo: Modern style in interior design 2022

In modern style you will find the maximum number of patterns, ornaments, shades and general types of fabric. In fact, here you can use everything that suits a specific interior. But the most popular remain beige, gray and light gray fabrics with relief (capitone, screed effect, shabby chic effect, wave effect).

Blackout fabrics

How much daylight someone needs in a bedroom depends on personal taste. Some people cannot wake up without sunlight penetrating the room, while others are annoyed by any “intrusive” ray. To protect yourself from the sun, use heavy, thick fabrics or special shading materials, making sure that the curtain or curtain will completely cover the window.

Among the new products in bedroom curtains is the widespread use of blackout fabric. With the help of this new material, it is possible to almost completely darken the bedroom and not a single ray of light will disturb your sleep.

Moreover, this fabric can be of any color, not necessarily just black.

Subtleties of choosing textiles

Curtains that beautifully frame a window are the easiest way to make the environment more comfortable. Designers recommend starting to decorate the window after the renovation is completely completed. This approach will save you from mistakes, because window decor is selected to match the style of the room, and the result is not always obvious until the renovation work is completed.

White curtains in a green interior Source

Fabric structure

The choice of material is influenced by what function of the curtains will be decisive. If their role is more decorative, you can opt for light, translucent materials. If the need for a good night's sleep comes to the fore for the owners, preference is given to dense fabrics that reliably block natural light. To choose the right fabric, it is useful to remember the following nuances:

  • For the bedroom, they try to purchase hypoallergenic material. Linen and cotton meet this requirement better than others. However, they are difficult to use: they lose their appearance after frequent washing, can shrink, and require ironing.

Two-layer decor Source

  • Blended fabrics. They combine the best properties of natural and synthetic fibers. Mixed materials cost less than natural ones and are more practical to use. It is often possible to distinguish a mixed fabric from a natural one only by touch.
  • Heavy, dense fabrics (velvet, corduroy, velor) have an interesting texture; curtains made from them look especially luxurious. However, they are unsurpassed dust collectors and will require specialized care if you want to maintain their beauty for a long time.

Design in soothing colors Source

  • Try not to skimp on curtains; avoid synthetics. Natural fabrics (linen, viscose, silk) are environmentally friendly, look elegant, and fade more slowly under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation. If the budget does not allow, choose a mixed material.

Emphasis on black and white patterns Source
The fabric should be thick enough to darken the bedroom. You can check this ability before purchasing by holding the canvas up to a light source and looking through it. There are fabrics specifically designed to block light that are suitable for bedroom window treatments; they are presented in two lines:

  • Dimout. Retains 70-90% of solar energy, transmitting soft diffused light. Artificial night lighting is blocked by 95-100%.
  • Blackout. Lightproof fabric with up to 100% blocking rate. Although the material absorbs almost all light, it can be not only dark, but also light, including with print.

Pastel blackout curtains Source

Color choice and interior

When choosing the color of window decoration, they are guided by the overall design of the interior, not forgetting about their tastes and taking into account the architectural features of the bedroom. The easiest way is to follow these rules:

  • In the bedroom they try not to use rich and bright shades (unless the style requires it).
  • The shades of all textiles (curtains, upholstery, bed linen) should be in harmony with each other.

Harmony of shades Source
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in doors, windows and related work

  • The color of the curtains should match the shade of the walls, but not merge with it. To do this, choose a fabric that differs from the wall decoration by two or three tones. The rule does not apply in all cases; sometimes it is better to make the design of the window in the bedroom contrasting.
  • The winning color option for curtains for the bedroom is pastel and beige shades, if this does not contradict the overall color palette. They fit into any style solutions.

Turquoise-gray palette Source

Thread curtains

Another innovative idea is string curtains, which look great in the bedroom. These original curtains came to us from the East and gained great popularity.

The photo shows thread curtains for the bedroom in soft blue tones.

Such curtains consist of many threads and can be of different colors and textures. When the sun's rays pass through such curtains, a unique play of light is created in the room. All this provides a large field for creativity and the implementation of original design ideas.

Dark curtains

If you like unusual effects, take a closer look at black and graphite textiles - they give the environment a more intriguing atmosphere. Another advantage of white and black curtains is that they do not change the other shades in the room - wallpaper, furniture and upholstery.

Project author: Alena Totskaya

Project author: Alena Totskaya

Design: FullHouseDesign

Design: FullHouseDesign


Curtains with lambrequins have come back into fashion. In the bedroom they look especially appropriate and create coziness in the room.

According to tradition, if you look into history, draped lambrequins for the bedroom were made from expensive fabrics - damask, brocade, velvet.

Modern style allows everything from cotton and linen to artificial fabrics. The color scheme also has no boundaries. An exquisite lambrequin made of tapestry or silk fabrics with a large, catchy pattern, although it looks like an antique, can be adapted to a modern window by changing its shape.

A lambrequin can look like a simple strip of fabric. This can be a triangle decorated with edging or braid, an asymmetrical panel tied with a knot along the long side, simple folds laid along the entire length of the lambrequin.

The folds can also be decorated with contrasting braid, and to create a harmonious combination, the same braid can be used to decorate the bottom edge of the curtain and the tieback.

Fashionable lambrequins

Although lambrequins have largely lost their position, it is still too early to abandon them completely. In 2022 they are still used in windows. But only if they correspond to fashion trends. Today the following models are gaining popularity.

Hard bandeaus. These are structures on a dense frame that cover the upper part of the window. This can be fabric stretched over a frame, a figured element cut out of wood, imitation stucco molding, shutters, etc.

Simple swags. A swag is a semicircular element made of fabric. It was used in compositions before, but, as a rule, lush puffs or long ties were added. Today, laconic swags with symmetrical folds without additional decorations are welcome.

Single transfer. A single swag looks stylish and unusual, the ends of which are thrown over the curtains and left hanging. If you need to decorate a window group with a balcony door, they can be positioned asymmetrically, making the “balcony” end longer.

This lambrequin resembles a carelessly thrown toga. The conclusion about the combination with Roman blinds suggests itself.


Curtains with contrasting lining have become a fashionable trend in window decoration. Lined curtains protect the main fabric from fading and moisture, become voluminous and lightproof.

Lining fabric can also be used as a design element. The edge of the curtain with a patterned lining can be folded back, and then the lining is visible. Such curtains become thick and heavy, which means that the folds of the drapery will lie better and look more luxurious.

The main purpose

If we take into account that the word curtains comes from “garder”, translated from English to protect, this product has another meaning, so airy materials are replaced by curtains that cover the window well.

Considering window decor as an element of window decoration, we can emphasize its main functional features, namely:

Window block decoration. Curtains change the window space, making strict lines an almost transparent, airy and comfortable space.

The peaceful atmosphere in the bedroom is conducive to a pleasant rest

Diffusing bright natural light. Designers use this opportunity to create an exclusive interior space in which light and gilded shades are in harmony.

Protecting the environment from burnout.

Creating an atmosphere of privacy during the day. Today this problem is quite common, because in a populated area it is difficult to be alone with your own thoughts, and you really want to be separated from everyone.

Horizontal stripes

An interesting design find was the horizontal stripes in the design of the curtains. This is a very simple and elegant way to decorate curtains.

In an amazing way, you can transform a simple plain material into original curtains if you add horizontal stripes of a different color to it. You can come up with your own designs for curtains by changing the color, fabric and proportions of the stripes.

What style to decorate the window in

As noted above, the design of a bedroom window is considered one of the components of a comfortable atmosphere. There are several stylistic trends that are most often used for arrangement.

These include:

  • Art Deco;
  • Provence;
  • Classic;
  • High tech;
  • Minimalism.

Each direction has its advantages and disadvantages. We invite you to take a closer look at each of them.

Roman curtains

The atmosphere of the bedroom should be cozy and conducive to relaxation. Therefore, it may seem that only elegant and lush curtains are suitable for this room.

Roman blinds cannot boast of such qualities. Their forms are strict and laconic, and the fabrics for their manufacture are used mainly with a simple and smooth texture. But this is only at first glance.

Modern design requirements are different from those 20-30 years ago. Functionality comes first, especially since everyone has different ideas about comfort.

There are many people who are suffocated by lush draperies, and they can only relax and unwind in a more ascetic atmosphere.

And practical, functional, but at the same time not too formal (at least in comparison with horizontal and roller blinds), Roman blinds can be an ideal solution for them.

Roman blinds in different interior styles:

  • For a classic bedroom, thick curtains made of fabric with a tapestry pattern, decorated with fringe, are suitable.
  • Country style involves the use of thick linen or cotton in a check or stripe.
  • An Art Nouveau interior favors curtains painted in natural tones: olive, plum, coffee.
  • For the Scandinavian style, you will need translucent cotton curtains in light shades. If the windows face south, they can be combined with thick linen curtains.
  • For laconic interiors, such as hi-tech and minimalism, thick curtains made of fabric the color of wet asphalt with a metallic sheen are ideal.
  • Eclecticism is characterized by a mixture of styles. In such an interior, you can use any fabric, paying attention only to their light-protective properties.
  • For an oriental interior, you will need thick, bright curtains, decorated with exquisite embroidery and fringe of golden threads.

Curtains and interior

In the interior of a bedroom, as in any room, curtains play many roles. It is important to remember that a window is a large element and can often take up most of the wall. The overall impression of the entire room depends on what emphasis is placed on it. Properly selected curtains do not eat up space, harmonize with the interior and decorate it.

Size and features of the room

Often the bedroom is not large in size. In this case, it is better to abandon curtains that are too voluminous and heavy, so as not to overload the interior in a small bedroom. A large number of decorative elements complicates maintenance; dust accumulates on lambrequins and elaborate draperies, which is not conducive to a pleasant sleep.

We also advise you to think about what exactly you want to emphasize in the interior and what to hide. If the windows are beautiful in themselves, and the view behind them is pleasing to the eye, you can safely choose calm and not too bright curtains.

Roman blinds on the huge windows of a Scandinavian-style bedroom do not hide their beauty

Conversely, more complex, interesting textiles will distract attention from unsightly moments. By the way, spectacular curtains can become the main accent in the interior if the rest of the design is laconic or too simple.

In almost every house there are batteries under the windows. A stylish radiator can not be hidden and can even be included in the interior as a decorative element. To hide unsightly batteries, long curtains or tulle are suitable.

Light beige curtains decorate the large bedroom window and the original radiator

Another nuance is the width of the window sill. If it is larger than the standard one, floor-length curtains will look out of place. In this situation, Roman or roller blinds will be a good solution.

Idea: Beauty is in the details! To make standard plastic windows look more expensive and more modern, when ordering, replace the black bead seal with a white one. The difference will be obvious!

A white window with combined curtains looks especially stylish without black rubber seals

Interior style

The interior style of the bedroom, of course, dictates the design of all its elements, and curtains are no exception.

Fans of the classics will love long curtains made of heavy, dense fabrics: velor, tapestry, jacquard, taffeta. If the room allows, use decor - lambrequins, tiebacks, tassels. It is appropriate to select curtains to match the color of the walls and other textiles.

Classic curtains with luxurious decor in the form of tassels and lambrequins emphasize the classic interior

French or Austrian curtains are also suitable for a rich interior; they will add romanticism and a touch of luxury.

Romantic curtains with lace tulle decorate a light, classic interior

Lush curtains on the windows of the spacious bedroom complement the rich decoration of the room

Modern interior, on the contrary, dictates conciseness. These can be plain curtains combined with blackout roller blinds or discreet Roman blinds that do not attract attention. The same tips are relevant for the Scandinavian style. Laconic does not mean boring! The play of shades and textures of fabric, unobtrusive draperies, stylish design of the cornice will add zest to minimalism.

Soft pastel curtains on the huge windows of a laconic bedroom look stylish

Country and Provence styles are relaxed and cozy. If your bedroom has the spirit of country life, light curtains made from natural fabrics, cotton or linen, will suit it. You can use a delicate floral pattern, check or stripe.

A bedroom in Provence style allows for floral prints and frills in its design.

5 tips when choosing curtains for a bedroom to suit any interior:

  • Curtains of the same tone with wallpaper look boring; it would be better if they were lighter or darker.
  • Support the pattern on the curtains in textiles: order a bedspread or decorative pillows.
  • White, black and dark gray curtains are universal - they do not affect the rest of the interior and do not give stray shades to the walls and furniture.
  • A horizontal print on curtains visually makes the wall wider, while a horizontal print, on the contrary, draws it upward. Consider this depending on the proportions of your bedroom.
  • You can play up the pattern on the curtains not only with similar textiles, but also with other decor: vases, flower pots, lampshades on lamps or sconces. This is easy to do if the pattern is geometric, classic or floral. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Spectacular blue textiles in the bedroom set the harmony of the room and echo the pattern on the wallpaper

Powder pink curtains match the bedspread and the background colors of the bedroom

Tip: During renovation, save pieces of wallpaper or paint that matches the color of the walls in your bedroom. When you go shopping for curtains, take them with you - this will help you more accurately determine how the colors combine with each other. The photograph may distort the shades, which will lead to errors when choosing fabric.

Color solution

First of all, the choice of color for curtains in the bedroom depends on the overall color scheme of the room. Since color can influence a person’s psychological state, calm, muted and pastel shades are preferable.

Curtains in a country style bedroom look discreet and highlight natural materials

Too bright, flashy colors (red, orange, bright blue) excite and do not contribute to relaxation. Warm colors (beige, brown, coffee, sand) will add coziness to the interior, while cold colors (mint, pale blue, light green) will bring freshness.

Deep and rich shades (burgundy, cherry, emerald) are more suitable for spacious rooms, as they visually reduce the space. Window textiles in light colors will decorate a small bedroom.

Deep blue curtains complement the rest of the textiles in the spacious bedroom

If the color of the curtains strongly contrasts with the rest of the interior, they will attract attention. This can be a conscious decision when it comes to emphasizing the window area. It is important that the chosen shade of fabric looks good both in daylight and in artificial light.

White and gray colors are considered neutral, but too much white does not always cause pleasant associations - the feeling of sterility and “lifeless” space can worsen sleep. Black curtains, oddly enough, can successfully complement a modern interior and are well suited for the bedroom.

Dark curtains in a modern interior add intimacy to the bedroom

Of course, every year there are trends in curtain design, including color. It is worth paying attention to them, but not following them blindly. The main thing is that the atmosphere of the bedroom evokes pleasant emotions in you and gives you complete rest.

Idea: Changing the curtains according to the season will help you easily change the mood in the bedroom. Buy a couple of sets - summer and winter; they may differ in fabric density, color or print. Such a change will not be difficult and will allow you to update the interior without extra costs.

Modern trends and anti-trends

Whether you follow textile fashion or not when choosing curtains for your bedroom is up to you. But it won’t hurt to get acquainted with the latest design innovations. The trends proposed by designers inspire you to look at window design from a different angle and draw fresh ideas.

Natural-style curtains highlight a country-style interior with a high wooden ceiling

Textured curtains made of natural fabric in combination with Roman blinds

Natural fabrics with pronounced texture and imperfectionsLow quality synthetic fabric with artificial shine4
Laconic design: straight curtains, Roman blinds, soft, flowing shapes and draperiesAbundance of decor (lambrequins, tassels, tiebacks), rigid shapes
Simple or hidden corniceOrnate, massive cornice with decorations
Abstract prints on fabric: geometry, plant motifs, as well as two-color curtains or a combination of several canvases of different shades, gradientToo decorative or bright pattern, variegation
A combination of several types of curtains: for example, roller and tulleClassic combination of heavy curtains with lace tulle

Thick voluminous curtains in two colors combine with terracotta walls and textiles on the bed

Curtains with a watercolor print in pastel colors decorate the interior, built on the nuances of color combinations

Austrian curtains

Austrian curtains are a great way to decorate your bedroom window beautifully and romantically. Such curtains are delicate and feminine. They are almost devoid of right angles and strict lines, so designers do not recommend hanging them in a bachelor’s bedroom.

Otherwise there are no restrictions. They will be an excellent way out for people who are impressed by the functionality and convenience of lifting Roman curtains, but do not like their laconic simple form.

For a bedroom, it is important that curtains, if necessary, can create shading in the room that is comfortable for sleeping, but “Austrian” curtains are often made from loose fabric that allows light to pass through. In this case, they play the role of curtains and are combined with thick curtains.

Austrian curtains in different interior styles:

  • With the right choice of fabric, Austrian curtains will be appropriate in most interior styles. The exception is emphasized modern trends, such as loft, constructivism, hi-tech, brutalism and the like.
  • Since “Austrian curtains” are a simplified modification of French awning curtains, originally intended to decorate aristocratic chambers, they look harmonious in a classical frame, with elements of such styles as Rococo, Baroque and Empire. In this case, they should be sewn from smooth, dense silk fabric or translucent organza.
  • For “rustic” interiors filled with national flavor, such as French Provence, English shabby chic, American country, Italian Mediterranean, Austrian curtains are ideal. For such interiors, they are sewn from natural cotton fabrics with small floral prints.
  • This season, lambrequins are again at the peak of popularity. But due to the fact that, when folded, the Austrian model of curtains itself resembles a horizontal drapery, complex designs with ties, swags and crossovers will have to be abandoned. A smooth, rigid lambrequin with a flat, arched or figured bottom is best suited.

Choosing curtains for the bedroom

When choosing the type of window design, there are several important points to consider:

  • Which side of the world does the window in the bedroom face? The south and west sides will require shade during the summer heat. Therefore, light curtains definitely need to be combined with thick fabric. For the north or east side, on the contrary, it is better to choose lighter linen fabrics or Roman blinds made from a mat.
  • What floor is the apartment on? If we are talking about rooms below the fourth floor, then it is better to choose curtains that limit the view as much as possible. This even applies to tulle or curtains. You can use opaque, lightweight cambric or silk as a curtain.
  • If the bedroom is located in a private house, which is surrounded on all sides by a garden, then it is better to choose transparent and light curtains. Short curtains, or French draped curtains, would be quite appropriate here. A transparent curtain with a floral print will create a Provence style and fill the room with lightness and lightness.
  • If the window faces a busy street, then the curtains, like the frames, will also serve as noise reduction and dust protection. In this case, it is better to give preference to long options made from the most fluffy or terry fabrics: tulle with lace or a relief pattern, velvet curtains.

Japanese panels

Adherents of the Japanese style know that the main rules in its formation are conciseness and functionality. This applies to all Japanese household items, including curtains.

They are distinguished by a rigid rectangular shape, outwardly reminiscent of a screen or sliding doors and look very elegant, graceful and stylish.

Until recently, it was believed that such laconic curtains were suitable only for minimalist styles. Today, designers do not agree with this and offer many interesting ideas for combining Japanese curtains with less ascetic interiors.

Interesting ideas with Japanese curtains:

  • Screen panels look best in spacious rooms with large windows. But if you use light fabrics in light shades to sew them, then they will become a good design solution for a small room.
  • Particularly successful is the combination of screen curtains made of fabrics of different textures on one window. For example, from translucent organza and thick silk.
  • Depending on the size of the room, up to 10 screen panels can be placed on the cornice. They will allow you to quickly change the interior and comfortably dose natural light.
  • Since Japanese panels have a rigid rectangular shape, they are ideal for fabrics with complex prints and photo printing. Modern digital technologies allow you to apply any design on them, from a designer’s image to your own photograph, and create a one-of-a-kind interior.
  • Another option for changing tones and patterns is to overlay panels one on top of the other. By combining fabrics of different textures and colors, you can endlessly experiment with light and shadow and achieve new unusual results each time.
  • Today, layering is in fashion. Many designers skillfully combine Japanese panels with other types of curtains: tulle, traditional curtains, muslin and fit them into interiors that match the curtains of their style partners.

Curtains for a small bedroom

Not everyone can boast of a large bedroom area. Therefore, it is very important to create an atmosphere of lightness in such a room. In a small bedroom, plain curtains will look harmonious. Drawings or embroidery are not welcome on them. It is also better to avoid bulky folds. They visually make the room smaller. It is best to choose curtains with horizontal stripes.

Finishes and accessories

Just like the right accessories can turn a little black dress into a stunning outfit, carefully chosen curtain rods, hinges, cords, embellishments and trim can turn a simple or inexpensive window treatment into a statement piece.

But use them in moderation—remember: nothing looks worse than too much jewelry!

In the photo, an elegant carved holder in combination with simple cotton curtains attracts attention.

Sometimes such jewelry is a chance find (long live thrift stores and antique shops!), and sometimes it is the result of a long search in specialty stores.

Don't limit yourself to retailers, also check out the clothing departments for sequins, ribbons and lace trim.

You can also make the necessary design details yourself, turning objects such as shells, stained wood, glass polished by the sea, or “witch stones” (pebbles with holes in the middle) into decorations for curtains or curtains.

Remember that the simpler the fabric and style of the curtains, the more attention will be given to their decoration. Conversely, on a more elegant curtain these details will be less noticeable.

The variety of options for designing curtains in the bedroom allows everyone to choose what they like and suit the interior.

Modern curtains in bedroom design

Today, the following types of curtains are very popular:

London ones. When such curtains are lifted, a beautiful fold is formed in the middle, and bows are formed on the sides. This season's trend is tartan with a floral pattern.

French. This type of curtain is made from silk or organza. They feature beautiful folds. The predominant style of application is Baroque.

Roman. A great option for small bedrooms. The window sill length allows for extra storage space.

A little more about color combinations and textures

In bedroom design, textiles play the “first fiddle”, so you need to choose them especially carefully. Curtains and bedspreads made of the same fabric or similar in color and texture always look advantageous. If the bedroom is small in size, it is better to opt for laconic curtains made of smooth and light fabrics in soothing shades (plain or with unobtrusive patterns).

And to avoid excessive monochrome interior, choose textiles in the same color scheme as the walls, but a few shades darker. For example, chocolate-colored curtains are ideal for delicate milky-coffee wallpaper, and the cold restraint of gray-blue shades will be beneficially softened by warm “plum” or “lavender” curtains.

And, remember that if the living room is a kind of front face of your apartment, then in the bedroom it is better to focus on harmony and maximum comfort. Don’t choose fashionable trendy colors if you personally don’t like them too much: very quickly such an interior will begin to subconsciously irritate you. If you have to choose between style, elegance and comfort, then the latter is preferable for the bedroom.

Different curtains for different bedrooms

The area of ​​bedrooms and other rooms differs in different apartments, and even more so in country houses. The cardinal directions on which the windows face, the sizes of these windows and their number also differ. All this influences the choice of curtains, suggesting a different approach to design.

Small bedroom

Choosing curtains for a spacious bedroom is much easier than for a small one. Dense or voluminous models will look bulky, visually making the room even smaller. Designers advise paying attention to compact roll or Roman models.

In a medium-sized bedroom, plain straight curtains with neat tiebacks and white tulle curtains will look good. Suitable shades include light, sand, cream, pastel

Bedroom with a small window

It is important to correctly play with and emphasize narrow small windows, making them the highlight of the interior. Simple curtains made of natural or mixed fabrics, roller or Roman, will help with this.

The secret to visually expanding the window: curtains and curtains should extend slightly beyond its edge on both sides. This will visually increase the width of the window opening.

Do not choose too dark or saturated shades. They will attract attention. It is better to stick to light-colored canvases with small patterns or stripes.

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