Kitchen 18 sq. m: rules for planning, zoning, color and style combinations (135 photos of the best design ideas)

/Design/Kitchens of medium and large sizes/

In the kitchen of 18 sq. meters, almost everything is possible - a non-standard layout, the use of dark or bright colors, the organization of a spacious dining and work area, the placement of a bar counter, an island or a sofa. How not to miss all the possibilities of a large space, but at the same time not to overload it? We suggest studying the issue of kitchen design 18 sq. m on 6 real examples of interiors with different layouts.

Rectangular kitchen with parallel layout

If your kitchen is narrow or has an elongated rectangular shape, then you can arrange the set in two parallel rows. In this case, the dining area is moved into the back of the room (for a narrow kitchen) or placed between the rows (for a rectangular and square kitchen). The following photo shows an example of the design of a rectangular 18-meter kitchen, in which a dining area for 6 people is located in the center of the room.


  • When placing the set near a doorway, to save space, the swing door should be replaced with a sliding door or abandoned altogether. There is another option - to install a door that opens towards the hallway, and not towards the kitchen.
  • What is the best way to place “working” points in a kitchen with a parallel layout? It is best to place the stove, sink, dishwasher/washing machine and place for preparing food in one row, and everything else (refrigerator, oven, microwave oven, etc.) in another. By the way, there is another option, suitable for a combined kitchen-living room, when two rows perform different functions. For example, one row can be exclusively “working”, and the second can be used only as a buffet or living room “wall”.

Decoration with color

Properly chosen shades can delimit several areas connected in one territory, visually making the space larger, lighter and more spacious. The style determines the basis of the tones used in the room. If you prefer Provence, then light shades will predominate. High-tech allows the use of contrasting, bright colors.

Different wall decorations are the most affordable way to divide space

You can choose wallpaper or paint as a finishing material. For the kitchen, you should choose coatings that can withstand certain, difficult conditions. This applies not only to covering walls, but also ceilings and floors. It is not recommended to use carpet in the kitchen. The option is not practical. Its frequent contamination and difficulty in maintaining it will cause a lot of trouble. For a living room, carpeting is more suitable. It will look organic and appropriate.

A large carpet will look stylish in the sofa area

There are several different color options:

  1. A light and warm palette for paint or wallpaper.
  2. A combination of contrasting and catchy tones.
  3. Classic design in black and white.

The final choice will depend on the basic design of the room. It is important that everything looks harmonious. Significant differences in palette between segments are unacceptable.

Window decoration plays an important role in creating a kitchen-living room design

See alsoWhat should be the design of a kitchen in the Art Nouveau style

Island kitchen

An island is a functional kitchen module that is placed in the center of the work area and can be walked around from all sides. The purpose of the island table is to simplify the work of the cook and reduce the time spent moving around the kitchen. The only negative is that it “eats up” a lot of space. In the kitchen of 18 sq. m, it is possible to place an island without giving up a full-fledged dining area, but in this case, both the dining table and the island table should be small in size. So, for example, the following selection of photos shows an example of a kitchen of 18 square meters. m with an island measuring 130x70 cm and a square table for 4 people.

  • If your kitchen is utilitarian and the house has a separate dining room, then the island can be large and act as a breakfast bar for quick snacks. This solution is also suitable for a combined kitchen-living-dining room, because islands perfectly zone the space.
  • The shape of the island should follow the shape of the room.
  • Walkways around the island table should be at least 1 m wide.
  • It is advisable that the island does not interrupt the “work triangle”.
  • If you do not want to carry out complex repairs with the transfer and extension of communications, raising the floor level, etc., then you should place only an electric hob in the island or not equip it with appliances/sink at all. The islands work great simply as a food preparation station and bar counter.
  • A stove built into the island requires the installation of a circulation hood with a carbon filter or lengthening the air duct (and therefore lowering the ceiling level) to install a conventional hood.

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What problems do designers have to solve on an area of ​​18 square meters?

Spacious kitchens are most often designed in several cases:

  • The need to cook a lot and often for a large family. A spacious and high-tech work area is required.
  • Frequent feasts and parties. Guests should be seated at a spacious table, and the hostess should be comfortable facing the guests while preparing food.
  • The soul wants a feeling of spaciousness. The space should be free from excessive diversity. Furniture and accessories should emphasize the abundance of light and freedom. At the same time, one must avoid the impression of emptiness and incompleteness.

Design tips

Using proven recommendations when arranging a large kitchen will help you avoid many mistakes and help you place furniture comfortably. Designers recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • refuse the door or use the sliding option when placing the headset in close proximity to the opening;
  • to free up space, you should get rid of some wall cabinets;
  • do not make the shapes of the island and the room the same;
  • It is better to replace the stove with a hob;
  • put a soft corner in the dining area, which allows you not only to accommodate more guests, but also to relax while cooking;
  • if the kitchen is combined with the living room, then you need to purchase a powerful hood;
  • for safety reasons, install the stove away from the window;
  • It is better to integrate household appliances into the set.

Photo gallery

See alsoOak countertops for the kitchen - advantages over other types of materials

Kitchen-living room with corner set

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Kitchen-living room with partition

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Other ideas for a kitchen-living room with an area of ​​18 square meters

Defining the style


Characteristic features of the classic style: calm colors and textures, softness, comfort, clear lines, symmetry. Classics are also distinguished by natural materials and discreet luxury. Most often, wood, leather, stone or their imitations are used in decoration. Plastic is excluded, choose household appliances either in retro style or cover them with facades. The color scheme is also natural; the windows can be decorated with curtains. When zoning, consider the presence of columns, a fireplace, and an arch.


The rustic style of the French province is extremely popular. A large kitchen provides many possibilities for such design. The color scheme is natural, soft and light, unobtrusive: white, pastel, heavenly, green, lavender, mint. One of the distinctive features of the style is aged light furniture.

The general impression of Provence is space, air, sun. Therefore, avoid heavy curtains and bulky elements. Provence allows for an abundance of decor: flowers, paintings, figurines.


In this style direction, you cannot use unnatural materials and colors. Distinctive features: naturalness of light and structures, plastered walls, rough furniture, wooden floors, various beams, untreated boards look good. Most often, country music is done in dark wood, so a large space is a must. A green accent in the form of textiles, or milky as an additional shade, will look great in combination with wood. A large lampshade and floor lamp will fit organically into an 18-meter kitchen.

High tech

This modern trend is distinguished by clear lines, strict forms, functional minimalist design, and very little decor. Contrasting color solutions look great, the color scheme is calm: black, white, gray, silver, all shades of metal.

Eliminate natural wood, cheerful curtains, and intricate furniture decoration. Everything should be concise, unobtrusive. The focus is on equipment decorated in glossy metal with a bright sensor. Appliances in this style are not hidden, as they are one of the most important elements of the kitchen.


Another popular style solution that looks great in a large kitchen. Distinctive features: lack of decor, rough finishing in the style of an abandoned industrial space. Brickwork, wooden beams, and plaster are good. The color scheme is calm, but bright elements are allowed. The windows do not need to be decorated at all, but it is advisable that they be large enough. Open communications, pipes, valves, sockets are suitable as decoration.

Zoning a loft is not recommended; large rooms in the same style are preferable.

Zoning rules

Before arranging a square kitchen-living room, you need to identify functional zones in it, and allocate enough space for each of them so that it looks organic in the layout. Eighteen squares should have:

  • kitchen part;
  • dining area;
  • space for quiet relaxation (in front of the TV, fireplace, etc.).

If you arrange the kitchen unit in the letter “L”, a sink, oven and refrigerator will easily fit in this area. The rest of the space can be allocated for a wall or a slide, a set of upholstered furniture and the equipment necessary for the living room. In a space divided in this way, a large friendly family, a young childless couple, and a single person who is mostly at work will be comfortable.

If you install the kitchen set in a “P” shape, much more space will be available for the work area. There is space for dishes and kitchen utensils in two corners. With such a furniture arrangement, it is natural to have a table at which the family can quietly dine, and a set of upholstered furniture opposite the wall with a built-in TV.

Nowadays, it is fashionable to use a kitchen island, which can serve as a dining table and a cooking workstation. In the case of an eighteen-meter room, it can be a bar counter equipped with a place to store dishes. A kitchen set with such an object usually occupies one wall.

To make the kitchen-living room more convenient in everyday life, various types of delimiters of functional zones are used in it. You can separate the kitchen from the room with a shelving unit or other heavy structure. Although sometimes it is more convenient to have a sliding, for example, glass structure. Then, while preparing food, the kitchen is separated from the living room so that odors do not penetrate into the half where people relax, greasy drops do not fly, crumbs and other debris do not get scattered. When no one is working in the kitchen, the partition can be easily removed.

On eighteen squares, conventional plasterboard partitions of various shapes are also used, into which shelves are built.

Lighting also becomes an element of zoning. Each zone has its own lighting, which helps not only to visually divide the space, but also to reduce electricity costs.

It is advisable to provide individual lighting along the kitchen unit. In the kitchen area, a lamp with a lampshade and side lighting will also look very cozy. It is good to hang individual lamps or several above the dining table.

A simple way to separate zones is to arrange the furniture correctly. For example, a large sofa can serve as a kind of wall, indicating that the living room begins from it.

To delimit space, today they use transformable furniture that can easily be moved apart and pushed back. It is good for hiding bedding and even extra beds. Transformable furniture allows you to turn a compact cabinet into a comfortable table for a large company. This is a very convenient option for an eighteen-meter room. Although such furniture is not cheap.

You can also delimit space using different floor coverings in areas intended for certain functions. So, in the living room area there may be parquet, laminate or carpet, and in the kitchen there may be tiles that are easy to clean.

You can even use a podium to separate one zone from another. The difference in floor height of 10-12 centimeters creates a visual effect. Usually the part reserved for the kitchen is raised onto the podium, since it occupies a smaller area. This approach can only be used in rooms with high ceilings.

You can also visually separate one zone from another using certain color schemes. While maintaining harmony in this regard, you need to keep in mind that the kitchen and the room itself should be decorated in different colors. The judicious use of contrast works very effectively. You can combine colors of different shades and saturations, use wallpapers of different textures, and so on.

Advantages and disadvantages of combination

Any redevelopment must be carefully considered. We need to weigh all the positive and negative aspects of change. There are many advantages of combining several functional areas into one:

  • saving square meters. This is especially true for owners of small apartments and large families. By moving the living room, you can free up an additional room for children;
  • the emergence of additional design opportunities. Square meters are enough for an unusual arrangement of furniture, the use of extraordinary decor;
  • increasing the amount of natural light. An “extra” window opening appears. The room will become lighter and more spacious;
  • the ability to do several things at once. Housewives will be able to easily cook food, watch their favorite TV series, and watch small children.

There are not many disadvantages. The main disadvantage of unification is the need to constantly maintain order. Drops of grease, dirt, crumbs will easily penetrate into the living room. Cleaning will have to be done almost daily. Another disadvantage is the presence of an unpleasant odor.

Sofa location

Since the main element of the living room area is the sofa, it is necessary to choose the optimally comfortable place for it. It is recommended to choose a model that will not look bulky in a small room. Of course, a corner sofa can also really fit on 18 square meters, but then you will have to slightly reduce the dining area.

The location of the sofa depends on the layout and tasks that the owner of the kitchen-living room of 18 square meters solves. If its main purpose is to separate zones, then the structure is placed across the room, with its back to the kitchen area. This is convenient, but can visually “eat up” the space.

The photo shows a mini-sofa that fits between the window and the kitchen unit.

Another popular option for placing a living room sofa is with its back against the wall. This is the optimal solution for owners of elongated premises. Sometimes the structure has to be placed near a window, since a TV is hung on the opposite wall or a fireplace is installed.

Selection of furniture

When choosing a furniture design, we recommend following these recommendations:

If the kitchen accounts for half the area of ​​the room, the second part for the living room simply needs to be lightened with light, visually inconspicuous furniture.

The table and chairs can be compact or transparent, on light metal legs.

The table can be folding, which is convenient when guests arrive. Instead of chairs, you can use bar seats.

A soft sofa can completely replace a couple of chairs at the dining table.

  • It is better to buy a kitchen set with lower drawers than with shelves that are less functional.
  • In general, the furniture should be spacious, and it is advisable to build in household appliances.
  • Don’t be afraid to use furniture in the kitchen with two high or even three tiers. These will be additional places to store utensils. In addition, the top kitchen drawers will help hide unsightly ventilation ducts and other utilities, if any.

Finishing of various zones

Finishing allows you to visually differentiate several rooms without disturbing the overall style. It is important to consider the characteristics of each segment to select the correct material. Not just any covering is suitable for the kitchen. It is better to tiling the floor with tiles with a special surface that allows you to avoid slipping. The selected coatings should be as easy to care for as possible.

Tiled tiles, stone trim or porcelain tiles are appropriate for the kitchen backsplash

See alsoWhat is a freshness zone in the refrigerator: types, disadvantages and advantages, tips.

Multi-level ceiling, lighting

When renovating and combining the kitchen and living room, it is worth considering the ceiling area and lighting. The ceiling can be made at different levels, which has several advantages:

  • Visual delimitation of space. A multi-level ceiling, as a rule, differs specifically in the recreation area and the kitchen itself. It may differ slightly in height (10-15 cm), but be the same color, or can be made in different variations. For example, there is a blue matte surface above the kitchen, and a white gloss surface above the living room.
  • Possibility to customize the light. A large chandelier is installed in one zone, and small light bulbs in another.
  • Style. Such ceilings are a design solution that is only gaining popularity. It is perfect for any style and interior.

There should be enough light in the kitchen both during the day and in the evening. If there is not enough natural light or it is completely absent in the room, then it is important to install additional lighting fixtures. The latter include:

  • wall lamps;
  • floor lamps;
  • chandeliers;
  • decorative candles;
  • floor lighting.

By combining the kitchen and living room, you can create a cozy and comfortable room with an original design, where both family and friends will be happy to gather.

Choosing a kitchen set

After drawing up a plan and combining the kitchen with the living room, the question arises of what furniture to choose for the room. Its design helps correct some of the design flaws, and the size of kitchen cabinets and cabinets determines how much things can be hidden and what will have to be left in plain sight.

If the kitchen is the main character of the room, then its design can be anything

If you want to distract attention from the set as much as possible, you should choose simple forms with smooth facades without handles: that is, visually bring its design closer to ordinary cabinet furniture

The photo shows a laconic set that seems to dissolve in the kitchen-living room of 18 sq m due to the light shades and lack of handles.

Interiors where kitchen cabinets hide dishes, appliances and a refrigerator behind their facades look neat and modern. In order to fit all the utensils, you can hang tall cabinets close to the ceiling.

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