Ceiling in the living room - 120 photos of beautiful decoration, combination and design

assets/from_origin/upload/resize_cache/iblock/970/600_450_2/9707ac4df9ba3e0778a5b904e0fba866.jpg From this article you will learn:
  • Where to start creating a ceiling design in the living room
  • What basic rules should you follow when creating a ceiling in the living room?
  • What types of ceilings are suitable for the living room
  • What styles of ceiling design are popular today?
  • What you need to know about lighting when choosing a living room ceiling design
  • What are the features of plasterboard ceiling design?
  • What design options for suspended ceilings in the living room are there?

An interior detail that requires special attention is the design of the ceiling in the living room. On the walls of the hall, any defects and imperfections can be hidden or decorated. The floor coverings that are now fashionable in Moscow have a composition that cannot be spoiled, but even at worst, the floor can be covered with a rug. With the ceiling, things are much more complicated. You can't hide his defects; they will always be visible. In addition, guests gather in the hall, whose first glance is involuntarily directed to the ceiling. Today we will tell you how to choose a ceiling design in the living room and put your idea into practice.

Where to start creating a ceiling design in the living room

First of all, think about what kind of atmosphere in the room you want to create. This will affect the choice of style, color and materials. What should your room be like, what feelings should it evoke in those present? Consider this before you start designing your living room ceiling.

Determine the overall style of the room, which will influence the appearance of other interior elements. The design of the living room should be in harmony with its central direction.

Remember what accessories you prefer? Perhaps it is a fireplace or a Chinese-style panel with hieroglyphs, an abundance of fresh flowers or African motifs. Be sure to pay attention to these nuances. In the end, all elements must be in harmony with each other and create a single whole. After all, you must admit that a classic fireplace with wood will look ridiculous against the backdrop of a glossy stretch ceiling. Therefore, calculate all the details of the project.

In general, outline the main idea and direction that you would like to see in the appearance of the room. And the design, in turn, will influence the appearance of other accessories.

Mirror or glass

Glass or mirror inserts in the ceiling make the design of the room elegant. They visually expand the room and make it brighter.

The use of glass creates a weightless effect in the room and adds unusual light reflections.

Key rules for creating a ceiling in the living room

  1. When choosing a finish, think about the ceiling height in your living room. Each frame absorbs centimeters, and the ornate designs only enhance this effect.

Coordination of work

  1. In some cases, it is not at all necessary to follow fashion by placing a massive structure on the ceiling. It is quite possible to get by with a traditional, flawlessly processed surface. In this case, the highlight can be special decoration with artistic painting, stucco molding, fabric, applique.
  1. The role of lighting, which transforms the simplest room, should not be underestimated. Depending on the chosen style, it can be a traditional chandelier with an elegant rosette, a minimalist high-tech rail equipped with spotlights, or a mysterious hidden lighting.
  1. The most unexpected result comes from combining different types of ceiling finishes. At the same time, the elements must fit perfectly and match the design of the room.
  1. It is even possible to combine different surfaces, since a slight overlap of the ceiling finishing onto the walls makes the room more comfortable.

Color solution

In order to choose the right palette, you should adhere to these main recommendations:

  • if the ceilings are low, light colors are used, high ones - darker;
  • in living rooms whose windows are shaded by trees, you can create coziness by using warm colors;
  • if there is a lot of light in the room, it is appropriate to choose a cool, calm palette.

Warm colors make the interior of the room feel homely. However, it is important to understand that not all colors are suitable for the living room. For example, red should be treated with caution. As a rule, it is not suitable for ceiling decoration.

Among warm shades, the following options would be suitable:

  • non-aggressive derivatives of orange - peach, apricot;
  • yellow tones;
  • for large rooms - rich brown and chocolate;
  • vanilla and coffee are sophisticated, but at the same time neutral colors.

A cool palette makes the interior relaxed. The following options will be optimal for the living room:

  • mint and pistachio – light and delicate shades;
  • turquoise - will give the interior coolness;
  • blue – will add freshness and airiness;
  • purple is a suitable solution for a spacious room.

If you want to create an original interior, a modern ceiling in a large living room can be made black. This solution looks ultra-stylish and is suitable for technological interiors (minimalism, hi-tech, etc.).

By combining colors you can divide the space into zones. Each of them has its own palette. This task is simplified if you use a shade compatibility table.

The main types of ceilings that are suitable for the living room

We list the main techniques for designing a ceiling in a living room. Depending on their technological properties, ceilings come in several types.

Stretch ceiling

This type of design is very reliable and easy to use. It allows you to functionally zone a room, forming an original structure in the interior. In addition, when flooded by residents from above, the suspended ceiling will retain a large volume of water, keeping your furniture and property from damage. In addition, it will cover all home communications and does not require special care.

An important point: the only thing that stretch ceilings are afraid of are sudden temperature changes and sharp interior items.

Stretch ceilings come in glossy, semi-matte, matte, imitation metal, suede or marble.

If you have a low ceiling in the living room, a glossy canvas will be ideal for you. It perfectly reflects light and visually expands the room.

Today the most popular in the family of suspended ceilings are:

  1. Floating ceilings with fastenings that do not contact the walls, which creates the illusion of air flight. In this case, you can embed an LED strip around the perimeter into the free space, visually expanding the room.
  1. Glowing ceilings, the entire area of ​​which is illuminated from the inside. For a uniform glow, special lamps coated with a special film are used. Nowadays, models with a glow of several colors, which are regulated by a switch, are popular.
  1. Ceilings with ethno motifs. Today, new color printing technologies make it possible to decorate the canvas with any motif and pattern. Such a coating will make the ceiling design in the living room original and unique.

Dropped ceilings

Visually, a suspended plasterboard ceiling is very similar to a matte stretch fabric. Like him, he also hides all the flaws and flaws of concrete slabs.

The main advantages of suspended ceilings are:

  • environmental friendliness of materials;
  • implementation of the most creative design ideas;
  • loyal price;
  • creation of curved and multi-level structures;
  • soundproofing the room.

The disadvantage is that further finishing of the installed ceiling (puttying, painting) requires professional experience.

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If you prefer a multi-level plasterboard ceiling in the living room, remember that the height of the ceiling tiles from the floor should be 2.7 m or more. Otherwise, such a design will visually put pressure on you. If the room height is lower, it is better to choose a ceiling implemented in one level.

Similar to stretch ceilings, a curious effect is obtained when using LED strip lighting, which is best placed along the contours of the pattern.

Combined ceilings

Combined ceilings consisting of suspended and suspended parts look very modern and impressive. They are usually built in two or several tiers. At the same time, solid plasterboard can be equipped with lamps and decorative elements that the elastic tension fabric cannot withstand. In turn, PVC film can be decorated with ornaments and patterns. By the way, a 3D drawing visually expands the space.

Helpful advice: combining ceiling elements will help clearly delimit the living room into zones.

Ceiling design in the living room made of plasterboard and stretch ceiling:

False ceilings

This type of ceiling is made of plasterboard, MDF or fiberboard. These structures are durable and reliable in operation, resistant to moisture and completely safe.

In addition, a large selection of textures and colors is possible here. Using MDF and fiberboard boards, they make an imitation of wood, stone or tile. These materials are easily painted and covered with film, and are perfectly decorated with slats.

The advantage of false ceilings is that they are mounted directly to the frame, so as not to reduce the height of the living room. However, it is difficult to cover communications with such a design, so installing built-in lamps will not work. However, with desire and the right approach, nothing is impossible.

Plaster ceilings

Modern ceiling plaster may contain all kinds of fillers (small pebbles, fragments of quartz or mica, wood fibers and others) to impart heterogeneity to its structure.

Ceiling plaster can be:

  1. Structural (ready-made white composition, which is given the desired shade using tinting);
  2. Textured (composition with granules to quickly create a relief surface).

The advantage of this ceiling design in the living room is a solid (seamless) surface, which, thanks to the relief, hides existing defects. In addition, a textured ceiling is suitable for low rooms, since it does not hide extra centimeters.

Ceiling decoration with imitation stucco

This type of decor is relevant when decorating a living room in antique and Gothic styles. Since modern stucco is made from polyurethane, it is lightweight and quickly attached to the ceiling. The most popular decorative coatings of this kind are:

  • moldings (elements covering and decorating the joints of walls and ceilings);
  • sockets (mounted to the ceiling in places where lamps or chandeliers are attached).

The main advantages of polyurethane stucco molding:

  • reliability and durability of operation;
  • light weight of these products;
  • flexibility of the elements, which is convenient for taking the shape of curved surfaces.

Design features of low ceilings

A ceiling height of 2.5 meters is relevant for residents of small apartments and private houses. A thoughtful ceiling design will help brighten up the “press ceiling” effect. The main task is to create a perfectly even coating that does not take up a centimeter of height. But other design techniques can also visually increase the height of the room:
  • Pyramid effect - can be done by building a PVC box;
  • Glossy surface - visually makes the ceiling a little higher due to multiple reflections;
  • A light ceiling in contrast with a richer shade of the walls visually elongates the space;
  • You can also expand the space using lighting effects. It is enough to remove the bulky chandelier and lamps from the ceiling. Light sources must be installed so that the lighting is directed from bottom to top. If you don't want to give up overhead light, you can integrate LED lighting around the perimeter of the ceiling.

Modern ceiling design in the living room: ideas and styles

The innovative design of the ceiling in the living room involves the use of modern design elements, taking into account the uniqueness of the room. During the finishing process, much attention is paid to the floor and ceiling.

When choosing the type of future ceiling and the living room itself, you can follow the fashion trends used in the design.

The popularity of a particular design in decor is influenced by many different factors. Each period is characterized by its own style features, which are usually repeated over time with the addition of individual nuances.

  1. Eclecticism.

One of the very popular styles inherent in modern design. It is characterized by successfully applied interior elements from different directions, a combination of decorative design with fragments of minimalism. The design of the ceiling in a living room of this style also plays an important role, giving the room a finished look.

  1. Eco style.

This is a non-standard type of design that transforms the room beyond recognition. Modern eco-style design is now combined with contemporary style. Eco-style is dominated by natural materials. This also applies to ceiling decoration, where the best options are decoration with plaster or wood.

  1. Classic.

This flow is characterized by a lack of shine, restrained, calm tones. It is possible to use simple patterns and silhouettes. Therefore, painting the ceiling or covering it with wallpaper is used as decoration. There are suspended structures using stucco.

The classic range of colors suits neat and leisurely people who keep everything in order and are slightly conservative. Here, strict monochromatic decor in light or moderately dark (mustard, chocolate) colors mainly prevails.

  1. Modern.

This direction is different from the previous one in color contrasts. However, this style is not very far from the basics: it also contains soft elongated lines - the polarity is expressed only in the range of colors. A winning combination in modernity is black with turquoise (yellow or white).

Here we already see a little gloss, so blue, white and black stretch fabrics look great in modern style. The use of wallpaper remains unchanged.

  1. Minimalism.

Today, people are increasingly striving to escape the hustle and bustle into their personal space, to free themselves from unnecessary elements of the environment. That’s why the trend of minimalism is gaining popularity so quickly. It is perfect for those who do not want to clutter their home with accessories and furniture, or decorate the walls of rooms (and not only) with exquisite decorations. The design motto is simplicity in everything!

The basis for decoration, as a rule, is paint; Sometimes the design of the ceiling in the living room involves stretch fabric and wallpaper.

  1. Techno.

This is a fairly new movement that can be classified as youth. The techno style is preferred by club regulars, lovers of garages and unfinished buildings, who find it more comfortable to live there than in a cozy room. This unusual design suits few people, but is already becoming popular in narrow circles.

Non-standard lamps are appropriate here, often in the form of professional equipment. The ceiling decoration resembles a technical room. It may contain suspended structures similar to communications, which are usually preferred to be hidden.

If you want fundamental changes, then this is a great opportunity to experiment.

  1. Loft.

There is another modern trend in styles, similar to techno and minimalism, but more comfortable.

In the design of the room, this style is also based on minimalism. Here there is a uniform color of surfaces, the absence of unnecessary elements and decorations. The ceiling design in the living room can be based on a plain painted surface or faux brick finish.

As for the general color scheme of the ceiling in the living room, today a combination of several colors based on white and its shades is gaining popularity. Why white? First of all, it is universal and can be combined with any tones. Secondly, it fits perfectly into any interior.

There is another very popular modern color - burgundy. However, avoid overly bright and saturated colors. Calm tones of burgundy can give the living room comfort and elegance.

Following a certain style

Of particular importance is the compatibility of the ceiling with the overall design of the room. Certain flaws in wall design can be covered up with furniture or paintings. However, even minor flaws on the ceiling will no longer be possible to hide.

  • After all, the ceiling of a room is usually designed for many years, and its appearance is very difficult to adjust.
  • Even during the Soviet period, apartments were quite monotonous.

The apartments had identical pieces of furniture (just remember “The Irony of Fate”), wallpaper that was indistinguishable from each other was used on the walls, the ceilings were covered with whitewash, and the composition was completed by the same lamp as in the other apartments.

A lot of time has passed since the “Soviet sameness”, and today people are actively taking advantage of the opportunity to implement the design of apartments, in particular the design of the ceiling, as they want. There is some competitive element to this.

The owner saw a construction from a neighbor that caught his attention. At first, he will decide to simply repeat it, but already in the process of repeating the design, he will come up with the idea of ​​complementing the neighbor’s design with something of his own. And today every owner has the opportunity to give the ceilings in their apartment a design of any style.

Lighting in the ceiling design in the living room

If the living room is solid, it is better to use a central lamp. For a zoned room, a large chandelier in the center will be superfluous, and you need to give preference to separate groups of lamps in each zone. Depending on the design of the space, they can have directional, point or diffuse light.

Properly distributed lighting is one of the main components of a harmonious interior.

In this case, the design principles are as follows:

  • each separate zone must have independent lighting;
  • in the spacious living room, lamps are placed around the entire perimeter;
  • the power of the luminous flux should be determined by the purpose of the zone, so the lamp in the work area should be brighter than in the rest area.

When designing the ceiling design in the living room, combine colors and different types of lighting fixtures so as to smooth out the visual boundaries of the space and maximize the expansion of the room. The most convenient for installation are spotlights, the communications of which can be hidden under a suspended or suspended ceiling.

In this case, a massive central chandelier not only unites all the elements, it accents and decorates the interior of the living room, giving it solemnity. For a small room, its use may be superfluous.

Here, built-in lamps will become decorative elements - metal, with fragments of textiles, glass inserts, with complex shapes and different colors.

Taking into account the overall style of the interior, luxurious or minimalist models are chosen. At the same time, you should remember to combine the light flux with the placement of furniture so that the design of the ceiling in the living room is absolutely harmonious.

Types of materials and subtleties of their choice

The finishing materials market today offers a huge selection of options for practical and original ceiling finishing. In order to choose the right material for the interior concept, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the room. So, for apartments with high ceilings it is best to use suspended structures. If the room has a low ceiling, you should give preference to materials that will not “eat up” valuable centimeters. In this case, whitewashing, painting or wallpapering is recommended.

Ceiling design in the living room made of plasterboard

As a rule, a suspended plasterboard ceiling is difficult to distinguish from a white matted stretch ceiling. These designs are also similar in functionality, so they are often combined together.

Compared to suspended ceilings, suspended ceilings take longer to install and require careful finishing. In addition, drywall is afraid of moisture, and any contact with water renders it unusable, unlike moisture-resistant PVC film.

Color palette

All gypsum ceilings can be painted in any color and in any order. You can even create entire pictures or zone a space without erecting walls, dividing curtains or partitions. If it comes to the design of the ceiling in the kitchen-living room, then it is enough to paint one area of ​​the ceiling to match the living room, and the other to give the color of the kitchen, provided that they are connected to a studio. The same technique is convenient for moving to other rooms. The design of the ceiling in the living room combined with the kitchen can be very diverse and unusual.

The situation is similar with levels. As you know, multi-level structures can have the most elaborate forms. Why should color suffer? For example, the main plane can remain white, and the hanging parts are painted to match the walls, furniture, and floor.

Helpful advice: do not use very flashy tones, since the hall is a place for receiving guests and relaxing for the whole family. For example, a red plasterboard ceiling design in a living room can have an impact on the psyche of household members, so this color must be chosen carefully.

What is absolutely unacceptable are black, dark blue, brown and bright green. Such a range will put pressure on the psyche even in a high and spacious room.

Design methods

There are no general rules for creating a ceiling design, but still some principles are followed:

  1. Symmetry.

This is the most basic style possible. Its signs are the symmetry of the outer elements of the ceiling in relation to the center. The number of lamps and figures must be the same, otherwise the result will be mediocre.

  1. Geometry.

This style is characterized by clearly defined geometric shapes - squares, triangles, circles. A combination of elements is possible, but the overall focus must be respected. What's stopping you from forming a rectangular base and placing two rings in it, lit in the center?

  1. Steps.

The main point of design is 2-3 cascade steps. They can be made straight or fancy, complemented with spotlights or decorated with LED strip.

  1. Abstraction.

This is a free style that combines all the techniques described above, improved by a design idea. The main thing is that the planned project is implemented without compromising the final result. In this case, it is advisable to coordinate the design of the ceiling in the living room with the performer in order to avoid any incidents.

Lighting in plasterboard ceilings

The use of multi-level structures allows you to create different illumination of individual areas of the room or highlight certain interior items through lighting.

By and large, lighting should be thought out in advance, designing the entire system along with communications inside the plasterboard structure. Without pre-planning the placement of points, the finished ceiling may have to be disassembled almost to the base, and this means additional costs for dismantling and further assembly.

Three types of lamps are most often used:

  • chandeliers;
  • LED strips;
  • point.

Modern LED strips look great only in grooves. They need to be hidden, because the diodes are too hard on the eyes, and they also look very unattractive. However, inserted into a special plasterboard box, they instantly transform the room. Another effective technique is separate lighting. Let’s say all the “points” are connected to one switch, and an LED strip to another. To create a peaceful atmosphere in the living room, leave only LED lighting, which will perfectly fulfill this task.

What it is?

The beautiful plasterboard ceiling in the hall is a frame structure covered with plasterboard sheets. There are 2 main types of design:

  • false ceilings - the frame is formed by wooden slats laid on top of the base surface. Their main purpose is to obtain a flat surface exactly parallel to the floor. The width of the slats is very small, so, for example, it is impossible to arrange lighting in this case;
  • suspended ceilings in the hall made of plasterboard , as in the photo below, involve the construction of a plane of metal slats, fixed on hangers and in a wall profile. It is more difficult to make such a structure, but it can be given any shape and configuration. It is the frame suspension system that serves as the basis for a multi-level ceiling or for its combination with a tension fabric.

The photo shows plasterboard ceilings in a hall in a private house.
Actually, a plasterboard sheet is a layer of gypsum between two sheets of construction cardboard. The product is available in different thicknesses and purposes - for finishing ceilings and walls, as well as with varying degrees of stability. So, for cladding a kitchen or bathroom you should choose moisture-resistant plasterboard, and for finishing a fireplace - fire-resistant.

The photo shows the design of plasterboard ceilings for the living room.

The sheet does not have high mechanical strength - the “wall” of gypsum plasterboard is easy to punch through with your fist. However, it is durable enough to be used for decoration. In addition, plasterboard sheets have a certain flexibility, which allows you to create volumetric figures of both regular and curved shapes on the ceiling surface.

Design of suspended ceilings in the living room

Today, living rooms with suspended ceilings have become classics of the genre. It is difficult to find a modern home without such popular finishes. This is not surprising, since it is not difficult to choose the right option from a wide variety of fashionable ceilings. With their help, you can bring to life the most daring creative ideas for improving your living space.

Regardless of the design of suspended ceilings in the living room that you choose, the room will in any case change and become more comfortable and formal.

Modern stretch fabrics have a perfectly smooth surface. A huge palette of shades will allow you to create any surface, which can be combined if desired. Usually they prefer warm colors, and this is understandable. It is these colors that visually expand the space, make it warmer and more comfortable. This decoration attracts the eye and has a positive effect on those present.

But this does not mean that cool tones are prohibited in the living room. After all, suspended ceilings in the hall are already an excellent solution for the home, and what it will become will be determined by your personal desires. For example, if you use blue, the room will be a wonderful place to relax from the worries of the day.

Recently, stretched canvases in living rooms are often used as bright wall panels. You can easily host bubbling waterfalls, picturesque meadows and scatterings of flowers - you can look at these masterpieces endlessly.

When choosing a texture for the design of suspended ceilings in the living room, be sure to study the sample pictures to decide which option is more acceptable. Consider the photo for your room, taking into account its interior, area and design style. Today, three types of tension fabrics dominate the building materials market:

  • Matte stretch ceilings are the most popular option, suitable for any room, including the hall. This canvas in a light or white design looks like regular plaster, but has much better properties. It should be chosen to draw attention away from the ceiling and highlight your furnishings, furniture or accessories. So, for a hall in the classic style, the matte surface of the canvas will be optimal.
  • Glossy stretch ceiling has a high degree of reflection. It is in the hall that the gloss looks modern and impressive. Glossy canvas is an ideal solution for a small room, since the reflection visually expands the space. Due to the gloss, the room will seem not only more spacious, but also brighter.
  • A satin ceiling has the advantages of both options. The name of the fabric indicates that its surface imitates woven weaving. It slightly reflects and softly diffuses light, creating a unique atmosphere in the room. This ceiling design in the living room looks noble and aristocratic. This is the most expensive type of finishing from the entire range of proposals.

The matte canvas harmonizes with any interior style. Gloss looks great in modern design, created on the principles of minimalism, modern or high-tech. An elegant satin ceiling is suitable for a more moderate style.

Plaster ceiling

Plaster is the simplest and most affordable surface design material.

  • Modern mixtures include fillers that add heterogeneity to the structure.
  • Thanks to color schemes, designers get the desired shade.

The main advantage of a plaster ceiling is its seamless surface, which hides the imperfections of the ceiling.

Final tips for ceiling design in the living room

Along with the variety of ceiling design styles, a lot of publications have appeared with tasteless examples of some inappropriate stepped curves, tacky stucco molding, and piles of spotlights. Nevertheless, there are many who want to have these “masterpieces” in their apartments according to the principle “the brighter, the more beautiful.”

To avoid serious mistakes, follow these rules:

  1. If you have a low ceiling in the living room, avoid cornices with large stucco moldings.
  2. For a minimalist living room ceiling design, avoid multiple “constellations” of spotlights, as this will also be out of place.
  1. If the ceiling is painted the same color as the walls, the saturation of its tone should be half as much.
  2. Cool shades of the ceiling visually increase the height of the walls. If the room's windows face north, it is better to abandon this idea.
  3. For ceilings with complex architecture, it is better to choose cream or white tones.

Many methods of finishing and decorating the ceiling in living rooms have not become popular. The reason is the characteristics of each of the materials and the style choice of modern times.

We list the types of ceilings that, for several reasons, should not be used for the hall:

  • Panel suspended ceiling. Undoubtedly, panel ceiling structures, popular in offices, are very convenient. They allow you to partially replace worn parts and hide communications. However, this type of cladding, with its modest color palette of gray and white tones and linear shapes divided into squares, is too simple and formal to fit into the interior of a residential building.
  • Cassettes are slabs of polystyrene foam that recreate stucco and have no advantages as a material. They are suitable for inexpensive cosmetic repairs. The appearance of this finish demonstrates its cheapness.
  • Plastering and smoothing with mixtures. The plaster itself, the main facing material for the ceiling, needs leveling and some preparatory work. She won't be able to hide the wiring. In addition, the large texture of the material causes dark spots and glare that spoil the appearance of the ceiling.
  • Coloring. A layer of paint always highlights surface imperfections, which means that prior preparation is again necessary before painting. On modern ceilings, this most budget-friendly method is used only in the form of additions and when there is no need to mask communications.

Wooden lining

Wooden lining is suitable for a log house, a room with a characteristic Scandinavian or Old Russian design. A light, pleasant color with a unique texture and eyes will add elegance and originality to the room.

Natural material, does not emit harmful substances into the room, gives the aroma of the forest, durable, easily combined with other materials. But it must be treated with impregnations and antibacterial agents to avoid damage by mold, bacteria and insects.

Painting and whitewashing

Remains the most affordable type of repair. When whitewashing, an aqueous solution of lime or chalk is used, and painting is carried out with water-based paints. But before carrying out work, it is necessary to level the ceiling, clean it from uneven areas, and seal cracks and joints between the floor slabs.

Painting materials dry quickly, are easy to maintain, easy to select the desired color using the color scheme, are vapor permeable and environmentally friendly. When using them, the height of the room is not lost.

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