Bedroom for a girl: how to arrange it? (+50 photo ideas)

In apartments and private houses, designers often use zoning. The living room and kitchen combine well. Two rooms connected to each other look spacious, and this layout will make the space cozy.

You can update the design, implement interesting ideas, or repeat a design seen in a magazine, TV show, or photo on the Internet. The style in the living room-kitchen can be different, and choosing it can turn into a fun experience.

Before combining rooms, designers advise taking into account the basic rules, creating a project, and choosing colors.


Designers do not advise giving in to fashion trends and copying design ideas without taking into account dimensions, location and other nuances. Before planning and arranging furniture, every detail is thought through.

There are several simple rules that experts advise you to follow:

  • Let the room have natural light. To do this, remove excess walls (except for load-bearing ones).
  • If the rooms in the apartment are small (12 sq. m or 16 sq. m), the layout of the kitchen combined with the dining room will be the right solution.
  • If the ventilation system is not designed correctly, the smell of food will spread throughout the apartment.

The meaning of colors

To make your child comfortable, it is best to choose pastel and white colors. They promote a soft, relaxed atmosphere that does not disturb the nervous system. But not all girls want to have a bedroom in these colors.

That is why it is worth considering other options, which can also be very interesting.

  • Yellow color helps to activate brain activity;
  • Green promotes calm, just like lilac;
  • The color pink sets you up for a wave of dreaminess;

If the room is located on the south side, then it is better to use shades of blue, light blue and azure. You can create a relaxing oceanic atmosphere if you choose these colors wisely in the design of walls, curtains and textiles.

If the windows face north, then warm shades of yellow, orange, and brown will help make the bedroom more comfortable. A suitable bedroom interior for a girl can be found in catalogs and in photos, considering and combining various options.


The interior of the kitchen and living room begins to be thought out from the junction of the two zones.

    Here are some of the ways and objects that delimit space:
  • installation of a bar counter;
  • kitchen island;
  • big table;
  • installation of a low partition.

Designers advise installing a wide counter, since you can sit at it like at a regular table, and high chairs are quite suitable for the whole family.

However, in small rooms (16 sq m), narrow counters are installed. Kitchen islands are convenient to use, but are only suitable for large kitchen-dining rooms (25 sq m or 30 sq m). Capital low partitions are installed only if it has been decided in advance what they will be used for (for example, as a TV stand).


If the kitchen combined with the living room has the same floor covering, then there are no special rules for carrying out the work. When combining different materials, take into account in advance where they will be joined.

For example, laminate flooring creates unsightly joints with tiles. The main thing is that the floor is flat without curved joints, as they will be noticeable.

Kitchen cabinets that are mounted on the walls should reach the ceilings. In some cases, craftsmen “lower” the ceiling with plasterboard.

Photo wallpaper as the simplest way of thematic decor

Fashion trends in interior design 2016-2017 - 3D illusions, 3D wallpaper with photo printing and decorative panels. This technique can be widely used on the entire wall, then it will seem to “open the doors” to the world of fantasy.

Fashion trends in interior design 2016-2017 – 3D illusions.

The wallpaper with young ladies in lush dresses on the palace stairs seems to invite the girl to a magical ball.

A seashore with sailboats covering the entire wall is a great decor idea for “little Assol.”

Wallpapers with characters from “The Little Mermaid” and “Sea Brothers” will make a fan of these cartoons happy.

No matter what design style the parents choose, the wallpaper in their daughter’s bedroom should correspond to one idea. We remind you that horizontal stripes expand the space, while vertical stripes increase the height. The blue ceiling and wallpaper on the walls mean “open sky” and unlimited space.

The blue ceiling and wallpaper on the walls mean “open sky” and unlimited space.

A dark, thick shade requires light furniture and curtains, good lighting and well-chosen accessories.

Furniture items

A few examples of furnishing a kitchen combined with a living room:

  1. 1. Sofa. It becomes an object that zones space. The sofa is placed with its back facing the place where food is prepared. In small rooms (less than 20 sq m) a corner is placed, which is placed against a wall installed perpendicular or parallel to the kitchen.
  2. 2. Set. According to designers, minimalist models without elaborate details look modern. The service, vases or glasses are placed on an open shelf. You can buy a fashionable display case for them. Furniture is placed near the wall. If the space is large (20 sq. m, 25 sq. m or 30 sq. m), then in the central part you can install an island, which also has sections for kitchen appliances.
  3. 3. Furniture set. The style should be combined with the design of both rooms. In small rooms, a compact table and chairs made of transparent material or painted in light colors look good. You can add a table with a round top to your living room interior. In spacious rooms, the kit is installed near the wall or in the central part. An elongated rectangular dining table would look good here.

Read here: Colors for the bedroom

Bedroom for a teenage girl

Chances are, teens will want to be an active part of bedroom design planning by incorporating their favorite trends. String lights, wall photo collages and galleries are very fashionable today and are a versatile design option.

If possible, make room for homework and projects with a desk or study space. Try to keep distractions in this area to a minimum, if possible, so that the teen can focus on the task at hand. Another space she may need is a staging area. A small mirror and table will add storage space for makeup or accessories.

A bed for a teenage girl should be at least 90 cm wide. It is worth considering a model with an additional pull-out sleeping area so that the child’s friends can spend the night. Teenagers often read books in bed and study, so good lighting should not be forgotten.

A bedside lamp on a movable arm with a point light source that can be directed towards a book is essential. There should also be space next to the bed for a bedside table or shelf to put a book or phone. A soft, upholstered headrest is a must-have next to the bed. You can make it yourself from pillows or from plywood and upholstery material.

A comfortable table with a chair adjusted to the child’s height and ensuring the correct position while working is important in a teenage girl’s bedroom. Since they affect the proper development and health of the child, you should not skimp on them. The work area should be by the window and have access to daylight.

The table should be large enough for the child to lay out books, notebooks and teaching aids on it. To prevent a teenage girl from having problems keeping her desk tidy, choose a model with drawers or cabinets. Add-ons with compartments or shelves hung on the wall near the desk are also suitable. Lighting is also very important. A lamp that gives light as close as possible to natural light - it causes the least amount of eye fatigue.

Choosing the right wall color will help separate the above-mentioned zones in a teenage girl's bedroom . It is worth betting on colors that teenagers like. For a youth room, rich, bright colors are often chosen that will emphasize the youthful character. Be careful not to overdo the number of colors on the wall so that the girl’s room does not become too colorful. This will create the impression of clutter and this room design will be tiring.

If you decide to use rich, energetic paint colors, it's best to use them on one or two walls so as not to overwhelm the bedroom design. The best solution is to use expressive colors only in accessories with a neutral base, that is, the walls are painted white or gray.

Multi-level floor

To zone the space, craftsmen install floors at different levels. They advise installing a podium to separate the kitchen and dining room. This option is considered one of the most practical because, among other things, the owners have additional free space where they can hide something.

It is convenient to use boxes or crates for this. Wicker baskets will look good. But such space can remain free.

For podiums, reliable materials are selected that can withstand heavy loads. Usually builders make wooden or metal podiums.

However, such a design should not be made if there are small children in the family, since the podium can become an obstacle for him. In addition, various floor coverings can be used.

They will zone the space between the living room and the kitchen and protect the podium from damage. For example, tiles are laid in the kitchen area, and laminate flooring in the dining room. The main thing is to choose colors and textures and combine the finishes correctly.

How to choose lighting for a girl's bedroom

When thinking about how to decorate a bedroom , you should also choose the right lighting. There must be several light sources. Central lighting is best created with a pendant lamp. The main light should be bright, but diffused. Ideal models would be those equipped with adjustable cable length, which allows you to adjust the degree of light concentration.

Don't forget to pay attention to children's bedside lamps, the yellowish light of which will make it easier to fall asleep and increase the child's sense of security. Decorative sconces for children can become additional light sources. To ensure that all lighting points are consistent in style, it is worth choosing lamps from the same collection.


There are many current trends and design ideas. The kitchen-living room in a modern style looks simple and minimalistic.

At the same time, it is not necessary to strictly adhere to any style; you can take its main idea as a basis and cleverly play with it with accessories and other details.

A bed for any age

It is better to take a one-and-a-half size bed. It is suitable for both a little girl and a teenager. Usually, a limiter in the form of a removable bar is attached to the side of the bed for the safety of the baby. It can be easily unscrewed when not needed.

  • Also, a bed for children of this age is complemented by a sliding ladder or other details.
  • Bed linen with your favorite cartoon characters, a bedspread of the desired color, stickers or appliques - all this will help in your design decision.


This style came into fashion several years ago, but still does not lose its relevance. Its practicality and European elegance are well suited for a living room in a city apartment or house. You can add bright accents, for example, textiles of different shades.

  • Bed in the bedroom
  • Bedroom design
  • Beautiful bedrooms

The basis for the Scandinavian style is white and gray finishing, wooden details. To decorate the space, pink, blue or ocher elements are suitable.

Wallpaper for a girl's bedroom

Choosing wallpaper for a girl's bedroom requires a little effort on the part of responsible parents. The world of children's wallpaper is rich and beautiful, but the criterion for their purchase can be not only a fairy-tale pattern and a cheerful color - happy parents must remember that they are not arranging a room for themselves, but for their child. The most important thing is that the wallpaper design for a girl’s children’s bedroom should be adapted to the child’s age and contribute to his development. Some wallpapers should decorate the walls of a small child, some wallpapers are suitable for a preschooler, and still others should decorate the walls of a teenage girl's room.


This year the style remains in demand. It is often used to equip kitchens combined with a living room. This combination gives more free space, which will only emphasize all the details of the loft.

Today, such a definition as “classic style” is used less and less by designers. Loft - any interior design in which various technical elements are not hidden, but emphasized.

For example, stylists play with brickwork, wires or concrete walls. The photographs clearly show how successful it can look like a living room that is combined with a kitchen.

For loft, rough and heterogeneous surfaces and rough materials are selected. In apartments decorated in this style, wall lamps are installed. In this case, the light is directed along the walls.

Due to this, shadows fall so that uneven surfaces look three-dimensional. At first, loft was viewed with caution, but it quickly became popular. Designers do not hide finishing materials and even fake them. To imitate a concrete surface and smudges, decorative plaster is used.

How to adjust wallpaper to the next stages of a girl’s development?

  • Wallpaper for a little girl. It often happens that future parents arrange their child’s room even before he is born. However, it should be remembered that in the first months of life the baby does not see an adult. At first he learns to recognize the faces of his parents; only after a few months do children begin to notice the shapes of their surroundings. At first their attention is attracted by simple shapes and primary colors such as red, blue, yellow. Properly selected children's wallpaper can support the development of a baby: a wall covered with a pattern depicting, for example, animals or fairy-tale characters in pleasant colors will certainly attract the baby's eyesight and support his development, gradually encouraging him to discover new decorative details.

  • Wallpaper for girls who are not yet in kindergarten. After the first year of life, the child's development accelerates. Babies begin to walk, talk and perceive the world around them with all their senses. Behavior becomes more complex and role play appears in which shapes and objects are created, for example, from blocks. Children at this age are already beginning to communicate with us and... convince us of their opinion. An indispensable background for themed games can be wallpaper with a child’s favorite “world” - for example, an Indian village, an enchanted forest or a tropical jungle. The child will already have his favorite characters, who, when they appear on the wallpaper in his room, will become ideal playmates.

  • Preschool girl's room. At the age of 3-6 years, children attend kindergarten, where their knowledge and skills are constantly improved. Contact with peers teaches social behavior. Children begin to have their own opinions on many issues, including the color and design of the wallpaper on the wall in their room. There is also a clear division between colors and themes that are unacceptable for girls and unacceptable for boys. Many girls will definitely not agree to motorcycles, cars, pirates or spaceships. This is the moment when you need to decorate the children's room not for yourself, but for the little person.

  • Which wallpaper to choose for a teenage girl? Finally the moment comes when your “princess” goes to school. This is a new chapter in life, in which study gradually begins to prevail over play and laziness. How should you arrange your bedroom? First of all, a compromise should be sought - the child’s ideas and the common sense of the parents may differ radically. This is a great opportunity to teach children to take responsibility for their decisions.


Minimalism will be a good basis for another modern design in the living room combined with the kitchen. At the same time, the rooms are kept in perfect order and unnecessary things are hidden. To maintain minimalism in the kitchen, you will need cabinets and drawers in which you can put dishes and other kitchen utensils.

  • Scandinavian bedroom
  • Built-in bedroom
  • Bedside tables

A girl's room should be adapted to her needs

When looking for a room idea for a girl, you should first of all focus on the needs of the child, which are largely determined by his age. The most important thing for a child is the love and closeness of his parents. A preschooler is interested in the world and learns through play, so he needs space to play and relax. A school-age child should have a suitable place to study, relax and develop his interests. The teenager values ​​most of all his privacy, the ability to express himself and spend time with peers.

The sleeping area should be in the quietest place in the room. A child's bed should be configured so that the child feels comfortable and safe. Therefore, in a girl’s room, the bed should not be placed near the window or in front of the door, as this will disturb the feeling of peace and comfort.

You can install a decorative canopy over your daughter’s bed, which will not only look beautiful, but will also clearly separate the relaxation area in the girl’s room from the play or work area. We recommend especially beautiful muslin canopies.


Even popular music has echoes of ancient motifs. The same can be said about the design, in which classic details are framed in a fashionable design.

This style is characterized by symmetrical lines, framed mirrors, arched openings, and antique accents. All this is complemented by fashionable finishing materials and accessories. Neoclassicism combines sleek modern details with traditional combinations.


The name of this destination comes from a region in the south of France. Even a small kitchen-living room, the decor of which was inspired by French aesthetics, will be filled with warmth and comfort.

The main thing is that it has a lot of daylight, textiles with romantic prints, and floral patterns. The dining room in the Provence style is designed in pastel shades. Furniture items can be vintage or artificially aged. Plain walls will contrast with large checkered curtains.

The door in the kitchen area set is sometimes replaced with curtains made from the same material as the tablecloth. A good addition would be vases and figurines, clay pots, forged metal parts and ribbons.

Other tips

The living room with the kitchen can be combined and decorated with various imperfections. It is important to calculate and anticipate everything in advance.

Decorators and craftsmen share tips that will help avoid problems during repairs and furnishings:

  • The result depends on how detailed the project is drawn up. Oddly enough, it is worth taking into account the growth of loved ones and relatives. It is also recommended to calculate the approximate number of possible guests.

  • You can get rid of food smells by installing a strong hood or ventilation system. Small models are more suitable for housewives who do little cooking.
  • If you plan to have a sleeping place in the living room, then it is important that the ringing of appliances and other kitchen utensils is not heard. Silent dishwashers and other appliances will come in handy.

In addition, you can install a sliding door and install a soundproof partition. If there is sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, the owners hang thick curtains made of light-proof fabric.

If household appliances do not match the direction of the interior, they are hidden behind furniture or put away in kitchen cabinets.

When installing luminaires and lamps, they are guided by several criteria. It is important that the light falls evenly throughout the entire space. Especially bright lighting is preferable in the kitchen area and where the dining table is installed.

In the living room, designers create a subdued atmosphere using wall sconces and table lamps. Multi-level stretch ceilings with LED strip also look good in this room.

Moisture-resistant finishing materials are more durable and easy to clean. Thus, they retain their appearance for a long time.

The kitchen combined with the living room combines:

  • personal tastes of the owners;
  • reliable finishing materials;
  • current design ideas;
  • convenience;
  • trends. The best photos of kitchen living room design

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