Choosing stylish wallpaper for a boy’s children’s room: photos of bright child’s rooms with plot options

When choosing children's wallpaper for boys, immediately think through the design to the smallest detail, and also do not forget that with age his interests and preferences may change.
Prepare in advance to select materials that suit your style. Look at the photo of wallpaper for a boy’s children’s room with bright and modern decorating ideas, ask your child what he would like his room to look like.

Since when decorating a nursery it is important to take into account many features, do not be limited by the child’s imagination and your ideas: study our recommendations to make your son’s personal space cozy and positive.

How to choose the right one

The place where your child spends most of his time should be taken seriously. It is advisable that his room meets all the recommendations of specialists in raising and examining children.

Wallpaper plays an important role in arranging a nursery, so you need to know the basic criteria for choosing it. We invite you to familiarize yourself with their list:

  1. Non-toxic. The composition should not contain chemicals harmful to small organisms. The environmental friendliness of children's wallpaper can be confirmed by an appropriate certificate, which the seller must provide.
  2. Hypoallergenic. The material should not harm the child’s health, so it is important to take this criterion into account when choosing wallpaper.
  3. Wear resistance. Children, as a rule, do not know how to take care of things or repairs. Therefore, if parents do not want to re-glue wall coverings every year, it is necessary to choose durable wallpaper.
  4. Hygiene. In other words, this is the ability of a material to retain its original appearance. The room where the little boy will live will have to be cleaned frequently, including wet cleaning, which not every wallpaper can handle.
  5. Design. It is advisable to think through the design of a children's room intended for a boy, taking into account the recommendations of a psychologist. And the wall decor should be chosen to match the overall style.

Wallpaper for a children's room designed for a boy should also be selected in accordance with his age. For example, if a child is currently 7 years old and he is not against cartoon cars, then after 5 years the boy will grow up and will be dissatisfied with such a “frivolous” design.

Types of products

When choosing wallpaper for a children's room, you must take into account the basic requirements for the materials:

It is important to take into account the preferences of the small owner of the room. This issue is especially relevant when choosing wallpaper for a teenage boy. For girls, the beauty of the room comes first, while growing men need convenience for games, study and relaxation. For this reason, the interior for a boy’s room should be complete, harmonious and functional.

The following types of wallpaper are common on the building materials market:

Depending on your child’s own preferences and desires, you should choose the most suitable wallpaper for the room.


The design of wallpaper for a boy's children's room should match the style of the entire apartment, reflect the age and interests of the child, and also have some special feature.

The most popular and modern varieties:

  1. Vinyl. The coating meets almost all selection criteria (durability, hygiene, etc.) and is quite affordable. This kind of wallpaper is mainly used in a room for a teenage boy.
  2. Liquid. On the one side? They are perfect as wallpaper for a children's room intended for a boy, because they are easy to apply and restore in case of damage, which often happens in children's rooms. On the other hand, the price of such a coating is quite high, so not all parents decide to use liquid wallpaper, because repairs in a room with a child are needed much more often than in other rooms.
  3. Paper. In a modern nursery for a newborn, paper decoration is often used. Firstly, this coating is environmentally friendly, and secondly, it is cheap. However, they are not resistant to moisture and other external factors, so after a year, children change their wall decor.
  4. Photo wallpaper for a boy. Photo printing can be found both in girls, with images for the walls of teenagers, and in boys.
  5. Non-woven. Durable and safe finish. Repeated repainting of the coating is allowed. True, such material is not cheap.
  6. Cork. In addition to the basic criteria that this coating fully meets, it also has soundproofing properties. True, cork wallpapers are not distinguished by a rich variety of colors.

Wallpaper for boys is presented in several types on the market, so everyone has the opportunity to choose the right option for themselves.

The nursery should be not only cozy, but also safe. Therefore, you should pay attention to the quality of the material when purchasing it.

Features of choice

As you can see, there is plenty to choose from; you can use the classic paper or vinyl version, or turn to original liquid wallpaper or paintable canvases. In any case, you should pay special attention to these qualities:

Note that by the age of five, boys are already beginning to develop interests, so they can be taken into account when creating the design of his room. Usually at this age they like cars, airplanes, boats, and cartoon characters. It is quite possible to cover some areas of the room with wallpaper with such images, successfully using a combination with canvases in a different color.

Calm interior of a children's room

For teenagers, such drawings will no longer be relevant. For them, it is better to choose either a neutral or general theme.

Wallpaper color

A well-chosen color scheme can take a child to his dreams. It is recommended to select the colors of the walls in accordance with the style of the nursery and the age of its inhabitants.

Shades for newborns

Parents choose the palette for wallpaper in their baby's room according to their taste. It is not particularly important for the child himself what color of wallpaper he should tear off and paint. However, child psychology experts recommend sticking to soft pastel colors:

  • cream, milk, champagne, cappuccino;
  • mint, turquoise, blue, sea green, light lilac;
  • light yellow, light green, beige.

It is advisable to cover the walls with plain wallpaper, while discreet designs and patterns are allowed.

For a boy 1–5 years old

After a year, the baby begins to show the greatest interest in everything that surrounds him, including the design of the premises. It is better to use bright colors for wallpaper. It is advisable to choose paper wallpaper, because children at that age love to draw on the walls. Any child will appreciate images of their favorite cartoon characters on the walls. Photo wallpapers are also perfect here.

To ensure that hyperactive children sleep well in their rooms, psychologists recommend green tones for wallpaper in the children's room. The use of drawings and photo printing is allowed, but the images should not cause aggression.

For a child 5–10 years old

Boys at this age become more active and inquisitive. When choosing wall decor, you should pay attention to the child's interests and favorite colors. It is recommended to combine palettes here.

The room should be divided into zones:

  • for classes;
  • for relax;
  • for games.

Appropriate tones are selected for each area. Cheerful images, bright colors and photo prints are best left in the play area. And where the child sleeps and studies, opt for plain wallpaper and soft pastel colors.

Color solutions for a teenager's room

The choice of wallpaper for the room in which a teenage boy lives is recommended to be done together with the child. At this age, the child is focused on studying, so it is worth moving away from cheerful images, etc. It is best to use the following shades:

  • blue;
  • white, flesh-colored, beige;
  • blue; green;
  • peach, champagne.

Wallpaper for a teenage boy's room should be more serious. If you want to resort to photo printing, then it should no longer be a cartoon character, but, for example, your favorite car or plane, etc.

Coloring and drawing

It is very important that the colors of the walls, patterns on the wallpaper and the overall design of the room please the child, so that the psychological impact is extremely positive. This can be achieved by following simple design rules:

In large rooms, using combinations, you can divide the space into several zones. The most commonly used option is one with areas for playing and sleeping. As you probably already guessed, in the sleeping area there is wallpaper in monochromatic, calm colors, since they are designed to calm a baby who is bloated at the end of the day. In the play area, preference is given to more colorful wallpaper, which may contain designs of neutral or children's themes.

Children's room in bright colors

For boys' rooms, wallpapers are most often chosen with automotive (cars, trains), sea (ships, pirates, treasures), air (planes, helicopters, flying balls), animal (animals, dinosaurs) themes.

For small children's rooms, zoning will be difficult, so it is necessary to cover all the walls with wallpaper of the same type, and place accents using accessories and household items. With this approach, the design of the room will look solid and harmonious.

Marine theme

It is worth saying that for boys’ children’s rooms, many parents choose wallpaper with a marine theme, since both the design itself and the color scheme of such paintings are quite suitable. Most often, the color of such wallpaper is white, blue, light blue, beige, which is classified as calm. A drawing in the form of a ship, a treasure island or the treasure itself allows the child to feel a pleasant spirit of adventure.

Marine design of a children's room

A developed child's imagination will allow the child to imagine himself as a brave pirate or a brave captain steering his frigate. In addition, it is very easy to maintain a child’s interest in this topic, because there are a huge number of cartoons, films, books and programs related to marine themes in one way or another.

Having chosen the maritime direction as the main one, you can diversify the design with wallpaper with images of ships, inhabitants of the seas and oceans, treasure maps, sea knots, steering wheels or other parts of ships. Accessories and various items related to the sea are even easier to find. Subsequently, you can combine it with light wallpaper, placing it in the sleeping area.

Blue and other colors

As the baby grows, he spends a lot of time in the nursery, here he plays, sleeps, and studies. The interior design of this room should be pleasant, comfortable, and safe for him. Many parents rightfully choose blue for this room, as they know about its ability to give confidence, which is very necessary for male children.

Choosing wall colors for a nursery is a complex process. If you make the interior too calm, the child will lack bright colors. Of course, these colors are present on his toys, but after playing, he puts them away in the chest of drawers or closet.

To encourage a child to develop and explore the world, it is necessary to add rich, bright colors to the interior of his room. In this case, you need to use combinations, creating original, successful tandems.

For example, for the youngest boys, you can choose a pair of light yellow and blue shades, which will simultaneously create an atmosphere of comfort and security in the nursery. As clear, bright accents, you can use color images of animals, birds, and objects. Stickers in rich red, green, and blue colors will look great.

Age characteristics

As the child grows, it is worth introducing more and more rich colors into the design of his room, and preferably, they should be clean. Wallpaper in classic blue, yellow, and green colors will promote the development of imagination, curiosity and the desire to understand the world; they will help create an energetic playful aura in the room. By this time, the child’s psychological state will be more stable, so there is no need to worry about the saturation of colors.

If possible, you can let your child choose the color of his room. If he can't make his choice, you can choose the color yourself by looking at the colors of his favorite toys.

It is very important for teenagers that they themselves choose the color of the room, which would help lift their mood and inspire them. Which of the standard colors a teenager chooses is not so important; you can use the same classic tones: yellow, green, blue.

Please note that wallpaper or photo wallpaper that would be ideal for newborns or 3-4 year olds is no longer suitable for a 10-12 year old boy. Even children 6, 7, 8, 9 years old and 10-12 years old have completely different tastes, so when decorating the walls in a nursery, it is important to clearly choose a theme in accordance with age.

Racing enthusiast's room

Recommendations for age groups are as follows:

In conclusion, I would like to note that creating the design of a children’s room in which a boy lives is a very exciting activity. Choose high-quality, safe finishing materials, calm colors and interesting designs, and then your child will be satisfied and happy.



The style of wall covering should correspond to the overall design of the room. Designers distinguish seven main categories:

  1. Classic. Parents of girls most often resort to this style, since it allows the use of laconic patterns, stucco molding, etc. At the same time, for many teenage boys who like to do a lot, they decorate the room in a classic design. Wallpapers are mostly of solid colors.
  2. London. An unusual style for lovers of English culture. The walls are decorated with the image of the country's flag. Original and at the same time catchy decor is not suitable for children under 5 years old.
  3. Modern. This is a modern style that will suit almost all children. The walls are covered with plain wallpaper, with the exception of one side. It is decorated with a print, a different color or photo printing. You can also paste coloring wallpaper on one wall to develop children's creativity.
  4. Provence. Vintage, romantic and unusual design. It is used extremely rarely for boys, however, it is quite suitable for a room of children of different sexes. It is only recommended to divide the children's room into two zones. Decorate one part of the room in shades of gray and blue, and the other side in beige and pink tones.
  5. High tech. This design combines several directions. The walls here are mostly plain, backlit. The style appeals to young men and is considered popular in the design of a teenage room.
  6. Nautical. Boys prefer the image of a pirate, a little less than a sailor. Wallpaper in nautical tones, with a print of a corresponding theme, and a photo print depicting, say, a ship, are suitable.
  7. Minimalism. This style is suitable for kids and teenagers. Newborns do not need anything extra, and teenagers should not be distracted from hobbies and studies. Most often, these are plain wallpapers. It is preferable to choose a restrained range. These are light or dark colors, but not too bright. Combining the palette is allowed.

Little boys are not big on styles, so parents should take their design choices seriously. As you know, the environment affects the development and temperament of a child.

Main selection criteria

Many young parents do not know what wallpaper is suitable for a nursery. Regardless of the type of finish, you should pay attention to several important parameters:

After about 5-6 years, children develop their own interests, which must be taken into account when choosing finishes. As a rule, at this age they are interested in airplanes, cars, boats, as well as cartoon series characters. Wallpaper with similar images can be used to cover some areas of the walls, successfully combining the pictures with canvases of a different color.

Psychology of color in children's design

When creating a nursery design, it is advisable to think through everything down to the smallest detail. Firstly, these are pleasant chores. Secondly, every detail will affect the child's environment. As for choosing a palette, it’s a whole science. Experts have identified several recommendations for choosing a range, taking into account the psychological impact on children.

We choose the wallpaper intended for decorating the walls in the nursery correctly. The impact of color on child psychology:

  1. Orange. Color can develop communication skills. Suitable for calmer children.
  2. Red. It is better to use it in a palette of drawings and elements. The less red, the better, as the shade causes aggression and excessive excitement. Children will have trouble sleeping. This range is especially not recommended for active children.
  3. Yellow. Improves mood and promotes memory and alertness.
  4. Blue, blue. Calms the child and puts him in a working mood. At the same time, such a palette is undesirable for sedentary boys.
  5. Violet. Improves concentration and memory, calms the temper and gives a serene environment.
  6. Green. Ideal for schoolchildren. It is able to motivate a child to read, study everything interesting and educational, and also has a calming effect.
  7. White. Develops kindness and openness to others.
  8. Black. Just like the color red, it provokes aggression. Therefore, it is better to use this shade in decorations to a minimum.
  9. Grey. Relaxes, improves mental abilities, while worsening communication skills. Therefore, dilute the gray palette with bright and rich shades.
  10. Brown. In these colors the room becomes cozy and warm. The child feels comfortable. Gamma sets the mood for both study and relaxation. However, do not overdo it with this color, otherwise the effect will have the opposite effect.

It is better to select drawings depending on the age of the boy. The younger he is, the more fun and bright the prints.

If the room is sufficiently illuminated, then it is better to use cold tones; if there is little light in the room, warm shades are selected.

Choosing the right color

Shades are of great importance psychologically. Colors affect not only the visual perception of space, but also the emotional state and psyche of the child. The main condition when choosing wallpaper for a boy is to focus on his temperament. Phlegmatic and slow-moving babies are best suited to gentle tones or warm shades.

A rich finish made in bright, cheerful shades will help to stir up a child prone to laziness and passiveness. Cool colors are the ideal solution for a hyperactive child. To make the cold palette feel cozy and warm, it is diluted with beige and peach shades.

The yellow color of the wallpaper will make the student more attentive and successful in his studies. The optimal tones when decorating a children's bedroom will be:

The ceiling and additional accessories can be neutral white. The use of blue and light blue wallpaper for walls is associated with a marine theme. The combination of beige and green is perfect for creating a charming jungle atmosphere.

Often, when choosing wallpaper for teenagers, parents diligently avoid black. The designers are sure that this attitude is not entirely fair. Black represents a good night's rest and peace. Some experts claim that this coloring increases blood pressure and prevents the development of colds.

Moderate use of black in the interior will not cause depression and oppression of the emerging psyche. Posters depicting celebrities: musicians, actors or athletes look great on a black background. Graffiti, which is so popular among teenagers, also looks the most impressive.

The role of wallpaper in the interior of a room

In residential areas, attention is paid to wall decor. Maybe not in the first place. However, even expensive furniture will not look as elegant with poorly selected wall decoration. Wallpaper for a boy will help create a unique nursery interior. Before choosing material, color and print, decide on the style and take into account the interests of the main inhabitant of the room.

Wallpaper creates the atmosphere of the room. If you choose them wisely, you will want to return to such a room again and again. And the child will be happy to sleep there, play and engage in his favorite hobbies, as well as study.

Bedroom decoration

The interior for a teenage boy's bedroom should be quite unpredictable. If you want to achieve exactly this, then the oriental wallpaper style is just for you.

This style implies:

  • Arabic script.
  • Panel with hieroglyphs.
  • Savannah landscapes.

Note. It should be noted that wallpapers differ not only in style and color, but also in water resistance, density, and surface type.

For example, in terms of water resistance, wallpaper can be:

  • Washable.
  • Regular.
  • Water resistant.

Wallpaper density is:

  • Lungs.
  • Heavy.

Based on surface type, wallpapers are divided into:

  • Smooth.
  • Embossed.

Advice. For a teenage boy's bedroom, choose ordinary, light wallpaper; firstly, it is practical, and secondly, the bedroom is a place that does not require careful care of the wallpaper.

Which wallpaper you choose depends only on your taste preferences, the main thing is to coordinate the choice with your child, who at this moment should feel that all responsibility lies with him.

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